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{"an":"1","qu":"An adjustable resonant cavity calibrated in frequency and which undergoes some power absorption

at resonance.","ch":["Frequency Meter","Cavity resonator","Ferrite isolator","Auto Coupler"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"The big breakthrough in electronic communications came with the invention of the _____ in
{"an":"1","qu":"Which came first, the invention of the telephone or the invention of the phonograph?","ch":
{"an":"4","qu":"What is a device such as the microphone and headset sometimes called?","ch":
["Receiver","Transmission medium","Converter","Reproducer"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Best describe as an amplifier used in radio telephony.","ch":["Magnifier","Class B","Class C","Class
{"an":"1","qu":"Where is ISB primarily used?","ch":["Telephone and telegraph communications","Telemetry","FM
{"an":"2","qu":"What is a major problem with very high frequency oscillator?","ch":["low sensitivity","poor frequency
stability","poor image rejection","no power stability"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What happens to the spectrum of repetitive pulse as the pulse width decreases?","ch":["more
harmonics of the same phase","less harmonics of the same phase","remain constant","decreases"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Keyed AGC is AGC that:","ch":["Works only on Morse code","Is activated when keyed by the
transmitting signal","Is used is TV receivers so that transmitted picture brightness does not affect the AGC","Is used
in color TV receivers so that the transmitted color has no effect on the AGC"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the main disadvantage of a single-tube transmitter","ch":["Frequency instability","Low
gain","High resistivity","High attenuation"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What type of coupling discriminates against harmonic transmission?","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"What type of circuit reduces even-order harmonics?","ch":["Push-pull","Class A","Armstrong
{"an":"2","qu":"What is another name for an AF volume control?","ch":["FC","Gain","ARC","AMC"]},

{"an":"4","qu":"What method can be used to invert speech?","ch":["Frequency

multiplier","Inverter","AGC","Frequency translation"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In SSB, voice compression is better in the AF or RF section?","ch":["AF","RF","Intermediate","SB"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Which of the following services would use crystal local oscillators?","ch":
["AM","FM","Aircraft","Shortwave listeners"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What causes audio signals to be distorted in the receiver?","ch":
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the following is not normally tested in a transmitter?","ch":
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the following items need not to be checked with receivers?","ch":
{"an":"2","qu":"What is the source of wheel static?","ch":["Wheel","Brakes","Piston","Oscillations"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A _____ is a resonant circuit tuned to reject an undesired signal by reducing the gain at the trap
frequency","ch":["LC tank","LPF","Wave trap","HPF"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The modulation system used for telegraphy is","ch":["frequency-shift keying","two-tone
modulation","pulse-code modulation","single-tone modulation"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Refers to an emission designation for facsimile?","ch":["J3E and F4E","A3J and A4E","A3E and
F3C","R3E and A3E"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What is a non-continuous noise of irregular pulses or spikes of short duration with high
{"an":"2","qu":"Which causes a quantization noise in PCM system?","ch":["Serial transmission errors","The
approximation of the quantized signal","The synchronization between encoder and decoder","Binary coding
{"an":"3","qu":"Unwanted radio signal on assigned frequency.","ch":["Splatter","RFI","Noise","EMI"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"________ is measured on a circuit when it is correctly terminated but does not have any traffic.","ch":
["White noise","Galactic noise","Impulse noise","Atmospheric noise"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"Which standard recommends crosstalk limits?","ch":["CCITT G. 152","CCITT G. 150","CCITT G.

151","CCITT G. 161"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Which standard is utilized in intermodulation noise rates on PCM audio channels?","ch":["CCITT Rec.
G. 151","CCITT Rec. G. 172","CCITT Rec. G. 190","CCITT Rec. G. 190"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the reference frequency of CCITT psophometric noise measurement?","ch":["800 Hz","1000
Hz","1500 Hz","3400 Hz"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Industrial noise frequency is between ________________.","ch":["0 to 10 kHz","160 MHz to 200
MHz","15 to 160 MHz","200 to 3000 MHz"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"External noise fields are measured in terms of ____________.","ch":["rms values","dc values","average
values","peak values"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Form of interference caused by rain or dust storms.","ch":["Precipitation static","Shotnoise","Galactic noise","Impulse noise"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A large emission of hydrogen from the sun that affects communications.","ch":["Solar flare","Cosmic
disturbance","Ballistic disturbance","Solar noise"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Atmospheric noise or static is not a great problem","ch":["at frequencies below 20 MHz","at
frequencies below 5 MHz","at frequencies above 30 MHz","at frequencies above 1 MHz"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the proper procedure for suppressing electrical noise in a mobile station?","ch":["Apply
shielding and filtering where necessary","Insulate all plain sheet metal surfaces from each other","Apply anti-static
spray liberally to all nonmetallic","Install filter capacitors in series with all dc wiring"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Where is the noise generated that primarily determines the signal-to-noise ration in a VHF (150 MHz)
marine-band receiver?","ch":["Man-made noise","in the atmosphere","in the receiver front end","in the
{"an":"4","qu":"15 dBa F1A weighted, equals __________.","ch":["-90 dBm","-82 dBm","-85 dBm","-70 dBm"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"A measurement of -75 dBm, C-message weighted, would be ____________ dBrnc.","ch":
{"an":"4","qu":"At what power level does a 1 kHz tone cause zero interference (144 weighted)?","ch":["90 dB","90
dBm","-90 dB","-90 dBm"]},

{"an":"4","qu":"Reference noise is ___________.","ch":["a 1000 Hz, -90 dBm tone","a noise that creates the same
interfering effect as a 1000 Hz, -90 dBm tone","a noise that creates zero dBrn in a voice channel","all except a 1000
Hz, -90 dBm tone"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A practical dBrn measurement will almost always in a ____________ number.","ch":
{"an":"4","qu":"What is the reference level for noise measurement, F1A weighted?","ch":["-90 dBm","-82 dBm","-67
dBm","-85 dBm"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What is the reference tone level for dBa?","ch":["-90 dBm","-82 dBm","-67 dBm","-85 dBm"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Indicate the false statement.","ch":["The noise generated in a resistance or the resistive component
of any impedance is random","Random noise power is proportional to the bandwidth over which it is measured","A
random voltage across the resistor does not exist","All formula referring to a random noise are applicable only to the
value of such noise"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Indicate the false statement. Noise figure is defined as","ch":["the ratio of the S/N power supplied at
the input terminal of a receiver or amplifier to the S/N power supplied to the output or load resistor","noise factor
expressed in decibels","an unwanted form of energy tending to interfere with the proper and easy reception and
reproduction of wanted signals","S/N of an ideal system divided by S/N at the output of the receiver or amplifier
under test, both working at the same temperature over the same bandwidth and fed from the same source"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Noise at the input to a receiver can be as high as several","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"Noise that occurs via capacitive or inductive coupling in a cable","ch":["Crosstalk","Quantizing
noise","Reference noise","Tone interference"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Sources of impulse noise induced in communication channels.","ch":["Erroneous digital coding bit
caused by an error on a transmission facility","Transients due to relay operation","Crosstalk from dc signaling
systems","All of these"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Crosstalks due to incomplete suppression of sidebands or to intermodulation of two or more
frequency-multiplexed channels which are unintelligible is classified as","ch":["impulse noise","thermal
noise","quantizing noise","miscellaneous noise"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"The total noise power present in a 1-Hz bandwidth.","ch":["Noise density","Noise figure","Noise

