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And what did they see?

You may not remember it, having gone to other places being so young, but
here it is believed that on the Summer Sabbath the pale forms of all the people
of the parish who are near death within a year may be Views entering the
church. Those who manage to overcome their illness or illness leave after a
while; Those who are condemned to die do not come out again.
what did you see? William's wife asked again
Well, Nancy started retreeding, I do not need to tell her what we saw or who we
You saw my husband, said Betty Privett, serenely.
Well, since he says so, said Nancy, slowly, we thought we'd see him; But it was
very dark and we were scared, and of course it might not have been him.
Nancy, you do not need to continue, he never left the church, I know as well as
Nancy did not answer yes or no to that statement, and nothing more was said.
But three days later, William Privett was mowing with John Chiles in Mr.
Hardcome's meadow, and in the heat of the day they sat down to eat
something under a tree, and they poured a bottle of wine. Then they fell asleep
seated, Jhon Chiles was the first to wake up, and when I look around at his coworker, came one of those great and white spirits that we call-so to speak-mill
moths, which came out of the mouth Open as William slept and flew away. Jhon
thought this was rather strange, since William had been working in a mill for
several years. Then he looked up at the sky, and noticed by the passing of the
sun, that they had been asleep for a long time, and as William did not wake,
John called him and told him that it was time to go back to work. His friend
remained immobile, and when John moved, he realized that he was dead.
Now that same day, old Philip Hookhorn went down to Longpuddle, to find a
song of agura, and when he returned, what person did he say he had seen
descending the stream on the other bank but William, who looked very pale
and aged ? This surprised much to Philio Hookhorn, since for several years the
small son of William - his only son - had drowned while playing in that same
place, and this had attacked the good judgment of William since he never again
was seen near the Longpuddle after this fact, and it has been known that he
took a road that takes him half a mile to avoid this place. It was later said that
William could not have been in the brook, for he was at that very moment two
miles away; Not to mention the fact that he died at the same time he was seen.
A melancholy story, I observe the man, after a minute of silence.

If, although, we have to take all the ups and downs of life, said the farmer's

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