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How to answer SPM Paper 2 Structured Section A only

Physics paper 2 is the most challenging paper of the 3 papers in SPM Physics, many students understand
the theories and concept of physics but fail to answer in the correct way which is required by the
examiner. This document gives simple examples of questions and also the correct answering techniques to
handle each question.

#2. How to answer SPM Paper 2 Essay Section B & C

Paper Section B and C carries 40 / 100 marks of the paper. Students have problem laying out the answer
correctly to allow the examiner to award marks.

#3. How to answer SPM Paper 3

SPM examiners like to pick on a few things when they mark Paper 3, this document point out clearly all
the requirement to write perfect A+ answers in SPM Paper 3 : Experiment Questions

#4. Complete SPM Physics Terms and Definition

In every year the physics paper will allocate a few marks for definition of physics term and works. 1 mark
for each. Memorise it before the paper.

#5. Physics Precautionary Steps

Paper 3 first and second question will ask precautionary steps which carry 1 or 2 marks. This teacher has
narrow it down easily for her students to use. Very impressive.

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