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@marieclaireuk. "Hillary Clinton

Quotes: The Would-be President
in Her Own Words." Marie Claire.
N.p., 21 Oct. 2016. Web. 23 Oct.
By Clicking. "Hillary Clinton
2016." Hillary Clinton 2016. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
"Hillary Clinton's Top 10
Campaign Promises." PolitiFact.
N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.

Hillarys campaign logo


Hillary Clinton promises to

reduce the United States
greenhouse emissions.


She wants to stop people

such as domestic abusers,
violent criminals, and the
severely mentally ill from
owning guns.

Clinton strives to increase

child care investments so
that no family in America
has to pay more than 10
percent of its income to

Stronger Together

-Hillary had many political


Always aim high, work

hard, and care deeply
about what you believe
in. And, when you

Hillary and her running mate, Tim Kaine.

stumble, keep faith.

And, when youre

sponsored and voted for

knocked down, get


Clinton was the first lady

from 1993 to 2001 when her
husband Bill Clinton was the
Right after his terms were
over Hilary Clinton became
a U.S. senator from 2001 to
She ran for the democrat
nominee in 2008 against
Barak Obama. It was clear
Obama would win the seat
so she dropped out. Clinton
ended up becoming the
secretary of state after that.
She was also the secretary
of state for president
Obamas second term.

As senator, she colegislation that would close

right back up and

the gun show loophole,

never listen to anyone

voted against the dangerous

immunity protections for

who says you cant or

gun dealers and

shouldnt go on.

manufacturers, and cosponsored legislation to

extend and reinstate the


assault weapons ban.

As first lady of the United

When Hillary was a young

States, Hillary led the U.S.

lawyer working for the

delegation to the U.N. Fourth

Childrens Defense Fund,

World Conference on Women

Hillary went to South

in Beijing, where she

Carolina to work to stop the

proclaimed that womens

incarceration of teenagers in

rights are human rights.

adult prisons, and she

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