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With phosphor-based electronic displays (for example CRT-type computer monitors

or plasma displays), non-uniform use of pixels, such as prolonged display of non

-moving images (text or graphics), gaming, or certain broadcasts with tickers an
d flags, can create a permanent ghost-like image of these objects or otherwise d
egrade image quality. This is because the phosphor compounds which emit light to
produce images lose their luminance with use. Uneven usage results in uneven li
ght output over time, and in severe cases can create a ghost image of previous c
ontent. Even if ghost images are not recognizable, the effects of screen burn ar
e an immediate and continual degradation of image quality.
The length of time required for noticeable screen burn to develop varies due to
many factors, ranging from the quality of the phosphors employed, to the degree
of non-uniformity of sub-pixel usage. It can take as little as only a few weeks
for noticeable ghosting to set in, especially if the screen displays a certain i
mage (example: a menu bar at the top or bottom of the screen) constantly, and di
splays it continually over time. In the rare case when horizontal or vertical de
flection circuits fail, all output energy is concentrated to a vertical or horiz
ontal line on the display which causes almost instant screen burn.

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