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7 a absolutel Introduction Have you ever entered 2 room, looked around it and as you make eye contact with others, you begin to feel the energy shit to ‘things lke hostility, ange, and gui? You can feel the negative emotions drain you and you Degin to feel your energy sucked right out of you. Now imagine stepping inside that same oom, making. eye contact and feling tho energy shift to felings of excitement, Dnapiness, an comfort feelings of petty ‘What if could always be ke this? What if these felngs were your own peroeptons of the situation ~ meaning that the people wero always neutral, but you had a preconceived negative view that people would be thinking ncgatve thoughts of you? Imagine how good it would feel if you were able to fip thse negative thoughts to postive ones 30 that people were always exited and happy to soe you because you are filed with pstivty. You fel better and much more confident around people, and more importantiy you feel mach Detter being with yourclt 1 postsity has the power to completely sift the felings, imagine the effects it ean have on you as an individual. If you allow ourself to have positivity a the core of who you ae as a person, imagine how awesome life ‘would be. Imagine how many people will enjoy ‘eine in your presence, how muct happier you ‘wl feel going to work and even doing mundane ‘asks. Imagine how great it would fel to get ‘ut ofa negative slump that's keeping you from ‘moving forward i ie Posty brings so much more happiness Into people’? lives. It also brags “more abundance andthe power to attract more into your life including better people, more wealth, and improved inner thoughts. Many of the happiest and most sucessful people used the power of positive thinking, Some of these people include: Dr. Wasne Dyer, Nelson Mandela, Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma ‘Gandhi, and Issac Newton. Positive thinking needs to be 2 daily practie. It will not happen overnight, but rather i needs tobe a onscios effort of being aware of your thoughts and statements to determine i they are coming fom aneztie ot 2 postive place Being consciously aware of your thoughts i the fist step before it can fenter the ‘uneonsclous mind and become a Ibi. [tis beloved that # takes go days of “lor to form a habit. Therefor, fy ake the steps and appl the stratees youl read about {in tis book fora consistent o days, you vill ‘be well on your way to thinking more postively, feeling happier, and attracting more into youre, Chapter 1: The Road to Positivity "Keep your thoughts positive eeaute your ‘Boughts become your words Keep your words positive Beause your words become your ‘nchvior. Keep your behavior positive beeause our behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits psiteebeceuse you habits become our values. Kep your values postive because {your values become your destiny.” “Mahatma Gandhi venting happens for a reason and ‘many things can change your lif: They ean ‘knock you down oF they ea lift you up, bt at ‘thon of the da, itall pends on you. I all in your mind. You, your neighber, your ‘workmates and your trends all experience the same thing but what makes i diferent is how you acep, rene to, and view the creumstance Every human experience has two dimensions, just like a coin with two sides. It hha both a negative component and a positive fone, and one weighs heavier than the other, ‘exch one bearing diferent results. When you {lp «coin and hold in your hand, you only see one side, but it doesn't mean that you only Ihave one option. There is another side that cst, and itis up to you to flip it around to train yourself to become a postive thinks, For example if you did not got accepted uring your job interview, there are two things ‘that you ean do. You ean give up the job hunt and tell yourself that you area failure, You can stop hoping that you wil be success in your carer and you ean stay ight where you are. Or {you can ext the interviaw toot, bel your head high and tell yourself thatthe ob sight for you; you wil get something beter. With ths, ‘sot went on t look for another jb hoping that you sueeedin your endeavor Ifyou choose the fist, you automatally lose the chance for success. It is depriving, yourself of the ‘pportunity to be happy. The opposite is true for the second option. Choosing the second option means taking steps to bring you closer toward your oa ‘When you have been going through something negative for long pero of tie, such as dvoreeo “hopeless” job hunt, you've surely heard people eling you that there fsx Tight atthe end ofthe tunnel This eh sfatenent steve in that the bad wil ot ast onever, and thatyou need to have hope Believing that a positive thing would ome out of something negative isnot eas. Te tay sound miraculous event and people have the tendency toe skeptic about. How can a ‘ad thing yield a good thing? The ting i what you are going through is not relly negative ‘The negativity of ital is just a prodoet of our mind wil ony become negative once you let yourself alive that itis ‘Though it ie also tre that optimism ie rot just something that can be achieve ‘overnight itis something that you ean achieve ‘with time and practice You may have been thinking that optimism is fut a matter of the mind. Wel there's some truth to it bat not ‘ntrly. Optimism i also something that you do and say. t ean be developed with the words ou choose to use, and the thoughts ou choose toe enter your mind. Focus on your goal 1m everthing that you do, nthing will ‘make you close o your goal than focusing on 4 Always keep your goal In mind so you dont lose your way. When you fl the job intersie, don't think of it as losing your chance to succeed. Keeping the goal in mind will help you say motivated as you work frit For evample, ‘maybe you nee to get Jo to suppor yoursel, your famay, buy a house, get that ear you've beamed about for years, ete. What Is your ‘motivation? Foeus gives you diretion and when you ‘know where you ar going, even if you ge ost slong the way, you wll stil get back om tack. ‘Remember how peopl tell you that i's better Inte than never? It practically means the sume thing here. The ability to remind yourself of way you are doing something has power in itself and ean energize you. Gratitude Gratitude goes a long way. believe sgatinde and happiness are closely ted Aogethe. When your grateful for things or qualities you possess you're much more likely to create happiness in your if. For example, you might be grateful for the conversation you Ina yestorday with 2 fiond or relative; or you right be