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Caleigh Stanier

Period 6
Tell Tale Heart Suspense Analysis Paragraph: Multiple Scenes
In the short story Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, Poe creates suspense in multiple
scenes. For example, Poe uses the technique of repeating the characters actions in the scene
where the narrator describes how he watched the old man for 8 nights and describes his plan to
kill him. Poe writes, And this I did for seven long nights - every night just at midnight - but I
found the eye always closed; and it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man
that vexed me, but his Evil Eye. (pg. 84) This technique creates suspense because every time
the narrator goes into the old mans room, the narrator is planning to kill the man - but only if his
eye is open. You dont know when the old mans eye will open, so dont know when the narrator
will kill the old man. This creates fear or tension about what will happen next, which makes the
scene very suspenseful. Poe also uses repetition to create suspense in the scene where the
narrator is showing the police officers around the house after the murder. The narrator says,
As the bell sounded there came a knocking at the street door. I went down to open it with a light
heart, - for what had I now to fear. (pg. 86) This scene creates suspense because the question,
what had I now to fear repeats many times during that scene. When the reader comes across
that question, they think of all the things the narrator does have to fear. That causes the feeling
of suspense because they don't know if or when any of those things will actually happen. In
conclusion, Poe uses repetition throughout the story to create suspense in Tell Tale Heart.

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