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did you decide on what the Company ended up doing?

In the class when we have to form the teams we have come up

this idea of how as customer we are facing problems while
splitting bills in restaurants. Then we came up the idea of some
innovative way of splitting bills then we decided to do this by way
of a smart phone application.
As we were all from different nationalities, may be because of that
in the starting we have different views towards how we shape our
startup .But slowly and slowly we all came up in line and we all
begin contributing in each other efforts.
As a team we have lot of advantages, as we distributed the task
among ourselves and wherever whenever we struck about how to
go ahead ,we brainstormed and as team we always came up with
the solution. And as we have different background and different
work experience so as a team ,diverse experience helped in
solving problems that came up at times. From my experience I
dont think there are any disadvantages of working in team.Only
small thing came up was our timings issue as we are students we
are not working full time in startup. But we resolved that too as a

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