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Christmas greetings to you from the Nelson family. I guess you know you’re in your thirties when you reflect back, see nothing out, of the ordinary has happened, and you consider it a good thing. To say we have a had a “quiet” year would not be accurate, but it has been a year without exciting trips, exceptional activities, or earth shattering News; and right now, that’s a very good thing. In the hustle of the world, it has been nice to “get-away” ‘from it all within the walls of our house; a home of contentment, safety, and conmitment. With minimal editing, I have given the kids their onn chance to write about themselves. With only a bit more help given to the tno youngest, here is their year in review. Enjoy. Hi, my name is Bethany. I’m in third grade. I am eight years old. I was in Little Miss Mt. Lake in June. I had to talk on stage by myself. It was fun. Some sports I tried this year were volleyball, soccer, swinming, and gymnastics. In third grade T learn to do cursive writing, read chapter books, and multiply. My favorite verse is Psalm 20:7. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” I like playing with my friends, drawing, doing math, baking, playing with my cousins, going to school, going to Grandpa and Grandma’s house, going to church, and sening. Hi, my name is Petra. I am in first grade. I am six years old. I did soccer. IT did swimming. And I did gymnastics. In first grade, I am learning to read, spell words, add and subtract. I like to play with friends, ride my bike, play with my doll, Rosie, play games, read, jump rope, and wrestle mith Daddy. I like to go to Walmart and to Grandpa and Grandma’s house. ' My favorite verse is Psalm 56:3. “When I am afraid, I will trust you.” I had a loose tooth, and now it just fell out at Pizza Hut! My name is Ashton. I an 4. I go to Preschool. T play on the jungle gym. I read stories. TI paint. I glue. I play with my friends. I like playing on the computer. I like to do my jobs. I went to gymnastics. I liked doing cartwheels. I like to go to church and to my friends houses. My favorite verse is “Children, obey your parents, the way the Lord wants. This is the right thing to do.” Ephesians 6:1. I love you. That's ail. Daniel turned 2 in October ond I couldn’t begin or end this paragraph without emphasizing the word “active”. Those that have heard of him say “it’s a boy thing”, those that have spent time with him say “oh my”. In spite of the fact that he is constantly in motion and ‘runs us all ragged, he has been such a joy. We laugh as we see how his interests are not those shared by his sisters, He loves trains and trucks, although only real ones will keep his interest. The only toys that are truly played with are his tools. He loves to be in the garage with Daddy Cor alone when he can sneak out) to work on his projects; usually “manmering” whatever Daddy is hammering. His motto is “There is alnays more to be explored.” Just 10 years into our lifetime together, Mike and I cherish the times we have with each other. For our anniversary, we took a reminiscent trip to Red Wing where we had spent our first anniversary. We made a few new memories there (like climbing the side of a “mountain”) before heading to the Sonshine Music Festival. Throughout the past year, we enjoyed meeting with a small group of other parents and-going through “Growing Kids God's Way”, as well “as with our individual small groups in church. We have continued working our home-based business and have enjoyed our best year yet. I have been completely enjoying my newest (and probably most rewarding) hobby of scrapbooking. Mike has dusted off his old childhood favorite of collecting Hot Wheels. And you can now e-mail us at: You’ve heard the greeting so many times of peace during this Christmas season. Our wish for you is that you will find the true peace that comes only from receiving Jesus as your personal Savior. Then, you can be sure, the angels will be rejoicing and Jesus will be smiling; for that is why He came to earth as a baby so many years ago, to pay for your ticket Home. We know that our reservation in Heaven is “in the book”! Have a blessed Holiday Season! p + Love, from the Nelsons @ We ASO Christmas Kabbare oe Bethany along On dang In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” John 3:3

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