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File: 80dc7ba2e9c193e .jpg (85.09 KB, 442x440, 221:220, zen center.jpg)
Jews & Zen Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:36:09 ID: b67c73 No.8266046

Why do Jews control Zen meditation centers in America?

Every time I look into one, it's run by a Jew. And they've taught me to hate them so fucking much after debating with them, that I can't even stand to
be around them at all.
How did they manage to steal it from the Japanese? They are such massive cowards they didn't steal Judo or Karate, but Zen belongs to the Jew.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:36:50 ID: b67c73 No.8266056

File: e93373e7b87b0d4 .jpg (137.26 KB, 458x569, 458:569, black sun godhead zen.jpg)

(((them them them them)))
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:39:25 ID: 3e12b6 No.8266078
Never given it any thought but Zen is probably a lot easier to peddle to people than Judo or Karate which is an actual sport which requires
actual movement and training. Taking over Zen and using it to say whatever I want seems fucking trivial, some head in the clouds idiot isn't
going to question me if I say Zen is about letting niggers fuck your wife to show worldly acceptance of others or some shit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:40:33 ID: b67c73 No.8266089
WTF is your problem?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:42:38 ID: 44fd5f No.8266108
Because the Japs honestly don't give much of a shit about what happens outside Japan. That's why there are so many kike remakes,
ripoffs, and edits of Jap media franchises. And nobody owns zen, which makes it even easier for kikes to repackage and resell to
unsuspecting white goyim who have more yellow fever than sense.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:42:59 ID: b67c73 No.8266111
File: a4d52de1ccccad8 .gif (1.72 MB, 399x224, 57:32, karate babies.gif)

>some head in the clouds idiot isn't going to question me if I say Zen is about letting niggers fuck your wife to show worldly acceptance of
others or some shit.
Well Zen doesn't really preach, that's the point. There is no doctrine. It's a bunch of riddles to get you to understand paradoxical thinking
and meditation to make you not want to use drugs or need some guru inspired ritualism
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:43:52 ID: bc217d No.8266123
Consider how zen buddhism played into the samurai. The only way to ensure that people drawn to zen don't cultivate the same warrior
ethos is to make sure that the message is actively perverted. By making themselves the gatekeepers of knowledge, they can guide people
towards the lie of "Buddhism is only love and peace"

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:44:05 ID: 49c1bb No.8266125

File: 0a91263fc94138a .gif (27.48 KB, 91x161, 13:23, 142546716_m.gif)

So they're just doing it for commercial reasons is what you're saying?

Aryan Zen when?

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:46:28 ID: 49c1bb No.8266144
File: 281fdcd9fcab0ff .gif (853.6 KB, 500x256, 125:64, 3142383376_1_44_QaJEn3eY.gif)

>Consider how zen buddhism played into the samurai. The only way to ensure that people drawn to zen don't cultivate the same warrior
ethos is to make sure that the message is actively perverted. By making themselves the gatekeepers of knowledge, they can guide people
towards the lie of "Buddhism is only love and peace"
I want to learn Samurai Zen!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:46:33 ID: ae9ce3 No.8266145
File: 75fcaf97279ca24 .jpg (417.79 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1470428570521.jpg)

Becouse jews co-opted and transformed buddhism and all its derivatives into a pay for play self help seminars, similar to psychiatry. It also
changed the focus from making the best of yourself into not giving a fuck about anything but egoistically using your "life on Earth" to the
fullest in the materialistic sense.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:47:32 ID: 3e12b6 No.8266151
Excellent trips. Zen doesn't preach but a subverted form of it certainly would. If someone seeks out Zen and thinks of it as some ancient
Japanese answer to life then you would have complete domination of that persons world view. It's complete perversion.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:49:00 ID: 49c1bb No.8266160

File: 99428b8328254a3 .gif (1.96 MB, 237x314, 237:314, 0491555819.gif)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:50:51 ID: 526992 No.8266175
It's called the Way of the Warrior or Bushido, which was actively suppressed after WWII
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:51:25 ID: 49c1bb No.8266178
File: 6f5f265701bec1f .gif (1.38 MB, 242x270, 121:135, 1414064615070.gif)

You would think there would be some kind of counter movement in Zen. Where are all the masters when the students are seeking them?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:55:52 ID: 44fd5f No.8266218
File: 5f7e2f9d38ba985 .png (612.73 KB, 1264x1486, 632:743, zen is boring.png)

