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Ms. Daina
19 Nov. 2016
Juxtaposition: Holden and music song lonely connected to each other. Lonely theme and
Holden have thing in common. The things in common in these two is Lonely and emotion
repression. Lonely is about a man who is lonely and his emotion burst caust him to regret
about letting her go and how important she is to him. When she is around he did nothing to her
but when she left, he breakdown and the song start to say he is lonely.
For Holden and compare to the musicLonely. He has a crush name Jane. He remember
every details of her example of things she like, schedule, lifestyle, and her hobby. This tells us
that every detail that he have is every important to him and it is what make him now. When
Stradlater told Holden that he is dating Jean. This chapter make Holden burst his emotion and his
emotional repression came out. After he lost his crush he regret about not telling Jean about his
true feeling and go on.

"Lonly" A-Z lyrix, 13 Nov. 2016,

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