grateful for your ability to communicate effectively with your eosnarkes, ‘explaining how your ideas ate imperative to the success of @ particular projeet. Even being -rlefl forthe things people take for granted, Such as food to est othe ality to walk or being loved, can bing in @ refreshing sense of jovand bapiness, Happiness not always getting what you ‘vant when you want it Often times, it means being content and appreciating what yon have "Tis might get you asking how inthe woe you can appeeciate something lke fling a Job Interview. It doesnot mean you're a falure, it simply means that you were not the person they were looking for and that there is something beter out therefor you, Maybe you can think ofthe interview as proctioe and with each interview you hav, the ‘more confident and better you wll gt; maybe you lene something from the interaction or fiom your experience that you can be appreciative of or grateful for, allowing yourself to improve for your next interiew you and Jearn from your mistakes, Condition yourself For a machine to funetion propesly it reeds conditioning. Your body, in onder to optimally unetion, needs warm-up every ‘moming. This praiple equally holds true ‘the way you lve you hf. Thats wherea tual ‘orroutine cen make a worl of difference. What are a few things you can do to condition yourself to being happy every morning? A few coamples might include: 50 jumping jacks to get your blood flvrng and fooling energized or being grateful for being alive and breathing; ot positive afimations to resmind yourself of the amazing qualives you have, Fe Persistent and Resilient Life is a joumey. If you don't keep ‘moving, youll get let behind. Alvays push ourself to ty’ out new things and challenge yourself to keep moving forward even when the times got tough. Thee may be obstacles along the way, but yon canary nok them doves, ‘You ate naturally creative and resource, You ‘wl find your way aronnd them and you bave the atiity to overcome them Don" just react; respond Reaction is an immediate response to a situation, I ike 9 reflex that is antomatio ‘vinen you encounter something, When you accidentally touch & hot stove, you refesvely retnove your hands from it Though this reflex 4s natural protective mechanism of the bods, rot eveything canbe managed with his simple reflex. Sometimes, tobe able to protect yourself, you must think fst before acting, or respond instzad of eat. When you are hungry, you reset by sgabbing any food that you see. When you respond, you think of ways to get food inthe shortest time possible and ways to avoid being Doungry in the future. Tf you want to be an ‘optimistic person, isnot enough that you just eget to the situation. Don't just ary oF give up or stop moving, Respond to every falure by thunking of ways that you ean succeed the next time you encounter the same adversity. That is hhow we grow a individuals Chapter 2: Ways toa Stress-Free Life "Adopting the right attitude can convert anegative stress into a positive oe. “Hans Selye Many people don't see the good side of. things because they ae too preoceupied dealing with thelr worries, fears, ansleties and stressors. Stress has always been pereived as something negative but it is so ionic that people always seem to 100k for things to stress bout. When they wake upin the moring, they think of what they are going to wea, how they ave golng to reach thelr office in the fastest possible way, whom they are going to have Tunch with and what time they could get back Thome, These simple things may seem so ‘uncomplicated and benign, but the truths, they can cause great worries and unnecessary stress atthe end of the dy. No matter what you do, and no matter Dhow you try to avoid i, stress wil always be thor, waling around the coeaee for you to come and gett. Infact, you need ito fonction ropes: Fr example, you ae preparing for an ‘eam oF work presentation tomereow and you are feeling some stress about it To relieve some of the stress, what you do is you stay and prepare for st Though stress here is something that you don't see a postive, your responce to it.The next thing you knot i= that you did very well of the exam or presentation! Imagine if you are not worse about your exam, The most likely thing you'd dos you won' prepare fori Sometines, not feeling the stress is more dangerous because you don't pers any harm and your body a5 Iams situation, tess takes on diferent fons. It ca be ‘nla, whic is something that you can easly overcome, or it could be something more severe, something that can exhaust you of our ‘energy and resources, Mild stress, just ike the example given above, is helpfl because it ‘eens you prepared for wha’s going to happen, [But ifthe stress isso severe that you don't now what to do ansmore, then it becomes arma ‘when you fel that you can no longer perform well n your Jo, when yon ean no Jonge think staght, or when you think that you are not anymore geting the results that you wat to achleve, you are Iikely undergoing ‘severe stress. A this point it isnot avisabe to continue with what you are doing. Just ike a ‘machine that has boon exossvely sed, people inffciently function nen they are under severe sues, Eliminating the stressors is not easy but theze are ways you ean doit Don't try to control everything People have the tendency to contrel everything: their time, money, and other people. What they dont know is tat they get ‘mort ofthe stress comes from tying to contre. everthing. 5 not bad to be carefree every ‘once ina while Give yourself some freon by rot thinking about your bills at home, your work deadlines and the traffle Jam outside ‘Recopuze that at the moment these things are cut of your contra. ‘You can avoid thinking about them (Change your mindset You ean use the analogy ‘oft dresser. In the bottom drawer you ca store all your stresses and worries Inthe tp denver you can sore all your happy thoughts and ‘things you're gateful for. So 4 youre having Aint changing your mindset or Moughts, 0 ahead and place thera in the bottom drawer and grab something fom the top one. Spend one hour a day without technology 1 i true that technology plays an Amportant role in people's lives. However, itis iso true that i takes wp a ange part of one's time. People are meant for interaction and slization. Though technology, ke sartpbones, tablets and computers ate meant for communication, people nowadays forget and do not seem to bother talking with thelr ‘dasemates, co-workers and eighbors tis if thi minds have been taken over by these sides ‘These gadgets can be a source of daitional sess. Spending one hour day (or