>People long for big thrills. Peak experiences. Some people come to Zen expecting that Enlightenment will be the Ultimate Peak
Experience. The Mother of All Peak Experiences. But real enlightenment is the most ordinary of the ordinary. Once I had an amazing vision.
I saw myself transported through time and space. Millions, no, billions, trillions, Godzillions of years passed. Not figuratively, but literally.
Whizzed by. I found myself at the very rim of time and space, a vast giant being composed of the living minds and bodies of every thing that
ever was. It was an incredibly moving experience. Exhilarating. I was high for weeks. Finally I told Nishijima Sensei about it . He said it was
nonsense. Just my imagination. I can't tell you how that made me feel. Imagination? This was as real an experience as any I've ever had. I
just about cried. Later on that day I was eating a tangerine. I noticed how incredibly lovely a thing it was. So delicate. So amazingly orange.
So very tasty. So I told Nishijima about that. That experience, he said, was enlightenment.
>You need a teacher like that. The world needs lots more teachers like that. Countless teachers would have interpreted my experience as a
merging of my Atman with God, as a portent of great and wonderful things, would have praised my spiritual growth and given me pointers on
how to go even further. And I would have been suckered right in to that, let me tell you! Woulda fallen for it hook line and sinker, boy howdy.
'''If a teacher doesn't shatter your illusions he's doing you no favors at all.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:58:52 ID: 49c1bb No.8266236

File: b70135235222f2c .png (171.23 KB, File: 50ee348d27a0bf4 .jpg (173.4 KB, 670x502,
992x1252, 248:313, Bushido_-_Wikipedia__2016.png)

335:251, pagan temple now christian.jpg)

File: 26eb59f0442f402 .jpg (332.71 KB, 1024x768,

4:3, 1000yrsOLD Jap temple.JPG)

>It's called the Way of the Warrior or Bushido
>The "way" itself originates from the samurai moral values, most commonly stressing some combination of frugality, loyalty, martial arts
mastery, and honor until death. Born from Neo-Confucianism during times of peace in Tokugawa Japan and following Confucian texts,
Bushido was also influenced by Shinto and Zen Buddhism, allowing the violent existence of the samurai to be tempered by wisdom and
Why can't the Odin larpers get down with this?

See Pagan European temple vs Japanese

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:01:09 ID: 88c002 No.8266253
a hundred times this
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:02:16 ID: ff45b5 No.8266262
Enlightenment in the Western tradition is the independence of mind you get, when you study the sciences and try to do your duty.
It's part building knowledge, building character and part letting go and accepting God.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:03:10 ID: 35e93c No.8266265
The way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:03:12 ID: 49c1bb No.8266266
File: 9defaf1071dfd5d .jpg (170.37 KB, 600x645, 40:43, jesus-banner.jpg)

>'''If a teacher doesn't shatter your illusions he's doing you no favors at all.
And yet Jews control it This is bad as they are the masters of delusion
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:05:04 ID: 21f8f8 No.8266276
>Where are all the masters when the students are seeking them?
Just like real Buddhist monks, back in Japan and China. I would guess they don't allow foreigners in their inner circles.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:07:02 ID: 49c1bb No.8266290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>The way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
I accepted death a long time ago. I grew up in the 90s California gangster hell. I've seen more death than most Iraqi vets I talk to. It didn't
give me a "way" or make it a warrior. Because pain and poverty trumps all
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:08:28 ID: ff45b5 No.8266298
>>'''If a teacher doesn't shatter your illusions he's doing you no favors at all.
Jesus is not the Son of God, he is a daemonic entity.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:09:29 ID: 49c1bb No.8266302
File: 50a45a42036e80a .jpg (42.73 File: ce4fde30a1ae4c2 .jpg (52.75
KB, 333x500, 333:500, 51o6I0bjBZL.jpg)

KB, 333x500, 333:500, aryan religion.jpg)

>Just like real Buddhist monks, back in Japan and China. I would guess they don't allow foreigners in their inner circles.
Fucking undermen insects! We created all their philosophies. Now they wont give them back when the Semitic-parasite has a strangle hold
on our minds

I will hate all East Asians for this!

