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Paul will use a lighter ball in addition to the following adjustments listed throughout the unit.

Paul can perform this from either his wheelchair or walker.

Paul can perform this from either his wheelchair or walker.

He also will shoot at a lower hoop and potentially a shorter distance.

Paul can perform this from either his wheelchair or walker.

The hoop will be lower for both, if in wheelchair will be looking specifically at upper body form

Paul can perform this from either his wheelchair or walker. He will not need to jump
but will need to be able to catch a ball and then shoot it.

Paul will be assessed more on his ability to understand which way to move and
having the reaction of moving in that direction. Upper body will only be assessed when
in wheelchair.

Paul will show his knowledge and understanding of basketball

offenses through small sided drills and extended time during cognitive assesments.

Paul will show his knowledge and understanding of basketball

defenses through small sided drills and extended time during cognitive assesments.

Pauls partner will write for him to limit para use in class if that is not working, Pauls para
will assist in writing during all in school written assessments

Pauls partner will write for him to limit para use in class if that is not working, Pauls para
will assist in writing during all in school written assessments

Pauls partner will write for him to limit para use in class if that is not working, Pauls para
will assist in writing during all in school written assessments

Target Level for Paul: Attempts to face offensive player, Maintains eye contact on player/
ball, leads with foot that doesnt cross legs, can take an initial shuffle step both

Pauls para will assist in writing during all in school written assessments

Pauls para will assist in writing during all in school written assessments.
Pauls guardian will assist in all out of school writing.
Paul also will be doing this in an electronic version, not hardcopy

Paul can perform this from his wheelchair or walker, whichever he is more comfortable with. His partner will
assist in writing. Paul also will do this in a static setting versus dynamic.

Pauls Para will assist in writing all in school assignments. Could also be asked verbally

Paul will receive extra time to fill in this assignment. It will also be provied to him online not hard copy.

Pauls pre/post test will be modified to achieve key elements of the skill that
are developmentally appropriate to the skill level he is bringing in. In addition,
they will be written for using a wheelchair and or a walker.

Paul will be given ample time to finish his test. He also will be taking it online or with a para if
hard copy

Safety when using wheelchair and walker students are to engage in game play but not to
physically touch walker or wheelchair.
Paul is not to target peers with his chair or walker.

Lighter basketball

During all activities in class Paul will be allowed to take breaks as he sees fit if he not
taking advantage of this privilege otherwise teacher will signal to Paul when he can take
additional breaks

All Lesson Plan Modifications were addressed in the Block Plan or earlier

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