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File: 065e2d8c1b26251 .jpg (53.55 KB, 640x400,

File: 303454b07db9605 .jpg (50.22 KB, 736x555,

File: 8dc885b6f2656a2 .jpg (32.24 KB, 564x455,

8:5, Duerte-Quote_05.jpg)

736:555, 2e6174e77a3593d228972184b8.jpg)

564:455, putin.jpg)

File: 7d832ac2e43dca4 .png (194.04 KB,

866x581, 866:581, lepengphx.png)

Nationalist Heros Congratulate Donald J. Trump! MAGA! Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:17:17 ID: 06a003 No.8159513
Good! Nationalist Hero Hungarian PM Orban Hails Trump Victory As Great News
Good! Nationalist Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Congratulates Trump, Wants To Work Together

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Good! Vladimir Putin Sends Congratulatory Telegram to New US President Donald Trump
Good! French Far-right Leader Marine Le Pen Congratulates New US President Donald Trump
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:18:10 ID: 06a003 No.8159521

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:19:03 ID: dcfe47 No.8159536
I think the PM of Pooinloostan also congratulated him.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:27:36 ID: 564ac3 No.8159661
File: b859c25a8dda280 .png (334.33 KB, 858x515, File: 3ab141dcfe39067 .png (29.5 KB, 495x363,

File: b97b84981184f1b .png (49.93 KB,

858:515, AfD.PNG)

497x559, 497:559, Storch.PNG)

15:11, Strache.PNG)

AfD, Strache and von Storch.

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:30:42 ID: 941792 No.8159708
This might be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:33:11 ID: a5b378 No.8159749


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:34:37 ID: 69f84a No.8159766
File: 6281f283b6af381 .jpg (108.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, lesdeplorables.jpg)

"Deplorables Unite" - (Do you hear the people sing) VICTORY Trump Anthem - 400K VIEWS - ORIGINAL

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:36:27 ID: 69f84a No.8159787

File: 62be9c7faaa8dd2 .png (1.23 MB, 861x860,
File: ee44e03be1cf840 .jpg (167.3 KB, 1200x675,
861:860, wiki assange.png)

16:9, Cri-TC2XEAEKs82.jpg)

free assange when?

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:38:36 ID: fb724f No.8159813
File: fbffee20c99dbc1 .gif (258.12 KB, 620x775, 4:5, 7e61a0b6c063d37e0a377f8fa9.gif)

It makes me feel so happy to have all of these leaders congratulating not just Donald but us too.
We really aren't alone, we aren't the only country to deal with a horde of leftists and come out on top, we really are witnessing the collapse
of ZOG
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:39:48 ID: 29ca97 No.8159837
I couldn't sleep because the moment I laid down the list of world leaders Trump will reconcile us with started scrolling through my mind.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:42:56 ID: ee2acd No.8159882
Anyone with a real nationalist bent, even shitskins and niggers, would understand that Trump is the better choice for America. Anyone who
can't, has either Jewishness, Jewish propaganda or even Islam too far up their ass.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:44:34 ID: 87faf7 No.8159903
The rest?

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:45:22 ID: 680c49 No.8159915

File: 204822ffdeedfd0 .png (10.71 KB, 678x472, 339:236, 2b41f78bf1fb538e50512430f8.png)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:46:29 ID: 000000 No.8159936
Orban looks so badass. Even more than Putin. Just look at that death stare.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:47:45 ID: d3bfe6 No.8159962
I hope Trump pardons Assange and it turns out Assange is indeed alive.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:48:57 ID: 55e1a3 No.8159978
Any liberal salt pics?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:50:10 ID: 190558 No.8159994
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greek Golden Dawn higher-up congratulates Trump for his victory.

Here's an embed, though there's not a subbed version (yet).
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:50:45 ID: cdf5e3 No.8160009
File: 5e5de2974582d78 .jpg (42.71 KB, 321x450, 107:150, karin trump.jpg)

>not even inaugurated and Trump is already repairing our international relationships
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:51:26 ID: cdf5e3 No.8160019
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:52:13 ID: 7e0442 No.8160037


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:52:20 ID: ee2acd No.8160038
There's a whole giant thread about that in the catalog. Or are you talking about salt specifically regarding these leaders paying their
respects to Trump?

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:52:53 ID: 530a3d No.8160039

How badass is sending a congratulatory telegram? I want to look up how much that is, maybe we could send one to trump towers on behalf
of Frederick's Army?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:56:04 ID: d466dc No.8160084
Here's some support from New Zealand and Winston Peters.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 10:59:28 ID: 000000 No.8160134
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

now the question becomes, can europe do the same?

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:00:48 ID: 390224 No.8160150
>tfw ausfag and our kike banker PM would be steaming over his win.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:01:01 ID: 5f0654 No.8160154
Aussie PM has personally congratulated Trump.
Pauline Hanson was drinking champagne in Canberra as Trump won.
Truly a fucking amazing time to be alive. THE PENDULUM SWINGS BACK AGAIN.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:01:38 ID: 97d1bd No.8160158
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Farage from yesterday, detailing why the world needs Trump.
If Farage doesn't have a cold beer to honour Trump in a pub I will be disappointed.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:04:54 ID: 842fba No.8160199
Blocked in Germany, kek.
Wonderful video.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:05:12 ID: 390224 No.8160203
>Aussie PM has personally congratulated Trump.
under duress without a doubt
>Pauline Hanson was drinking champagne in Canberra as Trump won.
I would expect it to be a Boags or Cascade but she would definitely be celebrating.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:06:47 ID: b78a92 No.8160224

Turncloak is a leftist jew parading as the leader of a "centre-right" party. He's trying to save his ass. He and his types are terrified of us
aussies putting the knife to our government like what the Americans just did to theirs.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:07:22 ID: f92f3a No.8160235
File: 452d20f1ec0d7e4 .png (1.01 MB, 794x834, 397:417, 1472087584204.png)

I hope he has the best day, thank you Nige and thank you bongbros for all your support. You are our friend forever
t. burgerland
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:07:42 ID: 3e90a6 No.8160240
For those who have facebook, you can find Putin's speech here:
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:09:43 ID: 7a53b7 No.8160274
File: b1c1e1c2f4169e5 .jpg (57.01 KB, 565x411, 565:411, Stardust Crusaders.jpg)


What Is Thy Bidding, Knight-Commander Trump?

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:09:50 ID: a5b378 No.8160276
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:11:21 ID: 390224 No.8160302
It's coming, we always lag behind the US by around 5-7 years
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:12:08 ID: 526cda No.8160317
Didn't the UK ban Trump from entering their country?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:13:13 ID: a5b378 No.8160330
Seems like the UK could use some good ol' democratizing. ;^)
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:13:36 ID: 390224 No.8160331
nah it was jsut that muzzie fuck mayor.
It holds no weight, basically it was a dont come here, I wont meet with you.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:14:52 ID: 974f7f No.8160353

Problem for us is that we can't vote in a president or a prime minister. It's all up to the party, and there's no nationwide party other than The
Commies, the Socialists and the Neocons. I don't think we could see similar results without much more mobilisation than was seen in the
US. Most likely we will follow slowly in a similar direction providing the nationalist trend continues across the west.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:15:06 ID: d3a2be No.8160356
File: 4213f6087f1ea64 .jpg (116.28 KB, 886x886, 1:1, oc_trump_meme.jpg)

bump with OC Trump
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:19:42 ID: b860d1 No.8160394
File: 109d57d193a2184 .png (98.56 KB, 602x712, 301:356, creamdon.png)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:20:08 ID: f732db No.8160399
Like the President of the United States would meet with a city mayor anyway. God these shitskins are so full of themselves.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:20:05 ID: 9b27a5 No.8160400
File: b48ad90e9c857e1 .png (293.18 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1477881577188.png)

/pol/ was right again

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:20:51 ID: e3e382 No.8160407

Kick Turkey out of NATO.
Retake Constantinople.
Deport all Muslims.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:22:16 ID: 390224 No.8160425
precisely, Farage would be more than happy to host him.
Did this pass your brain before you typed it>
>Kick Turkey out of NATO.
NATO needs to be put down like the rabid kikes that run it
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:23:44 ID: a5b378 No.8160440

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:24:19 ID: 349c2c No.8160447
ZOG is not going anywhere son.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:24:38 ID: ea68af No.8160450
File: 1b60ead149a6d6c .png (10.58 KB, 143x255, 143:255, 29c837e22e58204ec42339838e.png)

German right wing party leader Frauke Petry congratulates Trump.

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:25:14 ID: 69cfb6 No.8160460
Says you, Schlomo.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:27:56 ID: 29450d No.8160491
>disband nato
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:29:17 ID: 08f37c No.8160511
What's this, a pic for ameisen?

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:30:56 ID: 5d4c04 No.8160532

File: a6cd41056e5d477 .jpg (112.7 KB, 600x1082, 300:541, a6cd41056e5d477be03178bdcc.jpg)

>d: cunt face
>o: disdain
>p: poker face
>l: cunt face
calling prostituted capitulation nationalism with ecelebs is not to be encouraged. duterte and lepen are subverting their nations; orban and
putin are standing up to subversionist jewing of language itself. the former are meek cunts meekly groveling as they mimic national muhhero, the latter are exercising might against the larping cunt hords of jews.
two of these things are not like the others. though they be all ecelebs, d and l are invalids.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:31:58 ID: abff38 No.8160541
It always triggers me seeing that shabbos goy cuck Abbot representing Australia. It should be Pauline Hanson.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:32:33 ID: 564ac3 No.8160547
File: fd328a8db3fbcb5 .png (10.93 KB, 463x137,
File: b7c6dc266f75477 .png (513.91 KB,
463:137, JM le Pen.PNG)

507x616, 507:616, Wilders.PNG)

A few more.
Jean Marie le Pen literally calling it a "fantastic ass kick for the ass of globalists".
Wilders saying "we Dutch also shall reconquer our country".
By the way, I completely forgot to translate the AfD and FP tweets. If anyone wants a translation let me know.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:34:23 ID: 57f9c0 No.8160570
File: cd121c1794d9a49 .jpg (77.6 KB, 1250x722, 625:361, tdl.jpg)

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:35:44 ID: 390224 No.8160581

I think you are confusing your politicians anon
budgie smuggler bloke
Globalist Kike Banker
>It should be Pauline Hanson.
without a doubt, I expect her to be our Trump
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:35:49 ID: 1b73ce No.8160582
File: 2b2c510e3ce90bb .jpg (19.66 KB, 386x350, 193:175, Calvin and Hobbes.jpg)

>Nigel named as ambassador to the EU


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:36:26 ID: 72d831 No.8160591
THIS IS A GOOD THREAD AND RIGHTFULLY DESERVES ITS STICKY Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:37:03 ID: 8bf31b No.8160597
File: c2ffd5e994b5286 .jpg (96.29 KB, 800x600, 4:3, File: dbd234ef41bc7f9 .png (596.42 KB, 800x466,

400:233, friendship-regained.png)

Flip here. I trust Trump to work his magic in repairing Fil-US relations. It will be like pics related as the memes have predicted.
Reminder that the most of the outside world, their politicians included get their info on Trump primarily through the Lugenpresse and Obama
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:39:34 ID: abff38 No.8160617
I know very well who that traitor Abbot is. He is pure ZOG shabbos goyim. Turnbull is not a traitor, he is loyal to his repulsive tribe of ratmen.
I voted for Pauline Hanson way back before it was cool
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:41:57 ID: 390224 No.8160651
>He is pure ZOG shabbos goyim
any info? haven't heard this but with the state of politics in Aus and the other shit going on not surprised that I could miss it. Been hard to
keep track of who the PM is over the last couple of years.
>I voted for Pauline Hanson way back before it was cool
I did it before she went to gaol
and after

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:42:13 ID: 8bf31b No.8160653

Here's what I found. It's from AFP but I'll post the link from my local news source:
Look at the cucks at the bottom part. Here's some choice quotes:
>Lech Walesa, Nobel peace prize winner and former Polish president: "We have to fix the democratic system because if we do not, we will
see more of this kind of incident or, worse, democracy will find itself out on the street."
>Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven: "This is an election outcome that many people feel concerned about but that we have prepared for.
Sweden has a long tradition of cooperation with US governments, regardless of party political affiliations, and the Swedish government will
contact the administration to safeguard Swedish and European interests, and to promote global security and stability."
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:44:44 ID: 063fd9 No.8160674
File: 12df65b939a8b59 .png (137.21 KB, 554x564, 277:282, tmp_19200-12df65b939a8b59a.png)


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:49:05 ID: 5dead0 No.8160723
So happy we even made this Brits salty.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:49:45 ID: 8bf31b No.8160728
This one is a cucked article from before the elections.
tl;dr muh outsourced shekels
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:57:14 ID: 073d6e No.8160802

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 11:57:34 ID: 1c9376 No.8160809
File: fb0b83081c1447c .jpg (41.98 File: 932b3fc92812a8f .jpg (73.29 KB, 710x392,
KB, 300x437, 300:437, 13131312.jpg)

355:196, 1466289801145-0.jpg)

I expected Trump to win six months ago. Nonetheless, congrats to him. Hopefully, the illuminati cards are horseshit.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:00:10 ID: 073d6e No.8160850

File: 5572b27098a6d83 .jpg (118.18 KB, 640x414, 320:207, autism hands.jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:00:19 ID: f2a893 No.8160852
File: 7ee2b6e76b68d82 .jpg (240.64 KB, 640x345,
File: 21160c4310f2510 .jpg (69.71 KB, 960x617,
128:69, double-shrug_640x345_acf_c.jpg)