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:09:33 ID: 526992 No.8266303
Considering European mythology, folklore and romanticism follow all of those characteristics I don't see why not. It's classic knightly hero.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:09:36 ID: f1c1e8 No.8266305
>god is satan, asshat
>you just dont get it
>its not a phase mum i swar to go- uh satan
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:10:06 ID: f1c1e8 No.8266308
wtf i hate asians now
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:10:28 ID: 35e93c No.8266310
You forgot resolute, that's a big part of it.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:10:31 ID: 526992 No.8266312
Hurr thanks for your input masonfag

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:11:05 ID: 483da0 No.8266320

Can't handle scrutiny, Heil?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:11:50 ID: 49c1bb No.8266322
File: dc804905474f823 .jpg (371.17 KB,
File: 8418d7a8ca0cac1 .jpg (213.55 KB,
736x902, 368:451, dark knight Honor.jpg)

400x537, 400:537, knight lie.jpg)

>Considering European mythology, folklore and romanticism follow all of those characteristics I don't see why not. It's classic knightly hero.
Me either. I don't think paganism was done by responsible people. If Hitler and Carl Jung would of created a path for the Aryan, we might
have been OK.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:12:49 ID: 49c1bb No.8266327
File: 05bfc7642a28023 .jpg (49.77 KB, 336x490, 24:35, 48102_10152566335765114_10.jpg)

>You forgot resolute, that's a big part of it.
What do you mean?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:14:18 ID: d2a6d2 No.8266337
Don't think we're the only targets. All spiritualism and good for man is subverted by these scumbags. Its why your water, food,
entertainment is carefully designed to dull you and shut you out of the world.
Everything is about curbing human expression and happiness. Miserable goyim are manipulative goyim. They are told they are unhappy and
depressed because of capitalism and racism and other Marxist tricks. They'll allow you to find God, but only if the church supports Zionism
and converts you into another blind fighter for Israel.
Its why certain drugs such as Ayahuasca are banned. They take you on deeply spiritual journeys and change who you are. DMT, a natural
drug in the brain, is heavily suppressed and dulled. We're not allowed peace, happiness and prosperity. Allowing us these things means
they are out of work, out of power and especially means we awaken and rise above them.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:16:21 ID: 21f8f8 No.8266348
>Now they wont give them back
Japan would maybe, Chinks are the same as kikes so of course they won't do shit. They stole our tech thanks to kikes selling all our
manufacturing and now are trying to go into human genetic bioengineering while the Jew bashed us for over 20 years for even thinking about
doing it.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:16:42 ID: 49cb20 No.8266352


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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:17:31 ID: 029dbf No.8266363

Who is she?
I I'm doing a research paper.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:18:31 ID: a6da16 No.8266365
Kikes tend to have a general monopoly on hippie shit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:19:23 ID: dc5332 No.8266375
Living without fear because you know your death is unavoidable and nothing you do will prevent that, it was real useful for a warlord to have
men who would die for him and his rule without a second thought.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:21:07 ID: 35e93c No.8266386
Anyone can accept death, but only a warrior has to accept it resolutely, for he is faced with it in a special relationship, where he either has
to deal it or receive it constantly. Only warriors have to interact with death to the point where it gets utterly overwhelming. If you read the US
manual on Warfighting in the sticky, it says that one of the most prominent feature of war is friction - friction that results from the clashing of
wills under the threat of obliteration. This is why a warrior must resolutely accept death, and why resolve is the only trait that sets the
warrior apart from everyone else.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:21:23 ID: 49c1bb No.8266387
File: 5891b5fcf00230b .png (317.7 KB, 396x554, 198:277, korean LA riots.png)

What about Koreans? Are they Jewy?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:22:28 ID: 49c1bb No.8266390
File: 82cc270d630444b .jpg (38.81 KB, 699x533, 699:533, blood club.jpg)

How many IPs do you have?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:23:20 ID: aba9eb No.8266399
Koreans are shit people anon. They only want to be perceived as good, not actually good.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:23:25 ID: e675c3 No.8266400

File: 3e87ea9c03f09cb .png (752.04 KB, 1080x1002, 180:167, steve buscemi shares wisdo.png)

