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Tike and Kelly Nelson Bethany, Petra, Ashton 617 6th Avenue My turn, my turn!! Bethany got to urite the letter last year so | get my turn now. I?m Petra and 1’m 2 1/2 years old. | know | can do this becouse | try everuthing Bethany does and | usually do it with only a few more problens than my 4 1/2 year old sister. You remember my daddy and monmy, they’re Hite and Telly. They were teaching in Nt. Lake after Bethany wrote her letter last year. Mommy was working with the cheerleaders and she had a baby in her tummy, too. God put it there and it was in there for a long time. In January, Bethany and | got tubes in our ears. He went to a big hospital in Hantato and put on funny pajamas ond blue hats. Lots of people that were dressed funny too, took care of us. We took a long nap while we were there and then went toa hotel because there was a blizzard and we couldn’t get hone. Our ears didn’t hurt anymore after that. He could finally sleep in our beds and not in Momny’s arms. CHonmy said that was real ly good...1 kind of liked being held most of the night.) Even in the spring, Daddy and Hommy seemed very busy. They rushed us out the door in the morning and rushed us home after school. Honmy was getting more tired and it got harder and harder to sit on her lap. | sometimes asked when the doctor would take the baby out but | wasn’t sure when "it seems like forever” would be. In April, | turned 2. That’s when | thought there might be a chance that I'd catch'up to Bethany but a few days later, she turned 4. Somehow this seems terribly unfair to me. une 1 was the day we were looking forward to at our house. The last day of schoo! was June 1 and our baby was also due on June 1. Bethany loves preschool. At home, she likes to write letters, color, and cut paper. She also likes to play pretend ond be a helper with big gir! jobs. Sometimes she even plays with me. 1 like to do whatever Bethany does and for some reason that frustrates her.

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