Tonge) wthont her wold be helpful way of relieving your srs It can be very challenging for some to not check their email or look at their phone for even one hour. Insead of Interacting with your startphone or computer, talk with the people around you laugh out loud ‘vith then and share stories ith them. You'll seo how refreshing and energizing tis canbe or more information on strategies for teling stores, and strategies for taking. to strangers and making nev fiend, check out ‘TheStosteling Method, and The Conversation ‘Method, whieh wil give your social life a new stot wings ‘Take a Time Out ‘Time out i for those who ate brave ‘enough to take a step back and rethink of ‘everything. Taking a timeout does not mean ving up, it just means that there are some things that you need to take care of before proceeding tothe next step. In a sense, stS 2 ‘way to unwind and lok atthe big pleture and efocus on what is important about whatever you ae current working on ‘Stee often rests from too much work and not giving your body or mind enough time to rela. Give yourself a break from working ‘aking short ork breaks each hour iereases productivity. Even a short 2 ~ 5 minute break to stretch your bods, or 5 minutes to valk around or 5 minutes to step ouside and get some fresh air will help. When you continue ‘working despite exhasstion, you may proce unsatisfactory resalts that can farther aggravate your stess, Some people like to Teditate and others like to take a wal to lear the mind. Sogo ahead and take that timeout {vein the present moment Most of the anviey, worry, and stress that you fel aise from thinking about the ‘ture or the past. You stress about hat What if you did tis or what f90u did not do that? You worry whether it's going to rain or ‘whether you can meet the deadline of your assignment Livein the present so that much of our worries and anxiety wll be eliminated. A rule Tike to seis the 60/20 rule ~ spending 80% of my time enjoying the present moment, and 20% of my time thinking of the future or ‘what Ucn lear from my past. Life most fun and relaxing when you are enjeying the present yon want to Team more aut how to Wwe inthe present moment, 1 highly recommend my book tied How To Live In the Present Moment, which has proven to be an ‘eye-opening experience for many readers. Chapter 3: Build Your Confidence “wth everything that has happened to you, you ea either feel sorry for yourself or ‘peat what has happened as ag Rventhing {seltheran opportunity to grow or an obstacle to eep you from growing. You gett ehoose." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer People have different views on how ‘confidence is allt Sonne belive i comes from ‘elng popular in sshool or in your career. For other believes coms frm being bestfal ot Ihandsome, or being the richest in town, Orit ould mean being able to. accomplish something or being 4 member of a certain _toup of people, Ifyou ae gong to use these Aefnitions of confidence it seems that it is Aietiy assisted with material and physeal things: The reality #8 that confidence comes ‘rom within, and through ths all he external things can be achieved Confidence is something that dos not only tak about a certain aspect of a person; rather it refers to the wholeness of the person—the physical, emotional, ineletial sspects,a¢ well as strengths and weaknesses Appreciating who you really are and being able te proud walk out nto the word th all your attributes, both good and bad, i the real ‘essence of sel confidencs, ‘The advantage of improving your salconfdence i not only about being ale to do what you want, but It also gives you a Positive ttitude. Imagine yourself being Ssppointed as a leader ina team, given that you hho all the qualifications. At the same time ‘imagine that you do not believe in yourself and are not confident in your abies, iis lkely ‘hat you would refuse the poston. You fear that you cannot fulfll the responsibilities associated wit leadership due to your lek of self-confidence. However ou stil have ll the ‘qualifications and abilities to dt, but you stil rest ‘You may not be the best leader at fest, ‘ut you will be, and your confidence wil gow 2s you gun mote experience with the postion, (Confidence is built frm practicing something cover and over agin (nthe other hand, iFyou are the type of person whe is slready confident, knowing that you have the aby and dhe cacy to become leader then you would most likely accept the position and the responsibilies asscited ‘witht, With improved se-confidence, you are able to lit your spits, believe that you ean do ‘and that you can accomplish whatever ts that you need to do. Maving good seltconidence can sometimes be equated with being strong and resilient Everything that you do requires strength, not only phys, but mentally as ‘wel The will to gt up from bed esly inthe morning to goto work or to schoo is already sgn of strenght. You are abe to overeome the temptation of Just ying your be, going ack to sleep and spending the rest ofthe day being aay. Being confident with what you do dives 04 to achieve your goals, work at your est and ‘overcome any challenges that come your way ‘When you are confident in who you are, you Yecome stronger and more resent to avery. ‘techniques to build confidences 1 Be Realistic Low self-confidence often stems from setting goals and expectations that are too high ‘or unrealistic. Though ts help to sim high, 4 Is also noteworthy 10 Keep your goals realist, Keeping in mind your strengths and swoaknessee, Ifyou want to buy a house ana lot ‘worth $1,000,000 and you are just caring $5,000 + month, #4 not eelistle to Say that you can buy that property within few months. ‘When you are not able to achieve your soa win the time frame that you set, there's the tendensy that you'll get discouraged and ‘uumotisted This will cause your self-confidence to go down. Therefore, set realistic goals ~ even if they seom super small becnise there is 2 sense of Flfllment from achieving goals. gain, Tenovurage you to set big goals, but do mako them realistic, even if sou have to start with tiny steps such setting 2 day and time to make a budget ~ in order to ‘ang you doser to a realistic tmeftame of ‘wen you can bay 2 house oe what house you can afford, For more information on setting goals, 1 highly recommend my book on Gaal Satins, wre it goes into detail about setting SMART. goals and staying motivated 2. Acknowledge strengths and accept weaknesses ‘Your selconfidence is founded on your strengths apd weaknesses, and its mportant {or you to be avare them Know which of your characteristics ned improvement and know