>It's a bunch of riddles
Koans are just one part of the discipline. They're used for two purposes. First, diagnostic. Series koans are assigned to students to see if
they have attained a certain level of insight. Generally the one administering the koan will ask follow-up questions (not written down in the
koans) to make sure the student is answering from genuine attainment.
The second use is as breakthrough. Koans are assigned to monks who are stuck or need an extra push to break through some stickingplace in their zen.
In truth, Zen is like magic in that it's something you do, not something you think about. Recognition of mind spurred by koans is not
transcendence of mind. There's a reason 'one hand clapping' is seen as a fundamental koan; either you have heard the soundless sound or
you have not.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:24:17 ID: 53136a No.8266405
Zen is a really abstract thing where you can't easily see if someone is honest or is shitting you.
It's just like a lot of jewish "arts" and "sciences", like cultural anthropology or psychoanalysis.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:24:36 ID: 49c1bb No.8266406
File: 15097604970b165 .jpg (125.76 KB, 1024x615, 1024:615, katie disturbing behavior .JPG)

Fucking Millennial. That's a young Katie Holmes, before Scientologists ruined her
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:25:11 ID: 49c1bb No.8266408
>Kikes tend to have a general monopoly on hippie shit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:25:26 ID: 69bad7 No.8266410
Jews hate Jesus first. White hatred is a consequence. Degenerates disagree.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:25:42 ID: 72dafe No.8266414
Zen that is peddled in the west is not real Zen. It is always either done for shekels or from a pleb-tier understanding of the actual mindset.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:27:41 ID: 21f8f8 No.8266426
South Koreans are taught the Talmud in school, what do you think?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:28:43 ID: 49c1bb No.8266430

File: 2ce514c47f27bd8 .png (40.61 KB, 1138x162,
File: 33d25e04e97085e .jpg (53.34 KB, 600x455,
569:81, warrior friction chaos.png)

120:91, war heraclitus.jpg)

File: bd72e6227319d60 .jpg (31.6 KB, 600x299,

600:299, warrior heraclitus.jpg)

This is turning out to be a pretty good thread.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:29:52 ID: 49c1bb No.8266435
File: cff831c07d8a461 .jpg (191.94 KB, 1282x1034, 641:517, George Lincoln Rockwell co.jpg)

>South Koreans are taught the Talmud in school, what do you think?
Da fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:31:13 ID: f6afca No.8266448
koreans have the second largest christcuck missionaries after usa and read about talmud being taught in schools,they are a weak people
who can't respect their own culture.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:32:50 ID: a74ea6 No.8266459
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:32:51 ID: aba9eb No.8266461
They don't have their own culture, it's a frankensteinian monster of Chinese, Japanese and Western ideas.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:33:43 ID: 44fd5f No.8266466
The older generation that shot looters from roofs are cool. The newer generation is unfortunately pozzed to hell. But there's a huge revolution
going on right now in gookland, so maybe they're not a total lost cause yet.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:33:56 ID: c2de3e No.8266468
Western Zen and Buddhism are corpses filled with money and sprayed with perfume.
Look to Hermeticism and you'll find something far closer and actually related to Buddhism/Zen

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:36:06 ID: 479ee8 No.8266479

meditation, the act of sitting down and doing nothing.
meditation centers, buildings where people pay to go sit in and do nothing.
If jews control that, they're selling nothing to morons, hell of a racket. What you should be concerned with is the mental feebleness of
people that would hand over shekels for that. Work on building people of sound mind and ideology so that they don't fall to scams.
Replace self loathing suicidal cuckstianity with ethnic identity and traditions for example.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:36:33 ID: 49c1bb No.8266483
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:37:04 ID: 49c1bb No.8266488
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:37:46 ID: 633269 No.8266490
sounds like them.
anyway, everyone whenever you see a westerner claiming to follow oriental religions the safe thing to do is run away, not walk, run.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:39:32 ID: 49c1bb No.8266501
File: 696e4487a3fab34 .jpg (126.15 KB, 625x469, 625:469, buddah cat.jpg)

>meditation, the act of sitting down and doing nothing.
False, my friend Not trying to be a /fringe/ faggot but you're missing out. Watch your house cat. Through sickness, injury, loss of family
and tragedy, they meditate before the sun and nature and life.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:41:37 ID: c6b2ed No.8266510
>don't have their own culture
As soon as they use it, it becomes theirs. The history does not matter. Even the romans did the same.
Also Japan actually told Koreans to respect their own culture deeply during occupation if I remember correctly.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:42:21 ID: 9ebe91 No.8266515