960:617, 0507putintrump.jpg)


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:00:40 ID: 46b6dc No.8160856
>id like to be the american ambassador to the EU
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:02:31 ID: af08af No.8160875
Basically you're in the same situation as Canada? Usually we are lagging 6-10 years behind the US politically but I have a feeling Cuckdeau
won't be reelected in the next elections. He was just the poster child for "Fuck Harper" and in a year manged to fuck up the country even
more than Harper did in half his reign (5 years).
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:05:22 ID: 2dd455 No.8160902
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happening theme.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:17:34 ID: 1fefdc No.8161042
Greyfield is great
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:21:12 ID: cc2dba No.8161082
Yes we've been a little fickle, because they're all bloody poofters. See, we don't need a Trump to stand up and grandiosely lecture us about
globalists. We need someone who will jeer and call politicians poofters, then kick out all the chinks and defund abo welfare.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:21:57 ID: 2c5882 No.8161089
finally that'll shut up my fellow flips who supported duterte as he was being lambasted by the media and the establishment but refuse to
recognise the same phenomenon experienced by the trump campaign.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:22:33 ID: d83539 No.8161096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Only ones from the whole parliament that did since the beggining
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:32:17 ID: 390224 No.8161229
>We need someone who will jeer and call politicians poofters, then kick out all the chinks and defund abo welfare.
would have added more than just the chinks, the muds and niggers are becoming a real problem, the chinks are the silent kill though. Game
me a giggle reading it written like that though.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:32:53 ID: 190558 No.8161237
Not exactly
I spotted an article from them at an earlier time that said Trump and Clinton were both racing to see who will fulfill Israel's interests more,
more of a blackpill than a direct attack at Trump though. I'm glad they got redpilled and decided to support him eitherway. I mean who
wouldn't, he was stumping Hillary so hard in these last months it's crazy.
Article in question (Greek):
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:34:42 ID: e06909 No.8161261
It happened.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:37:23 ID: 5d4c04 No.8161295
File: 235ff8b00bf1d2d .jpg (98.73 KB, 640x414,
File: 6a9f5d5f3066813 .jpg (9.13 File: aebd64e288f9baa .jpg (42.87 KB, 500x373,
320:207, autismyou.jpg)

KB, 157x200, 157:200, roc-signabortion.jpg)

500:373, green_5.jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:38:28 ID: 84eff9 No.8161313
File: 67798ad0cc7262a .jpg (109.5 KB, 960x565, 192:113, emperor - 4 roman edition.jpg)

most developping nation has shown suppport for trump

trump is going to create world peace in the end. I accepted the emperor already.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:38:55 ID: 56372d No.8161317

File: 7d232512b01f44c .png (149.23 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, best.png)

Modi congratulates Trump

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:39:54 ID: 55e1a3 No.8161331
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin is ready to restore full relations with Burgerland, and just in time too, especially since the Russian fleet had set sail for Syria.
Good job, /pol/. I think we just avoided WW3.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:46:35 ID: e80e8d No.8161386
Unfortunately until January, Obama is still the president, which gives him just over 2 months to start WW3 along with Hillary.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:47:06 ID: 74de72 No.8161393
File: 23c95c0a4516485 .jpg (273.47 KB, 1200x799, File: 94320b8ea368475 .png (313.44 KB, 490x390,
1200:799, 1459806470648.jpg)

49:39, 8438cb014887ad02650efc4d8d.png)

File: 59fcd1fea7df7c5 .png (188.73 KB, 1293x491,

1293:491, anglofam.png)

Holy fucking shit burgers, you only did it you absolute fecking madmen! Brexit and now this, Anglos confirmed for the most based mother
ever day.
I literally cannot believe this is happening. WTF, how did we do this. I love you burgers.
t. Bong

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:53:30 ID: af08af No.8161473

Trump is of German and Scottish descent, not quite an Anglo. Still, I hope you manage to force your MPs to trigger article 50.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:58:11 ID: 2f3e5a No.8161523
dumbass. you actually think that would happen? there would be a coup
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 12:58:42 ID: 5bbeeb No.8161534
*National-Socialist hero as far as Le Pen is concerned.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:01:20 ID: c630e2 No.8161567
File: 87f478ebf360fc2 .png (24.1 KB, 593x503, 593:503, Untitled.png)

Pic related, he got my favorite Asian Nation and the only Fascist nation that didn't get invaded Singapore.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:01:46 ID: af08af No.8161572
LePen is a basic bitch Nationalist, she isn't nearly as based as her Father or even her daughter.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:05:01 ID: 5bbeeb No.8161607
Her father's economic doctrine was libertardian shit, though, and he was pretty much controlled opposition for the "Socialists".
And who is that "daughter" you're talking about ? I hope it's not Marchal-Le Pen because she's a cuckservative shill.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:07:35 ID: 8bf31b No.8161634
Here's a non-pozzed flip article from a probable 4/pol/ or 8/pol/ lurker. But the comments are still pozzed.
>Phil's penis
I'm ok with this.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:07:49 ID: 08af15 No.8161636
Marine Le-Pen is kosher. Her father was Jew-wise thiugh.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:08:20 ID: af08af No.8161642
Jean-Marie was and still is an anti-Semite. He fucking hates Jews. Which is better than what we can say about pretty much every politician
nowadays who will cuck to the JQ every time. Marion has opinions closer to Jean-Marie than to Marine.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:09:03 ID: 8d0677 No.8161653

File: 9d18a8c5fd5fc2e .jpg (19.5 KB, 329x357,
File: 5ecdd4d5c81bfc9 .jpg (35.42 KB,

File: 8c81c7d5f26c6db .png (192.97 KB, 352x288,

47:51, feels good.jpg)

11:9, 1407303482512.png)

432x504, 6:7, 4d24aca5faed33cb970d9fd92c.jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:12:24 ID: a01b09 No.8161690

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:13:49 ID: 5bbeeb No.8161705
>I believe media lies as long as they suit me
His memeing was and is still great, though.
And Marine's niece is just a shitty neocon with more love for a political seat than for her country. She's a phony who'll eventually try to get
rid of her aunt, screencap this.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:20:27 ID: e2c73c No.8161768
>A DOOR/?!?!
It is like they want to prove they have short attention span and listen only until they get triggered.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:20:47 ID: abff38 No.8161775
>any info?
He did nothing but status quo ZOG treachery. He triggered Greens and other homos, but he didn't actually do anything that could in anyway
be termed anti-(((globalist))). The ALP and Libs are totally pozzed in every way. The last Libcuck I talked to was a raging feminist who
wouldn't shut up about rape culture. And never forget that it was a Libcuck government that allowed the staging of the Port Arthur massacre
and banned funs.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:26:04 ID: 9e5eb8 No.8161823
based Jean-Marie Le Pen is also congratulating Trump
sage sage 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:30:25 ID: 9ecc37 No.8161872
>30% of deaths in Russia are due to alcoholism
>poor-rich income divide is extreme
>most people live in abject poverty
I want redditards to go and stay go.
Since when does /pol/ equate "dislikes islam and muslims and also Soros-sponsored FEMEN and SJWs" with "is a based nationalist Hitler
Redditards go and stay go.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:33:57 ID: a0b8d0 No.8161920

File: bed68dc77693edd .gif (368.38 KB, 250x375, 2:3, bed68dc77693edd99386993343.gif)

>The huffington post right now

>Liberals are chucking themselves off of rooftops
>This cavalcade of salt is going to stay steady for the next 4 years
I sent out a prayer to anons who didn't live to see this glorious election
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:37:44 ID: 64a2d3 No.8161972
File: e0e36f9d9debfed .jpg (73.26 KB, 598x394, 299:197, Putin_white_race_savior.jpg)

You're picking the wrong facts. That was before Putin mainly because of 1992 and 1998 hyperinflation, Russian nationalists hate him not
because of this shit but because he let millions of non-Russians in.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:40:32 ID: 2c5882 No.8162007
File: c4885bcee3c5912 .gif (39.95 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ahahah.gif)

gtfo chink
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:42:50 ID: 8eec3f No.8162044
File: 8460e72f52819c2 .jpg (76.95 KB, 570x380, 3:2, Nige's big pint.jpg)

more than half of the European continent and Russia just sighed with relief
while turkey, israel, arabs and commies are sweating buckets
>If Farage doesn't have a cold beer to honour Trump in a pub I will be disappointed.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:45:07 ID: 88ff1e No.8162065

File: 6e6c247f2a8ca5b .jpg (13.17 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 80024116-250x250-146295551.jpg)

Frauke Petry: "Political Correctness is dead"
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:46:29 ID: b26c0e No.8162080
Half of the country is asian,tatars and mongols. The other half a mix of slavs,greeks, local tribes and germans.
Not even Hitler could fix Russia, it would require centuries to make the bunch of white there reproduce enough leaving a big ass period in
which Russia would work far worse and slowly, but especially leaving it too vulnerable.Even now Russia has a population problem, they
need far more people.
To fix Russia,you need massive white immigration which is impossible as now considering Europe birthrates are low as fuck. However, for
Russia geopolitical plans and so Putin plan, this could probably be the future. Hell he already started when he tried to give a small piece of
land to englishmen.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:47:18 ID: 7f791d No.8162088
File: 4e6eaa587255665 .jpg (96.76 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, rare trump.jpg)

here rare president pepe from my favourite asian grill streamer

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:49:18 ID: 20bef0 No.8162115
>those digits
thank u mr samsung
he needs to be more redpilled tho tbh
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:50:21 ID: e2e98c No.8162128
File: 1b97de0d527b10b .jpg (92.29 KB, 830x616, 415:308, 1461866763319-0.jpg)

We did it boys, but not just us.

God Almighty wills this day.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 13:59:46 ID: 64a2d3 No.8162236

File: 5b02633398cba40 .png (54.93 KB, 413x250, 413:250, Fed.png)

>Half of the country is asian,tatars and mongols
Please stop talking about things you aren't fluent in. Here's population density map for you, most of the Russians live in the "European part
of Russia" so they aren't ethnically mongols lol. But even in Asian city like Yakutsk there's only 47% of an actual Yakuts. Long story short,
there's a lot of post-Soviet countries like Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and so on that went full shit in 90's so their population had no choice but
emigrating somewhere, and Putin lets them in. Don't forget about Caucasus fags like Chechens and so on, they are feeling themselves too
comfortably in a modern Russia. That's why nationalists there hate Putin and I'm sick of this "Putin is our savior" bullshit.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:07:19 ID: 748366 No.8162332
I'm really looking forward to The USA working closer with Russia. A pact even.
I'd love nothing more than for the US and Russia to work together in Syria end this fucking Daesh nonsense once and for all. Want to see
them working together with == high energy == to end the scum.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:08:09 ID: 64a2d3 No.8162342
P.S. I forgot to mention all Tatars are far more civilized and attractive than these newly arrived faggots.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:08:36 ID: 8bf31b No.8162349
File: 0c8034997f21755 .png (880.09 KB, 560x667, 560:667, ignorant.PNG)

What did he mean by this?

Seriously, I don't get it.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:10:05 ID: 8eec3f No.8162372
guys he doesnt like
is that erdogan at the bottom left?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:13:20 ID: df02ab No.8162416
the suicide squad is a comic about villains who are hired as plausibly deniable rogues to do dirty work that governments don't want their own
fingerprints on
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:14:53 ID: 8bf31b No.8162439
And they have their own agendas, and not necessarily a team, right?
Didn't watch it BTW.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:16:21 ID: 8eec3f No.8162461
that doesnt really explain Xi Jinping, the south korean cult president, kim jong un and erdogan though does it

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:16:41 ID: 00b698 No.8162470

Punished Assange. I love that he grew a beard when he "joined the dark side".
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:17:56 ID: 8eec3f No.8162490
if he kept a sharp object in his bathroom he may have accidentally brutally cut his own head off with it you know, he couldnt risk it
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:19:22 ID: fa49c1 No.8162510
File: ff38250a9b2d8b7 .jpg (42.01 KB, 840x485, 168:97, 483208412.jpg)

It was so glorious to see so many beautiful white people on stage last night.
Feels good
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:24:21 ID: 748366 No.8162607
File: b9904d7371810df .jpg (45.51 KB, 477x363, 159:121, Cw023iyUsAI6bMD.jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:24:28 ID: b26c0e No.8162608
The problem isn't where they live, is from where they came from before Russia was even a thing.Or from where they moved.
White Russian are a majority, still i doubt most of them would pass the one-drop rule or if you could even add them to a group and call it
As another anon said,keeping all those people together without communism is already a feat, Russia splitting itself will not be good,even for
the nationalists.With two fronts open as now and the risk of being cut-off from Europe, i would move very slowly with any kind of revolution.
You should already know this if you are Russian.
Putin isn't a savior of anything,but Russia could fare far far worse than him.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:26:53 ID: 0fe8c7 No.8162651
>Vladimir Putin Sends Congratulatory Telegram
>Putin Sends Congratulatory Telegram
>Putin Sends Telegram
for what purpose
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:28:48 ID: 748366 No.8162684
For the beginnings of a new unstoppable pact that will take control of the Middle East.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:29:21 ID: 502e25 No.8162695
If he sent an email, it'd be proof for the MSM that Trump's a Kremlin plant.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:29:58 ID: 748366 No.8162703
This frankly should be the next KEK magic of memes deployment.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:33:37 ID: 0fe8c7 No.8162750

And reduce holy Europa to rubble again? yay : ^ )
Good point lel
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:37:46 ID: 748366 No.8162798
>Europe will be a part of it, kek willing.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:38:09 ID: 905e4e No.8162802
File: d571b7ea7dfb946 .jpg (83.84 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1467225544672-4.jpg)

Our work is yet to be done!

