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Tt has been brought to my attention that 1 have not had the pleasure of meeting manu of usu receiving this letter. In fact, | understand that 9 number of you have no idea of my very existence. Although | did not make an appearance here until just recently, | have definitely been an important part of the Nelson faniiy for nearly all of 1966, | am the fourth child of Mike and Kelly but | am the first of their children with na frills attached. ty name is Daniel John and yes, | an male; a boy; we're talking no pink or lace! Soon after my emergence into this bright and very active world, | was told that in addition to eating, sleeping, eruing, (and wetting>, | mas to become author., And, net to pul any pressure on me, but 1 find out that | an following a 3 year history of my siblings in writing the annual Christmas letter. The challenge is gecepted. ilith the exception of the news obout my forthcoming, the new year cane in quite as usual and continued as such. Spring and summer were great for my family with a lot of little events and celebrations, Petra had her 4th birthday with Bethany’s 6th close behind and then fol lowed with Ashton’s 2nd Tadd vent to Promise Keepers, joined by some close friends and family, who all challenged each other to be the husbands and fathers described in_ the Bible, The whole family went to the “Wilder Pageant” in Halnut Grove after reading “On the Banks of Plum Greek”. Daddy and Mommy celebrated their Sth wedding anniversary with their annual trip to Sonshine Festival; it was fabulous as alucys. 14's edd because although | know | was present at many of these special things, they're all rather fuzzy, Next summer, 1711 need to be quite insistent on trying aut the playground that Daddy added swings and a 2nd fort to. This summer he also sorked hard on completing the bedroom above our Joundry room for Bethany ond Petra in preparation for the new baby taking their old one. That would be me. The room is an angle citu...a drywallers Rightnare, which my daddy, being the master carpenter that he is, was able to conquer. There was just one full shest of sheetrock in the whole room. My mommy then stepped in to pag roll tuo walls, She used white sheets to make window valences and comforters which she stenciled with pansies The school year began with Bethany heading off to first grade. She loves to read books almost as much as she loves to hold me. She loves to pall uords, figure out adding and subtracting problems, and thrives on learning ney things, She often amazes Honmy and Daddy with what she knows dbut then again, they are easily impressed). Bethany’s friendships are also becoming very important to her Petra was finally able to do what she’s wanted to do for too long After watching Daddy and Bethany go off to school, she was able ta join then Tuo mornings @ week, she goes to Pre-School and absolutely loves it. Petra loves to sing and perform and is always thinking of new things to create with anything available; most recently, anything paper, especial lu paper plates. Until recently, Ashton received all benefits of being the baby around here, now she’s just another cute and very lovable big girl. Ashton uses her growing vocabulary to its fullest extent, talking constantly. She loves to do Just about anything that she can copy from her big sisters. Vet, for someone tho has spent the better part of 2 uaars copying others; she dees quite well entertaining herself. | She enjoys locking at books, playing with Barbies, and helping her doliies use the toilet. Ashton was also a flower girl in the Wedding of a family friend. Mommy wasn’t able to go because it was the day Gfter | was born but everyone assured her that she locked like @ princess Then came me. find what you may have heard is true, | am absolutely the sweetest little bou that ever graced this fine land. Krowing now that Daddy and Mommy chose to use this letter as their baby announcenent, let me give you the details. 1 was born on Oct. 18, nearly 2 weeks early, which Hommy said was truly a blessing. Daddy says if was mice that | was born on a Wiking’s bye weekend. <| guess someday |711 know what that means.) | weighed 9 pound= 2 1/2 ounces, was 21" long and growing bigger continues to b= my area of expertise. | have brown hair end blue eyes. | was nomed Daniel in honor of Daddy*s brother, who died in a cer cecident in 1983, and my middle nome is shared with my Grandpa Krautkremer. Without sounding biased, | en probably the easiest baby ever born, fHommy saus she prayed for a content baby and the Lord was gracious. | try to keep myself entertained by sleeping, When | do open my eyes, | like to watch all the activity around here and to work on mu, newest activities: smiling and cooing. My daddy is stil teaching second grade and really enjoying it. He also works hard on our home-based business. He continues to run and work out regularly and he likes helping out with groups at church. In all his “spare” time he works on our home which he’s finding is quite a high maintenance fouse Ailthoush | keep my mommy cake more hours than she prefers, she says she feels tons better since | mas torn, (1 quess | have that effect on people.) She squs she truly enjoys being home every day to take care of us. She likes to squeeze in a craft project here and there but mostiy I think she likes to squeeze me. She looks forward to her weekly groups at church where she finds friendship and @ lot of spiritual support. For the first time since 1989, me are signing our letter without Schuyler, our black eat. Me lost him ih November and he is missed find now, as if my letter wasn’t adequate, here is some additional words from my parents: any of you are familiar mith the classic “It’s q Honderful if” which is definitely a favorite at the Nelson hone. Hith that movie in mind, we wish to remind euch of you of the influence you have had on our lives. Each of you have touched us in a very special way and for that we thank usu. The other influence that we are thankful for is that of our Lord nd Savior, Jesus Christ. What an abundant life He can provide. We are blessed with love, contentment, and joy. Our wish to you is the abundant life that only Jesus can give through receiving Him as your personal Savior, Have @ very special Christmas and memorable new year. Love from the Nelsons, + or Sas We Bs { Bethany, Petra, Ashton, 3 Danie\ ¢along with Dawg and Sonnier> Christnas 1996

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