Someone once said that Worst Korea is a testing ground for the JWO. Like you get a massive frankenstein monster of a culture, with
different ideas and backgrounds, but nothing to fight for. There's no sense of racial pride, or of national pride. There's no "this is mine, and I
will fight you to defend it." There's no pride, no drive to improve.
Blood is thicker than water, and more valuable too. Outside of a few big korean families, worst koreans ain't got no blood. No pride in where
they live. Nothing like that. Just docile inoffensive living.
Add in the talmud, judeo-christian mindfucking, feminists, the kpop mafia, plastic surgery, and their relentless addiction to Starcraft ->
LoL/Overwatch and you got a recipe for disaster.
Western and eastern esotericism are but different approaches to the same end goal
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:42:40 ID: 49c1bb No.8266516
File: d3b296c2cb6a13e .jpg (170.94 KB, 647x476, 647:476, Bobby joins fringe.jpg)

>Look to Hermeticism
I have. It's total shit and Freemason Jew Christian esoteric sand nigger magic. It's a poison and a cancer. Jung was the only good
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:43:49 ID: d71081 No.8266525
File: 01f35962d262b56 .jpg (24.6 KB, 460x351, 460:351, Yuri Bezmenov.jpg)

Based Yuri explains this. Communists/Jews love promoting mysticism and other forms of generic spirituality because it doesn't actually do
anything except encourage people to self-isolate from pursuing genuine information.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:45:16 ID: 430dfd No.8266535
> I found myself at the very rim of time and space, a vast giant being composed of the living minds and bodies of every thing that ever was.
I achieved enlightenment a few weeks ago during the Great Meme War (no joke). Never asked for it, and never experienced anything
remotely like it ever before. The sudden feeling of everything snapping into place even things you could not even conceive as relevant to
the epiphany was like a bolt from the blue. It was a Eureka moment in which I stumbled on a profound truth about our human existence,
and it has completely changed the way that I see and interact with the world.
Now go play in the meme mud, kids, so you don't die of meme fever when you grow up.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:45:56 ID: b67c73 No.8266545

File: 94de94eeb067e23 .jpg (32.86 KB, 548x300, 137:75, happiness zeno stoic.jpg)

>Communists/Jews love promoting mysticism
Yeah, Zen is anti-mysticism and the very reason it was invented. You should try to learn more about your native blood teachings of the
Aryan, and less Semitic shit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:47:56 ID: d71081 No.8266560
>There is no doctrine. It's a bunch of riddles to get you to understand paradoxical thinking and meditation to make you not want to use
drugs or need some guru inspired ritualism
Wow. It sure sounds like I can totally fight the razor-sharp clarity of the Jews with this!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:48:26 ID: 35698e No.8266566
Old men Yuri specifically addressed this, strongly hinting the first spreaders of this had KGB ties.
It's that: >>8266145
Zen and Buddhism in the west are a co-opted ersatz of the original which allow westerners to feel good about themselves despite living
godless/purposeless lives.
By offering a cheap meaningless alternative you make sure that any person doing a bit of soul searching doesn't go to evil christian
churches or worse realize why everything is so shitty.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:49:25 ID: b00b4c No.8266574
Relevant reading list to this thread:
>Tao Te Ching
>Gospel of Thomas
>The Red Book
>Smaragdine Table
>Centuries of Meditation
>The Book of Five Rings
>Sun Tzu's Art of War
"The art of reading consists in remembering the essential and forgetting the inessentials." -Adolf Hitler
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:51:24 ID: b67c73 No.8266582
File: 47aa9c54c486de0 .jpg (11.57 KB, 236x354, 2:3, 183e8fd137fad73173e5c213ad.jpg)

>By offering a cheap meaningless alternative you make sure that any person doing a bit of soul searching doesn't go to evil christian
churches or worse realize why everything is so shitty.
We were all raised in Christian churches, Comrade. They are the definition of demoralization because when you grow up and realize it's all a
big lie, the Marxist is waiting for you waiting to offer (((answers))). That's why Bolshevism and Cultural Marxism thrives in Christian
Nations and in the East Communism is just extreme elitist order.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:53:52 ID: 26a9f8 No.8266600
It's also why they love genital mutilation. Anything that breaks the will, dulls the mind/senses, and weakens the body. A goy that is selfaware and connected to nature is a bad goy indeed.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:54:34 ID: 1c0b39 No.8266609

