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No one stands alone in victory

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Arjun, upon seeing Ram-Setu at Rameshwaram, wondered aloud why Ram had taken help of monkeys to
build the bridge than building a bridge of arrows. Hearing this, a small monkey appeared before Arjun challenging him to build a bridge of arrows capable of bearing
his weight alone. After each attempt of Arjun, the
monkey would step on the bridge and the bridge would
break. Dejected, Arjun decided to take his life. At this
point Lord Krishna intervened, and chided the monkey,
who was Lord Hanuman, for making Arjun feel incompetent and Arjun for his vanity. As an act of penitence,
Hanuman decided to help Arjuna by stabilizing and
strengthening his chariot during the imminent great
battle of Kurukshetra.

During the battle of Kurukshetra, Arjuna fought with a

flag displaying Hanuman on his chariot. After the victory
of his side, he and Lord Krishna thanked Lord Hanuman
for his help and stepped down from the chariot. Hanuman came in his original form, bowed to Krishna and left
the flag, flying away into the sky. As soon as he left the
flag, the chariot began to burn and turned into ashes.
Krishna told the shocked Arjun, that the only reason his
chariot was still standing was because of the presence
of Himself and Hanuman, otherwise, it would have burnt
many days ago due to effects of celestial weapons
thrown at it in the war.

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