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The sample of my work is a strong indicator of my capabilities.

I was inspired to learn

and write about a fantastic Urban Form. I never realized how much meaning and how strong a
role it has in our society until researching and writing this essay. This shows my quality of being
able to learn about the larger picture and think more abstractly as I work on a project. It might
start out for simple reasons, but I am able to develop great understanding and thoughts. This
specific essay was used as my sample work, not just because it shows my writing and thinking
capabilities, but it strongly shows my capability to think from different perspectives and take the
Devils advocate. Not only does this essay showcase my learning, it was a huge factor in my
learning. While writing this essay, I thought of how it applies to my own life: Do I have biases?
Am I a representation of a greater whole? Do I unintentionally further social separation? I
learned that this essay was much greater than a simple hotel. Writing it taught me things I would
have never thought about such as a hotels impact on society or drawing parallels between
myself and the hotel. All in all, this work is a prime representative of my capabilities I have now
and my skill of gaining capabilities as I go along life.

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