Next year or whenever the Frenchies start voting on leaving the E.U, we gotta give em our power!
I just want France to be okay /pol/
I don't want it to suffer anymore, is that too hard to ask?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:39:01 ID: 56790d No.8162815
Soon, expect more terrorist attacks first.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:40:31 ID: 748366 No.8162830
Be great if LePen (sp?) got in.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:44:23 ID: 8eec3f No.8162880
the way the streets keep filling up with brown skin I wouldnt be surprised if they just seized control of an intersection
board it off with barricades and begin a week long rape and murderthon inside
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:45:24 ID: d4533a No.8162901
File: ddf985e5ec9333c .webm (9.77 MB, 720x480, 3:2, I am crying tears.webm)

I know it's really quiet, but still: thank you, CNN, for being so honest.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:45:59 ID: 1cee31 No.8162911
As a Filipino, my country is being slowly cleaned up. It looks less like a slum now in major cities and it feels a little bit more safer at night
This is because of having a great president like Rodrigo Duterte.
I hope USA goes through this healing process too!

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:51:51 ID: 16c12a No.8163010

On a side note OP and /pol/, could finally make friends with Russia and end the red scare for good with Doland in place and the way the
whole hole house is?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 14:55:36 ID: f7b4d8 No.8163060
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:00:09 ID: 598f44 No.8163124
File: ec0fc1f8454f267 .jpg (43.96 KB, 625x370, 125:74, gladdest.jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:02:16 ID: 2acac2 No.8163164
File: 0e1417b5b1fc9c6 .png (141.95 KB, 290x290,
File: 4080fa600c1f605 .png (219.27 KB, File: a91d7426b71e66c .png (3.45 MB, 2000x1312,
1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

360x490, 36:49, ClipboardImage.png)

125:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5346dd0b1287b4 .png (404.8 KB, 750x400,

15:8, ClipboardImage.png)




Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:03:02 ID: bf4be9 No.8163176
>that face when pakistan is more free than jewmany
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:03:23 ID: 8bf31b No.8163192

Oh wow, Duterte knows his shit!
>Before Donald J. Trumps election victory, the Philippine leader had already named Mr. Trumps business partner in Manila as a special
envoy to the United States.
>Mr. Duterte, whose colorful and unpredictable comments have drawn comparisons to Mr. Trump, late last month named the chairman of
Century Properties Group, Jose E. B. Antonio, as an envoy to Washington for trade, investment and economic affairs, Philippine news
outlets reported. Word of the appointment became public this week.
>Stock in Century Properties rose 20 percent on Wednesday on the Philippine Stock Exchange on the news that Mr. Trump had been

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:15:42 ID: 6b66d4 No.8163372

Vladimir Putin never actually said that quote.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:16:26 ID: 6b66d4 No.8163382

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:17:43 ID: 767f7e No.8163403
Telegrams simply have much more style. Imagine a butler, white gloves and all, presenting you a telegram of a foreign dignitary on a silver
platter. Much more dignified than HRD's plebejan use of email.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:17:48 ID: a89a70 No.8163406
File: e5bf0422b9756b5 .jpg (1.28 MB, 1788x1678,
File: 283f8dddba445c5 .png (434.9 KB, 1042x1002,
894:839, value of 6 in semitism.jpg)

521:501, electoral map.png)

File: 2f1bc4a26fa6735 .gif (1.98 MB, 288x216, 4:3,


Holy fuck! I just realized. A competition of Muslims and Christians. (((They're))) still testing on which culture is the best goy! So both
prophets were just psyop projects. We really are the antibodies to the Semitic tendrils that bury into the bodies of every nation upon the
world. Whenever a goy Nation cut off its connection to the Jew memes or banking, it would be at war. Now, thanks to Hiter's scientists'
throwing a wrench into their final plans; we can play a game of chicken with nukes. With bought time we ended up in a retreat full of yarntumbling enthusiasts that weave the Truth back together as the umman manda. Now we have our King Arthur. We are living in a fairy tale.
Look at this map and you can easily pinpoint the source of their afflictions. Gentlemen, its my pleasure to fight alongside you in this Meme
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:18:05 ID: be508c No.8163409
File: fc69afe25953a22 .png (28.52 KB, 200x200, 1:1, dapper_dan.png)

can someone explain to me why liberals are now saying it will be illegal to be gay?
Trump has done more for fag rights than any other republican, the dude is from new york and was waving a pride flag around
I don't think he would be obtuse enough to make fag marriage illegal again, would rather let the states sort that out

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:18:57 ID: e42d33 No.8163420

Fear mongering propaganda liberal faggot bullshit. They eat it up. They want to demonize Trump so bad, they're willing to eat up every lie
possible to make him look bad.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:19:45 ID: e2c73c No.8163436
Because the media was painting him to be literally Hitler and they believed it. Trump has way more important things to do than deal with
fags, trannies and others. They will die on their own.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:22:19 ID: c07532 No.8163472
Pence has had pretty heavy anti-fag policies in the past, but Trump could easily override it like overrode Mike's foreign policy.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:31:52 ID: a2b4b0 No.8163618
add "Der Dritte Weg" to this. Germanys true NatSoc party
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:33:02 ID: 2e4db6 No.8163630
File: 69baed45f65cc0d .jpg (282.36 KB, 978x980, 489:490, 1465728801596-0.jpg)



With America saved and the Bongs out of the EUSSR Germany is the biggest place to make an impact next!
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:33:05 ID: 4bb0cc No.8163632
2017 is also election year in Germany

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:41:15 ID: ba3765 No.8163779

File: c1e83d4ec924167 .jpg (167.55 File: afda18e8af04207 .png (1.48
KB, 712x1000, 89:125, AfD Kappe Bismarck.

MB, 1280x1924, 320:481, AfD Kappe


File: 953249019c61b6f .png (766.03 KB, 800x620,

40:31, 684851a1c1aec887eba9540bc4.png)

File: 83fb58ca0144d30 .jpg (95.4 KB, 800x800, 1:1,


File: 1cb34ed4fd1c248 .jpg (179.8 KB, 1200x719,

1200:719, 2c076012cb34500235b28f0576.jpg)

Its time to push the hat and spread the memes, my friend. Political will can grow with this from within.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:42:39 ID: d0cdbd No.8163806
Kek has spoken.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:48:09 ID: c1e10f No.8163912
I'm hungarian.
Let me tell you about Orbn:
Under him our crippled borderline dead economy has finally started to grow again. Today there are more jobs of high quality than people who
can do them in this country. Demographics is slowly improving too with ethnic white hungarians having more and more children while shit
gypsies are having fewer and fewer (they get no welfare anymore - only tax cuts for having children, and they are unemployed).
It was tough getting here, in the beginning it was looking like we would end up the same as greece. So stick with it america.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:49:25 ID: bf4be9 No.8163936
(((Merkel))) sits in her Fhrerbunker like a spider. You will only get her out of there with Zyklon-B, that commie kike drone will never give up
her jewry, she is a known soros plant.
Google: Merkel Soros and you will find all you need to know.
She is the enemy, so you have to "remove" her, one way or another. There is a Jewified Secret Government in control, total Propaganda and
terror against dissidents, the same shit the kikes did with Russia under Stalin, except that the retarded masses believe they live in a free
country. The Matrix controls everything, the name "Soros" is unknown in Germany, no one here has any idea what is going on. That is a
huge problem.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:53:05 ID: fdc35a No.8164001
Is this the dawn of a golden age? I hope so. God, thank you. /pol/, thank you. I could die and have no regrets.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 15:53:17 ID: e81683 No.8164008

Elections are next year. Help us meme our favorite there as well.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:07:30 ID: 1d307e No.8164302
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Good job, /pol/. I think we just avoided WW3.
Wouldn't bet on it.
That's ukraine right now.
To the fucking kikes Trump victory means the window to start WWIII is closing. They will try to put Trump in a position for when he's
invested he will not be able to restore relations with Russia because the MSM will have been 2 months 24/7 denouncing war crimes and
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:26:34 ID: 23c511 No.8164688
You misunderstand. He will be secretly calling Putin from now until inauguration. He wont let Putin fall for it, and Putin wont give a fuck
what the nigger says anymore, because all he has to do is hang on until Trump.


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:27:54 ID: 04d659 No.8164727
our kikes are the free-masons, they're fucking up Brazil for a really long time
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:30:03 ID: 4bb0cc No.8164775
>they get no welfare anymore - only tax cuts for having children, and they are unemployed
That is something I want so badly for Germany. No more fucking gifted government money for shitting out kids. Only tax cuts so that only
people who work can benefit and so that people who earn more proportionally benefit more from having kids than poorer people would. That
way the incentive is to earn more, instead of making more kids if you don't work.
Having lots of kids should be a luxury awarded only to those capable of earning good money, so as to incentivize the best and brightest of
the country to reproduce instead of making kids a way to earn extra money for the chronically unemployed who only spend it on booze and
cigs instead of their kids anyway.
The current system is so disgusting. The breadwinning successful people are taxed to death and the tax money is given to the least
capable and least successful who shit out the most kids.
I couldn't think of anything more devious, degenerate and unfair if I tried. Socialism without meritocracy is truly pure evil.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:32:11 ID: 017656 No.8164827
File: 15a77f6e3957e77 .jpg (38.99 KB, 345x383, 345:383, 89fb148b0b50e56840296a7957.jpg)

Dubs speaks, ZOG shits in fear

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:37:06 ID: 728015 No.8164985

If it's too late for any countries to escape progressiveness it's Germany and Sweden. Don't waste your time trying to revive a corpses that
are already crawling with maggots.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:41:46 ID: 0b1279 No.8165151
This time America, Europe and our friends in Asia will conquer the world.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:44:56 ID: 0b1279 No.8165261
That's beautiful to hear anon, it seems based on past statements and policies that Trump will be planning the same. Working middle class
families, the back bone of society (whites) will get the most benefits as duly deserved.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:48:45 ID: 1a33fc No.8165387
>geert wilders
gebruik je kankerharses eens
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:52:54 ID: 41ce6e No.8165543
Good job guys, from Italy.
I woke up thinking Hillary won and being scared to look at results, then a friend told me "Anon, Trump won" and we tasted delicious liberal
tears of coworkers.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:56:25 ID: 372669 No.8165656
File: 04dc51f283e936d .png (143.26 KB, 726x660, 11:10, sane.png)

Marine Le Pen is a real MILF.

makes me wish I'd learned French instead of German.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 16:58:33 ID: 8b4f59 No.8165705
I am beyond thrilled first Brexit then trump 2016 can't wait to see whats next I can assure you the youth are more than happy about whats
next and a world where nationalism is right and where the people not afraid of the work racist i love all of you amazing voting Americans I
cannot express my happiness
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:06:07 ID: d4a509 No.8165839
File: 7b399fc9f60e764 .jpg (46.96 KB, 512x512, 1:1, donald_trump_2016.jpg)

Trump election party

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:08:34 ID: 68898d No.8165887

File: 1a3cfc40329971d .png (197.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1a3cfc40329971d4d54f91d047.png)

Trump's a fan of fags, as little as /pol/ would like that. They just tend to throw that into the mixture with all the other 'muh racism muh
sexism' accusations because they feel like it'd stick.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:09:27 ID: 8614fd No.8165904
>guy second from the right
Holy shit why do comedians think they belong in politics?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:14:32 ID: 5c42b8 No.8166008
I still want to say that card is implying Trump himself is going to make a call for a hit on someone or some sort of terrorist since that's not a
cross hair on his face.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:18:23 ID: bdc5a3 No.8166085
>Trump wins
>causes ripple effect in Europe
>Farage gains power
>nationalist parties gain power
>all of Europe, America, Russia and the UK unite to embark on a new crusade and purge of sandniggers
What a time to be alive.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:18:34 ID: d0d94e No.8166088
it's flabbergasting. he's president since less than a day and he already decreased the tensions with russia - and therefore the likelihood of a
war- and fixed the relations with the based philippine president.
Maybe even kim jong-un will now become as docile as a pet.