whieh ones you ean use to your advantage ‘Working your way up doesnot stop with just ‘knowing them; you have to use them, improve ‘on them and work with them. For example, you Jknow deep down that you are a good leaer. ‘When the opportunity to lead eomes your way, sab and maximize your potential, Making use of your strengths will make you more svar of your ails and will gve you the ‘opportunity to keep improving. Meanwhile, tis Iso important that you don't ignore your ‘weaknesses, The more you challenge your ‘weaknesses and eflet on them, the faster you ll improve Don't compare Most people love comparing themselves with other people. What makes her better? ‘What makes him the bose’ favorite? What qualities do T not have that he has? These are just some of the questions that people ask ‘whenever they see someone they think is better than them. Comparing yourself with other people ‘wil just highlight your weaknesses more than your strengths. It's nonsense because everyone is good at cortain things and tad at other ‘things. No ones going tobe good at everthing. Instead of comparing youself with other people, you ean compare your futare self to the ‘ldone. One ofthe goat things about emotions fis that they are elastic and have the ability to ‘ange if we ease odo so. You ean take note ‘of your eharactristis that you want to change, ‘work on it for the next month and then reecaluate yourself Oryou can look at yourself nov and compare yourself to wo you used to be. If you were once very ontoling and bossy, you ean ask yourself whether you sill are or ‘ot Ifyou were ance a pessimist person, you can check-in with youself and see if you are ‘ow an optimistic person. People change and you are not an exception. Change forthe better and don't compare yourself with other people 4- Praise and reward yourself Negative selPtalk usually arises when you fel that you are not loved or appreciated by the people around you. The realty i that you don't need them to make you fee beter. Before looking for someone who ean prise you, eam to prise yourself Pat yourself on the shoulder or congratulate yourself fora jb well done After al, it sony you who knows ow ‘much effort and how much time you have invested, For example, when you ave stceesfully closed a deal with your business partner, ret Yourself to dinner or something special for yourself Doa't walt for someone se to congratulate you 5: Be Assertive ‘orsay nothing and hope thet he moves; or you ‘an sn "Excise me" and vat forthe person to People sometimes mistake assertiveness pq asie, Ofcourse, the fis one Mt be with aggressiveness. Assertiveness isthe faster way bat may cause harm, and the something admirable and positive, widle Segond would lly be ineffective, whereas the aggressiveness cane perceived aS more ater isthe better option beeause you get what negative, Being aggressive is often seen as yoy want without causing harm to others. If achieving your goals however possible and in Sou want to achieve something, assert youre. ‘whatever way you can, evens tudes harm Thiete the way to gt the most fective eclt. to others. On the other hand, assectiveness is schiving your goal with consideration for the people who are involved, making sure tht no ‘one gts hur along the vay. ‘A\ simple scenario sowing the Aiferences between being passive, aggressive, and assertive could be when you are ina hur ‘walking through a cowed street and someone stands In your way. Tere are three possible ‘things that can happen. You ean either push or shout at the person and demand that he moves; bbe productive. Whereas positivity i about a having a posve atitude = even when Chapter 4: Bring On challenging situations arise. One psychologist ee ‘once theorized that you atuact what you think Positivity bout most. Tiss the Law of attraction and it says that when you think of and focus on “Man often bocomes what he believes something, wil happen. Remember how you himsel/to be. Af Theep on saying to myself that wished to not sea certain person and yon di? Toannot doa certamn thing trispessible that! You foes your thoughts and energy on tha ‘may end by realy becoming incapable of doing _partcalar person, and there they were! Wel, it On the contrary, {fT have the bei that I tha’ an of attraction. can do tI shal surely acquire the capacity to do t even if may not have i ct he bagiing.” ‘This theory trae whether you are “MahatmaGandki ‘Waking neyatve or postive thoughts. The ‘more you think of negative thoughts, the more you'll encounter nogatve things. Lats look at Optimism snot just asate of the mind: is serrare maine outs tne tn horing 4 is also shown through your actions and Sou way to work with a atic jam on the words. IF your work gets canceled due t0 Set uma natre tells YOU Stare WOrTINE ‘inclement weather, an optimistic person would Ygeause you might be late to work. When you enjoy thetime ofr workon somethingelse to fa you ecde to get out of te ea ond powor-walk your way through the traffic jam, As you are walking, you keep looking at your watch, teking and Geking. Twenty’ minutes ‘uni Woek became ten that pil became Atthis point you're stressed and sending out ll ‘ypes of negative energy. As you cross the street ‘lle Tooking at your wate, @ ea his you. It ‘may not be a bg hit but you sil felt the pain And because you are very anxious and stressed uring that time, you shout atthe driver and confront hi. Now the clock says you are late ‘With this senaro, you can see that a caseate of events will happen once you strongly think negative thoughts. ‘The sameis true when you think of more positive thoughts. When you are about to enter your workplace, you started tellin yourself that you can do all your tasks for the day. You ‘ected everyone with a smile on your fae, ound your way to your desk and pleasantly started working, Even if pile of unfinished papers grected you that morning, you did not ‘ani. Instead, you took.a ook at each of them and petized them. You grouped all papers ‘needing immediate attention and you did the same for the notso-urgent ones. With a posive attitude, you gradually nish them all ‘without indie stress, For more information on ‘ising words to attract more into your lf T recommend my booktitle The Power of NLP. Adopting positivity, Just Uke other processes, takes time. You need to conslously make an etfort to practice it every moment of very day, whatever comes sour way, ni it becomes «good habit. Aaa, itis believed that it takes gods of consistently doing something to form a habit. Adopting postity {s@ commitment and you have tobe fifa adopting postty not only in your thoughts, ‘ut also in your