limit","Noise intensity"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What noise type is observable between 8 MHz to somewhat above 1.43 GHz or up to 1.5 GHz?","ch":
["Solar noise","Space noise","Galactic noise","Cosmic noise"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Flicker noise is a poorly understood noise which may be completely ignored about above
_________","ch":["100 Hz","200 Hz","400 Hz","500 Hz"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What noise is a transient short duration disturbance distributed essentially uniformly over the useful
passband of a transmission system?","ch":["Flicker noise","Transit-time noise","Shot noise","Impulse noise"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Phase jitter occurs at what frequency?","ch":["less than 300 Hz","more than 300 Hz","more than 400
Hz","more than 300 Hz but less than 400 Hz"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"________ is a multi-channel capacity that is between 1.544 Mbps and 45 Mbps according to the US
standards (2.048 Mbps and 34 Mbps according to European)","ch":
{"an":"2","qu":"He hypothesized the existence of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor","ch":["Michael
Faraday","Andre Ampere","Nikola Tesla","Carl Gauss"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A quasi-stationary noise with a finite power spectrum with a finite number of small bands of zero
energy dispersed throughout a continous spectrum","ch":["white noise","orange noise","violet noise","blue noise"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"It is also known as differentiated white noise or violet noise","ch":["pink noise","green noise","blue
noise","purple noise"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What is the urgency signal in radiotelegraphy?","ch":["MAYDAY","XXX","SOS","PANPAN"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Noise that is opposite of pink noise in that it doubles the amount of energy each time you go up 1
{"an":"4","qu":"What is the distress signal in radiotelephony?","ch":["PANPAN","XXX","TTT","MAYDAY"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"____ can allocate bandwidth, in the form of time slots, in consideration of the transmission
requirements of individual devices serving specific applications","ch":["Statistical Time Division Multiplexing
(STDM)","Passive Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)","Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)","Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM)"]},

{"an":"2","qu":"A single channel (64 kbps) or some number of 64 kbps channels","ch":

{"an":"1","qu":"What is the distress signal in radiotelegraphy?","ch":["SOS","PANPAN","MAYDAY","XXX"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Noise power density increases 6dB per octave with increasing frequency over a finite frequency
range","ch":["pink noise","green noise","blue noise","purple noise"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the urgency signal in radiotelephony?","ch":["PANPAN","XXX","MAYDAY","SECURITY"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"_______ is a type of transmission impairment in which the signal losses strength due to the different
propagation speeds of each frequency that makes up the signal","ch":["Attenuation","Distortion","Noise","Decibel"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The _________ product defines the number of bits that can fill the link","ch":["bandwidthperiod","frequency amplitude","bandwidth-delay","delay-amplitude"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Man made noise is strong at what frequencies?","ch":["below 30 MHz","below 500 Hz","20 - 120
MHz","below 300 Hz"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"SSB has noise advantage over AM of","ch":["10 - 12 dB","20 - 100 dB","20 - 23 dB","40 - 55 dB"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A modulation technique wherein the modulations index is directly proportional only to the
intelligence amplitude.","ch":["AM","FM","PM","CM"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"How many RF amplifiers are there in a tuned radio frequency receiver?","ch":["1","2","3","4"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Desired harmonics are referred to as:","ch":["frequency distortion","frequency
multiplication","modulation cross products","intermodulation distortion"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Indicate the false statement: Flickers","ch":["were commonly found in transistors","are inversely
proportional to frequency","are very serious at frequencies above 500 HZ","are also referred to as modulation
{"an":"4","qu":"_____________ transmission are employed for low or medium density traffic","ch":
{"an":"3","qu":"Indicate the false statement: attenuators","ch":["are passive network used to reduce the power level
w/o introducing appreciable distortion","consist of numerous resistors arranged in various configurations that act as

voltage divides while maintaining a constant input and output impedances","introduces a fixed loss","usually used
over wide frequency range"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Which of the following waveform responses produce the fastest transition?","ch":
["chebysher","elliptic","bessel filter","butterworth"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the following waveform responses produce the slowest transition?","ch":["bessel
filter","elliptic","chebysher","maximally flat filter"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Indicate the false statement: roll-off rate","ch":["can be expressed in dB/octave","can be expressed
in dB/decade","is a change in frequency by a factor of 2","is a rate of transition from passband to stopband and vice
{"an":"2","qu":"______was the first fixed-length charactered code","ch":["morse code","telex code","ASCII
code","EBCDIC code"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"____________ determines the number of sideband components in FM.","ch":["Carrier
frequency","Modulation frequency","Modulation index","Deviation ratio"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What produces the sidebands on FM?","ch":["Signal amplitude","Carrier harmonics","Baseband
frequency","Broadband frequency"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Which test instrument displays the carrier and the sidebands amplitude with frequency to
frequency?","ch":["Oscilloscope","Spectrum analyzer","Frequency analyzer","Amplitude analyzer"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Which one of the following emission transmit the lower sideband and half of the upper
{"an":"2","qu":"The frequency of the unmodulated carrier in FM system is","ch":["modulating frequency","center
frequency","carrier frequency","deviation frequency"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In an FM system, if modulation index is doubled by halving the modulating frequency, what will be
the effect on the maximum deviation?","ch":["No effect","Maximum deviation doubles","Decreases by
1/2","Increases by 1/4"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Which is the first radio receiver?","ch":["TRF receiver","Superheterodyne receiver","Crystal radio
receiver","Heterodyne receiver"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Independent sideband emission type.","ch":["H3E","R3E","J3E","B8E"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"The advantage of a high level modulated AM transmitter is","ch":["less audio power required","better
fidelity","higher value of operating power","less distortion"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The advantage of a low-level modulated AM transmitter is","ch":["less audio power required","better
fidelity","higher value of operating power","less distortion"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"_________ is the bad effect caused by overmodulation in AM transmission.","ch":["Increase in
noise","Deviation in the operating frequency","Interference to other radio services","Decrease in the output
{"an":"3","qu":"In FM, the Carson's Rule states that the bandwidth is equal to twice the sum of the modulating
frequency and _______.","ch":["carrier signal","modulating index","frequency deviation","image frequency"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Subcarriers that are arranged so that the channels occupying adjacent frequency bands with some
frequency space between them is known as","ch":["guard bands","AM bands","band gap","void band"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Modulation of an RF carrier results in","ch":["multiple channels","smaller antennas","directional
propagation","All of them"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"One part of the transmitter that protects the crystal oscillator from \"pulling\".","ch":["Buffer
amplifier","Modulator","Power amplifier","Antenna coupler"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The amplitude of a sine wave which is modulated by a musical program will","ch":["be
complex","contain fundamental frequencies","contain harmonic frequencies","All of them"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What will be the result of the gain level being too high for signals entering the modulator?","ch":
["Receiver noise","Excessive volume of receiver output","Oscillator disturbance","Distortion and splatter"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Identify a modulation method, or methods in use for a common-emitter configuration.","ch":["Base
modulation","Emitter modulation","Collector modulation","Either Base or Collector Modulation"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Envelope detection is concerned with the process of","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"Diagonal clipping in envelope detection will result in","ch":["distortion","phase reversal","reduced
sensitivity","amplitude damage"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Product detection requires the process of","ch":["rectification","heterodyning","decoding","phase

