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Marcos Crespo Martnez

October 8, 2015
Comparison of The Star by H.G. Wells Versus The Star by Arthur C. Clark
The story The Star by Arthur C. Clark narrates the events of a voyage taken a Jesuit
astrophysicist and his crew. They embark on a journey to study the remnants of the Phoenix nebula.
They go through and interstellar quest in order to reach this far away place. When they reach their
destination, the crew discover the remainder of an extinct civilization. Their extinction being an event
caused by the formation of the supernova that gave birth to the Phoenix nebula. This civilization left
some sort of capsule containing the most important things of their culture in hopes that someone in the
future my stumble with it. They collected in this capsule art, music literature as well as descriptions for
interpreting what was in the capsule. The story since it was told by a Jesuit contains a certain air o
contradicting ideologies. It had the opposition of religious belief and scientific study. The story also had
a narrative that conveyed lament and anguish.
The story The Star by H.G. Wells, also a science fiction piece of literature, had a plot refering
to another event caused by an astronomical vent involving a star. This story talks about a star that enter
the solar system by an inexplicable astronomical anomaly. The narrative establishes that the star has a
course that may impact the Earth of come in close proximity of it. Then the story tells how the star's
approximation to the Earth surface causes a series of ecological events. This causes the melting of the
poles, rising of the oceans and many other disturbances on the Earth's natural ecological cycles.
More of less pessimist?
More or less inform by religious faith?
More or less grounded by science?

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