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Ideologies and isms blossom in an individual nurtured by his environment, facilitating the
development of his outlook. This acumen in a person favours in shaping his personality.
An educational institution is pivotally poised to veer a child towards an altar which would
offer it a firm foundation to successfully overcome the challenges of the mission called
LIFE. A child spends considerable 8 hours approximately in a school as a student other
than being in the safe, comfortable familial repose. Popular belief that a school becomes
the second home for a child falls short of attaining fruition if the ambience does not act
conducive for the child to think so. A school in true sense becomes a friend and guide of a
child when its little heart beats in unison with this throbbing pillar of the institution called
TEACHERS. Each student as an individual thinks and behaves differently. In this
diversity lies the glorious charm of Nature. A teacher who rightly imbibes this universal
truth and moulds his service with nobility rises above his level to become an Idol. When
I was a student -, If I were this student - are the two key chords that should always
resonate in a teacher to come close to understand the psychology of a learner. Coupled
with the quality to handle situations prudently appreciating the virtues of a student
honestly, admitting a committed wrong not only encourages the two souls to be one but
also maintains the blissful flow of the purgatorial fountain in both. Patience, not
Punishment, Listening, not Lashing, Speaking, not Scolding undoubtedly yield far
superior results in channeling a misdirected aberrant back in the mainstream of a joyful
and victorious life. Yes, every institution possesses such soulful touchstones acting as role
model transforming ordinary students into glittering golden achievers.

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