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23 Februari 2016

Selasa 0.02
More than 5 days I didnt what should I do. But it doesnt metter i think, consistent is
more important. About last week in Saturday-mnday I attended one of the fundamental
year agenda in salman, the first training for someone who want to be aktivis in Salman
ITB. It isnt too late right for me. At the beginning, i felt bad, very bad, start from
presentator. So bored. But until Mr. Hemawan speak about human as agent of change
So excited guys, i can feel his spirit. Dream Dream Dream he said. His ambition to
go to Amerika, make me believe again that I have ambition too. And in Monday, after we
have dawn prayer, we got 1 materi called muhasabah, but hehehe I slept because I must
too take a rest. After that we got materi to from Mr Syarif as Kepala YPM Salman ITB.
He talked about condition of Muslis now, so many wrong perception especially me.
We just can show that we are muslim when we use wearing like Arab but our behaviour is
not good enough. We have a recipe but we dont use. Just speak, scream, but we dont
I tired right now guys but over all. Today, I am so happy because 2 thing, the first one
i met girl that i like, and the second is my sister have passed smanpala test. She get the 4
position hopefully she get the best. More than me,

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