Jews fear the Samurai, and they did steal Judo/Ju-Jitsu/Ninjits: they call their jewjitsu Krav Maga.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:55:28 ID: 1b872d No.8266612
If you are actually interested in "enlightenment" I do not believe Zen is a good path to go down.
If you look at the history of Zen, it was created when Buddhism came to China. A this point it mixed with Taoism and also spread to Japan.
It is a pollution of true Buddhist doctrine.
Theravada Buddhism and the Thai Forest Tradition are a lot more instructive and powerful in my opinion, and closest to what the actual
Buddha taught. There are some theories that Buddha was actually Aryan.
The problem with Zen is that there is very little instruction. It is abstract and seeks to define almost nothing. To me, this sounds like
someone who doesn't know what they are talking about or are unsure and want to appear to know what they are talking about.
Compare Huang-Po to Mahasi Sayadaw. It is almost light and day. Huang-Po, while very interesting to read, does not even tell you how to
meditate or teach about the stages of enlightenment. Sayadaw, on the other hand, goes into great detail about these things.
Anything you have a question about you can find in the Theravada tradition in the Pali Canon. In Zen you would be lucky if they even teach
you how to meditate and/or walking meditation properly
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:55:53 ID: b67c73 No.8266616
File: 0f18629cad8cb4a .jpg (3.23 MB, 2530x2291, 2530:2291, redpill book list.jpg)

That's a horrible book list, and needs to cut out all the Freemason shit.
>finge attempts to derail
>christian attempts to derail
>Jews attempt to derail with cheap insults and first posting
>Redbook before understanding Jung
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:56:08 ID: 000000 No.8266620
If you want to practice Zen, you can't do it outside the East due to the literal money grubbing kikes.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:57:54 ID: 1c0b39 No.8266629
>Well Zen doesn't really preach, that's the point.
Nigger have you ever even read about Zen Buddhism? The doctrine is/was most certainly preached
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:58:03 ID: 1b872d No.8266632
joshu sasaki is a degenerate
you know zen is a shit-tier religion when they have to keep bringing him up because they have nobody else to put on a pedestal

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:58:26 ID: 91e50b No.8266634

File: 14afc15ebe08d05 .png (502.42 KB, 977x5286, 977:5286, mindful_jews-fullpage.png)

Pls. Capitalism can wrap itself around just about anything. Yes, you can sell Buddhism as a product. Just like you can sell hipster and
stoner lifestyle, you can sell religion or political ideology in a form of a brand, because people like to belong to a special club/tribe.
>The Roots of Mindfulness
>How a group of Jews turned a Buddhist spiritual practice into a distinctly American phenomenon and a multi-billion-dollar industry
>By Michelle Goldberg
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:59:07 ID: b67c73 No.8266638
File: 8fe0e195dddf5b0 .jpg (65.31 KB, 625x473, 625:473, yoda fail.jpg)

>achieving "enlightenment"
>The problem with Zen is that there is very little instruction. It is abstract and seeks to define almost nothing. To me, this sounds like
someone who doesn't know what they are talking about or are unsure and want to appear to know what they are talking about.
That's the point, anon. Enlightenment is a joke
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:00:17 ID: 9ebe91 No.8266642
The jew loves to promote their brand of schizophrenic mysticism, which is really nothing but left hand "fuck u gibsmedat" path materialist
egocentrism. The kind of thought process that you're warned not to use when you first start out on the path of learning, and are constantly
warned to not use because it will fuck you over.
>razor-sharp clarity of the Jews
The so-called height of the juden empire was like 70 years before it devolved into endless shitflinging. Solomon, who was so wise and even
communicated directly with God, shat the bed and worshipped other gods (Including Baal "Lightning Pepe" Hadaad); and his fucking up lead
to the split of Israel and Judea. That's the height, the fucking pinnacle of their beliefs, and that's assuming there was a David and Solomon in
the first place. That's the glory of their history, about 70 years in a tiny strip of land. And David shat the bed too. Jewish history is a mess.
An endless cycle of
>God rescues the jews from oppression
>Jews love and accept God
>Jews fall from God because "fuk u gibsmedat"
>Go back to Moloch
>God sends someone to just fuck their shit up
>Jews cry out for help
>God sends someone to unjust their shit up
>God rescues the jews from oppression
Razor-sharp clarity indeed.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:00:56 ID: da116c No.8266645