actions and words. Below are some strategies to begin with posit. Re healthy: Many people don't think they can ‘manage thelr problems because they are sik or ‘because they fel too weak to accomplish their tasks. If this is the case, the best way to counteract i to stay healthy, Start a heathy ‘ety by eating 2 balance and halt det — ‘one that has the Hight amount of earboidrates, proteins, and other sources thats right for you. A food regimen that contains plenty of vegetables and fruits is good beeause they contain mins and minerals that are essential for the proper Functioning of your ol, Exercises another way of maintaining a Inalthy Hfestle:Exereise does not only make your body stronger and your muscles lnger, but cxeris i a good way of relieving stress and energizing yourself Ifyou exerise regulary, you'll have the zest to work the whole day ‘Without exercise or god nutrition, youl often feel ay, inadequate and weak. ‘Change the way you think ‘Though changing the way you think is 35. Aifiul as changing the way you were brought 1, itis something that you ean achieve over ‘ume. Emotions are things that we ultimately Ihave control over, and we have the ably to change the way we feel about certaln things Much oft ean be changed shift of perspectives forthe ay wo view certain situations Tink of wars to tum your negative thoughts into positive ones and do not let these negative ‘thoughts contol you. Ack yourself, what is one positive tng Tean take out of this negative perspective? Then, look for another postive ‘hing, and focus your energy on those posite things instead ofthe negative ones. ‘Start positive self-talk, ‘You don't need other people to ‘encourage you. You can do it to yourslf. A spe "Good Job!” or “Congratulations!” can already do the trick What is even better with this method is tht you don't need a specie time to do it. You can do this when you are busy, or when you are not doing anything or wien you are eating. You don't need anyone to do his, either. It may sound silly bats works Talk to yourself like talking toa fend, encourage yourself, rae youself and always ‘emind yourself that you are powerful enough to overcome all the challenges that you will ‘encounter in thefts Ifyou are ding Something fr the fest time, dont be afta A negative setae may oun ik, 7 don't nove how todo this” bat positive selalk would say, “This is @ new experience and 1 will learn new things from this” Ifyou want todo something but you don't have the resources, a negative seftalk would sy, "Teamnot dot because T need this fs.” A postive soltalk would most likely be, doit. just ned to got this fist” Always look forward to something very day, you gett eneounter diferent challenges, experience various events oF meet new people. When you sce the things ‘happening to you as belng part of something rem, then you are attracting postive things into yourlife Poshisty and optimism stat with a positive atitude. You ean gain optimism by anticipating that something good will come out fof whatever i you are going through right Chapter 5: Half Empty or Half Full? “optimism isthe most important hurt ‘mat, because alow uso evolve our ideas, to improve our atuation, and o hope fora ‘eter tomorrow.” “Seth Godin When people see a glass alle with ‘water they ean 3e it a either half fll o half empiy Seeing a glass as half empty sa sign of negativity, while seeing a glass half fll s the ‘opposite. The wey you perceive this scenario reflects how you perceive your life, Take a ‘moment and think about how you peeve the las, It hlf fal orbalferpty? you se the glass as af fll t means that youre on your way to positive thinking. It may not be as fast as pouring water into the lis unt overlows, bat i something that sow can achiewe sith time, If yu soe the glass ashalfempy,itmeans that you belicve there is nothing you can do to take control of your ie However, if your glass i half empty, the good news is that it is possible to change, as all emotions are flee or elas. AK the end of the day, when you. 1ook ‘dk on the things that have tranpited oF the things that you have leaned, you have the cote to se the glass a half empty or hal fl IRisyourehoie, and no oneal's Positivity is complex that does not ‘work thou the presence of the other parts [As mentioned in the ealer parts ofthe book, you need to be postive not only in your ‘thoughts, butin your words and actions aswel, All Uese elements must work ha it hand to achieve complet opcimism. Thinking postive without acting posiively is useless. 1 ie ike ‘nowing what you want but not aking action to gett Words ae as equally important beense they frm emotions and either help or deter you through challenging situations. Poskive self-talk a form of catharsis that helps you express your emotions and be aware of them. Once you have acknowledged your emotions, you can easily find a way on hho to ares thom. Then you can let goof tho ncgatve impacts of your experiences and pat a more positive tone tit Everything isa matter of perspective. It {sup to you to make the choie of how you respond to life. you choose negative, you will lose. you choose positive, youl flourish, Conclusion |A postive attitude feoohes you that anwthing is possible, With positivity, you are fonfdent and more willing to tke on new shallenges. You are resto fae the word and you wll not be ata to conquer Your fears. 1 eneourage you to read this book again and use it a8 a reminder of how you ean ‘continue to implement positive mindset tis fone of the greatest strategies that we as ‘humans can develop and rin ourselves odo. 1 may not be easy to remain positive especially when tough situations arise, Dut remember that you have power over jour ‘motions, and you are the enly one who can ont what you are doing, how you feel toward situations, and how you respond to Continue 19 make positive thinking a Aly practice unt it becomes habit eich — 2s stated previously ~ takes 30 days of ‘eanscious effort to form Last Chancel Click hereto receive ‘hooks absolutely free! ‘The Power of NLP Attract More Wealth, Better Health, And Improve Relationships ‘Matt Morris, CPCC Table of Contents: Introduction ‘Newro-linguistie Programming (NLP) {sa field of study in Paychology that unlocks Jnuman poteatial by changing the way we see ‘things solves oar problems by shitng our perspectives so that we can improve our ives (Witkowsls, 2010). Then t follows change in Tangnage oF replaces a word used i a sentence te completly shift the emotion or fealng produced by the sentence ‘Changing how we perceive and enti ideas will change how our ming reacts (or responds). Our brain s programmed