{"an":"4","qu":"A sine wave which is coherent with carrier has identical","ch":["amplitude","frequency","phase

angle","both frequency and phase angle"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"In FM the change in carrier frequency is proportional to what attribute of the modulating
{"an":"4","qu":"A louder sound, when generating the modulating waveform for FM, will cause a greater","ch":
["carrier amplitude","angle amplitude","distortion at the receiver","frequency deviation"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A reactance modulator is one method of obtaining","ch":["indirect FM","direct
FM","demodulation","low frequency filtering"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A device, now available in IC form, is useful for direct FM and as one element in the phase-locked
{"an":"2","qu":"________ is a frequency change process, whereby the phase deviation and frequency deviation are
multiplied by some fixed constant.","ch":["Translation","Multiplication","Division","Addition"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The ratio detector is superior to the slope detector because","ch":["it is less sensitive to phase
modulation","it is less sensitive to noise spikes","it is less sensitive to interference causing AM","it is less sensitive to
both noise spikes and interference causing AM"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"One implementation of a pulse-averaging discriminator is","ch":["a free-running multivibrator","a
crystal-controlled oscillator","a quartz crystal filter","a triggered multivibrator"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"A 10% increase in the frequency of a constant-width pulse train should cause what change in its
average value?","ch":["-10%","-1%","+1%","+10%"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Two different signals can be coherent if they","ch":["have the same amplitude","are both sine waves
of different frequencies","originate in the same physical equipment simultaneously","have the same frequency"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A quadrature detector requires that","ch":["four gates be provided","the inputs are coherent","the
inputs are incoherent","the inputs are identical"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Identify an advantage , or advantages, of a properly designed FM system.","ch":["Relative immunity
to atmospheric noise (lightning)","Reduced bandwidth required","No noise of any kind","The noise figure is inversely
proportional to the modulation index."]},

{"an":"3","qu":"If the unmodulated level peak carrier amplitude is doubled in an AM signal, the percent modulation
is ___________.","ch":["20","50","100","200"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A single-tone amplitude modulated wave has _________.","ch":["2 components","3 components","4
components","2n + 1 components"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is the width of frequencies within the spectrum occupied by a signal and used by the signal for
conveying information.","ch":["Band","Bandwidth","Electronic spectrum","Frequency band"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"__________ is a kind of modulation in which the modulated wave is always present.","ch":["Carrier
modulation","Continuous modulation","Log-periodic modulation","Square-wave modulation"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A type of modulation in which no signal is present between pulses.","ch":["Pulse
{"an":"4","qu":"What describes the amount of amplitude change present in an AM waveform?","ch":["Percent
modulation","Modulation constant","Envelope of modulation","Coefficient of modulation"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"__________ is a form of amplitude distortion introduced when the positive and negative alternations in
the AM modulated signals are not equal.","ch":["Envelope distortion","Spurious emission","Carrier shift","Johnson
{"an":"4","qu":"What is the advantage of phase modulation over direct FM frequency modulation?","ch":["Multipliers
can be used","The deviation is smaller","Simplicity and practicality","The oscillator is crystal-controlled"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"If the spectrum is shifted in frequency with no other changes, this is known as","ch":["frequency
multiplication","sideband movement","baseband reorientation","frequency translation"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"If the frequency of each component in a signal spectrum is increased by the same fixed amount, this
is known as","ch":["modulation","frequency translation","up conversion","both frequency translation and up
{"an":"1","qu":"A particular amplifier circuit used for frequency doubling.","ch":["Push-push","Push-pull","Pullpush","Pull-pull"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Frequency division is useful in the implementation of a","ch":["AM demodulator","Frequency
synthesizer","AGC circuit","FM demodulator"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Frequency division by 12 will require how many flip-flops in the counter?","ch":["3","4","6","12"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"Identify an electronic device, not specifically designed for the purpose, which can be used as a phase
detector.","ch":["Wien bridge","Colpitts oscillator","Balanced modulator","Butterworth filter"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A particular frequency synthesizer contains only a single crystal. What words describe this
synthesizer?","ch":["Crystal modulated","Inexact","Indirect","Deficient"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"A recognizable feature of a CW transmitter is","ch":["Keyed transmitter","Power
amplification","Frequency generation","All of these"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The term \"pulling\" refers to","ch":["the change of the crystal oscillator frequency by loading","one
half-cycle operation of a push-pull amplifier","loading on the transmitter caused by the antenna
connection","reduction of the power supply terminal voltage as the transmitter is keyed."]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A disadvantage of direct FM is the need for","ch":["AGC","AFC","a frequency synthesizer","phase
{"an":"4","qu":"Direct FM can be achieved by","ch":["a reactance tube modulator","a varactor diode","an AGC
circuit","both A and B"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Why is it often necessary to precede the demodulator by amplifier stages in a receiver?","ch":["To
improve fidelity","To reduce receiver noise","To eliminate image response","To amplify weak antenna signals"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A serious disadvantage of the TRF receiver","ch":["Bandwidth variations over the tuning range","The
weight and cost","The requirements for a closely regulated power supply","The requirements for a half-wave
{"an":"1","qu":"Which major element will not be found in every superheterodyne receiver?","ch":["R-F
amplifier","Mixer","Local oscillator","IF amplifier"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The key to achieving receiver sensitivity is the reduction of","ch":["image response","mixer harmonic
products","spurious frequency response","internal noise"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the following receiver design objectives is not impossible?","ch":["Elimination of galactic
noise","Elimination of atmospheric noise","Elimination of man-made noise","Reduction of receiver internal noise"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In comparing the S/N ratio for the input to the receiver with the S/N ratio for the output, the latter
is","ch":["smaller","the same","greater","infinite"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"The characteristic of a receiver that specifies the self-generated noise.","ch":["Noise

immunity","Noise factor","Noise figure","Noise margin"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The ratio of the superheterodyne receiver response at the desired carrier frequency to that at the
image frequency is called","ch":["the sensitivity","the selectivity","the image frequency","the image rejection
{"an":"3","qu":"The core of an IF transformer usually contains","ch":["teflon","computer nylon","powdered
iron","laminated steel"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Shape factor is a measure of","ch":["bandwidth","skirt steepness","coupling coefficient","critical
{"an":"3","qu":"__________ is the function which tends to maintain the sound volume level of a voice receiver nearly
constant for a large signal strength range.","ch":["Squelch","Muting","AGC","AFC"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What device is incorporated in a communications receiver to reduce impulse noise?","ch":["Front-end
processor","Squelch circuit","AGC","Noise blanker"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What type of signal in which a receiver selectivity of 2.4 kHz in the I-F circuitry is optimum?","ch":
["FM voice","Double-sideband AM voice","FSK data","SSB voice"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"If the input to a detector stage is an amplitude-modulated (A3E) IF signal then the output from the
stage is","ch":["a lower frequency carrier","the audio voice information","a morse-code signal","the upper or lower
set of sidebands"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In a capacitive type, reactance-tube modulator connected across in oscillator tuned circuit, a more
negative voltage on the grid of the reactance tube will cause","ch":["an increase of the oscillator frequency","a
decrease of oscillator frequency","an increase of the reactance-tube capacitance","an increase of the reactance
tube, ac plate current"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The limiting condition for sensitivity in a communications receiver is","ch":["the noise floor of the
receiver","the power-supply output ripple","the two-tone intermodulation distortion","the input impedance to the
{"an":"4","qu":"When a communications receiver is tuned to a strong signal, the AGC bias is measured and found to
be zero. The fault cannot be caused by a/an","ch":["defective IF stage","defective local oscillator","defective RF
stage","open circuit in the AGC's filter capacitor"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"The term used to refer to the condition where the signals from a very strong station are
superimposed on other signals being received.","ch":["Cross-modulation interference","Intermodulation
interference","Receiver quieting","Capture effect"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The limiter stage of an FM receiver.","ch":["behaves as a low-pass filter","limits the amplitude of the
IF signal to the required level","behaves as a high-pass filter","behaves as a bandstop filter"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Motorboating (low-frequency oscillations) in an amplifier can be stopped by","ch":["grounding the
screen grid","connecting a capacitor between the B+ and lead ground","by passing the screen grid resistor with a
0.1 uF capacitor","grounding the plate"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"An effect in which, the modulation of an unwanted signal is transferred to the desired carrier","ch":
["Crossmodulation","intermodulation","Modulation mixing","Image-channel interference"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Leads should be kept as short as possible in radio circuit so that","ch":["skin effect is reduced","there
is less hysteresis effect","there is less dielectric loss","stray coupling is minimized"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The number of voice transmissions that can be packed into a given frequency band for amplitudecompandored single-sideband systems over conventional FM-phone systems.","ch":["2","8","16","4"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Neutralization of an RF amplifier stage can be necessary in order to","ch":["increase the amplifier's
gain","prevent the generation of spurious oscillations","reduce the amplifier's gain","reduce the level of the output
{"an":"1","qu":"The ability of a communications receiver to perform well in the presence of strong signals outside
the band of interest is indicated by what parameter?","ch":["Blocking dynamic range","Noise figure","Signal-to-noise
ratio","Audio output"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Stages that are common to both AM and FM receivers.","ch":["tuner, local oscillator, detector, AF
amplifier","RF amplifier, mixer, IF amplifier, AF amplifier","local oscillator, RF amplifier, frequency discriminator,
detector","tuner, IF amp, detector, AF amp"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Occurs during CW reception if too narrow filter bandwidth is used in the IF stage of a receiver","ch":
["Filter ringing","Undesired signals will reach the audio stage","Output-offset overshoot","Cross-modulation
{"an":"1","qu":"What stage mainly determines a communication receiver's sensitivity?","ch":["IF amplifier","Mixer
stage","Detector stage","RF amplifier"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"A type of emission is produced when an amplitude modulated transmitter is modulated by a

