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Madison Scarlassara

Dr. Alec Thomson

History 134 - Ancient World History
22 October 2016
Life in Sparta
It was time to say goodbye. Both my two brothers and father were leaving my
mother and I today to fight for our beloved city-state of Sparta. I must be strong, I
thought to myself as I held in a sob. Spartan citizens were never allowed to show any sign
of weakness. I kept my face stone cold as I bid them goodbye. Come back with your
shied or on it Mother said to them as parting words. They turned and headed towards
Persia. I have heard very little about the upcoming war but from what gathered it was
going to be long and brutal. The oracle had spoken and King Leonitous will lead our
army to be united with Athens and lead an attack on Persia before it is to late. As I
watched my brothers and father march off, I knew I would never see them again.
I felt bad for my mother. She has suffered too much in such short time. Last week
my younger brother Alcon who is 7 was sent off to the barracks. There, Alcon would
learn the necessary military skills that were essential to Spartan life. He would study
reading, writing, music and dancing along with fighting. Alcon, with other boys his age
would be given a mentor to help guide him. He will be taught to not feel pain and to
always put the state before anything else. Alcon will spend the next 7 years of his life
there and at the end of his educational journey he will have to kill a helot to prove his

Aella, my mother called towards me. We must start back for home. I stood up
from where I had been sitting, daydreaming, and started to follow her along the two mile
stretch home. Our house is located in the center of Sparta and is red with clay brick walls.
Our family is on the higher end of the social pyramid, in-between peroikoi and aristoi
classes. My great grandfather had been one of the two kings a few decades back. I stared
at my mother who was a few yards ahead at me and thought about the goodbye we would
have to have when I get married next year. Spartan culture indicates that virgin women
should be married by the age of 18 to any eligible bachelor. Unlike other Greek citystates, no dowry is going to be placed down. This allows men to pick a wife that is the
most suitable for bearing children rather then focusing on money.
My mother has been preparing me for this since I was 13. Every day I attend
school. I learn the core subjects plus dancing and athletics. After that I run or practice my
javelin throwing. It is essential that I keep my body in its best condition. Men look for a
healthy strong woman that will bear him healthy strong sons. My mother and I rounded a
corner and entered the town square. The smell of blood, sweat and foods cooking filled
my nostrils. Our Spartan diet consisted mostly of many different types of meat like, pig,
sheep and even sometimes fish. We ate dairy in the form of cheese and milk made by the
helots. Barley bread was only made on special occasions and definitely not a staple food
Many say that the life of a Spartan woman is brutal and unsentimental. But to us,
it is the only way we know. Each day we push ourselves to the greatest we can possibly
be and strive to better our state. I have lived here for 17 years and will stay here until I
die, birthing and guiding future Spartan citizens as my duty foretells.

Works Cited

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