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Tarsius is one of an endemic

animal in Sulawesi. We can find
Tarsius in Sulawesi Forest. There are
seven species of Tarsius in Sulawesi.
Those are Tarsius Sulawesi (Tarsius
dentatus), Tarsius Lariang (Tarsius
lariang), Tarsius Peleng (Tarsius
(Tarsius sangirensis), Tarsius Siau
(Tarsius tumpara), Tarsius Kerdil
(Tarsius pumilus). The most populer of Tarsius in Sulawesi
are Tarsius tarsier and Tarsius pumillus. And there are two
species of Tarsius in Filipina. Those are Tarsius syrichta and
Tarsius bancanus.
Tarsius is a famous animal which has big eyes. The
height of tarsius is about 10 until 15 cm, but the diameters
of them eyes are 2 cm. So, its eyes look bigger compare their
body. The sizes of them eyes are as big as their brain. The
function of them eyes is to help Tarsius as a nocturnal
Tarsius has favorite food, there are insects. But,
Tarsius can eat lizard, snake, or bat. On the tree, Tarsius
can catch their prey in one jumping. And they can reach
about 3 meters.
Tarsius is a unique animal. Tarsius can not walk on
the ground. They just can jump nothing at all. So, Tarsius
pass their time on the tree.
But, now Tarsius is an extinct animal. Some people
hunt Tarsius for medicine. We are really difficult to look
Tarsius in direct, let alone Tarsius is a nocturnal animal.

= Kuni Mawaddah
Class/Number = Eight grade E/ 12

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