facsimile signal.","ch":["A3F","F3F","A3C","F3C"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Where is the noise generated which primarily determines the signal to noise ratio in a VHF (150
MHz) marine band receiver?","ch":["In the detector","In the atmosphere","In the ionosphere","In the receiver front
{"an":"4","qu":"Type of emission produced when an amplitude modulated transmitter is modulated by a television
{"an":"1","qu":"The result of cross-modulation is that","ch":["the modulation of an unwanted signal is heard on the
desired signal","a decrease in modulation level of transmitted signals","a receiver quieting","of inverting sidebands
in the final stage of the amplifier"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What is emission F3F?","ch":["AM","Facsimile","Television","RTTY"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What type of emission is produced when a frequency modulated transmitter is modulated by a
facsimile signal?","ch":["F3C","A3C","F3F","A3F"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Two AM transmitting antennas are close together. As a result the two modulated signals are mixed in
the final RF stage of both transmitters. What is the resultant effect on the other station?","ch":["Harmonic
interference","Intermodulation interference","Spurious interference","Crossmodulation interference"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The term used to refer to the reduction of receiver gain caused by the signal or a nearby station
transmitter in the same frequency band?","ch":["Quieting","Cross-modulation interference","Squelch gain
{"an":"2","qu":"What is the bandwidth occupied by the carrier, both sidebands and harmonics?","ch":["Authorized
bandwidth","Bandwidth of emission and occupied bandwidth","Operating bandwidth","All of these"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Noise is primarily","ch":["high-frequency spikes","low-frequency variations","random level
shifts","random frequency variations"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What is the type of interference that can be caused can when several repeaters are close
together?","ch":["harmonics","beats","desensitization","any of these"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The noise reduction ratio achieved by reducing the bandwidth is called","ch":["dynamic
range","noise figure","bandwidth efficiency","bandwidth improvement"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"It is defined as the output power when the RF amplifier response is 1-dB less than the ideal linear
gain response","ch":["1-dB compression point","1-dB treshold point","1-dB shoot-off point","1-dB pinch-off point"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The predominant cause of phase distortion","ch":
{"an":"2","qu":"It is the total phase shift encountered by a signal and can generally be tolerated as long as all
frequencies undergo the same amount of phase delay","ch":["differential phase shift","absolute phase shift","relative
phase shift","integrated phase shift"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"________ occurs when different frequencies undergo different phase shifts and may have detrimental
effect on the complex waveform","ch":["differential phase shift","absolute phase shift","relative phase
shift","integrated phase shift"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"_________ occurs when the amplitude-versus-frequency characteristics of a signal at the output of a
receiver differ from those in the original information signal","ch":["frequency distortion","digital distortion","phase
distortion","amplitude distortion"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is the result of non-uniform gain in amplifiers and filters","ch":["harmonic distortion","amplitude
distortion","frequency distortion","phase distortion"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"It is the result of harmonic and intermodulation distortion and is caused by non-linear
amplification","ch":["harmonic distortion","amplitude distortion","frequency distortion","phase distortion"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"It is a special case of intermodulation distortion and a predominant cause of frequency
distortion","ch":["second-order intercept distortion","phase distortion","third-order intercept distortion","first-order
intercept distortion"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"It is a parameter associated with the frequencies that fall within the passband of the filter","ch":
["coupling loss","diffusion loss","insertion loss","filter loss"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is generally defined as the ratio of the power transferred to a load with a filter in the circuit to the
power transferred to a load without a filter","ch":["distortion loss","insertion loss","filter loss","harmonic loss"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is an indication of the reduction of the S/N ratio as a signal propagates through the receiver.","ch":
["noise figure","equivalent noise temperature","noise factor","signal-to-noise ratio"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"The law that states that the wider the bandwidth and the longer the time of transmission, the more
information that can be conveyed through the system","ch":["information theory","information density
law","Hartley's law","information entropy law"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Also known as black-body noise","ch":["cosmic noise","extraterrestrial noise","solar noise","man
made noise"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Also known as deep-space noise","ch":["solar noise","cosmic noise","extraterrestrial noise","galactic
{"an":"2","qu":"Range of electromagnetic spectrum used in navy to communicate submarines","ch":
{"an":"4","qu":"Man-made noise occurs randomly at frequencies up to around","ch":["100 Hz","300 kHz","200
MHz","500 MHz"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Space noise contains less energy below","ch":["9 MHz","15 MHz","20 MHz","8 MHz"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Its operation involves an exchange of energy between kinetic and potential","ch":["Wien-Bridge
oscillators","LC tank circuit","Clapp oscillators","Hartley Oscillators"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"It is a function of component aging and changes in the ambient temperature and humidity","ch":
["short-term stability","damping","long-term stability","filtering"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Which of the ff crystals is commonly used in microphones?","ch":["Quartz","Rochelle
{"an":"2","qu":"Which of the ff crystals is often used for frequency control in oscillators?","ch":["EDT","Synthetic
Quartz","Tourmalline","Rochelle Salt"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"It is an oscillator circuit that generates well-defined, stable waveforms that can be externally
modulated or swept over a given frequency range","ch":["swept generator","frequency synthesizer","wave
generator","frequency synchronizer"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Also known as phase comparator","ch":["phase detector","phase-locked loop","voltage controlled
oscillator","frequency synthesizer"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"It means to form an entity by combining parts or elements","ch":