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:18:59 ID: 30190a No.8166099
File: dc7a628de708b66 .jpg (110.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, smug pepe.jpg)

>So happy we even made this Brits salty.
It's a proud US tradition that dates back to the late 1700s. Personally, I fill my fireworks with imported salt. From the UK.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:20:05 ID: 502e25 No.8166118

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:21:49 ID: cd9369 No.8166146

File: aa0bd609aeb3817 .jpg (821.28 KB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 12.jpg)

romanianon, shillary hambeast gave up the salt today. almost ragequit work. it would appear I have brotier colleagues
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:27:21 ID: 561c17 No.8166263
File: aeadad839ee3a9a .jpg (28.19 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 1343396790033.jpg)

>After 80 years we're back SIEG HEIL
I really hope that's not ironic
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:30:07 ID: 4a04be No.8166311
This, pretty much. Merkel and her ilk booted will be the best outcome next year.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:31:20 ID: 0d021f No.8166341
Don't get your hopes up, our voting system is set in a way that makes any significant change practically impossible.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:33:05 ID: cd9369 No.8166376
I wasn't!
also got a female coworker to sieg-heil me back in the lobby. truth is popular!
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:34:19 ID: 35ce70 No.8166396
>God Emperor
dubs confirm neverending ride
don't you dare to distrust Kek
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:35:42 ID: 4a04be No.8166423
File: d41780d7117b1f5 .png (144.75 KB, 1306x286, 653:143, aeed36bbf8cc3b3f32cdd8b6e1.png)

Hey if Donald Trump can overcome the incredible array of forces set against him (by the grace of God), >> then even Germany can uncuck
itself anon.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:37:21 ID: cd9369 No.8166457
don't forget janet reno

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:37:22 ID: 25561a No.8166458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Golden One just posted a dank video about Trump's victory
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:40:45 ID: 37283c No.8166518
He has been doing that this whole time what makes you think he will stop now NWO and all their kikefags are in a world of hurt now their
only chance is to subvert him which is not likely as he is driven by and elected by everything (((they))) don't represent..Enjoy
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:41:50 ID: 0d021f No.8166534
I'll just copy this from deutsch/pol/
>can't decide the chancellor, because the president nominates a candidate and the federal parliament votes for him
>can't decide the president, because the federal council decide that
>can't decide the federal council, because the federal and regional parliaments decide that
>can't decide which MP's get nominated, can only vote for those the parties decide should become an MP
>can't wake up
It's basically just a gigantic circle jerk between our politicians, who think all almost the same. Thank you, allied forces for installing a
system that prevent the Germans to actually do something.
Unless the AfD gets a total majority, and total majorities have never happened, all establishment parties, from "conservatives" to socialists
to greens to communists which just band together in one unholy union and put one of their clowns into office again.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:47:56 ID: b0dc43 No.8166638
Bless this man.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:49:38 ID: b0dc43 No.8166678
Will you ever save us smaller Europoor nations?
I don't wanna be in the EU anymore
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:52:08 ID: 37283c No.8166725
world leaders are already changing their tunes now that Trump is coming It is amazing you fuckers won !!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone one of you on
board gets credit.You are awesome and the true resistance.GD your good !!!
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:53:16 ID: 88e333 No.8166748
File: deb734303f92228 .jpg (368.84 File: ec9fa64e9d02977 .jpg (109.19 KB,
KB, 630x914, 315:457, eelj naoruan u

562x705, 562:705, seselj cestitka.jpg)

Serbian Radical Party and Seselj congratulated Trump also.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:55:50 ID: 9beebe No.8166780

>Lurk astrologer forums
>See that most astrologers say Clinton will win
>Trump wins
>See astrologers turn Lord of the Flies on other astrologers that predicted Trump win.
It's so fucking funny.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:56:57 ID: f3f1e0 No.8166802
France is fucked even if it leaves the EU. It has US tier demographics, and muzzies are worse than hispanics. A whole lot worse. And in
spite of that, the biggest opposition, FN, is pushing for civic nationalism (which is a plague invented by the French, by the way). France is
permanently boned. It leaving the EU would be good only in the sense that it would irredeemably wreck the EU.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 17:57:12 ID: 425520 No.8166804




Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:02:15 ID: 3c018a No.8166883
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Embed related, An interview with Leon Degrelle (unfortunately no english subtitles)
Around 3:34 the interviewer asks Leon if he knows Jean-Marie Le-Pen and he responds that he & Jean-Marie have been good friends since
He also says that they talk on the phone and that Jean-Marie visits him occasionally.
here is some more Leon Degrelle for those who don't know who he is
We Dreamed Of Something Marvellous - Lon Degrelle
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:04:51 ID: a1ee2e No.8166934
File: 7b0d000261cf706 .jpg (65.68 KB, 960x483, 320:161, trump, farage, putin versu.jpg)

The world's dream team. An alliance between President Trump, Putin, Farage, Le Penn, Geert Wilder, Assad and the Punisher might
actually save civilization.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:09:42 ID: 42daa5 No.8167004
File: ad9a8bef6bc71fd .jpg (52.06 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Constantinople.jpg)

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:13:12 ID: 561c17 No.8167065

File: 5c66a3f380f6001 .jpg (129.06 KB, 550x849, 550:849, Boss nigger.jpg)

>We might be able to meme this into reality
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:14:53 ID: 349bb6 No.8167086

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:20:59 ID: 683220 No.8167160
File: 1f779a795b4f567 .jpg (315.84 KB, 960x751, 960:751, prezident zeman.jpg)

Czech president also congratulated Trump.

>The presidential election in the United States have demonstrated the will of the American people not to let themselves be manipulated by
public media, Czech President Milos Zeman said in response to the outcome of the election and the victory of Donald Trump. He praised
that he speaks harshly, but clearly and invited him to the Czech Republic.
>Zeman said that 98 percent of the media was against Trump. Still, he managed to win. "The media are, in my opinion not supposed to form
public opinion, but to inform about public opinion," said the Czech president.
Source in Czech:
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:23:18 ID: 049f3e No.8167204
File: 0aa1a40885e5c79 .jpg (39.66 KB, 768x806, 384:403, TRUMPOCALYPSE (Medium).jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:26:54 ID: 494091 No.8167273

Our President (Spain) sent a telegram, too
It must be some formality

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:27:09 ID: 7579c3 No.8167279

File: b0ef4c6799c0e55 .png (86.77 KB, 984x480, 41:20, welfaresocialism.png)

excellent post- capped and saved
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:43:55 ID: c02c70 No.8167560
File: b2c841b6ee95fa6 .jpg (124.12 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1449629803801.jpg)

It's a beautiful day.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 18:44:57 ID: a5b378 No.8167571
Not for long.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:04:14 ID: d47366 No.8167816
Based fucking Serbs. Also had a hearty kek reading his polite fuck-you to Clinton and Biden. Beautifully written.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:13:43 ID: 8eec3f No.8167950

File: 57649847aafc036 .png (408.35 KB, 459x425,
File: 025eb211947f5ab .jpg (76.77 KB, File: 70f6911456b460c .jpg (378.9 KB,
27:25, kek eating wojacks heart.png)

436x600, 109:150, kek magician.jpg)

725x945, 145:189, Kek Mass.jpg)

File: 86455287654b601 .gif (490.07 KB,

382x498, 191:249, Kek.gif)

Astrologers pfffffft
stale rituals and devoid of meaning
the only power is that of repeating integers
it stems from chaos and has no champions

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:18:55 ID: 40b546 No.8168019
Get your head examined.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:19:51 ID: 0d021f No.8168035
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:20:10 ID: 0a529c No.8168039
wew lad, that is one hell of a video.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:22:31 ID: 46664e No.8168079
Nationalism brings the nations together. Already healing what Obama and his (((masters))) broke the past 8 years and is setting the ground
work for the Holy Alliance with the Third Holy Roman Empire.
Deus Vult brothers.
Deus Vult

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:27:13 ID: 10c5be No.8168149

File: f8cfdacef642d26 .jpg (18.6 KB, 262x286, 131:143, Liberate.jpg)

>having good world relations again

>working diplomatically with countries
>forming a National Socialist coalition
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:37:04 ID: 9ecc37 No.8168279
>over 30%
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:38:15 ID: b0dc43 No.8168294
Aren't Ireland/Scotland Celtic and South Africa Germanic?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:40:08 ID: 37283c No.8168317
NATSOC world wide even the muds are catching on WE lead they follow.KEK Master Race.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:41:14 ID: 569d59 No.8168329
Well, anglos are germanic
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:44:00 ID: 8ae105 No.8168370
I was talking about all this with my muslim friend, and even he supports Trump, in the hopes that by focusing on home front, he'll stop the
american tradition of stirring up shit in the Middle east
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:44:12 ID: 8eec3f No.8168375
technically the UK is a mix of celtic and germanic cultures
every countryball in there is a mix of anglo/celtic except for south africa I guess
which would be more anglo/dutch
you because wherever the anglo planted his flag he brought scots, welsh and irish with him too
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:52:11 ID: 569d59 No.8168488
Well, Canada is French/Anglo. Not to mention, the US may speak English, but has been mostly german heritage for hundreds of years.
But I'm just being autistic.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:57:37 ID: 37283c No.8168580
Whites are superior so much that the parasite jew has been latching onto us to steal power forever if that wasn't the case why don't they
infiltrate shitskin nations other than finance which they only control because of a central bank system controlled by (((THEM))) would be
very easy for me or you to get a loan or funding if our ppl controlled all the money so you see they don't have so much control outside of that
being Trump winning is great indicator yet the central bank (((jew run))) problem should be the next on the hit list oh and you fucking faggots
did an outstanding job without your memetics and general FUCK THAT attitude plus your godlike skills in exposing (((them))) We couldn't
have done it without you no way in hell and you are patriots to the entire world TY enjoy drinking their tears and know everyone one of you
made a difference.TRUMP WINS !!!!!:)

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:58:58 ID: 665045 No.8168605

>President Rodrigo Duterte hopes to mend relations between two nations
>Putin says Russia ready to fully restore ties with U.S.
Amazing how much peace Trump already brought the world.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:59:40 ID: 9f3ee8 No.8168620
>mostly german heritage
Not really. German heritage, while extremely significant here, still runs second to the bong mix of anglo-celtic people. You just don't see it
in census data explicitly because of the large number of people not really knowing or caring what their ethnicity is and simply reporting it as
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:01:11 ID: c99a64 No.8168637
even in the midwest, the land is only half German or so, judging by the surnames
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:01:31 ID: cf00c9 No.8168642
b-b-but WWIII goyim, he can't be trusted with nukes! He'll personally nuke Israel himself you filthy shabbos goy, what have you done?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:03:42 ID: 1521f6 No.8168671
File: 7c06db391543af4 .jpg (121.39 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, UNITA32_20160304182632848-.jpg)

you forgot Virginia Raggi,Mayor of mothafuckin' Rome.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:03:55 ID: 665045 No.8168675
Jews are steaming right now.
Check: Lost all media credibility
Check: Lost the presidency
Check: Lost their open borders agenda
Check: Lost their war with Russia
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:06:19 ID: d8cc5a No.8168714
Now that's class.
Old school, best school.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:08:19 ID: 561c17 No.8168748

File: e9679a7117f6675 .jpg (56.43 KB, 499x700, 499:700, e9679a7117f667503244b053e1.jpg)

>Trump will make us go to war with Russia!
>He's befriending Russia, he's a Putin plant!
All the narratives are falling apart. At this point I want the MSM to say something, anything about this so they can be properly BTFO
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:10:59 ID: cf00c9 No.8168791
The funniest part is, Trump's the type who would've played ball as long as he got what he wanted. They decided to fuck with him to an
insane degree, though, in typical foot-shooting kike fashion. They really fucked up this time.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:12:58 ID: 37283c No.8168816
yes and its only the beginning remember this is nothing new jews always get exposed yet the degree witch they exposed themselves is
pure desperation feel not pity for them they are finally exposed strike down the heathen once and for all !!!
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:16:25 ID: 24515c No.8168873
File: 5312fb3d80c443a .jpg (42.52 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, ed3f12669aeaa68bbed2a5d937.jpg)

Its mad isnt it fam. These days, the most extreme members of society want to form equal and fair diplomatic partnerships, whereas the
normal segment wishes for either one world government, or nuclear war. Current year tbh friends.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:18:24 ID: 8eec3f No.8168894
Yeah basically what this guy said >>8168620
French colonised the southern states and Canada and British colonised North America
Germans didnt come for quite a while there was a whole unchecked century at least of French/Anglo/Celtic christians popping out babies in
the American continent before the first largely German ships started coming to America
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:20:40 ID: 6ac44b No.8168928
Portugal President congratulates Trump for winning the elections
Portugal PM congratulates Trump for winning the elections
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:26:00 ID: 37283c No.8169000
Why they hated is Trump wants the same people they all have gotten rich fucking over to have a chance to be wealthy ..Obamacare gone
taxes cut I just might start 4 or 5 businesses on muscle think about 1 mil ppl like me doing it to witch they will economy will boom and
bring industry back omg that is the back bone of being able to go to war if needed yet no liberal understands how to be powerful as a nation
Trump does hillery only wanted to enrich herself further selling us down the road Thank kek for Trump he always had plenty of money now
he can focus on making the US actually strong because he loves where he lays his head .

