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Understand why God changed the name

of Hosea to Joshua
Exchange makes more sense than many realize
posted on 06/17/2015 at 01:30.
Drafting / Photo: Rede Record

Tags: oseias Prophets Moses the Ten Commandments Israel

As seen in the novel The Ten

Commandments , TV Record, the prophet Moses changed the firstborn the name of
the tribe of Ephraim, Hosea (in the photo , played by actor Sidney Sampaio ) to
Joshua, who became one of Israel's spies Canaan - the meraglim - great military
leader in the conquest of the Promised Land, and successor in the leadership of all the
people of God.
It was the custom among the Israelites and neighboring peoples that the names were
given according to their meaning, not only because they are beautiful to the ears of
parents. Also based on meaning was common in those biblical cultures that names of
some people to be changed according to an important function or destination. Moses ,
moved by God, renamed Hoshea ( Salvation in Hebrew) and Joshua ( God is salvation )
making it clear that, from then on, the man fought not with their own strengths, but its
fate would be guided by God himself.
Spy, general and then spiritual leader of all the people, Hosea had a long learning for
decades in the desert next to the Moses, forged for battle and leadership. Moses died

without entering thePromised Land . Hosea, instead, was blessed with the ability
to cross the Jordan River and reach the place that God has reserved for his people.
But that blessing was not it. It was not just receive it and ready. Like any Divine
blessing, the new leader and his proteges had to battle not only to conquer every piece
of territory for which advancing, as they began to build and populate the cities. They
were blessed, but had to watch, fight, build and maintain daily that gift - and not obey it
ever came to losing it several times.
Do not confuse Hosea named Joshua to the prophet Hosea, author of the book of the
same name in the Bible, who lived much later, when Israel and Judah were already
kingdoms (from 780 to 725 BC - BC).
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