to rene to ‘arous phenomena simply by realling concepts based on habits, pens, nd strstgiea NLP techniques canbe sed ‘lange these habis to get the results we dese (ils, 980). ‘Neuro-Lingustie Programming (NLP) was loneerd inthe 1970s ya Linguistic specialist ‘named Jon Grinder and Gestalt therapist ‘named Richard Brander. They Ueovized that ‘our minds are tie closely to our language and ‘behavior. Mee techniques were proven fective against stage right, phobias and anxiety Hofmann, 2005), However, NLP is ot limited to solving phobias and anxiety. ts biggest use is inthe el of interpersonal relationships and communicating more electives [NLPhas shown people how to adapt to ‘various personality types eating more ‘apport, harmony and fsendships tt has ‘prosed our ability to connect with eachother sothat we can understand eachother ata deeper level. For example, talons yeu to jut the ype of language you use in order ‘connect with that person easier, based on ‘whether the person isa visual, Knesthete, oF auditory learner simply by watching their ee ‘movements (diseussedin Chapter 2) [NLPhas also shown us that ae the bigest solution to any challenge we may be facing You have the ability to ehoose to et your ‘motions work for you or against you, Problems ae caused by choices and deisions that ave already ben made, and the right ‘nlndset can often relieve them of ay Aisppointment, ange, and stress ach person has ereate ther own vision ofthe word with thee five senses Our senses ‘qoates mental map out ofthe things we se, dear, taste, sinell and touch, These mental ‘maps ae how we prceive the world Homever, ‘his pereption dessa mean it’ fatual, or the nae reality. tis a subjective reality which is ‘the concept of varying perspectives anexample of subjective reality water ‘Swimmers il think about going towards the ‘seato enjoy the water. Others wil standin shock over the fea of downing. Two subjective realities are reveaec vitor ean enjovable ple and water Kills, The contrasting ideas happen becnasepoopl have ferent ‘achgrounds. The person with Hydrophobia possibly hada neardeath experience during ‘lildhood that carried on towards adulthoed. ‘The swimmer on the other hand, might have ‘ben taught how to swim at an early age and ts enjoys the sea Chapter 1. How To Build Rapport Baling eendship harmony and, most Importantly, truss the key to lourshing relationships. These are core components to building apport, which isa sense of acceptance and test. Having gol among each other an make easier forusto open up, connect and have amazing interactions. Everody has theirown type of person they naturally lick with or prefer to interact. If ‘communication between two people isnot sy chances are, they wont get along. At the sam time its stl eayto develop a strong relationship or build apport with that person Mirroring Essential, mirorng is mimicking the ‘behavior ofthe person your talking to. Under ‘the lw of traction, people easly bond wit ‘other that exhibit the same tat they do, First impressions last, which is one ofthe reasons mirroring issue an important technique when frst interacting with someone ‘Mirosing others makos it easier to understand ‘other peoples’ energes and build rapport, {Cibey, 200. Miroring is done bestif ts sul, a in ‘ot copying your subject’ every movement ‘rom head to toe, but instead taking on or imitating some ofthe movements ofthe other person such s their head poston or arm movernents. Thismight feel uncomfortable at fist and after doing tafe times you vl gt ‘comfortable with it andthe other prson will, spprecate it whether they notice tor not 2. Match the body language the person you're talking to has straight posture, you should math it the person has their arms costed, ‘subi rss yours 1 their beads ‘uted slight yours as well Return ‘the same gestures Hke handshakes and sales to develop courtesy and trast ‘They wil fel apprelate, loved and are more wing to opensup. 2 Mateh breathing rhythms ‘The rythm of your breath explains ‘the energy that you are using Slow ‘breathing isa sign of calm and ele nergy While, fas rhythmie breathing {ngiates an anions or nervous stat How do you want to come across? 3 Match the tone ofvoiee, hythm, and tempo Loudness indetes the intensity of ‘emotions. Aloud voice ta sgn of anger and frustration, whereas aso ‘but aude one indiates amaness, How do you want to come aress? Pite is the tone your voice Ah teh perceived a netng anda law ‘one's associate with anger. It's kind ‘flea serfous but informal ‘conversation ike sales talk uses a ‘moderate ite, Rate refers tothe speed of speaking. A gradual increase in ae signifies arise {nintensityToo much rate, however, isasignofnersousness, On the other ‘hand, boredom or disinterest is associated with slow rate, Quality is your key tobe understood. Pronunciation, articulation and idiot (personal manner of speaking) are things you ned to keepin mind {or effectively communicating. Silence dictate the flow of our ‘conversation Match th silence that your partner givesyou, Silence gives ‘youthe chance olisten and regroup your thoughts. Caution should be used when mining, ‘You dou want took ikea rebot ar Bo nat amiror everything your subject does in one go. Start with posture then move to body language ‘until you reseh the stage of mimicking parnlanguage, Whenever vou subject does something, retary the favo, bat hisime, ‘make the movement smaller. Rapport all about matching the energy with the people you areinteracing with. ‘systemic processes of the environment and mind ‘Ourminds are ighty interconnected with oar ‘nsironment. The various stil that we receive fromthe world are brought to our rans to nterpret Afterwards, our minds creates pereption about it- either negative or posve. erefore,ifyou place a negative view ‘on the situation, il remain negative and yo ‘will ony ee the mistakes until you mak the conscious effort to find the positives or the ‘things that went right about These ‘ereeptlons ae what become your ely. For more infomation, Thighly recommend taking look at my book tiled Positisity which Aiseusses how fo become positive minded, ‘One small request before we get to mush forthe that you se the power of NLP wth integrity nd god judgement, and ifyou are ‘ver in question whether oF not something is appropriate, each out toa qualified NLP professional Fitering Im NIE iS believed that every behavior ‘asa positive intention(leton, 2013) although the positive intent may not be clear oe ‘ever make sense according o someone elses ‘iw ofthe word forthe person engaging in ‘the bebevor, it makes sense in their model of the world or theireality This understanding hhelps to explain why not everyone wants the same things inf, or eats inthe same way to situations in if. This goes to show that we ‘2ch have diferent perceptions -ot that one ofus ight and the otter wrong ven though you might not agre with another person's’ reality, ts important to not ge the person but rather to appreciate and respect that they have diferent beliefs and ‘values trom you. Respet thatthe oer person ‘may her, ee fel and perceive the word iferently than you do. Therefore he won'tbe inimaee rhe > eco shes Hsin component at work. Linguists inthis content refers to ‘ou encoding and processing of ‘erin memory, which snot inited tw ust words, We further used the lings part by squeeng oar ‘fingers. The action creates virtual ‘bookmark in ose minds Now, ose Drains associate every squeez# of our ‘fingers toa happy memory. Our ‘eatin tothe memary is out progeaming. 