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Alexa Parisi

Stanley Baran
Com 601
September 21, 2016
Discussion Questions
Chapter 5: The Message by Littlejohn
1. According to Saussure, what is the difference between language (langue) and
speech (parole)? (pgs. 124-125)

2. What are the two trends that emerged in the 1950s? Why do you think there
was a shift in viewing solely a structural approach to linguistics? (pgs. 125126)

3. Why are most nonverbal codes considered analogic? Give an example of

what this means. (p. 126)

4. Biological limitations within kinesics - What are some thoughts you have
regarding physical or biological limitations and nonverbals? (pg. 127)
a. Do you think that people with physical disabilities that limit their
control over their kinesics, haptics, and paralanguage (such as cerebral
palsy) have a more difficult time getting their nonverbal message
across than others? Why or why not?
b. Do you think people have a harder time fully understanding people
with physical limitations because kinesics is part of a larger picture of
nonverbal? (pg. 127)

5. Give a unique example of each nonverbal classification: emblem, illustrator,

adaptors, regulators, affect display (pg. 128)

6. Do you agree more with the Theory of Distanciation or the Reader-Response

Theory? Why? (pgs. 132-134)

7. Give an example of a complete argument using Toulmins 6 part model. (pg.


8. What four acts are accomplished when making a statement, according to the
Speech Act Theory? (pg. 145)

9. On page 149 we read that language was invented to more accurately express
the perceptions and meanings of men, by means of a more-masculinized
language. There are examples for words that express the meanings and
perceptions of women, but can you think of any particular words in the
English language that describe experiences solely for men?

10.What is the action assembly process? Do you believe that action assembly is
a skill within interpersonal communication that can distinguish someone with
high communication competence to someone with low communication
competence? (pgs. 152-14).

11.Why is the psychological concept of constructivism so important to the field

of communication? (pgs. 158-159).

12.What are some ways in which large corporations without the general publics
best interest in mind (such as McDonalds) use Politeness Theory in the
media? (pg. 161)

13.Do you think biology or the communicators traits have anything to do with
Planning Theory? Why or why not? (pg. 164)

Constructivism: A General Theory of Communication Skill by Burleson

1. Which three properties of the interpersonal construct system are particularly
important in determining our general level of social perception skill? What
does having a high social perception skill mean? (pg. 111-112)

2. Why are person-centered messages deemed more effective than messages

that are not person-centered? (pgs. 114-115)

3. Do you think that interpersonal cognitive complexity is something that is

more inherent, or something that is more learned within the individual? Why
do you think so?

4. What is the relationship between politeness theory and person-centered

messages within constructivism? (pg. 117)

5. Why do you think message reception has gotten far less research attention
than message production and social perception skill?

6. Which of the seven self-improvement methods for functional communication

skills do you think is most important? Why? (pgs. 124-125)

The Impact of Supervisor and Subordinate Immediacy on Relational and

Organizational Outcomes by Richmond and McCroskey
1. What exactly is nonverbal immediacy?

2. Why do you think there is a relationship between nonverbal immediacy and

job satisfaction?

3. Would you consider nonverbal immediacy to be classified as emblem,

illustrator, or adaptor? Why? (pg. 128, Littlejohn)

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