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Niel Crocodile

What is crocodile niel?

The Nile Crocodile is the largest of the crocodile family in Africa, with the heaviest weighing in
at well over 200 kilos. They have short, powerful legs, a bronze colour all over with dark patches
along the spiky back and a slightly lighter coloured belly. Their large mouth, excellent digestive
system and a strong set of teeth means that these crocodiles can eat almost anything, including
other animals that have died of diseases. They have been known to eat up to half of their own
body weight in one meal. Although it has a viscous reputation the Nile crocodile is actually a
very caring parent. Eggs are buried under soft sand with both the male and female guarding them
until they hatch. Females will respond to the sound of calling hatchlings, helping them to water
by digging up the sand and carrying them in her mouth.
Where is habitat crocodile niel?
Nile Crocodiles can be found in the rivers, lakes, estuaries, marshes and lagoons of Africa
and western Madagascar. They are solitary but sometimes several crocodiles gather together to
Sub-adults disperse into different habitats, away from breeding areas, when they reach a
length of approximately 1.2 m. Nile crocodiles modify their habitat by digging dens (usually
with their snouts and feet) into which they retreat from adverse conditions such as temperature

When nile crocodile can breeding?

This species digs hole nests up to 50cm deep in sandy banks, several metres from the water.
These may be in close proximity to other nests. Timing of nesting behaviour varies with
geographic location - it takes place during the dry season in the north, but at the start of the rainy
season further south, usually from November through to the end of December. Females reach
sexual maturity around 2.6 m, males at around 3.1 m. Females lay around 40 to 60 eggs in the
nest, although this number is quite variable between different populations. The nile crocodile can
be good parents .

Why nile crocodile are good parents?

The mother crocodile lays her eggs in carefully made nest that she the covers with sand .
The mother stands guard over the nest for three months . The father crocodile helps out . He is
there to chase away enemies . As the time fox the babies are ready to hatch , they call out . The
mother crocodile quickly uncovers the nest . The mother crocodile then carries each newly
hatched baby down to the water . if the streams dry uy\p , the mother searches for water holes .
Then she carries the babies there .

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