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:27:38 ID: 1521f6 No.8169025

File: 0c9c8178355d3aa .jpg (72.59 KB,
File: b89feda20dd193b .gif (827.37 KB,
468x559, 36:43, 1418850715264.jpg)

224x255, 224:255, 1419272113886.gif)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:31:36 ID: e2c73c No.8169104
So many stupid people having so many different conflicting fears.
Trump is owned by Russia. But also it is another scare, even though Clinton is gone. Also Hitler is going to take away the gays and weed.
He wants to use the nukes, but he is also going to allow others to have nukes.
So many media lies and everyone has chosen to believe whatever fits them.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:33:41 ID: 24515c No.8169145
>all that drivel
hang on lad, you what?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:38:05 ID: de3cc3 No.8169215
Go get some sleep retard.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:38:24 ID: 2d9724 No.8169223
Polish president Duda has also congratulated Trump, on twitter and other places. He will also send a telegram once Trump is pledged in
office. Telegrams everywhere from everyone, it seems.
One member of the Polish government has stated that she sees a striking similiarity in the way they've won the election despite leftist
media and the way Trump did the same thing Krystyna Pawlowicz (PiS) has said that this outcome shows that "people have had enough of
leftism and its disregard for culture"
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:42:45 ID: 569d59 No.8169291
Telegrams are ceremonial in nature and bypass contemporary surveillance. Diplomacy through cables does seem pretty antiquated,
the anon is obviously mocking the media and leftists who spout that garbage.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:42:53 ID: 707b9f No.8169293
Our meme magic is stronger than any gay nerd card magic.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:47:01 ID: 37283c No.8169368
>>8169223 Like I said before it is world wide anti (((them))) the banks are next to get mangled and not amount of (((media))) will stop it goy
are AWAKE and actively ending them and their little schemes like blm femi leftist anarco fags they all just got gutted now they bleed out
and stronger heads prevail peace through commerce you fuck with that then we have all the power in the world to invade and decimate not
like bushes or clinton or niggerbongo.Paradigm shift to the good.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:48:06 ID: fb6e60 No.8169381
Fact: The first thing the Nazi party did when they came into power was completely taking over the media and booting out everyone already
present in it. One of the reasons for this was the constant disparaging doom and gloom that all the news sources before the Nazi party took
over was demoralizing.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:51:31 ID: 8bfec4 No.8169428

File: dbca321b89b36d4 .jpg (30.58 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 1477048321090.jpg)

Is it me or was King Nigger somewhat glad that Hillary didn't win during the Obama trump speech?
I saw a little glint in his eyes.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 20:57:19 ID: 37283c No.8169531
He wasn't dealing with what we have now yet he was exactly right in doing so fuck (((media)))to many see it now tho so it will implode on
itself as no one believes anything they say meaning their is a void that should be filled righteously with pro white master race messages.In
the end we are the only people that can save ourselves first then after that we most likely save all the shit skins from themselves as usual.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:01:22 ID: 3da586 No.8169598
It's the long dormant white half waking from it's slumber.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:03:59 ID: 24515c No.8169637
>poes law
Alright sorry chaps.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:08:01 ID: 000000 No.8169698
>nationalist hero
At best he can be considered a patriot.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:11:31 ID: 8eec3f No.8169756
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the constant ooga booga drums beating through his head for the last 8 years suddenly subsided for a minute
and the distant fiddling of a fiddle could be heard
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:12:14 ID: 6e8269 No.8169766
I'm an Azov supporter but it still works with me.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:15:05 ID: e2c73c No.8169806

File: 2a0a60e02101f9f .jpg (213.57 KB, 1123x1017, File: 1968a405954f0eb .png (36.64 KB, 592x269,
1123:1017, TotalBiscuit I am out Redd.jpg)

592:269, TotalBiscuit wife apologiz.png)

Back to you.
Exactly. The complaining is reaching some weird peek where it is not just about being silly any more, but they are not even synchronized
any more so they are starting to have massive disagreements with each other through their complains.
Even with that aside many are suddenly having a strong opinion about "muh bigots" or whatever. We are not talking about politically
polarized close people getting away from each other. The non-political people are starting to get pissed about this combination of virtue
signalling and childish rage.
People were question "How is the president going to do anything about the culture? I don't see how Trump being anti-PC is going to do
anything.", but a shift in the way the people are perceiving their everyday lives is already slowly or not so slowly happening. Trump has
already started on a global scale the wind of change. And as things >>8166666 imply he is probably very intentionally and masterfully
straightening up humanity.
By the time he gets in office and wants to implement things I am starting to think we will see a new wave of normalfags saying "Just let him
do it already and let's see what happens!" It won't be at that level per say agreeing with Trump, but people's interest will be very much alive.
And then the winning will start. And with the winning the acceptance of the new way.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:17:42 ID: ab8307 No.8169842
File: db10da7e16d60a3 .jpg (57.02 KB, 488x607, 488:607, wnt10.jpg)


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:18:01 ID: 000000 No.8169847
Friendly reminder that the most popular movie quote of all time in the US explained what would happen in this election (reverse Bradley) 24
years go:
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:23:08 ID: 8eec3f No.8169903
>refers to himself as a Brit
>is an expat in America
dont send this traitorous whining cunt back please just nail him into a barrel and launch him into mexico via trebuchet

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:23:37 ID: 3febd1 No.8169912

/pol/ I ask for your assistance.
>I know, I know don't start I read veerywhere
I am asking if any of my fellow anons would be willing to crash /rAsheville (Nc) thread trying to get people out to protest. I've messaged the
Mods, but was told to fuck off by a cat lady /smh (people are lucky they can hide behind the net)
>The liberal fuckery in this area is beyond fedorafucks.
>There is a propensity that they could get some of my fellow noncucked community hurt.
>Still lots of elderly, or religious redpilled local that would be very soft targets.
>I've never asked anything from anon, just given, and will always give.

Thousand apologies, not trying to derail thread, just didn't feel this needed it's own post
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:24:58 ID: bf8a0e No.8169933
Did you know that a trebuchet can launch a 90kg projectile a distance of 300m?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:26:04 ID: e2c73c No.8169950
By the way, to the people it is not understandable, the one on right is his wife (that has a son, which is not his). Seems like she has voted
Trump. Seems like a good cuck he apologized later "many times." Dying from cancer, literally and figuratively. Jesus Christ.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:29:26 ID: 56790d No.8170007
She voted 3rd party AKA throwing your vote away to some people
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:31:26 ID: 8eec3f No.8170034
high enough to get over the wall
and at a velocity high enough to ensure a mexican might find the barrel and mistake it for a UN food shipment of chilli con carne
my fucking sides
I honestly have no idea why so many of my worst people go to America
they either go 2 places, London or overseas to one of the former colonies where they can ingratiate themselves into the local cuck/liberal
theres especially a trend it seems where truly cancerous individuals not loved in their home country are able to find an audience in the
states that enjoys their awful diatribes and they get a talk show
like the 2015 guy
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:32:56 ID: e965a3 No.8170057
learn to use punctuation
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:35:10 ID: bcc7f5 No.8170091
Even today, you can see it. The nationalist coalition that's going to take back the West.



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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:39:11 ID: ab8307 No.8170154

File: 853909fbcdf2936 .png (335.01 KB, 590x648, 295:324, wnt12.png)

Populism and nationalism on the march.
Trump Leads A Global Nationalist Wave
NEW YORK Donald Trumps victory Tuesday is the new high-water mark for the populist nationalist movement sweeping Europe and the
United States, but the tide is still rising.
The media and political elites missed the story on Donald Trump and the voters he rallied. His win over Hillary Clinton which wasnt
foreseen in the polling leading up to the election stunned his supporters and enemies alike.
But we should have seen something coming. Voters in the United Kingdom chose Brexit earlier this year. In France, polling has shown the
National Fronts leader Marine Le Pen reaching the second round of the presidential election next year. In Austria, a member of the far-right
Freedom Party of Austria stands a good chance of being elected president next month.
All over what was called in Cold War days the First World, signs have been there. It took Donald Trump to deliver to political and media
elites the bad news: The liberal world order is nearly over, and the age of populism is here.
Trump has increasingly seemed to be aware of his movements place among what the journalist Anne Applebaum calls the Populist
International. He has repeatedly predicted that this election would yield Brexit plus, Brexit times five, and beyond Brexit, among other
superlatives. He has explicitly framed Trumpism as a class-based movement, saying in recent speeches that the working class would
strike back on Election Day. Trumps astonishing break with Republican orthodoxy has from the beginning aligned him more with
European far-right movements than with American conservatism. Trump wants to disentangle the United States from trade deals, crack
down on immigration, and decrease Americas commitment to the Western alliance, empowering Russia. And his appeals to the white
working class have been calibrated to ethnic concerns, whether via dog whistle or more overtly.
The man who brought a certain level of cohesion to Trumps scattered worldview is Steve Bannon, the Breitbart chairman who became
Trumps campaign CEO over the summer. Trumps victory cements Bannons position as the chief ideologue of the populist nationalist
movement in the United States. Bannon fashioned Breitbart News into a home for an aggressive brand of right-wing populism, and he used
the site as a weapon against establishment Republicans and so-called globalist elites. Bannons site has been viewed in mainstream
circles as a sloppy, offensive irritant. But its influence is now undeniable. Bannon has been conscious of Breitbarts role in a larger global
movement, saying in 2014 Youre seeing a global reaction to centralized government, right. Whether that governments in Beijing or whether
that governments in Washington DC, or that governments in Brussels. So we are the platform for the voice of that. It is Steve Bannons
world, and we just live in it.
Unlike in Europe, where populist movements have formed their own political parties and fielded candidates against establishment parties,
Trumpism attacked from the outside to take over one of Americas two main parties. And the takeover was complete. In the end, though
there were a few holdouts among elected Republican officials, the infrastructure of the party and most of its top brass fell in line behind
Trump, lending their imprimatur to his movement.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:40:12 ID: e2c73c No.8170166
That is even better. Blaming 3rd party voters and no voters (2/3 of the population) is going to be even more effective.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:50:22 ID: bf8a0e No.8170301
Apparently 11,000 people voted for Harambe
Also Imgur got so salt saturated, they were spamming the front page with sea slugs, and downvoting politics
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:50:37 ID: 461e0c No.8170303


Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:50:39 ID: 37283c No.8170304
Don't give a shit who you blame Trump won that is great your bitching about this or that as amusing as it is means nothing TRUMP IS
YOUR PRESIDENT BITCH!! like it or not either go kys or stfu and take it that your entire brainwashing was a fucking lie.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 21:58:49 ID: 250631 No.8170411

what if Obama was really a good guy after all, a good guy riding the tiger and beset on all sides by Satanists
that would be something, wouldn't it
probably nothing though
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:03:48 ID: 56790d No.8170479
File: c68e9c931b669ef .png (2.9 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, We wuz kangs with tigers n.png)

>A good guy with a tiger

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:08:14 ID: 472742 No.8170526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This country's sleeping like a soldier trapped inside of an iron lung.
Machines can keep you breathing, but what happens when you find her new war's begun?
Flip a switch get mushroom clouds, you won't be able to breathe.
So either way you're a casualty
I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline.
And with a frog, it's gonna be the yugest landslide they've ever seen.
Election fraud, re-count the votes - either way it's all gonna burn
The only way that they'll ever learn
We've got to build the wall, drain the swamp.
Bring back the right!
There is a people that this darkness can't hide.
There are the embers of a fire that's gone out,
But I can still feel the heat on my skin
This mess we're in, well you and I,
Maybe you and I,
We can put up a fight.
Maybe we can be the alt right.
At the heart Europe there is a building that looks down over all there is.
And the man in the tower controls it all without raising a single fist.
It's like they gathered up all nations, they sold them to the devil, and now
It's gone to hell and they wonder how.
Well, a friend once told me: men, they would follow any man who would turn the wheels.
Now the wheels are spinning out of control; what would they do if we held them still?
If you destroy the working parts, what you'll get is a broken machine.
A crooked media with 100 million ly-ing screens.
Drain the swamp.
Bring back the right.
There is a people that this darkness can't hide.
There are the embers of a fire that's gone out,
But I can still feel the heat on my skin.
This mess we're in, well you and I,
Maybe you and I,
We can be the alt right.
We can bring back the right.
There is a people this darkness can't hide.
There are the embers of a fire that's gone out,
But I can still feel the heat on my skin.
This mess we're in, well you and I,
Maybe you and I,
We can be the alt right.
There is a people this darkness can't hide
Riots will burn through the streets of our cities
But we will stand with the right.
We will fight the good fight, you and I.
Maybe you and I.
We can be the alt right.
There is a people this darkness can't hide
Riots will burn through the streets of our cities
And we will stand with the right.
We will fight the good fight, you and I.
You and I.
We can be the alt right.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:16:42 ID: 37283c No.8170637

like that episode yet is a jew shit skin propaganda push watch all jew media it all about our white women getting fucked by niggers and
painting niggers as strong and jews as smart when it is all complete bullshit because truth is niggers are inferior and jews are inbreed
disgusting rats who only chance is latching on like a parasite to White Men and subvert our women through media/movies (((they
control)))Nah fuck that don't fall for it how about we send all illegals to Israel LMAO!!! watch em cry about what they trying to do to you./
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:24:40 ID: af08af No.8170726
King nigger has no white half, he's from a Jewish mother and an absent father.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:29:42 ID: f9c448 No.8170799
Guys is Marine Le Pen the Prime Minister or whatever it's called of France right now?
If so, why is France still utterly fucked? Why have the deportations not taken place yet?
Good! Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Congratulated Trump On Victory Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:32:30
ID: 02f953 No.8170827
File: c25a14f3ae82d99 .jpg (65.06 KB, 850x400, 17:8, abdel-fattah-el-sisi-134-8.jpg)

Good! Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Congratulated Trump On Victory

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi spoke to Donald Trump on the telephone on Wednesday, congratulating him on his victory in the
U.S. presidential election and seeking to foster closer diplomatic ties, an Egyptian presidency statement said.
"The U.S. President-elect Donald Trump expressed his utmost appreciation to the president, pointing out that his was the first international
call he had received to congratulate him on winning the election," the statement said.
"President Trump said he looked forward to meeting the president (again) soon."
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:32:40 ID: 68dbe1 No.8170831
No she isnt.
2017 she may become.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:33:01 ID: 0dc5cd No.8170836
wtf no; PRESIDENTIAL elections arent till 2017
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:33:58 ID: af08af No.8170846
France is still run by Hollande's Socialist party, with 4% approval.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:34:21 ID: 99383a No.8170853
>nobody checking duterte dubs
congratulations on your president's continued success. I hope our nations can cooperate in the future and rescue the planet from the evil
schemes of george soros and (((globalists))).
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:35:35 ID: fbf9ed No.8170868
Praying for Trump to make a coalition with Middle East Nations to take out Israel and S. Arabia, finally revealing his true power level
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:36:36 ID: 99383a No.8170876
obama's cabinet was dictated to him by a (((director of citibank))) in an october 2008 email. get yer wikileaks up to speed.

