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Feature: Create a new sprint

Sprint must have all the fields filled in

end date must be greater than the start date
Numer of tasks must be equal or greater than 1
The project manager must be specified
Save button must be pressed to save the sprint
Senario: Add new sprint
Given that I am logged in as a project manager
When I add new sprint code
And I add sprint name
And I add start date
And I add end date
And I add the number of tasks
And I specify the project manager
And I save the sprint
Then the new sprint is saved in the database
Scenario: Add new sprint without specifying project manager
Given that I am logged in as a project manager
When I add a sprint code
And I add a sprint name
And I add start date
And I add end date
And I add the numer of tasks
And I save the sprint
Then the new sprint should be saved in the database with the project man
ager=logged in user
Scenario: The abandonment of adding a sprint
Given that I am logged in as a project manager
When I add a sprint code
And I add a sprint name
And I add start date
And I add end date
And I add the numer of tasks
And I specify the project manager
Then I will receive the message "Sprint wasn't saved"
Feature: Modify a sprint
Sprint must have all the fields filled in
The phase of the sprint must be "initiated" or "under execution"
end date must be greater than the start date
Numer of tasks must be equal or greater than 1
The project manager must be specified
Save button must be pressed to save the modifications
Senario: Modify the number of tasks
Given that I am logged in as a project manager
When I add a sprint code/sprint name
And I modify the number of tasks
And I save the sprint
Then the modified sprint is saved in the database
Senario: Modify the number of tasks for a non-existent sprint
Given that I am logged in as a project manager
When I add a sprint code/sprint name
Then I will receive the message "Non-existent sprint"
Senario: The abandonment of modifying a sprint

Given that I am logged in as a project manager

When I add a sprint code/sprint name
And I modify the number of tasks
Then I will receive the message "Sprint wasn't modified"

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