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In conclusion, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an influential abolitionist

who did everything in her power, and more, to convince many that
something had to be done in order to receive all justices from the
government. Stanton focused on cultural, liberal, and dominance
feminism. She gained supporters who were willing to fight for a cause, no
matter the obstacles. They faced leading figures who were against
womens suffrage. Many conventions, protests, meetings, and parades
were held to accomplish goals. In the end, they were successful. The
nineteenth amendment was finally passed and women had equal rights.
For many years, women longed to have salient careers and did not have
the right to own property, engage in business, manage their own wages,
and other income, sue and be sued, and be joint guardian of their own
children (Ibid 1). It took a lot of time, but the struggle eventually came to
an end. No longer do women have to suffer under the influence of men, or
anyone be treated like an outcast, for all US citizens have a voice in this
I believe that Elizabeth cady Stanton was the most enlightening
person of the nineteenth century Womens Rights Movement and the
greatest speaker of her time. She -in my opinion- did more for womens
rights and made more contributions to the events that caused effect for
the future than Susan B. Anthony. Stantons phenomenal writings made a
difference for mankind. Her books easily spread her ideas and captivated
readers. She and her colleagues focused on the issue of suffrage with the
theory that as soon as women gained the right to vote, they could vote
against all the other issues that women had, which mostly applied to
wives. The associations and organizations that they were a part of led to a
greater America, which will never be forgotten. In terms of religion, I am
not the religion that Stanton was, so I disagree with some of her beliefs,
but when it comes to politics, she couldnt be any more correct and

accurate with her declarations. However, some people argue that she
didnt approach womans suffrage in the best way. From my perspective,
all her hard work paid off, I mean, the Senate and the House did end up
voting yes for womens suffrage. Its not how bumpy the road is that
matters, its the final destination that has the most impact.

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