4 Repeat ‘Take a few minutes and do the ation, at least five more ies. Make sure ‘that your mind quickly associates the action withthe happy memory you just anchored, With rou practice a ‘squeeze will quickly ash an image of happiness in your mind 5 Usingthe anchor Before your performance er actiity, ‘you can invoke the anchor to ve you ‘enough ennfidence to fel god and do ‘wal. When you use an anchor amply ‘the feelings and then quickly break state when the memories area their peak to maximize your performance. ‘Cting off the anchor moments before the peak wlllet the energy ‘stay. Now open your eves and vou {eel a sure of postive vibes, ‘You can break stat by doing something Aitfrent suc a reading text messages o just looking at random objects around you. Controlling your emotions by collapsing anchors Another aplication of anchoring replacing negative emotions to postive ones, Thisismade posible by intentionally anchoring negative memory anda postive ‘memory and then activating them Both atthe same time. A theend the postive memoxy ‘outweighs the negative one. Keepin mind, the ‘more you practic, the more suseeful yu'l Decome at this. This technique requires quite io practice to master 1. Anchor the negative memory Like nomal anchoring, just recall a ‘sid meyaive experience. Make st real Dut not too overpowering or ‘exaggerated fort can make things ‘worse, Usea gesture on the left hand {olay the anchor. Recall the anchor a few times just to make sure hat you ‘ela negative state Finally, bree State for 30 seeonds 2 Useapositive anchor ‘ext, remember an experience that ‘mage yo fel the opposite ofthe negative anchor This is where sou nee to fcus Amplify the memory ‘again Mediate onthe memory for another go seconds. Be sure ‘remember everyting that happened is recommended to ure an son on the right hand Test the positive anchor Whenever you do the action that ‘reals tho positive anchor, make the ‘mental picture balloon up. The feelings tat correspond t this ‘moment should also intensify. Let go of everything and allow the feelings to ‘svallow you up. Repeat this step 23 ‘umes then break stat again for 30 seconds 4 Collapsing the anchors ‘Thisis the tricky prt and wil require practice Keepin mind that the positive anchor must be more intense ‘han the negative one. Breathe deep and relax Once youare ready, activate ‘oth anchor atthe ame time, Don't worry ft feels weird at fist, case your brain s just not used t Feeling ‘wo contrasting emotions at the same time. Since the positive anchor is more intense it wil overpower the negative ‘one ad thus make i eolapse. Once ‘the postive state in conte, ald on to that state for another 10 seconds, anally, open your eyes and you will, feel a surge of postive ener ‘Multiple states by chaining anchors ‘Thelast technique showed you how to ‘overpower anepatie state by induing a mace {intense one. This technique wil teach you how to invoke several states ina hort ine, leading anchor wth exteme amounts of posite ‘nergy Chaining Anchors ean help ifyou want a surge of positive ves taking over you such as productivity confidence and relaxation. Tis ‘the most dieu technique bathe one with ‘the most benefits Preparing for this method takes oughly 35 minutes, 2. Preparing the cain ‘on pcce of paper write down the current negative state you want to ‘eae. Draw an ares othe right towards the desired outeome Acommon examples: Stage fight + ‘confidence ‘once yon have both the starting point and gol, t snow time to rete the Intermediate anchors There are ‘usually 2-9 intermediate anchors in between the current and desired states. The intermediate steps are the memories that wil sradally lead towards your goal. ‘Next ist them ll inorder. Here isan example ofa chain 2. Stage fight before a performance 2. I get a felng of disappointment becsse I don't have the eourage tobe confident 2: Thisbuls my motivation to do my Dest so that everyone willbe proud of ‘ny performance 44 Uhave ed myself of stage fight and Fim now reat go, ‘The fist stages when yo think about ‘your euent state. In this aample, ‘moments before your performance, you experiance a case of stage ight ‘The second step is induced to move youaway fom the fist one. Iisa reason why you don't ike your eurent ‘Sate. After his, the third step creates postive approach to orerome your ‘problem that leads you othe realization of our desired outeome you made your own chain, be sure ‘that as you go towards each State that ‘these must be progression made fom negative sat toa mare positive one 2 Testing the chain "Now, lay the anchors by associating an acon to each state. common practice in chaining is using the fingers of one hand ina row. Induce the different anchors separetey Tis ‘st test whether the anchors can also \workon thei own, After ach tet, ‘break state by doing something ‘unelated to what you've ding now. 3 Using the chain Finally, you are ready to ty the can, Sreuthe deep and velox to prepare youself Recall he fst stateand ocus, When you sense thatthe states ‘reaching its peak quickly activate the ‘suceoing state. Do tis toall the stages. As you move on through the ‘hain make each mentl pete even more vivid and live tha the las. (Once you reach the las stage, make ‘the mental pictures as bright as you possibly ean Hoon tothe feeling for at least to seconds ar once you reach ‘the peak Then quiely break tate for ‘you to maintain the energy fom the exercise, Anchoring is avery quik and effective ‘means to move away rom negative states. They require at most 15 minutes and are easy to Jeara The more often the anors are used the Chapter 4. Get Healthy quicker they can be applied to and positively with NLP Ampac your life. They are great to use before ‘yo perform or