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Reading Glossary

Compulsive Shopping: The Real Cost

(Unit 7, page 82)

consume: use or buy

material goods: things that people buy
shifted radically: changed a lot
provisions: things that you need for daily living
acquire: to get or buy
toiletries: products for personal care
acquisitions: things one gets or buys
go overboard: completely exaggerate (in this case, by buying an extreme amount)
excessive: too much
troubling: causing worry or concern
obsessive: something one is unable to stop doing
considerable: a serious amount of
distress: discomfort
anxiety: nervousness
loneliness: sad because one has no friends or people to be with
a priority: a most important activity or interest
well-being: a feeling of comfort
the long and short of it is: the fact is
on the spot: when first seeing it
stick to: stay with

Summit 1, Second Edition

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