{"an":"3","qu":"The method of determining the bandwidth requirements for any processing systems is referred to
as:","ch":["frequency spectrum","frequency analysis","spectral analysis","bandwidth analysis"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The kind of noise that is caused by mismatched lines","ch":["echo noise","impulse noise","partition
noise","intermodulation noise"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What is the reference tone level for RANDOM noise measurement F1A weighted?","ch":["-90 dBm","82 dBm","-67 dBm","-85 dBm"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A widely used balanced modulator is called the","ch":["Diode bridge circuit","Full-wave bridge
rectifier","Lattice modulator","Balanced bridge modulator"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The principal circuit in the popular 1496/1596 IC balanced modulator is a","ch":["Differential
amplifier","Rectifier","Bridge","Constant current source"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In the phasing method used to demodulate a SSB signal is called a(n)","ch":["Transponder","Product
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the ff can be used as a mixer?","ch":["Balanced modulator","FET","Diode detector","All of
{"an":"3","qu":"The desired output from a mixer is usually selected with a","ch":["Phase-shift circuit","Crystal
filter","Resonant circuit","Transformer"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"A 70 kHz carrier has a frequency deviation of 4 kHz with a 1000 Hz signal. How many significant
sidebands are produced?","ch":["4","5","6","7"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the relative amplitude of the third pair of sidebands of an FM signal with m=6?","ch":
{"an":"3","qu":"A 200kHz carrier is modulated by a 2.5 kHz signal. The fourth pair of sidebands are spaced from the
carrier by","ch":["2.5 kHz","5 kHz","10 kHz","15 kHz"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Which of the ff circuits is NOT typically part of every radio transmitter?","ch":["Carrier
oscillator","Driver amplifier","Mixer","Final power amplifier"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Class C amplifiers are NOT used in which type of transmitter?","ch":["AM","SSB","CW","FM"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"Bias for a class C amplifier produced by an input RC network is known as","ch":["Signal bias","Self
bias","Fixed external bias","Treshold bias"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Collector current in a class C amplifier is a","ch":["Sine wave","Half sine wave","Pulse","Square
{"an":"3","qu":"The maximum power of a typical transistor RF power amplifier is in what range?","ch":
["Milliwatts","Watts","Hundred of watts","Kilowatts"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Self-oscillation in a transistor amplifier is usually caused by","ch":["excessive gain","stray
inductance","internal capacitance","unmatch impedances"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Neutralization is the process of","ch":["cancelling the effect of internal device
capacitance","bypassing undesired alternating current","reducing gain","eliminating harmonics"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the ff is NOT a benefit of a toroid RF inductor?","ch":["No shielding required","Fewer truns of
wire","Higher Q","Self-supporting"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A toroid is a","ch":["Type of inductor","Transformer","Magnetic core","Coil holder"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff is NOT commonly used for impedance matching in a transmitter?","ch":["Resistive
attenuator","Transformer","L network","T network"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Impedance matching in a broadband linear RF amplifier is handled with a(n)","ch":["L
network","Parallel tuned circuit","Pi network","Balun"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff is NOT a benefit of speech-processing circuits?","ch":["Improved frequency
stability","Increased average output power","Limited bandwidth","Prevention of overmodulation"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"In an AM transmitter, a clipper circuit eliminates","ch":
["Harmonics","Splatter","Overdeviation","Excessive gain"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"In a speech-processing circuit, a low-pass filter prevents","ch":
["Overdeviation","Overmodulation","High gain","Excessive signal bandwidth"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The gain of a transistor amplifier is","ch":["Inversely proportional to collector current","Directly
proportional to frequency","Directly proportional to collector current","Inversely proportional to frequency"]},

{"an":"2","qu":"What values of L and C in an L network are required to match a 10 ohm transistor amplifier
impedance to a 50 ohm load at 27 MHz?","ch":["L = 47 nH, C = 185 pF","L = 118 nH, C = 236 pF","L = 0.13 H, C =
220 pF","L = 0.3 H, C = 330 pF"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The sensitivity of a receiver depends upon the reciever's overall","ch":
["Bandwidth","Selectivity","Noise response","Gain"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The main cause of image interference is","ch":["Poor front-end selectivity","Low gain","A high IF","A
low S/N ratio"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A crystal filter has 6dB bandwidth of 2.6 kHz and a 60dB bandwidth of 14 kHz. The shape factor
{"an":"1","qu":"Noise at the input to a receiver can be as high as several","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"Which filter shape factor represents the best skirt selectivity?","ch":["1.6","2.1","5.3","8"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which input signal below represents the best sensitivity?","ch":["0.5 V","1 V","1.8 V","2 V"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The transistor with the lowest noise figure in the microwave region is a(n)","ch":["MOSFET","Dualgate MOSFET","JFET","MESFET"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The AGC circuits usually control the gain of the","ch":["Mixer","Detector","IF amplifiers","Audio
{"an":"3","qu":"Selectivity is obtained in most receivers from","ch":["Crystal filters","Mechanical filters","Doubletuned circuits","Audio filters"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Widest bandwidth in a double-tuned circuit is obtained with","ch":["Undercoupling","Critical
coupling","Optimum coupling","Overcoupling"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Automatic gain control permits a wide range of signal amplitudes to be accomodated by controlling
the gain of the","ch":["RF amplifier","IF amplifier","Mixer","AF amplifier"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In an IF amplifier with reverse AGC, a strong signal will cause the collector current to","ch":
["Increase","Decrease","Remain the same","Drop to zero"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"Usually AGC voltage is derived by the","ch":["RF amplifier","IF amplifier","Demodulator","AF

{"an":"4","qu":"An AFC circuit is used to correct for","ch":["Audio distortion","Strong input signals","Instability in the
IF amplifier","Frequency drift in the LO"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A BFO is used in the demodulation of which types of signals?","ch":["Am","FM","SSB or
{"an":"2","qu":"Which of the ff circuits are NOT typically shared in an SSB transceiver?","ch":["Crystal
filter","Mixers","Power supply","LO"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The basic frequency synthesizer circuit is a(n)","ch":["Mixer","Frequency multiplier","Frequency
{"an":"2","qu":"The output frequency increment of a frequency synthesizer is determined by the","ch":["Frequency
division ratio","Reference input to the phase detector","Percentage of output frequency","Frequency multiplication
{"an":"3","qu":"In a frequency synthesizer, the input reference to the phase detector is 25 kHz and the divide ratio is
144, the VCO output frequency is","ch":["173.61 Hz","144 kHz","3.6 MHz","5.76 MHz"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The bandwidth of a parallel LC circuit can be increased by","ch":["Increasing Xc","Decreasing
Xl","Decreasing coil resistance","A resistor connected in parallel"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"In a double tuned circuit, and peak output with _____ coupling","ch":
{"an":"2","qu":"In a double-tuned circuit, maximum bandwidth with ______ coupling","ch":
{"an":"2","qu":"Most impedance matching networks are _______ filters, so they eliminate harmonics","ch":["highpass","low-pass","bandpass","bandstop"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The bandwidth of a double-tuned transformer depends upon the degree of __________ between
primary and secondary windings","ch":["mutual inductance","coupling factor","limiting factor","filtering"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In double tuned circuit, minimum bandwidth is obtained with _________ coupling","ch":

{"an":"3","qu":"The output frequency of a synthesizer is changed by varying the _____ of the divider between the
VCO and the phase detector","ch":["Mixer input","IF output","Frequency division ratio","Voltage division ratio"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Combining a feedback capacitor with the internal capacitance of the transistor forms a _______ circuit
which is used to cancel the self oscillation","ch":["filter","tank","bridge","feedback"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"When two-equal frequencies are mixed together, the result is:","ch":["zero-bias","zero-beat","zeromodulation","off-beat"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"It is used to generate many output frequencies through the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of a smaller number of fixed frequency sources","ch":["power amplifier","frequency
synchronizer","oscillator","frequency synthesizer"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The multiple output freq are generated by mixing the outputs from two or more crystal-controlled
frequency sources or by dividing or multiplying the output frequency from a single-crystal oscillator","ch":["direct
frequency synthesis","constant frequency synthesis","indirect frequency synthesis","multiple frequency synthesis"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is minimum frequency separation between output frequencies for the synthesizer","ch":["dynamic
{"an":"4","qu":"Zero beat is also known as ________","ch":["phase acquisition","loop acquisition","push-in
acquisition","frequency acquisition"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The _____ gain for a PLL is simply the product of the individual gains or transfer function for the
{"an":"4","qu":"Non-coherent detection is also known as _____________","ch":["frequency detection","noise
detection","phase detection","envelope detection"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"IF section is also known as","ch":["bandpass filters","IF strip","IF filter","intermediate filters"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The difference between the actual local oscillator frequency and the desired frequency is called
________","ch":["mixing error","gang error","tracking error","quantizing error"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What technique is used to prevent tracking error?","ch":["using RLC circuit","using tuned
circuit","using three-point tracking","using ganged capacitors"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In the phasing method of SSB generation, one sideband is cancelled due out to","ch":["phase
shift","sharp selectivity","carrier suppression","phase inversion"]},