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:50:17 ID: 37283c No.8171042

peace through commerce and mutual respect and business and if any rat jew cunt tries to interfere with peaceful relations that preserve all
racial identities then we will go to justified war not for israel or any other rat dual citizen of them> everything is gonna be soooooo good and
will get better without the federal reserve and all institutions like it.Anons you won and you won big your fucks are amazing OMG KEK
WINS don't let up ever our give the jew any space to wiggle like a worm in STAY STRONG!!!! YOU ARE WINNING!!
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:52:14 ID: 5fad94 No.8171065
File: fc7df754fd9f9de .png (43.29 KB, 782x477, 782:477, IMG_1178.PNG)

Comedians need to stick to comedy.
Good! Nigel Farage Hails Donald Trump Victory (Hints That Globalist Communism Is OVER!) Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:52:22
ID: 02f953 No.8171067
File: 85e98a5a39fb7ad .png (113.98 KB, 500x528, 125:132, farage-backs-trump-in-1674.png)

Anti-EU campaigner Farage warned of "further shocks" and said he'd like to work for the President-elect in Brussels to "bring the EU down."
Nigel Farage hailed Donald Trump's victory today and chillingly warned the world to 'prepare for further political shocks in years to come'.
Anti-EU campaigner Farage, who helped Trump prepare for debates, also said he would like to work for the President-elect in Brussels.
And he claimed Trump "understands our post-Brexit values" - despite saying in July the Republican's anti-Muslim attacks made him
He said in a statement: "Today, the establishment is in deep shock. Even more so than after Brexit .
What we are witnessing is the end of a period of big business and big politics controlling our lives.
Voters across the Western world want nation state democracy, proper border controls and to be in charge of their own lives.
I commend Donald Trump for the courage with which he has fought this campaign and I look forward to a closer relationship between the
USA and the UK.
We now have a President who likes our country and understands our post- Brexit values.
Prepare for further political shocks in the years to come.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:56:46 ID: af08af No.8171118
Drug addicted closeted homosexual Cuckdeau bending over and ready to be Trump's bitch

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 22:57:35 ID: fbf9ed No.8171129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jair "communist killer" Bolsonaro, the future Brazilian President did a mock talk comparing himself to Trump.
Trump effect already sending ripples to the south.
Based on all issues (cucked for Israel unfortunately)
I really hope he reinstates the military regime here. Mixed nations need security above all. Niggers will nig.
>tfw meme magic put feels guy behind him in vid with army uniform
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:00:06 ID: fbf9ed No.8171165
I bet Toronto faggots will complain about this. Send some bitching if you find good ones.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:04:37 ID: dabc04 No.8171231
File: 726ad495d7f4ef1 .jpg (50.95 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-the-people-who-cast-.jpg)

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:07:44 ID: d62754 No.8171276

File: a10acc20d3976bb .jpg (54.7 KB, 720x405, 16:9, pexe.jpg)

Isin't there a brazillian you forgot to ask?

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:09:24 ID: d62754 No.8171303
Tht would be nice, i agree.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:10:03 ID: a4b2a0 No.8171314
fine aged cheddar cheese semen demon
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:10:34 ID: 8eec3f No.8171320
>despite saying in July the Republican's anti-Muslim attacks made him "uncomfortable".
>Farage: Don, careful hide your powerlevel a bit more you almost revealed the plan to use the FEMA camps to get rid of the semitic
Shouldnt Trump be riding a giant eagle?
>Cuckdeau has a crush on Trump-senpai
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:13:09 ID: d62754 No.8171361
Trumps spirit animal is the lion

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Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:13:52 ID: 01ea18 No.8171366

File: 405864387d5cf37 .png (12.93 KB, 509x164, 509:164, HOFER.png)

Our next president congratulated as well.

Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:22:40 ID: eb0f18 No.8171493
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you taste it?
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:27:37 ID: 8e35c4 No.8171572
It's too late for Germany as we know it. Germany will have to be killed and then remade in a national socialist image.
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:31:34 ID: bf5b41 No.8171644
Congrats Donald
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:41:06 ID: abbf80 No.8171785
NIce, you're next Austriabro hang in there
Anonymous 11/09/16 (Wed) 23:58:00 ID: a4dd23 No.8172064
File: 1e3c4aee061c51d .jpg (93 KB, 608x926, 304:463, 1466798822877.jpg)

>Ambassador to the EU
Please this.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 00:14:26 ID: c630e2 No.8172345
File: 3b3f083dabd4253 .png (38.49 KB, 633x343, 633:343, tone.png)


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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 00:15:10 ID: 5200f3 No.8172357

/pol/ I think the Hillary CLinton still rigged the votes and even more between 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM
Since looks like in this time Hillary have 100% of votes, and Americans don't use ID to give opportunity to illegals and other strategy of
cheating the votes, I think Hillary Clinton still rigged the votes
It's good that Trump won, but don't forget that Hillary Clinton could still rigged the votes and is good show this for some people don't be
brainwashed. (But we need to confirm the places before, know about the voter ID, and if had many illegals to vote for democrats wanting to
increase illegals to give money and power for them)
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 00:18:15 ID: 5200f3 No.8172399
I Think Hillary CLinton rigged the votes of some state between 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM, Trump won, but I think Trump won even against the
vote rigging of democrats, illegals, the lack of ID, the whole Hillary Clinton campaign was based in cheating in the media, news,
propaganda, paid celebrities and vote rigging but Trump had capacity to won against this.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 00:26:40 ID: 8118e8 No.8172533
She probably did rig votes, but Shillary is a fucking retard, this was easily the best election ever, you had a right winger running on the left,
pandering to the left publicly while holding right wing views privately and an independent running on the right, and then the lefts presidential
candidate rigged the election and still lost.
Trumps already doing a good job as President and he isn't even in office, he just cost corporations 1.5bn dollars in wasted campaign
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 00:48:03 ID: 1f9c6f No.8172843
Around $200.
t. has sent telegrams, used an actual telex too
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:01:46 ID: 1f9c6f No.8173027
>can someone explain to me why liberals are now saying it will be illegal to be goy?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:12:01 ID: 5bbeeb No.8173142
Degrelle = power cuck
No french nationalist would have any sympathy for Hitler.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:16:34 ID: 8d209a No.8173195
bit off topic, but does anyone have that post about the overton window shifting to the right as a result of a trump presidency? can't find it.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:16:34 ID: d2f96f No.8173196
Lol I'm wheezing here. This day has been too much laughter for me.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:21:43 ID: e0e753 No.8173269
Matteo Salvini, leader of the italian party Lega Nord, said
>Trump's victory is a hard hit on globalization, and it's the revenge of the people, of bravery, of pride on the themes of work and safety, to the
dismay of bankers, profiteers, singers, journalists and pollsters. The people have beaten the strong powers scoring 3-0
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:23:45 ID: 5bbeeb No.8173307
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:27:21 ID: 7350dd No.8173357
Libs in Australia are the right wingers. This is a man who openly told "refugees" they will not be settling in Australia.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:29:08 ID: 1f9c6f No.8173383

File: 66ffdd8a6db9418 .jpg (173.14 KB, 700x859, 700:859, CAN_JM.jpg)

>Toronto faggots will complain about this.
Yannick nearly spit up his morning Pepsi.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:29:09 ID: 5bbeeb No.8173384
Fascist ? You mean cucked by the CIA ?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:30:36 ID: c588ed No.8173407
File: a49d981c879c506 .png (44.85 KB, 723x610,
File: 97986d2442912fd .png (671.12 KB,
723:610, abe1.PNG)

809x901, 809:901, abe2.PNG)


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:31:18 ID: 5bbeeb No.8173414
Libs are libs, right wing or left wing, they're all globalist shills.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:31:47 ID: fdb889 No.8173423
File: a067c49cd40a177 .jpg (27.87 KB, 359x213, 359:213, 1470551598105-0.jpg)

Post smug
anon 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:32:39 ID: e530a4 No.8173435
So essentially Lech is saying we need to fix democracy so the people DON'T have a voice. Makes me proud to be DEPLORABLE!

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:43:22 ID: 561c17 No.8173587

File: 4fa283c2e3d2dd7 .gif (1.88 MB, 280x200, 7:5, 1360713255254.gif)

Plans to make anime real? Or maybe
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 01:47:59 ID: 1c9376 No.8173663
>It's basically just a gigantic circle jerk between our politicians
It's funny when you say that. A co-worker of mine was optimistic that hillary will win because even the republicans (politicians) hate Trump.
How disconnected she is with reality, though.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:00:59 ID: ee60fe No.8173853
>kissing ass
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:01:02 ID: ae3169 No.8173854
We still don't care, Mordecai.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:09:41 ID: cf00c9 No.8173983
File: 62f883124c78718 .jpg (46.6 KB, 700x480, 35:24, 1440704433103.jpg)

>Japan is going to share the blueprints for the first line of Gundams with America
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:09:59 ID: c301ec No.8173988
>Nationalist Hero

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:17:36 ID: 433244 No.8174128

File: 42c104e17dc0e89 .png (472.45 KB, 575x435, 115:87, 42c104e17dc0e8932f46079a61.png)

It's NOT too late for Germany.
Most of the Turkroaches were 'guest workers' back in the day, just extend and start the deportations. In theory it isn't difficult!
Europe is OUR land! I refuse to give up one inch of it. "Germany is lost". NIGGA, PLEASE!
Britain isn't lost, France isn't lost there's simply a whole lot of work to do. Are you scared of work? TODAY A NEW DAWN RISES OVER
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:28:47 ID: edf64a No.8174326
Degrelle was a Walloon not to mention he fought the bolsheviks. As far as I'm concerned the cucks were the ones who gladly accepted
ZOG cock.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:33:24 ID: e53c5b No.8174416
Somebody wanna translate this Bratwurst speak?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:34:51 ID: bcc7f5 No.8174440
File: be6f4dc39ab9447 .png (369.51 KB, 610x476, 305:238, Terrorist-san.png)



Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:47:33 ID: fe9d6c No.8174664
I-is there a meme regarding Pepsi in the morning?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 02:47:37 ID: e64572 No.8174666
And like any shitlib comedian he picks the most obvious thing to make fun of, because wit is apparently a lost art.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:32:07 ID: d6dff9 No.8175343
File: c4526749f509a4d .webm (3.46 MB, 480x360, 4:3, FPA Anthem-eRI5eWWZIpo.webm)

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:34:53 ID: c99a64 No.8175381

>non-whites cant be nationalist
Are you retarded or something?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:43:47 ID: 67cca0 No.8175523
based quotes
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:48:53 ID: 347c2c No.8175600
Game recognize Game. Duterte also wants to rebuild relation with US after seeing Trump elect. Life is good.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte congratulated Donald Trump on his election win and said on Wednesday he now wishes to stop
quarrelling with the United States, recalling his anger at the Obama administration for criticising him.
The maverick leader, dubbed "Trump of the East" for his unrestrained rants and occasional lewd remarks, has repeatedly hit out at
Washington in recent months, threatening to cut defence pacts and end military joint drills.
"I would like to congratulate Mr. Donald Trump. Long live," Duterte said in a speech to the Filipino community during a visit to Malaysia.
"We are both making curses. Even with trivial matters we curse. I was supposed to stop because Trump is there. I don't want to quarrel
anymore, because Trump has won."
Duterte won a May election by a huge margin and is often compared with Trump, having himself been the alternative candidate from outside
of national politics.
He campaigned on a populist, anti-establishment platform and struck a chord among ordinary Filipinos with his promises to fix what he
called a broken country.
But the biggest surprise of Duterte's presidency so far has been his hostility toward the United States, shown during near-daily eruptions of
anger over its concerns about human rights abuses during his deadly war on drugs.
He has also threatened repeatedly to severe a military relationship that has been a key element of Washington's "pivot" to Asia.
Duterte on Wednesday told Filipinos how angry he had been at Washington, saying it had threatened to cut off aid and had treated the
Philippines like a dog tied to a post.
"They talk as if we are still the colonies," he said.
"You do not give us the aid, shit, to hell with you," he said, recalling comments he had directed at Obama.
Last month Trump told Reuters that the Philippines was a very important strategic location and that Duterte's comments about removing
foreign troops showed "a lack of respect for our country."
Teddy Locsin Jr, Duterte's incoming ambassador to the United Nations, said there were a few parallels between Trump, who stunned the
world by defeating rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential election, and Duterte.
"I remember Trump in the middle of one of his statements, he said 'I will not talk like this after I become president'," Locsin said on TV. "I
remember someone who also said the same thing."
(Reporting by Rozanna Latif; additional reporting by David Brunnstrom in Washington; Writing by Martin Petty; Editing by Alex Richardson
and Lisa Shumaker)
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:52:22 ID: 9f9cef No.8175654
File: 11c96f95f759f2e .jpg (313.26 KB, 720x1024, 45:64, based petry.jpg)

based petry, too bad about the country though
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:56:02 ID: 67cca0 No.8175712
If France or Germany change, it's over for the EU as we know it. That's certain.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 03:58:41 ID: 67cca0 No.8175744
Is this true?
Sad but also hilarious. Tribal labour voters are the worst.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 04:15:08 ID: ae3378 No.8175966

That was amazing. This whole thread, everything that's happening, is filling me with a hope for the world that I don't think I've ever felt before.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 04:17:34 ID: edf64a No.8176012
Faggots drink Pepsi.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 04:17:45 ID: 90706f No.8176016

Why not both?

