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Media Studies Fall 2016 (Nigel Wynne)

Canadian New Media Art Analysis (20%)

Due: Week 12
Answer the following three questions in 750-1000 words. You may focus
on one question more than another, but make sure that each question
informs your analysis to some extent. Use and underline at least nine of
the terms listed and in relation to course content (18 marks)
1. Provide a critical review of the current Canadian new media art you chose
for the project.
2. What bodies provided funding (must be at least one public body)?
Research and explain the origin and role of the public bodi(es) that provided
3. Might you claim that the art captures the Canadian spirit? What is
particularly Canadian about it?
Presentation, sentence construction and citations (2 marks).

The following website may help you to find a suitable project to research in

Terms (all terms have been pulled from in class lectures as presented on
Blackboard you are not limited to this list and may use other ideas/terms
from class notes):

the free flow of ideas as powerful forces

Aird Commission 1929
Massey-Levesque Commission 1949-51
Fowler Commission1956-7
Applebaum-Herbert Committee 1981-2
copyright legislation
digital and broadband communication
space bias
time bias
rigidities and elasticities
policy of assimilation
communication media
global cultural consciousness
social media
once-passive consumers
media content producers
common consciousness
participatory democracy
communications systems
commercialized society
communication technologies

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