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Marbury v.


McCulloch v. Maryland

Miranda v. Arizona

Plessy v. Ferguson

Summarize the Events What was the Legal

of the Case
Precedent Established
by the case?
Adams appointed
Basis for the exercise
Marbury in the last
of judicial review
hours of his
Madison refused to
deliver Marburys
commission. Marbury
petitioned to get his
commissions. Marshall
then found the law
not requiring Madison
to give Marbury his
Maryland placed a
States cannot tax the
prohibitive tax on the
federal government.
banks notes from the
Second Bank of the
U.S. The bank
appealed to the
supreme court. The
court decided that the
state could not make
this law without
impeding the U.S.
Therefore the law was
Miranda was arrested You have to be read
and taken to the
your rights before you
station where he was
are interrogated
identified by the
witness. He was
interrogated by police
which resulted in a
signed confession. He
was found guilty and
sentenced. His appeal
was declined, saying
that his rights were
not violated when
getting the
Plessy refused to sit in Separate facilities for
a Jim Crow train car.
blacks and whites are
He was arrested and
taken to court. Judge
Ferguson upheld the
separate but equal
law. The law was then
taken to the supreme
court and found to
NOT violate the 13th

and 14th amendments.

Brown v. Topeka Board The U.S. Supreme
Separate is not equal
of Education
court found that racial in public schools
segregation in public
schools violated the
14th amendment. It
named separate but
equal as not relevant
to education.

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