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 04:23:20 ID: 347c2c No.8176100
no need to meme. Duterte is already on team trump.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 04:54:31 ID: ed4636 No.8176533
File: 25e3654e7b6f6a3 .jpg (1.42 MB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, wallhaven-385562.jpg)

Unfortunately, the man may be right, and it is this complacency that got us into this situation in the first place. That is why we must always
remain vigilant, and pray our enemies never return, but be ready to stand when they do.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 05:48:55 ID: 4c19f5 No.8177286
File: fa64a678e942f76 .jpg (28.12 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 1439094224221.jpg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 05:51:16 ID: 8d84fc No.8177315
File: c4f99a50144718c .jpg (126.29 KB, 802x437, 802:437, Greeks NOT white.jpg)

How the fuck is that shitskin the Golden Dawn?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 05:54:39 ID: 32dbca No.8177355

Get fucked fag.
Kek is love, kek is life.

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 05:54:58 ID: db2bc2 No.8177361
File: 1268cc63b0d52c5 .jpg (9.43 KB, 360x269,
File: 1db81c9c89e2913 .png (199.28 KB, 503x448,
360:269, 1315018096689.jpg)

503:448, 1315156004255.png)

File: 3e66d1472f5a990 .jpg (122.13 KB, 600x600, 1:1, File: 0434ea0d3825f22 .jpg (63.27 KB, 568x568, 1:1,


File: 3a6436a6a5a2503 .jpg (33.79 KB, 288x282,

48:47, 1326299627375.jpg)

Anon, there is not enough time, hard drive space, or smug images in the multiverse for me to post as much smug as I feel right now.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 05:56:44 ID: db2bc2 No.8177396

File: 8e1099965dd595d .jpg (250.07 KB, 1248x830, File: 9d30dd14645f922 .jpg (141.44 File: 90a3b98eb667297 .jpg (38.98
624:415, 1246927595072.jpg)

KB, 853x1280, 853:1280,


KB, 380x555, 76:111, 1284594722119.jpg)

File: c323863e08040e7 .jpg (113.17 KB, 532x350,

38:25, 1290202567812.jpg)

Anon, Trump could be the tip of the spear. Imagine a world where Germany has its own version of MAGA in a year or two.
>yfw you'll get to live to see the rebirth of National Socialism
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 06:24:08 ID: 6a9d79 No.8177702
Remember lads that the fight is not over.
Trump has won, but now we need to bring people to our side. Far too many people still consider themselves Civic Nationalists, far too many
people voted for Trump but still decry "racists" and "sexists". We have more work to do, and we must ensure the future is one in which our
people prosper, even if it is in spite of themselves.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 06:24:38 ID: 773b3e No.8177707
>cold beer
Warm beer, he's English

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 06:38:55 ID: 754a71 No.8177889

File: ed398b1e3541ee5 .png (55.57 KB, 454x340,
File: 1f77ddfa69fcf6e .jpg (21.58
227:170, croatia strong.png)

KB, 198x310, 99:155, lucky star.jpg)

It is all wonderful and we've proven our worth. Nationalist policies that come from within a race, within a nation are beneficial to all. Jedem
das seine as the Germans put it. It seems that now liberalism/leftism has been outed for what it is - a violent, oppresive and volatile mixture
of shit, egotism and (((money))). It brought us to the brink of destruction.
We must support the desire of every nation to rule itself on its own terms. No more kowtowing to the liberal Moloch, no more propaganda
and invocations of a globalist "paradise" where everyone's the same grey blob without worth. Let us all celebrate and advance our own
cultures in a legit manner. Let there be peace, finally. A true peace.
Europe is in dire straits, so this should be our prime goal now - uncucking Europe. The pressure on Japan will dwindle naturally, the Flips
are already doing their thing and even in Europe my neighbours (Hungarians) are following their own path. We can do this. We can win
If anything Trump proved that nationalism is the true universal language, not leftism. The love for ones people, race and country is the truest
and most natural sentiment shared by all except the fully degenerate. Remember the Hindus for Trump?
We've been touched by something incomprehensible, be it Kek, God or some inherent Aryan power. This is good. But let us not rest easy let us prove we are WORTHY of such power and glory. Let us continue on the Path Of Light in an upright manner. We are by nature
passionate individuals and an intricate play of light and shadow, and we go from anime to the highest literature. This too is good. Because
we are authentic people, authentic personalities and empty memes are powerless against us.
If this post reads clunky as shit or disjointed as fuck it's because I just got out of bed. Glory to Trump, glory to the USA and the Americans,
and let there be Light across Europe and Asia - the great restoration has begun. No resting on laurels. Only work now.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:05:41 ID: 33a7f8 No.8178160
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:07:08 ID: 33a7f8 No.8178176
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:21:24 ID: 1a7965 No.8178325
Quote confirmed from trump speech on April 27, 2016.
I will hold him to it (as a Trump voter)

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:38:14 ID: 504a37 No.8178459

File: 6a9b877befc42d6 .jpg (14.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1437860617102.jpg)

How are you holding up with our fellow pignoys crying on kikebook about Trump's win?
Daming nakikiuso eh, keyniz.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:42:47 ID: dde184 No.8178493
whats the "Cant Stump the Trump" version of Orban?
Ive heard someone say something like it before
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:47:49 ID: a5b378 No.8178535
Can't turban.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:50:18 ID: dde184 No.8178560
how does that even rhyme though? is his name pronounced like urban?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 08:30:42 ID: bcd7e9 No.8178889
"Can't Koran the Orban" works better if you pronounce his name correctly.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 08:47:09 ID: ff6c31 No.8178999
Orb(a)n, not (O)rban.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 08:57:56 ID: 6d102a No.8179078
I'm one of the few Pinoys that are actually happy that Trump won. I know a lot of Pinoy /pol/lacks want our country to join the Great
Nationalist Alliance but you have to remember that we still have a lot to prove before hoping of gaining "Honorary Aryan" status.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 09:05:21 ID: 504a37 No.8179123
File: e97a0b0167c3cbd .jpg (40.5 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 1428913679263.jpg)

I think Duterte solidified the Nationalist alliance. Shitting on Obama and the kikes then congratulating Trump. He's definitely hiding his power

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 09:08:44 ID: 469f78 No.8179154

File: e4563cb123a73bb .png (463.7 KB, 481x518, 13:14, 1445320183718.png)

>singlehandedly restores russian-US relationship without even setting a step into the white house
Is there anything the Emperor can't do?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 09:16:59 ID: 656a46 No.8179212
very good word anon. I appreciate it
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:02:28 ID: 3813a9 No.8179533
Dubs confirm Hofer is really going to be your next President. Best luck to you fellas, make Austria great again!
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:12:08 ID: d3b086 No.8179613
You did it, you murican absolute madmen. My dear congrats
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:14:26 ID: f97447 No.8179632
Isn't the reason everyone is getting chummy with Trump now is because he threatened to pull US out of their affairs and make them pay to
protect them? kek
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:14:44 ID: 04cab3 No.8179637
>what is Weimar Republic
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:16:51 ID: 04cab3 No.8179653

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:18:48 ID: 04cab3 No.8179674
It's your turn to kiss ass, Schlomo. Make it shine.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:23:11 ID: 531731 No.8179700
There are few people that stand under the Greek sun for 30+ years and aren't some light shade of brown. Lighter-skinned Whites that stand
a day under it get sunburnt as fuck without proper skin care. As for the haircut, it's a standard military haircut preserved from the time he
was in the special forces.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:35:57 ID: d3f9e5 No.8179765
So where's the Austria work thread
My body is ready fellow Schluchtenscheisser

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:47:42 ID: 30104c No.8179855

File: 2205f06780cee5c .png (151.86 KB, 574x601, 574:601, Trump Jew Merchant lmfao.png)

Yeah you faggots never did care much for the truth.
Have fun circlejerking over your "god emperor" while he continues to kiss Jew ass and put Israel first.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 10:53:56 ID: 49fec7 No.8179898
File: a0d84cfb03db4b8 .jpg (59.62 KB, 618x618, 1:1, a0d84cfb03db4b8f3d7e4db574.jpg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:04:36 ID: 919c17 No.8179966
File: 396cf6dd39375bd .png (433.13 KB, 574x458, 287:229, 1458285183108.png)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:05:30 ID: 025ddb No.8179975
Putin says Russia ready to fully restore ties with U.S.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:08:10 ID: 30104c No.8179989

File: 2b2aed171cf447e .jpg (61.69 KB, 758x474, 379:237, Trump pro israel.jpg)

>Far too many people still consider themselves Civic Nationalists, far too many people voted for Trump but still decry "racists" and
And they will continue to do so.
You children on /pol/ and the majority of Trump voters/supporters out there are not National Socialist revolutionaries but simply ineffectual
limp wristed right wing kosher conservatives most of whom are also Jew cult practicing Christ fags.
Your "god emperor" incase you haven't noticed is avowedly pro Israel and against anti semetism, has Jewish children, denounced David
Duke's support of him and will put Israel first just like Dubya and all the other Jew puppet candidates before him have done.
You morons literally didn't accomplish anythingwellok the SJW's crying tears of the butthurt was funny as hellbut beyond that? I
Masturbation feels good and all and thats what voting for Trump ultimately was at the end of the day.
A way to make yourself FEEL GOOD without doing any REAL FUCKING (which being actual revolutionaries would entail and no before you
fucking morons build a strawman about my supposedly talking about one or twelve of you banding together and running up to ZOG with
hunting rifles thinking you're going to take them down THAT way and THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT save your ignorant stupid bullshit
for someone who gives a damn).
You KNOW what I mean and what I mean is until you morons (not just /pol/ but ALL white Republicans EVERYWHERE stop supporting the
Republican party and two party system in general you're not really doing anything to change things in America or for the betterment of our
race and you deceive yourselves to think otherwise).
And no Dump isn't even a STEP in the "right direction" which you'll also be quick to hit back at me withDump has been put in place so
you morons go back to sleep while he and the Jews wreck the country further. Watch and you'll see. Won't be long now before the next big
Jew false flag of some sort or another and Dump begins rallying the troops (YOU) to go fight Israel's battles for themAGAIN.
Had Clinton been given the puppet's throne at least you'd all take notice and keep fighting her tooth and nail with what she wanted to get
done but now that "God Emperor" has got the throne you will all be complacent and say to yourselves "Not to worry Big Daddy's got it"
before beating yourselves off to sleep dreaming about sucking off Dump in some bubble bath instead of his wife Milania or whatever the fuck
her foreigner name is.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:09:49 ID: 56790d No.8180001
File: b2eba00911a521c .jpeg (83.08 KB, 351x293, 351:293, 1466241849377.jpeg)

Where are you copy pasting this from? Im laughing my ass off
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:16:05 ID: 919c17 No.8180043
This is the quote that made me decide to vote for him.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:34:55 ID: 919c17 No.8180162
You need to learn when to pick your battles when playing the game of thrones young padawon.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 11:44:30 ID: 5b8dee No.8180230

File: e421f57bb9946bd .jpg (34.42 KB, 500x316, 125:79, Cozy.jpg)

I was on 4chan /pol/ 2011-2014. Here all of 2015. This year I actually kinda dropped off /pol/ and only came around occasionally for the
primaries. But after all this time I am so glad to see "it happen". Its happening guys. My best wishes to all of you around the world
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 12:31:40 ID: ad7cd5 No.8180524
>tfw blocked in my cunt
Does anyone have a webm?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 12:36:50 ID: 2c5882 No.8180562
File: dd5752034d433cd .gif (1.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 5.gif)

>a right winger
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 12:51:33 ID: 2c5882 No.8180656
File: fd62a9adad3c569 .jpg (102.55 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2k.jpg)

>mfw 'contemporary philippine arts' professors crying on fb about comparisons between duterte and trump
>'duterte isnt a bigot like trump!'
cry me a fucking river.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 12:56:34 ID: c17f1d No.8180704
File: 03f62081a2fe808 .jpg (29.59 KB, 409x384, 409:384, Cw5bW_MW8AADALM.jpg large.jpg)

Twitter has suspended Clint Eastwood's account after he posted this.