Christ was a manifestation of Logos, he was brought down on Earth to even out the evil of the Old Testament god (Demiurge). You need to
straighten out your facts.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:04:26 ID: 029dbf No.8266662
I'm actually from 1975, and only ever knew that chick because she married Cruise.
How the fuck did they ruin her ski-slope nose?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:05:21 ID: b00b4c No.8266666
Biggest deception in Christianity is that JHWH = the Father to whom Jesus refers. JHWH is not the Father.
You can tell if someone is knows the foundation of zen if you know the foundation of zen yourself. You can speak about it without speaking
about it. If they don't know, you can't have that communication.
da fuk u takin bout fremasn shit kike?
>Tao Te Ching is at least 2000 years old
>Gospel of Thomas is at least 1500 years old
>The Red Book is by based Jung
>Smaragdine Table is at least 1300 years old
>Centuries of Meditations is a book of poems by an obscure Christian mystic Thomas Traherne
>The Book of Five Rings is by Miyamoto Musashi
>Sun Tzu's Art of War is Sun Tzu's Art of War
Literally nothing Freemason. You obviously don't understand any of them. You don't need to understand Jung in order to benefit from the
Red Book. I'll repost this quote:
>The art of reading consists in remembering the essential and forgetting the inessentials. ~Adolf Hitler
This thread is about Zen and enlightenment.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:07:01 ID: 49c1bb No.8266674
I dont know bro. Depression?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:08:23 ID: b00b4c No.8266681
Holy check. It's true. A self-aware goy is highly resistant if not totally immune to traditional forms of manipulation.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:09:52 ID: d71081 No.8266690
John 5:46
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
Straighten out your own "facts", you filthy liars.
Also, Mega Satan, nice job censoring Yahweh and showing everyone how Jewish you are. Only literal Jews dare to censor the names of
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:11:36 ID: 49c1bb No.8266698
File: 27a9b9e50d61bbf .jpg (19.65 KB, 209x241, 209:241, jew hitler one of you.jpg)

>Gospel of Thomas is at least 1500 years old
>The Red Book is by based Jung
>Smaragdine Table is at least 1300 years old
>Centuries of Meditations is a book of poems by an obscure Christian mystic Thomas Traherne
All Freemason

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:12:15 ID: b00b4c No.8266700



Also, you think I know what the correct terminology is? I don't. I was explicitly identifying the Old Testament god as opposed to "God" in
general. (((They))) say G-d, I think.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:13:20 ID: b67c73 No.8266708
File: 23e6016c6ae68b1 .png (552.94 KB, 782x782, 1:1, jew oy fuckingvey.png)


OOPs, not Redbook

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:14:26 ID: d71081 No.8266713
How about you read what Jesus actually said about the Old Testament and the prophets? Oh wait, you can't. Because you're a Jew and it
literally hurts to even think about how badly God blew you kikes the fuck out.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:14:58 ID: a897a2 No.8266720
Anyone else under the impression that at one time the freemasons weren't a jewish tool but rather a mystery school that honored the
ancient practice of mystery schools that eventually was co-opted by jews, much the same way the Ku Klux Klan was co-opted by big
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:15:07 ID: 9ebe91 No.8266721
Cocaine. Look at the top left pic, her nostrils are at the bottom of her nose. Look at her now and notice the nostril creep up her nose. Doing
coke constantly fucks your nose's shape up.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:16:52 ID: b67c73 No.8266731
File: 0e8c7e43c707558 .jpg (328.99 KB, 842x440, 421:220, George Washington.jpg)

>Anyone else under the impression that at one time the freemasons weren't a jewish
Yeah, when it was anti-Catholic and created Nationalism. But the "esoterics" came in with the Jew. /fringe/ is straight Judiasm
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:17:52 ID: b00b4c No.8266738
I don't understand how you people can blindly believe things literally while at the same time espousing that (((they))) have corrupted
everything. Make up your mind. I am practically a Bible Scholar, and some of what Jesus "says" is shite and probably wasn't actually said
by him. The Gospel of John and The Gospel of Matthew are reasonably the most authentic ones in terms of how closely they convey the
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:19:07 ID: a45811 No.8266745
what about the book of giants and enoch?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:19:26 ID: da116c No.8266749