{"an":"2","qu":"It is a high-performance microwave receiver required at the input stage of the RF section to optimize
their noise figure.","ch":["high-power amplifier","low-noise amplifier","buffer amplifier","local oscillator"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the ff is NOT the other name of a balanced modulator?","ch":["balanced mixer","product
detector","product modulator","none of these"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Low-noise RF amplifiers uses what type of biasing?","ch":["class A","class B","class AB","class C"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The most common technique used for coupling IF amplifiers","ch":["resistive coupling","inductive
coupling","capacitive coupling","direct coupling"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Type of coupling where the secondary voltage is relatively low and the bandwidth is narrow","ch":
["tight coupling","optimum coupling","loose coupling","critical coupling"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Type of coupling which has a high gain and broad bandwidth","ch":["optimum coupling","tight
coupling","double coupling","loose coupling"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"It is the point where the reflected resistance is equal to primary resistance and the Q of the primary
tank circuit is halved and the bandwidth is doubled","ch":["critical coupling","tight coupling","loose
coupling","optimum coupling"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"It is caused by the reactive element of the reflected impedance being significant enough to change
the resonant frequency of the primary tuned circuit","ch":["optimum coupling","critical coupling","double
peaking","flux linkage"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"IF transformers come as specially designed tuned circuits in groundable metal packages called
________","ch":["IF cans","IF container","IF strip","IF tetrapack"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"A type of detector that detects the shape of the input envelope","ch":["peak detector","phase
detector","diode detector","shape detector"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Type of AGC that prevents the AGC feedback voltage from reaching the RF or IF amplifiers until the
RF level exceeds a predetermined value","ch":["forward AGC","delayed AGC","complex AGC","simple AGC"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A section of an audio stage of a receiver that removes sporadic, high-amplitude noise transients of
short duration, such as impulse noise.","ch":["squelch circuit","clampers","clippers","peak detector"]},

{"an":"4","qu":"A circuit that detects the occurence of a high-amplitude, short duration noise spike then mutes the
receiver by shutting off a portion of the receiver of the duration of the pulse","ch":["squelch
circuit","limiter","clamper","blanking circuit"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"With high-gain selective amplifiers that are stable and easily neutralized, what is the desired value of
intermediate frequency?","ch":["low IF","medium IF","high IF","very high IF"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"It is defined as the ratio of the demodulated signal level at the output receiver to the RF signal level
at the input to the receiver","ch":["received signal level","figure of merit","effective radiated power","net receiver
{"an":"3","qu":"A balanced modulator is sometimes called","ch":["balanced ring modulator","balanced resistor
modulator","balanced lattice modulator","any of these"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The difference between the IF and the BFO frequencies is called","ch":["information signal","beat
frequency","carrier signal","heterodyned signal"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"A system that provides narrowband voice communications for land mobile services with nearly the
quality acheived with FM systems and do it using less than one-third the bandwidth","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"It is a multipexing method that uses double-sideband suppressed-carrier transmission to combine
two information sources into a single composite waveform","ch":["QM","WDM","TDM","FDM"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"An SSB transmitter has an average output power equal to _______ of that PEP rating.","ch":["1/4 to
1/3","1/4 to 1/2","1/5 to 1/2","1/3 to 2/3"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Noise interferes mainly with modulating signals that are","ch":["Sinusoidal","Non sinusoidal","Low
frequencies","High frequencies"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff is true about the NE566 IC","ch":["It is a VCO","Its output is sinusoidal","It is an FM
demodulator","It uses LC-tuned circuits"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Over a narrow range of frequencies, the PLL acts like a","ch":["Low-pass filter","Bandpass
filter","Tunable oscillator","Frequency modulator"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The output of a PLL frequency demodulator is taken from the","ch":["Low-pass filter","VCO","Phase
detector","None of them"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"It is also known as upward or downward modulation","ch":["carrier shift","amplitude

variations","frequency shift","phase shift"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Demodulating quadrature AM signal requires a carrier recovery circuit to reproduce the original
carrier frequency and phase and two balanced modulators to actually demodulate the signals. This is called","ch":
["asynchronous detection","quadrature demodulation","synchronous detection","quadrature detection"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Quadrature amplitude modulation is also known as _________","ch":["phase division
multiplexing","phase division modulation","phase amplitude multiplexing","phase angle modulation"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"For public safety transmitters, what is their maximum deviation value?","ch":["25 kHz","75 kHz","5
kHz","50 kHz"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What signal sensitivity do most good receivers have?","ch":["2 microvolt","1 microvolt","3
microvolt","5 microvolt"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"How does the adder differ from the mixer?","ch":["adder must be linear to prevent
heterodyning","adder has more than two inputs","mixers are linear devices","all of these"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"In stereo FM, of the total modulation, what percent in main channel?","ch":["10 %","25 %","30
%","45 %"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In stereo FM, of the total modulation, what percent in pilot subcarrier?","ch":["10 %","25 %","30
%","45 %"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In stereo FM, of the total modulation, what percent in stereo subcarrier?","ch":["10 %","25 %","30
%","45 %"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Where is the de-emphasis added in stereo FM receiver?","ch":["matrix","buffer","pilot
{"an":"3","qu":"A circuit used to select the desired output from a mixer","ch":["Transformer","Resonant
circuit","Filter","Phase-shift circuit"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What is usually used to demodulate SSB or CW signal?","ch":["PLL","BFO","Ratio detector","All of
{"an":"2","qu":"The component most apt to break down in the radio circuit is the","ch":

{"an":"1","qu":"What mixer type has the lowest spurious signals?","ch":["Double-balanced","Singlebalanced","Super-heterodyner","Heterodyner"]},

{"an":"4","qu":"What establishes the receiver bandwidth?","ch":["RF amplifier","Mixer","Local Oscillator","IF
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the meaning of forward power?","ch":["The power traveling from the transmitter to the
antenna","The power radiated from the top of an antenna system","The power produced during the positive half of
an RF cycle","The power used to drive a linear amplifier"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"When measuring a transmitter's frequency against a suitable standard, the frequency to be
measured is taken from the","ch":["oscillator stage","intermediate amplifier","buffer stage","final RF stage"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In a triple conversion superheterodyne receiver, diode mixer stages are operated","ch":["in the linear
region","in the nonlinear region","as class A amplifier","as class B amplifier"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What limits the sensitivity of a receiver?","ch":["The power supply of the receiver","The power output
of a transmitter","The noise floor of the receiver","The distance bet. the transmitter and receiver"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What is the process of cancelling the effect of internal device capacitance in radio
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the difference between available power and power budget?","ch":["Power margin","Extra
power","Fade margin","System gain"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The antenna current is doubled when the modulation index is doubled in ______ AM system","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"It is often used when describing varactor diode fabrication","ch":["graded junction","reverse
junction","barrier junction","capacitive junction"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Type of tuning where a ferrite core is moved in or out the coil of an inductor","ch":["slug
tuning","stator tuning","rotor tuning","any of these"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The low-pass filter in a phase-locked loop is also called","ch":["VCO loop","loop filter","control
voltage filter","phase detector"]},

