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Week 3. Analyzing Classroom Discourse.

Observe in a classroom, keeping a record that lets you answer the following questions.
Record/write down a list of what is said for 10 minutes during the
CORE/GROUP/ACTIVITY part of the class:

What proportion of time does the teacher talk?

The teacher used talking most of the time when explaining the lesson, giving
instructions, asking questions and giving feedbacks to students, the
percentage of the teacher talk was around 90%.

Time the class for 10 min, how many of those minutes is the teacher talking?

45 minutes

What types of questions does the teacher ask?

The questions are varied from closing and open-ended question. But the
percentage of asking closing question is more than open ended questions.

List all the exact words you hear the teacher uses when asking questions about
the math topic (not review or procedural questions)


What evidence do you see that children have learned some mathematics?

Students are able to do the tasks that given for them without facing
problems. Also, when I walked around to check their work, I asked them
how they got the answer.

What are children saying or doing that shows they understand a new topic?

They are justifying their answer by answering the question (how did they get the answer). Also,
they are able to finish their books without struggling.

How many of the children have an opportunity to talk?

Just 5 students.

Are children talking only when the teacher calls on them?

Unfortunately, students only have an opportunity to talk when the teacher calls
them to answer the questions. They didnt have a chance to express their feeling,
thought and justifying their opinions.

Do children talk to partners or in table groups?

The teacher rarely use this strategy.


Do children raise their hands to ask questions? What are they asking?

Unfortunately, students never raise their hands to ask questions, they raise their
hands only to answer the teachers question, ask for help and ask for a permission.

In your opinion, is the classroom discourse about important and new mathematics?

Why or why not?

I believe that teacher is more concerning on finishing the books rather than being
able to meet individual needs and giving students an opportunity to discuss and talk
about important mathematics. Also, the teacher expected from the students just to
complete the book without concerning about rather than discourage about relevant
and new mathematics.

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