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** Greetings to you during this wonderful holiday season. ** It is such an exciting time of year with all the preparations, programs, and presents. All of this to celebrate the birthday of one very special Person. Can we say we'd do as much for anyone else? This excitement we feel at Christmas time is such a perfect illustration of how important this birthday is as compared to anyone elses. rightfully so. ‘At the Nelsons, we are finding ourselves in a very pleasant stage of our lives. Where Veaaie Tales Is watched by all, a special day is time spent at McDonalds playland, and where meaningless Mother Goose nursery rhymes float off our tongues. nd She _had so many children she didn’t know what to do. All right, | will admit that to some of you, four children doesn’t seem like so many, but at times it leaves me not knowing what to do, Fortunately, | am still home full time and so thankful for that. | play the role of homemaker, business manager, gardener, daily scheduler, chauffeur, and owie-kisser. | am paid in full by my daily dose of hugs and kisses. | am enjoying doing my scrapbooking and am finding that | can now actually work on it while the kids are awake (if | want “help"). The girls each have their own home-made scrapbooks and love to add ANY pictures to them (feel free to share your doubles). Other joys include ladies Bible studies, times with special friends, late night movies with ‘my husband, and dancing around the house with the kids! Willie Runs through the town. ‘You know you are married to an addicted runner when you hear these words, “im going running to get rid of my headache”. Mike's love for running is expressed in his activities. In addition to heading up the Mountain Lake Pow Wow. Road Race committee, Mike has now become the Cross Country Head Coach. After a couple years as the assistant to his once high school coach, Mike finds himself filing some very large shoes but enjoying it very much. He is still teaching second grade and remains active in many church activities such as men’s Bible study, youth small group, and head trustee. In addition to our home-based business and his very busy schedule, we all appreciate that Mike spends much quality time with us. Our kids adore him and love playing with him. Mike is presently tearing the old lathe and plaster out of our bedroom. It was the first room completed when we started working on our house over 11 years ago, and our inexperience at the time has shown through ever since. Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush So early in the morning. Setting her alarm 1 1/2 hours before school starts is Bethany’s daily routine. In fourth grade, she loves to get up early and go to school with Daddy which, until the snow came, was on her bike. This summer was an exciting time for our nine-year-old. She went on a five hour trip to Big Sandy Camp with a group from our church. The six days away from her family was fun, a bit scary, (especially for me), and such a time for growth. She also got her ears pierced ‘this summer. Last spring was Bethany’s first science fair which eared her a first place ribbon at the Regional in Mankato. (If my calculations are correct, our family only has 15 more science fair projects to go!) Bethany loves going to AWANA, reading, baking, riding bike, and is a wonderful helper at our house! sssBings on her fingers and bells on her toes, ‘She shall have music wherever she goes. | can’t be sure, but | believe our seven-year-old, Petra, has music running through her mind as common as you and | have thoughts. She loves to sing and make up songs. She will often read her books with 2 melody and we find her ‘storybooks on the piano where she is making up music for them. Now in second grade (and in her daddy's class), she loves to read; especially chapter books. After writing many short stories, she is currently becoming the author of her own “chapter” book. I believe that Petra has the largest heart of anyone | know. She is sympathetic to others and shares their feelings. Petra has joined Bethany this year in attending AWANA. She has loved the challenge and fun it provides. This year Petra can rightfully sing “All ! want for Christmas is my two front teeth”. Be always like the lamb so mild. Akind and sweet and gentle child. Just one flash of Ashton's smile and you may find yourself putty in her hands. At five years old, our Kindergartner is earning to adjust to being a full time student since our school adopted an all-day every-day Kindergarten program. This summer, Ashton leamed to ride her bike without training wheels which Is very exciting for her. Ashton has a very good imagination. She is often in her own little world reading to her class or playing dress up. Surprisingly enough, Ashton’s favorite thing to do is to collect things from our paper recycling; used envelopes, sale ads, etc. It’s difficult for us to share her appreciation for these treasures and without the secret visit from the circular file, her warehouse would be overflowing. What are little boys made of? ‘Snakes and snails and puppy doa tails. Oh, what a new light Daniel gives to the challenge of raising children. Onee we find a productive way to channel his, energy, we will be very pleased. Until then, our three-year-old will keep our bodies fit and our minds on the ready. His interests are so typically “boy” that it continues to amaze us. A hug can rarely be just a hug (without showing how tight he can squeeze or how he can wrestle us to the floor). Toys with wheels, things that bounce, and any tools are the only things worthwhile. It has been a lot of fun to be able to talk with him. I'm sure you would agree that listening to the new words presented dally from a three year old are always exciting and sometimes makes us want to laugh. And you can share in another joy at our house: after 9 1/2 years without a break, we may have used our last diaper! Lwish | may, | wish | might, ve the wi ish tonight. God has been blessing us beyond our biggest wishes. He has given us a healthy family, special friends, and Himself, Last spring, we achieved 2 status in our Melaleuca business that we had aimed for since the beginning. Because of reaching this goal, we were flown to the home offices in Idaho Falls, and went horse-back riding in the Grand Tetons! What an incredible dream come truel Other fun events of the summer were a few days spent with friends at Arrowwood Resort, and our first family camping trip at SpiritFest Midwest; a more family-friendly music festival. ‘The kids absolutely LOVED camping. | would have preferred a “not-so-rough” roughing it... running water would've been nice. ip above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky. Like some, has the thought passed through your mind that the end of the millenniurn could also be the end of the world as prophesied in the Bible? The simple answer is “No one knows the day or the hour...” (Matt.24:36). But it should make Us all consider if we would be one of those Jesus snatches up to heaven in the twinkling of an eye, when he comes back to get His children. Here's a simple question that may help you know: If you were asked WHY you should be able to go to heaven, what would you answer? (Hint: if your answer includes the word “I”, you may want to seek the correct, answer.) Jesus was born for one reason, and He died for that same reason: you. Don’t wait another day to truly find Him (the answer). We wish to you a special Christmas celebration. We pray that each of you have safe travels, pafforgbfe times with friends and family, and a happy 2000. Merry Christmas! EZ Love, from the ah Petra A So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. Matt. 24:44

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