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make short note of notes of classes

read the topics to be taught in class earlier which is to be tach next day
to increase the efficiency in class make sure
to underline and hightlight the impotant word or line of the para
make a summuray immediately after the clss lecture is over which will talke very
short time
make commitment to remember the formula or important point as soon as the teache
r pronounces
attempt all q in classes
remember the formula or theory as soon as u reach home
revise the theory in just 1.5 hrs max(of combined pcm i.e.approx 0.5 hrs for eac
h subject)
do the work alloted to u today although the work has to be submitted after 2-3 d
revise what was done in previous class as soon as u get up from bed
to get rank in top 10 get 85% in resonance tests
to get rank in top 50 get 80% in resonance tests
rkv sir 9314003894
to get rank in top 100 get 78% in resonance test series
donot sit except chair while studying
early to bed early to rise
use the regular activities as breakers i.e free time
2 weeks of december for revision and 2 weeks for tests
11th classs shld b revised fully b4 1st april
target to b decided for scholarship test of reso at the end of 11th shld be 50%
least self study in 12th class =8 hrs
analyze and remeber the mistakes from tests
optical instruments r for mains and boards
if in dps q frm 11th class does not get solved then open that particular topic r
evise that and move forward
keep on changing the list of formula.utilize the break of school to revise formu
la book
underline all imp points u get in home after class by a narker.shld take approx
45 min in total i.e. 15 min for each sub

average 60% of the lecture

After revising that day it
after q solving it becomes
after solving exam jee adv

taught is understable by student

becomes 80%
and mains it becomes 95%

sleeping time 11:00pm-5:00am

study at the time and dont sleep at the time when the jee mains and adv are cond

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