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In the short story Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, Poe creates suspense in the scene

where the main character peeks through the old mans door each night for 8 nights. For
example, Poe uses the fear of the unknown to create suspense. The main character says, And
this I did for seven long nights-every night just after midnight-but I found that the eye was
always closed. (84) Poe makes sure we do not know which night he will kill the old man so that
we will keep reading. We know that he will kill him, we just dont know when. This creates
suspense because he is creating fear about what will happen next. Its just like a Jack-in-a-box.
Jack-in-a-box creates suspense by not telling us when it will pop up. Its the fear of the unknown
that creates suspense.
Poe also uses the technique of choosing vivid words to describe dramatic sights and
sounds to create suspense. During the eighth night the main character sneaks into the mans
room and says, Many at a night, just at midnight, when all the world slept, it has welled up from
my own bosom, deepening, with all its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me. (84) By
using these vivid words Poe creates a picture in your head of the scene. By making you feel like
youre there in the scene he creates suspense.
As you can clearly see Poe uses the fear of the unknown and selection of descriptive
words to create suspense in Tell-Tale Heart.

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