File: f38e626d1a7a963 .jpg (553.33 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 1414223326242.jpg)

>wanting to discuss fringe history
>quoting Bible
ok nigger i've undervalued the lack of your knowledge
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:19:31 ID: ff45b5 No.8266750
>You can tell if someone is knows the foundation of zen if you know the foundation of zen yourself. You can speak about it without
speaking about it. If they don't know, you can't have that communication.
Bullshit, language can be abstract, so you can talk about zen without talking about it.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:20:05 ID: d71081 No.8266756
File: 6bd134c86a9db2d .jpg (58.31 KB, 640x600, 16:15, 6e5480ab16823b21e88e9856e7.jpg)

>I am a Bible Scholar.
>But I don't believe the Bible.
>Saying you're a "Bible Scholar" in the first place.
Keep digging that hole, Mordecai.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:20:11 ID: aba9eb No.8266759
This thread is ruined.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:20:31 ID: 21f8f8 No.8266763
>anarchist cookbook
Choose one and only one. The anarchist cookbook is a shitty book that is designed to blow up one of your hands or burn down your house
if you try to do what they write in it. For example, It totally lacks the safety information about how to properly handle highly exothermic
reactions some of the syntheses in it produce, which will easily blow up whatever the fuck you did your experiment in and mangle you at the
same time with corrosive material splashing everywhere. If you want to properly do what they teach in it you better learn organic chemistry.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:21:07 ID: ff45b5 No.8266765
>Keep digging that hole, Mordecai.
At the bottom of that hole, lies all the anime's you jerk off too.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:21:23 ID: a897a2 No.8266768
>/fringe/ is straight Judiasm
Meh. After reading Serrano and Jung I don't think it is completely judaic. I'm also under the impression that the jews took most of their
occult knowledge from the Byzantine mystery schools.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:22:24 ID: d71081 No.8266775

Anything /fringe/ is garbage in the first place.
>Guys, I've figured out EVERYTHING.
>No, seriously, guys!
>The "masters" were all fake. True mysticism has never been tried. My super-specific brand of mysticism that has NEVER BEEN TRIED
BEFORE will totally work and solve everything!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:23:42 ID: a897a2 No.8266787
Please read
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:23:44 ID: cef592 No.8266789
The Japanese believe in making energy or Qi neutral at the benefit of making tons of it.
However they produce so much of it that the Jews tapped into the surplus grey energy because nobody was using it.
Waste not want not.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:25:22 ID: d77b15 No.8266803
File: 262accba6fb09b2 .jpg (318.96 KB, 1202x1600, 601:800, we are all going to make i.jpg)

They used the hippies to create a bastardized image of Buddhism for the West which is essentially just the nihilism which is the first step of
Buddhist practice removed from the life-affirming traditions connected to the sangha. Judo and Karate don't have the same potential for being
another link in the materialist matrix of nihilistic control.
Remember that Zen Buddhism was incorporated into both the shamanistic practices of folk priests and the martial practices of the the
Samurai. It is not the peace, love and acquiescence which is preached in the West. Going farther back to the beginning, Gautama was
offering another option of a yogic path in the Vedic tradition rather than overturning tradition. From there Buddhism morphs into various forms
in China, Tibet, Japan, etc., but all of them became intertwined with the folk tradition of the region, such as in the Tibetan Buddhism which
acknowledges spirits in a way directly opposed to the teachings of Gautama.
>Aryan Zen when?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:25:28 ID: a897a2 No.8266804
Shut the fuck up tbh.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:25:34 ID: e243f9 No.8266807
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zen is just living in kino, so JUST feel it without feeling it, and everything will be daijoubu.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:26:14 ID: d71081 No.8266813

File: 72c0b3cd28cfcc7 .jpeg (49.92 KB, 409x395, 409:395, 72c0b3cd28cfcc74d7b87c74e.jpeg)


Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:27:45 ID: a897a2 No.8266821
I guess. You just come off a brat is all. People are trying to have a discussion and you're just screaming


Quite annoying tbh.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:28:06 ID: 9ebe91 No.8266825
Found the leftypol.

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