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 12:59:33 ID: 9f6704 No.8180726
Prove it.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 13:01:16 ID: d3f9e5 No.8180737

look it up ffs. it's true.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 13:01:41 ID: 2c5882 No.8180738
you're absolutely right, fellow nazi. hillary should've won! she's the real racist. :)
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 13:09:26 ID: 2c5882 No.8180797
always archive, nigger
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 13:41:34 ID: 883dd7 No.8180982
Go here
Flood it with messages saying to permanently end all non-white immigration and repeal the 1965 Immigration Act
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 13:55:27 ID: 5b2def No.8181081
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 13:56:02 ID: 58b186 No.8181086
wasn't actually Clint Eastwood.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 14:33:12 ID: 504a37 No.8181392
File: f7cd1fcd815cf2e .jpg (35.01 KB, 444x640, 111:160, 1468169239266-1.jpg)

Yeah, i don't fucking get our people.
>lol dont believe the media, they are biased against duterte
>kek trump's a fucking racist,bigot,xenophone,douchebag! i know because CNN told me
fucking retards i swear, flips jump on every bandwagon
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 14:56:18 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8181607
Just like Indonesians then, in their case it's worse because they also suck Saudi dick.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:09:14 ID: 504a37 No.8181700

File: 68678e1e8364a77 .jpg (93.26 KB, 792x1229, 792:1229, 1468169239266-0.jpg)

Indonesians and Malaysians are literal pieces of shit. Singaporeans, Indians, and Flips are the top tier shit-skins.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:22:54 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8181820
What do you flipfags think about Thais?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:52:52 ID: c3d80a No.8182095
File: a4cabab17aa32ae .png (1.05 MB, 1915x1079, 1915:1079, mike pence.png)

I was watching Trumps acceptance speech today andw hen he called on pence as his vp, pence jsut stood up and smiled and I was
reminded of wojak. so I made this.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:59:28 ID: 473df4 No.8182142
They are alright. It's appreciated that they don't stir that much shit in Asean unlike Malaysia and us Flipland.
I concede that their ladyboys are superior.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:11:52 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8182273
Indonesia and Malaysia are evidence that the influence of the oil jew can be almost as cancerous as the money jew, they along with
Thailand are basically the same race, and during the 13-15th centuries they were united in one big Buddhist/Hindu/Pagan kingdom which
spanned big chunks of the entire modern ASEAN. But then the oil jews started coming to the southern parts of the kingdom (i.e modern
Indonesia & Malaysia) and the kingdom immediately declined. Thailand remained Buddhist and they didn't become as shit as those two 500
years later.
>Thai ladyboys
They are literal tourist traps.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:31:46 ID: 381113 No.8182507

File: 8749bf8d45bf35f .jpg (38.16 KB, 640x547,
File: 4a3dbf121e56f39 .jpg (21.05 KB,
640:547, trumpoeuropa.jpg)

236x338, 118:169,

So proud of my country and that I helped meme Trump into the office. I still feel smug about it.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:35:57 ID: 9bee0b No.8182562
File: 865c45969f55069 .jpg (69.52 KB, 780x523, 780:523, skinny dude who happens to.jpg)

Well my cunt's prez congratulated Trump on his win, from yesterday actually
But seriously though, why are you calling this based? This is just simple formality people
kek nice history revisionism there pal, the Majapahit kingdom only spanned as far as Malayan archipelago, and no the oil jew wasn't the
cause of the fracture of the empire, it's because of the schism in the royal family after the death of it's greatest king.The kebabs eventually
came and since the empire's grip on the whole archipelago became weak as the schism goes on, Islamic kingdoms popped up and secede
from the empire, and that's pretty much how the empire ended.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:37:15 ID: 9aa4e1 No.8182582
>Trump tells Europe they won't get a free ride in regards to US protection anymore
>Europe almost overwhelmingly breaks for Hillary
Not even intercontinental gibs could help her, apparently.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:40:23 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8182620
I must have misinterpreted what I read then faggot. Way I read it I got the impression that the kebab actively jewed the royal family into
warring amongst themselves or at least used the opportunity caused by the succession issues. But what are you going to do about your
present kebabified country?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:46:29 ID: 473df4 No.8182706
I would really want to research more on the ancient history of Southeast Asia. However Internet resources are scarce. I really want to
believe that we wuz kangz and built a global fleet and shiiieeet but the Arab man and his guns and Islam brought us down.
What I do know was when Flipland was freeing itself from Spain, we were already thinking of Asean. But of course we can't realize this
since the neighbors are still colonized and also the US happened. Fast forward to when the Indonesians were freed from the Dutch they
were thinking of Nusantara but then the fucking Brits still wanted a commonwealth in this area of the globe so they formed Malaysia.
Konfrontasi happened, the Flips backed Indons, but were no match to James Bond.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:57:56 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8182831
If only it was a Pan-Southeast Asian empire or megarepublic with all the island nations under one banner. Would be pretty hardcore tbh.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:04:11 ID: ae73fa No.8182901
the jews are done for

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:07:03 ID: 9bee0b No.8182938

File: 4b6ae35fdcad57a .jpg (336.64 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, qt pz.III.jpg)

>Way I read it I got the impression that the kebab actively jewed the royal family into warring amongst themselves or at least used the
opportunity caused by the succession issues.
They did used the opportunity caused by the succession issues, the empire became weak ever since it's king and head-commander both
died and the grip on the whole archipelago loosens even more when there are more schism in the royal family. At this point, wouldn't you
secede from an already weak empire to from a new one headed by you, a new king? It is better to be a head of a dog than it is to be a tail of
a (in this case a sick and dying) lion as the kebabs say
>But what are you going to do about your present kebabified country?
So what? it's been that way since 350 years ago fam, and ever since Jokowi took up the seat, things have started to get better in this
country albeit at a slow pace since elites hate him but the populist loves him. Here's an example, he appointed a businesswoman as the
ministry of fisheries and ever since she held that position, illegal fishing had been cracked down hard and she had blown up alot of those
greedy slant eyed's ships to prevent them from getting their greedy ginseng-smelling hands rubbing on our waters fishing for fish.
Actually arab man came as (not so) humble merchants and most argued that islam in Indon and probably malaysia started from that point.
And it's nice to mention that it's not actually arab man that did it first, rather kebab street-shitters, and pork kebabs.
pic unrelated
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:20:22 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8183105
>female minister
So basically Indonesia is not even that much of a kebab-land anymore. Since you are here and can have a decent discussion you must also
be a Trumpeteer, so which current Indonesian leader(s) would you consider as being similarly nationalistic and high energy? Do you think
Jokowi counts as such a person?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:38:10 ID: 9bee0b No.8183291
File: 1fb57f97204dd5b .jpg (64.54 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 1468854958109-2.jpg)

>So basically Indonesia is not even that much of a kebab-land anymore.
We're actually a somewhat secular nation, since our founding fathers argued that forcing islam as the state religion would be bad since the
whole country is made out of differing beliefs and ethnic groups.
Sure he's nationalistic but i won't call him high-energy since the guy has the same frame as obama, and the guy almost never raises his
voice and always talks in this mellow, moderate tone at all times.
That title should go to Soeharto though, he made the country great (for awhile until his family shat all over it), killed an assload of commies,
a strong military man that took over when he knew that first prez (soekarno) was a commie sympathizer. While he did discriminate the
chinese-indonesian community, most people here still looked back fondly when he was in power since back then Indonesia actually felt
strong for once, has a very thriving economy, Malaysia feared us and sent their students here, and the film industry was imo at its peak.
and by the way most people here hates trump because the (jew-controlled) foreign media said so, but some people do liked him since he
was infinitely better than Crooked Hillary, not because of MAGA.
Damn its late, time to get some shut-eyes as always, pic unrelated

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:46:23 ID: 473df4 No.8183389

File: 7df8e23403c5cd7 .jpg (228.89 KB, 1264x623, File: 39a34a3634c3d21 .jpg (101.59 KB, 1241x596,
1264:623, tacticool-milf-grenade-lau.JPG)

1241:596, tacticool-milf-comment2.JPG)

To clarify, the Philippine Revolutionary's vision was more of a federation.
>kebab street-shitters, and pork kebabs
Ah yes, makes sense since they are closer.
I vaguely remember local stories of one of those great Islamic prophets that converted Mindanao. He was said to be a big guy with a
magical stick of lightning and thunder that kills anyone he points it at. Those from the magical place would know exactly what that is.
>Indonesia is not even that much of a kebab-land
Of course, Southeast Asians are more chill when it comes to religion. The few Islamist violence in here stems more from the same socioeconomic grievances that fuel the commie thuggery. If (((they))) want to Islamize the violence, they have to bring in terrorists from true
kebabland to do training and indoctrination. Without this or without the socio-economic problems, violence will fizzle out.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:20:10 ID: 32dbca No.8183777
Yannick Bisson?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:48:09 ID: c514f3 No.8184123
Grillo (Italy, M5S, protest party):
Trump's election is a general, massive FUCK YOU to mainstream media and politics
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:55:28 ID: 136fb9 No.8184227
Sloppy translation for Strache:
>Congratulations to Donald Trump the newly elected president of the USA.
>The arrogant political left and the establishment are losing election after election as well as their influence/power, which returns the power
to the people.
>The Austrian MSM and Journalists - who have been agitating against Trump for weeks and already named H. Clinton as the victor long
before the election - have been humiliated by the voters once again.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:58:38 ID: 136fb9 No.8184277
File: d58ea2e8bb23066 .webm (7.38 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Deplorables Unite.webm)


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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:00:41 ID: 56790d No.8184308

File: 7e759d6da52c083 .png (3.33 KB, 435x269, 435:269, 1468086660020.png)

Checked, yer a good lad I tell ya hwat
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:05:24 ID: 7c1ee6 No.8184382
It seems Jakarta's governor is also a /pol/ tier Shitposter General like Trump is, judging from the shitstorm that rose from a few words he
spoke. Definitely a more flamboyant person compared to Jokowi. Yeah, the western media portrays Soeharto as a Pinochet type figure,
which means he must have been pretty based. Great info anon.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:12:05 ID: 136fb9 No.8184478
This video is a Trap, Farage isn't talking about anything, he's just sitting there while an old woman and an old cunt are yapping on endlessly
while some cuck comedian throws in some retarded statements once in a while.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:30:51 ID: 4fb618 No.8184784
Word on the street is, Julian Assange is a Lemurian from Inner Earth.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:31:12 ID: 136fb9 No.8184796
>Trump tells..
Yeah, I'm sure the average normalfag got informed by the media about that in great detail.
>almost overwhelmingly breaks for Hillary
>trust the polls

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Saudi Prince Who Called Trump a 'Disgrace' Kisses Trump's Ass Today Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:55:32 ID: 3379ea No.8185192
File: 33f2d8398baf187 .jpg (22.85 KB, 480x474, 80:79, Trump_Prevails_31.jpg)

In December 2015 Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal slammed Donald Trump for proposing a ban on Muslim immigrants in the US until the
government could alleviate security concerns.
Prince Alwaleed called Donald Trump a disgrace for his popular plan.
>.@realDonaldTrump You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America. Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never
(@Alwaleed_Talal) December 11, 2015
Donald Trump responded to attacks.
>@Michael2014abc: @Alwaleed_Talal @realDonaldTrump Has your country, Saudi Arabia, taken ANY of the Syrian refugees? If not, why
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 13, 2015
Trump was right.
Saudi Arabia has banned Syrian immigrants from its country due to security concerns.
Today Prince Alwaleed kissed Trumps ass.
>President elect @realDonaldTrump whatever the past differences, America has spoken, congratulations & best wishes for your presidency.
(@Alwaleed_Talal) November 9, 2016
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:07:16 ID: f212cc No.8185381

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:09:09 ID: f6f01f No.8185410
Germany is in cuck tier that only if countries around itself start to uncuck themselves does the Germany uncuck itself too
You have no idea of "holocaust guilt" drilled there from child
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:32:13 ID: ee0068 No.8185745
fuck me sideways, Putin is so fucking badass !

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:07:05 ID: 203930 No.8186328

File: ac4ff3d0f56d97d .jpg (156.22 KB, 1072x1200, 67:75, White House Staff At Trump.jpg)

White House Staff At Trump's Arrival

See the woman 2nd from the left!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:10:04 ID: 6e09b7 No.8186365
File: 9ae876c9d470d65 .jpg (137.91 KB, 460x268, 115:67, 73440.jpg)

Hey America. How about you leave NATO and join BRICS?
Or at least convince Britain to join CIS after Brexit. I think Britain being of EU in the past would make them sort of qualify as ex-USSR
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:18:33 ID: 7bd32c No.8186474
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:19:31 ID: ff6c31 No.8186490
File: bc156961a041ae3 .jpg (78 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 151217-trump-putin-jsw-847.jpg)

Why you need BRICS or NATO, when you can have two super powers - Russia and America alone forming one long lasting alliance, ruling
the world?
Don't forget, you are connected territorialy through alaska. Such connection can be used for a lot of trade routes and building gas pipelines.
Companies like Gasprom with US alliance will become the only company that sells fucking gas to entire world. Our oil companies can also
unite and form the world's most powerful oil dealers.
Its the new age when two the world's most powerful nations become independent from the rest of the world by their own resources and world
peace. And neither Soros or Rothschilds will ever get this share. Its the story of how jews lost globalist domination, and will have only
europe to cuck. And even europe will soon have right winged revolutions, and america with russia won't do anything against them, only
support with congratulations.
Its time to build our western civilization again. Liberal democrats and cultural marxists gone us through the age of stagnation. Enough is
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:25:56 ID: 561b22 No.8186578
>when you can have two super powers - Russia and America alone forming one long lasting alliance, ruling the world?
Yeah, great idea, let's go back to single-polar world, it worked so great in the past, right?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:31:47 ID: b6bb50 No.8186663

File: 4e1e01d5750fdc6 .jpg (58.71 KB, 624x488, 78:61, obama-soros-690x540.jpg)

You want other (((entities))) fucking up technological progress, trade and politics again, causing depression in people by interjecting into all
conflicts, and poisoning youth culture? What never worked, this Russia vs US conflict, that benefited jews every day and night.
Peace and rebuilding of culture should be on everyone's mind.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:34:48 ID: 203930 No.8186704
File: fc6249880326c2d .jpg (19.3 KB, 275x183,
File: 112d3a5041c159c .jpg (32.52 KB, 373x228,
275:183, Pictures really can say it.jpg)

373:228, Pictures really can say it.jpg)

This election was beyond all doubt a battle between good and evil.
For a change, the side of good won. And I have a PRIME way to show the contrast between good and evil, in a way people can see.
Take a look at this picture of the top guy in the MSM, Barry Diller.
As you can see, if he has his make up on, (his false face, to cover his black hole of a soul,) he looks all right (left photo). This is the face all
the evil politicians show. To the right however, you can clearly see that this guy is a Freddie Kruger when the mask comes off, he's so evil
he does not even look human - more like some sort of a demonic alien. If you look you can see the skin wrinkles on his head form the
shape of devil horns. Maybe that is what "devil horns" really are.
MEDIA THAT DID NOTHING BUT LIE AND BACK STAB. A picture really can be worth more than words.
Now look at an image of Trump when he's not mad, and one where he is. See a difference? Trump ALWAYS looks like one of us!
Pictures really can say it all. Here is your war between good and evil:

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