{"an":"2","qu":"A technique used in improving communication when a high peak-to-average power ratio of
atmospheric noise occurs, the receiver is disabled during these burst.","ch":["quieting","noise
{"an":"2","qu":"A circuit that filters audio frequency above 2.7 kHz","ch":["LPF","Lincompex","AGC","Notch filter"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which type of resistor has the lowest thermal noise?","ch":["wire wound","metal
film","carbon","carbon film"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What resistor type has flicker noise of 0.02 to 20 V?","ch":["wire wound","carbon film","metal
{"an":"2","qu":"What noise level measurement for Ba?","ch":["-80 dBm","-85 dBm","-90 dBm","-75 dBm"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What is the maximum supression for SSB?","ch":["40 dB","30 dB","50 dB","60 dB"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Employed in antenna to create capacitance to ground ________","ch":["gimmick","loading
coil","radials","earth mat"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the frequency range for CB radio with 40 channels?","ch":["26.965 to 27.405 MHz","31.270
to 42.575 MHz","18.560 to 20.145 MHz","40.785 to 53.090 MHz"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"International Distress Frequency ________","ch":["100 kHz","400 kHz","500 kHz","200 kHz"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"CMOS inverter consists of how many transistors?","ch":["2","4","3","10"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff determines the rate of carrier deviation?","ch":["intelligence frequency","frequency
deviation","carrier frequency","broadband frequency"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"It is the instantaneous change in phase of the carrier at a given instant of time and indicates how
much phase of the carrier is changing with respect to its reference phase","ch":["instantaneous
frequency","instantaneous frequency deviation","instantaneous phase","instantaneous phase deviation"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is the precise phase of the carrier at a given instant of time","ch":["instantaneous phase
deviation","instantaneous phase","instantaneous frequency deviation","instantaneous frequency"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is the instantaneous change in frequency of the carrier and is defined as the first time derivative of
the phase deviation","ch":["instantaneous frequency","instantaneous frequency deviation","instantaneous
phase","instantaneous phase deviation"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"It is the precise frequency of the carrier at a given instant of time is defined as the first time
derivative of the instantaneous phase","ch":["instantaneous frequency","instantaneous frequency
deviation","instantaneous phase deviation","instantaneous phase"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"It is the output-versus-input transfer functions for modulators which give the relationship between
the output parameter changes in respect to specified changes in respect to specified changes in the input
signal","ch":["frequency deviation","deviation sensitivity","transconductance curve","phase deviation"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In PM, carrier frequency deviation is not proportional to:","ch":["modulating signal
amplitude","carrier amplitude and frequency","modulating signal frequency","modulator phase shift"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"To compensate for increases in carrier frequency deviation with an increase in modulating signal
frequency, what circuit is used between the modulating signal and the phase modulator?","ch":["low-pass
filter","high-pass filter","phase shifter","bandpass filter"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"With phase modulation, peak phase deviation is called ___________","ch":["modulation
index","frequency deviation","phase deviation","instantaneous phase"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The unmodulated carrier is a single-frequency sinusoid commonly called _______","ch":["unrest
frequency","rest frequency","frequency modulated frequency","carrier frequency"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"It is a circuit in which a carrier is varied in such a way that its instantaneous phase is proportional to
the integral of the modulating signal","ch":["phase modulator","phase deviator","amplitude deviator","frequency
{"an":"3","qu":"He mathematically proved that for a given modulating signal frequency, a frequency modulated
wave cannot be accomodated in a narrower bandwidth than an amplitude modulated wave","ch":["R.C. Alpine","E.H.
Armstrong","J.R. Carson","J.J. Thomson"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Low index FM systems are also known as ________","ch":["wideband FM","narrowband
FM","commercial FM","medium FM"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"For high-index signal, a method of determining the bandwidth is called ________ approach","ch":
["quasi-stationary","quasi-movement","quasi-deviation","any of these"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The primary disadvantage of FM is its","ch":["higher cost and complexity","excessive use of
spectrum space","noise susceptibility","lower efficiency"]},

{"an":"3","qu":"It is the worst-case modulation index and is equal to the maximum peak frequency deviation divided
by the maximum modulating-signal frequency","ch":["peak phase deviation","frequency deviation","deviation
ratio","signal-to-noise ratio"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The highest side frequencies from one channel are allowed to spill over into adjacent channels
producing an interference known as _________","ch":["co-channel interference","adjacent channel
{"an":"3","qu":"The primary disadvantage of direct PM","ch":["relatively unstable LC oscillators must be used to
produce carrier frequency which prohibits using crystal oscillators","relatively high-frequency deviations and
modulation indices are easily obtained due to the fact that the oscillators are inherently unstable","crystal oscillators
are inherently stable and therefore more difficult for them to achieve high phase deviations and modulation
indices","carrier oscillator is isolated from the actual modulator circuit and therefore can be stable source"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A circuit that compares the frequency of the noncrystal carrier oscillator to a crystal reference
oscillator and then produces a correction voltage proportional to the difference between the two frequencies","ch":
["AFC","Squelch circuit","AGC","Heterodyning circuit"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In FM receivers, which of the ff rejects the image frequency?","ch":["preselector","detector","IF
{"an":"4","qu":"In FM receivers, which of the ff provides most gain and selectivity of the receiver?","ch":
["detector","RF amplifier","local oscillator","IF amplifier"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The final IF amplifier in FM receivers is sometimes called ___________","ch":["tuned
amplifier","limiter","passband filter","any of these"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"It is simply two-single ended slope detectors connected in parallel and fed 180 degrees out of
phase","ch":["Foster-Seeley discriminator","Quadrature detector","Balanced slope generator","PLL detector"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff tuned-circuit frequency discriminator is relatively immune to amplitude variations in
its input signal?","ch":["ratio detector","slope detector","balanced slope detector","quadrature detector"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In FM demodulators, it is also called coincidence detector","ch":["Quadrature demodulator","PLL
demodulator","Foster-Seeley discriminator","Ratio detector"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"In FM receivers, limiters produce a constant-amplitude output of all signals above a prescribed
minimum input level called ___________","ch":["treshold level","capture level","quieting level","any of these"]},

{"an":"2","qu":"A crystal oscillator whose frequency can be changed by an input voltage is called _______","ch":
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff frequency demodulators requires an input limiter?","ch":["Foster-Seeley
discriminator","Pulse-averaging discriminator","Quadrature detector","PLL"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Provides a slight automatic control over the local oscillator circuit and compensates for its drift that
would otherwise cause a station to become detuned","ch":["AGC","AFC","VVC","VCO"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"_______ of an FM receiver is the minimum dB difference signal strength between two received signals
necessary for the capture effect to suppress the weaker signal","ch":["capture effect","capture gain","capture
ratio","capture loss"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"When two limiter stages are used, this is called _______","ch":["double limiting","two-time
limiting","reserve limiting","ratio limiting"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Which discriminator averages pulses in a low-pass filter?","ch":["Ratio detector","PLL","Quadrature
detector","Pulse-averaging discriminator"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"One of the prominent advantage of FM over PM is","ch":["FM requires frequency multipliers to
increase the modulation index and frequency deviation to useful levels","The voltage controlled oscillators of FM can
be directly modulated and produce outputs with high frequency deviations and high modulation","The modulation
index of FM is independent of the modulating signal frequency","FM offers better signal-to-noise performance than
{"an":"1","qu":"Each speaker assembly at the receiver reproduces exactly the same information","ch":
["monophonic","multiphonic","stereophonic","any of these"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"In a pulse averaging discriminator, the pulses are produced by an","ch":["Astable
multivibrator","Zero-crossing detector","One shot","Low-pass filter"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"A VCO that is available as single IC chip called 566 is manufactured by:","ch":["Fairchild
Semiconductor","Signetics","National Semiconductor","Texas Instruments"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The output amplitude of the phase detector in a quadrature detector is proportional to","ch":["pulse
width","pulse frequency","input amplitude","the phase shift value at center"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"With stereo transmission, the maximum frequency deviation is","ch":["75 kHz","15 kHz","25 kHz","3
{"an":"1","qu":"The L + R channel occupies ________","ch":["50 Hz to 15 kHz","60 kHz to 74 kHz","23 kHz to 53
kHz","20 Hz to 20 kHz"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"The three primary frequency bands are allocated by FCC for two-way FM radio communications
except:","ch":["132 MHz to 174 MHz","450 MHz to 470 MHz","806 MHz to 947 MHz","1026 MHz to 1035 MHz"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"The maximum frequency deviation for two-way transmitters is typically","ch":["25 kHz","5 kHz","75
kHz","3 kHz"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"The maximum modulating signal frequency for two-way transmitter is typically","ch":["3 kHz","5
kHz","15 kHz","75 kHz"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"The maximum deviation for narrowband FM?","ch":["2500","5","1.67","75"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Type of FM demodulator that is widely used in TV audio demodulators","ch":["Ratio
detector","Quadrature detector","PLL","Pulse-averaging discriminator"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A variation of Foster-Seeley discriminator widely used in older TV receiver designs","ch":["Ratio
detector","PLL","Quadrature detector","Crosby modulator"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the maximum deviation for monoaural TV sound?","ch":["25 kHz","75 kHz","50 kHz","125
{"an":"3","qu":"What is the maximum deviation for stereo TV sound?","ch":["25 kHz","75 kHz","50 kHz","125 kHz"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In FM stereo broadcasting, the L + R signal","ch":["Double-sideband modulates a
subcarrier","Modulates the FM carrier","Frequency modulates a subcarrier","Is not transmitted"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"In a PLL demodulating an FM signal, the VCO output is an exact reproduction of the _______","ch":
["modulating signal","carrier signal","carrier amplitude","VCO output"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"After the IF stages have been aligned, the next step to align in FM receiver is","ch":["local
oscillator","limiter stage","RF amplifier","Mixer stage"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Under what conditions would a 1-kHz AF signal produce a signal pair of FM sidebands?","ch":
["wideband FM","broadcast FM","TV audio FM","narrowband FM"]},