after you wake, Using anchors to get motivated Health programs are sual intensive and {ake months to ish sno suepise why ‘many people quit ust aftera fe sessions ‘because the lose motivation Being healthy rege series in Westy, and they are never easy odo. Before getting started make sure to anchor yourself inthe right mindset by using the techniques we learned inthe fst chapter ‘Some recommenced states are determination, ‘motivation and patience. You can use citer the ‘ase, collapsing or eaininganehors depending ‘on your preference. You cam also se anchoring to remove felings person, wocan use the internet (soon tobe such as eraving by collapsing your state of| Aiscussed, Dnunger wit the state of bing ul, Wbepins with carefully observing the subject, tering forthe stateies tha they use ‘Modeling excellence ‘inorder tobe sucessful (Druckman, 200) For thie exercise we will use the example of losing weight. Modeling can aso be applied ina ‘variety of situations inluding training for sports, puble speaking, nd parenting In any Seld we all ave people that we ‘admire and look upto We have high regards tveards them beeause they show exemplary skill what they do. Each of them have their ‘own strategies for sucess 1. Choose subject Modeling ey smart mentoring —is {log anther son asan empl for yu to Cee ae ca ‘nl IU voles pte yourstia the oer Sates ‘tons shoes in orer ga sieht and Stearate sala ftw you want 10 Itdersand ter hoot nd behaviors: Aer bpacqralaoaprdchondcaariy fetingpennision to model the person you tas ep up that hae for along tine, Bair ts imprtant to ask tht person ‘Aeommon sujet oul be athletes {estos to dent the ays of hnkg 2nd eee a Tehavir and ifyou cant get in rat ofthe niton and wie efletne weight eee = What ips of language doeshe wet 2 Wateh 2 nat are is et? Dt oes he ate? conc you have ej research 2 ee ‘hou the person, Foeu on how they feable oti down Tre ate ‘ouare finding the X ator of the ‘ate of interet sonres ike pron one madeling Reet back YouTbeor ince that you ean we to nd deny the defining search Allee often etnteened fata tat were pest nog and veo abt te secret eee 4 Afterfinding thex Factor, ‘rps the information ine 3. Searehing forthe secret Togeal way hat makes sense dents that you ea mine or Otsenethebehaior ofthe sje model yoursl, Test tot Take note of ho th health rogeams take tre the ested resus re ae crecited As lok for ettin peesier ‘éacaceristes that make the sabject ferent run the rst 5 Repeat this everyday, oa est fw times weak. After sping this tosour life for sppronimately 0 days, you or people around you ‘a begin to noice postive anges in your behavior, attitude, and your appearance. Chapter 5. Attract More Wealth “Yfyou can imagine it, you ean ‘achieve it. you ean dream it, you ean become it.” Willian Arthur Ward ‘Wealth isa top priority for many people so ‘ve will use money a the example of what we ‘want to attra into ourves. Money fa sign of| Dower and influence and tase sends an image ‘of ard work It canna buy happiness; but lng broke or having no money can cause ‘much stres, worry, and unbappiness. ‘Theresa common misunderstanding of how we get money. People often el us that to ‘crm money requires going through numerous obstacles, Tiss not ru; to get money, one of ‘the most important strategies isthe git Inindset, The Law of Attraction (LOA) stats that thinking positive thoughts can ead to those ideas becoming realty (Devil, 2008). Every thought releases 2 mental ‘wavelength The aw of attraction heavily relies ‘on the assumption tat there is alwaysan {ntereton between poople an the univerce. Tt canbe infcred that, he universe even has a consciousness. The message inside the ‘wavelength represents our intent. Since the universe i nternctng with ust ll receive the intent and also reply with the same thing. 16 sow aay wanted to have a promotion and ‘yo meditated that intent every day the “universe will most key give you what you ‘wanted On the ater hand, having negative ot essmiste Meus wil ive you unpleasant results. Afterall being pessimistic creates out And when we doubt, things ae less ‘Mely to happen. [Napoleon Hil the highly successful and widely ecognized author said that, Whatever ‘the mind ean conceive and believe i ean schiae” In onder forthe Law of Atraction to ‘work, we need to not only thinkit will happen, ‘but most importantly Believe il Here area few stepsyou ean implement today to make it happen: 4. Set up goals ‘en we mediate sing B08, our {nent must be backed up with a clea and definite goal. Cleary defined ‘outcomes make it easier to accomplish goals without feting overwhelmed. “L ‘want to be ich” isnt going to work. you do want to get ih then ereting a ath or stops that wil ea to that goal is far more effective. An example cond ‘be “By Dee. 1, 2014 Til tohavea ‘startup basins that wil give me profit T doo, Iwill dedeat three Inout (pnp) every weekday ‘working on it" This ea place to start, and of eourse you want to get more specific Ack yourself What wil 1 specifically be working om daring ‘those hous?; and create specific deadlines to work towards your bigger goal {Geta pioce of paporand write down ‘everthing you wantin your fe. ‘Narvw down this ist tothe most Aamportant to you, ‘Your goals are the heart of La De not nora instead be specific and reat the steps to your desired ‘outcome, ‘2. Changing your belief system by. reframing ‘The biggest challenge to sucess is ‘urseves. On the back of the paper, list any limiting beliefs that might get inthe way of achieving those goasteg “I dont deserve it T'm not smart ‘enough’, "Tean never lose weight “E can't foeuson one thing for more than ‘minute? or"Tean never get anything ‘ght "ete) Be honest with yourself forits only with genuine intent hat ‘wean make things a eat. “These ae our personal eonvtions about eth CAN be changed ot shifted Your goals wil not ome tve ifthey are clashing with your own Dele As mach 38 we want to reach ‘succes, single loud of doubt in our ability to acheveit ean bloc us fom achieving our goal Read the backside ofthe paper you Just rote The challenges we wrote oven ae beliefs Using the technique called framing, weean alter those ‘native thoughts and replace them ‘with positive ones, Your unconscious mind cannot proces a negative. Ist ‘nterprets the thought as neutral or positive and thn with the “not cr the “negative term it attempts 0 pt round. ‘An example of changing nogative Statement toa positive could be Instead of saying, “Don't be afraid” say “Be brave” Notice the dference And impact between those two Statements. IFyouare already

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