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Theo smith

Theo Smith was one of my best mates that I will never

forget. We grew up in Echunga, South Australia died on
20th of November 1915 at the age of 20. Theo or Little
as every one called him, was born on 14th of November
1895. Theo went to school at Sacred heart collage in
Echunga but dropped out and became a Baker at his
local bakery.
Theo and I shared the same hobbies but his favorite
thing to do was go down to the local dam and fish.
Theo was very talented and fishing and has many
awards form all different comps in his area his most
prize award was the 2nd best fly fisherman in south Australia.

On the 16th of august 1915 Theo enlisted, following the British declaration of war,
Theo decided to voluntarily enlist because he need a challenge and got told that
it would be great experience. Theo was sent off to Gallipoli weeks later to fight in
the first world war. When Theo arrived he made it to the shore somehow with
god by his side as he watched hundreds of men get shot down around him Theo
was told to dig trenches and somewhere in the first week of the battle he lost his
life. Theos best mate who was on the boat with him survived the war and has a
quote that Theo said Boys if I dont make it make sure you bury me with a nice
cold beer.
Funeral will be held at the church in Echunga at 1:00 tomorrow.

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