{"an":"4","qu":"What deviation is considered 100% for FM broadcast stations?","ch":["75 kHz","220 kHz","270

kHz","75 kHz or 220 kHz"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What is the function of the dc that comes out of the dc amplifier in a PLL type FM detector?","ch":
["carrier signal","filter signal","error signal or AF signal","phase signal"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Why should discriminators be tuned for a straight characteristic S-curve?","ch":["less AF
distortion","greater AF out","less RF out","less RF distortion"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In a Foster-Seeley and stagger-tuned discriminator, the AF output voltage is:","ch":["varying
DC","varying AC","steady AC","steady DC"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"In a ratio detector and gated-beam detector, the AF output voltage is:","ch":["steady AC","steady
DC","varying DC","varying AC"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Which of the ff dicriminator circuits provide an Automatic Gain Control Voltage?","ch":["ratio
detector","balanced slope detector","quadrature detector","stagger-tuned detector"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Which of the ff discriminator circuits has its diodes in series?","ch":["ratio","quadrature
detector","round-travis detector","slope detector"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"To what frequency must the gated-beam quadrature circuit be tuned in a TV receiver?","ch":["10.7
MHz","455 kHz","70 MHz","4.5 MHz"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"In what way is the gated beam detector similar to the super regenerative detector?","ch":
{"an":"2","qu":"With what FM detectors would AGC be an advantage?","ch":["foster-seeley detector","ratio
detector","quadrature detector","phase-locked loop"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What is the reason for using pre-emphasis?","ch":["increase amplitude","reduce carrier
shift","amplify RF signal","reduce noise reception"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What special circuits are used in a squelch system that can follow changing noise levels?","ch":
["noise amplifiers","rectifier","dc amplifier","any of these"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Why might FM be better than AM for mobile ________","ch":["better coverage","not affected by solar
cycles","reduce flutter","not absorbed by ionosphere"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"What is another name for reactance-tube modulator?","ch":["Crosby","Foster-Seeley","Round

{"an":"4","qu":"The ff are significant circuits in the AFC system except:","ch":["crystal","mixer","IF","filter"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"Besides the reactance-tube modulator, what is another method of producing direct FM?","ch":
["Armstrong modulator","voltage variable capacitor","impedance modulator","slug inductor"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the advantage of PM?","ch":["can use crystal oscillator","uses more multistage","less
selective fading","simplicity"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"What was the first Broadcast FM system called?","ch":["Arc transmitter","Spark-gap
transmitter","Armstrong","crystal set"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"Why are limiters used in FM transmitters?","ch":["clip noise peaks","prevent overdrive of
discriminators","prevent overdeviation","any of these"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"Why are limiters used in FM receivers?","ch":["provide better noise performance","clip noise
peaks","prevent overdrive of discriminator","any of these"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"What signals might feed INTO an FM broadcast station audio control console?","ch":
["microphones","turntables","remote lines","any of these"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What signals might feed OUT of an FM broadcast station audio control console?","ch":["monitor
speakers","telephone lines","program signals","carrier signal"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What method of measuring FM transmitter power uses a dummy antenna?","ch":
{"an":"3","qu":"What accuracy must meter in the output stage of an FM transmitter have?","ch":
{"an":"3","qu":"What is the frequency tolerance of Educational FM stations?","ch":["25 kHz","75 kHz","2 kHz","5
{"an":"4","qu":"What information can be obtained from FM broadcast station frequency monitors?","ch":
["frequency","deviation","warning light or sound","any of these"]},

{"an":"1","qu":"What is indicated if the frequency meter deviates when FM is applied?","ch":["distortion of emission

in transmitter or monitor","deviation of frequency of the carrier","phase shifting of the carrier","none of these"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"How often must equipment performance test be made on an FM broadcast transmitter
{"an":"1","qu":"What antenna polarization is used with public safety service equipment and FM broadcast?","ch":
["vertical","horizontal","circular","horizontal or circular"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A class-C RF amplifier is collector amplitude modulated and its average dc level collector current
does not change. This means","ch":["a normal condition","excessive drive to the base","insufficient drive to the
base","insufficient audio modulation"]},
TV","FM and double sideband AM","SSTV and CW"]},
{"an":"4","qu":"A receiver selectivity of 10 kHz in the IF circuitry is optimum for what type of signals?","ch":["SSB
voice","Facsimile","FM","Double-sideband AM"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"What is the approximate bandwidth of an FM with a modulation factor of 12.5 and a modulating
frequency of 10 kHz?","ch":["20 kHz","270 kHz","250 kHz","45 kHz"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Amplitude modulation is the same as","ch":["linear mixing","analog multiplication","signal
{"an":"1","qu":"In the phasing method of SSB generation, one sideband is canceled out due to","ch":["phase
shifting","sharp selectivity","carrier suppression","phase inversion"]},
{"an":"3","qu":"How is a G3E FM-phone signals produced?","ch":["A network consisting modulator on the audio
amplifier","With a reactance modulator on the final amplifier","With a reactance modulator on the oscillator","With a
balanced modulator on the oscillator"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"A way of eliminating auto interference to radio reception","ch":["Installing resistive spark
plugs","Installing capacitive spark plugs","Installing resistors in series with the spark plugs","Installing two copperbraid ground strips"]},

{"an":"2","qu":"A double-sideband phone signal can be generated by","ch":["feeding a phase-modulated signal into
a low-pass filter","modulating the plate voltage of a class-C amplifier","using a balanced modulator followed by a
filter","detuning a Hartley oscillator"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"Cross-modulation in a receiver can be reduced by","ch":["installing a filter at the receiver","using a
filter at the receiver","increasing the receiver's RF gain while decreasing the AF","adjusting the pass-band tuning"]},
{"an":"1","qu":"What is the cause of receiver desensitizing?","ch":["The presence of a strong signal on a nearby
frequency","Audio gain adjusted too low","Squelch gain adjusted too high","Squelch gain adjusted too low"]},
{"an":"2","qu":"In a phase-modulated signal (indirect FM), the frequency deviation is directly proportional to
the","ch":["carrier amplitude only","amplitude of the modulating tone and frequency of the carrier","carrier
frequency only","modulating signal amplitude only"]},

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