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HANA stores information in electronic memory as compared to regular RDBMS technologies

that store information on hard disks


Besides, most SAP systems have the database on one system and a calculation engine on
another, and they pass information between them. With HANA, all this happens within the same
10. What is columnar storage and how does it support faster access of data?
Answer: Columnar database stores data in a sequence of columns; the entries of a column get
stored in contiguous memory locations. This phenomenon is called columnar storage.
Column store is optimized for READ; only the selected columns will be read during query
processing, hence it performs well. It offers significant advantages of data compression or encoding
data into fewer bits allowing larger volumes of data in main memory and higher performance in
selection and aggregation queries.
11. Are column-based tables always better than row-based tables?
Answer: No. There are business cases where row based tables are advantages over column, like in
frequently updated databases. If the database is frequently updated or inserted, row-based tables
perform faster as they are optimized for write operations.

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