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Draft 1:

Tax Plans:
Jill Stein is planning to ensure the richest Americans, and big corporations are going to pay their
fair amount of taxes, so hard working poor and middle class families are getting tax cuts. Is it
fair that the wealth of the top 1/10 of 1% has gone up since the past decade(statistic)? While
they get tax cuts via capital gains. Not a single Republican or Democrat is discussing the issue
to restore the capital gains tax. Looking at Massachusetts lower and middle income people are
paying twice the rate of the top 1% highest income bracket. With emerging federal budget
surpluses have called for large tax cuts that would be irresponsible and counterproductive. By
saving the surpluses you pay down the public debt would help the economy so much more than
having tax cuts.
Trade Agreements:
Jill stein plans to replace all corporate trade agreements with fair trade agreements. She will
regulate all financial derivatives and shall require them to be open to all traded exchanges.
Enact fair trade laws that benefits all local workers and their communities.
Jill stein judged the Democratic Party because they werent against the Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade deal, so She tweeted, "It is shameful that the the [sic] Democratic Party cannot bring itself to
reject the #TPP which puts corporations over people. #DemPlatform." Stein also tweeted, "Purpose
of TPP is to profits for corporations & wages for workers. We need just trade policies that
benefit all. #LibertarianTownHall. Others say Fairtrade producers are largely dependent for richer
consumers, because they are willing to purchase something more expensive. Thats against the
fairness premise of free trade policy since it dosent reduce social inequality.

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