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Nicole Johnson
Professor Knudson
20 November 2016
The most interesting thing I learned in this inquiry process were the many ethical
concerns associated with cloning. Prior to the completion of this project, I expected there to be a
few ethical concerns affiliated with human cloning research, but never expected the indefinite
amount I would encounter while analyzing scholarly material. Some of the issues of morality I
came across included: playing God, the slippery slope, loss of uniqueness, weapons of war,
the manufacturing of embryos, mankind developing a sense of meaningless towards life, the
dematerializing of the nuclear family, and many more.
Continuing on, I found the research process to be extremely difficult, not because I
lacked sources, but because I felt there were important elements missing in these references.
However, the majority of scholarly sources utilized from JSTOR I found to be extremely
detailed, not just in dealing with the ethical issues of cloning, but the procedures and regulations
associated with human cloning as well aswhich my other references were missing. However,
as I began working on the genre products I figured out a way to integrate these sources into an
exceptionally comprehensive PowerPoint presentationexamining the background, societal
concerns, ethical concerns, and the benefits of human cloningas well as by using
postersdirected towards the congress and NBAC (National Bioethics Advisory Commission)
in regards to the so called, recommended regulations on human cloningand bumper

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stickersgoing over common ethical concerns, while taking a humorous approach on subject
matter. Not to mention, I found the writing process for the annotated bibliography to be simple,
as I could gather a significant amount of information from my references with
That being said, I did change my original inquiry questionhow does metal music alter
human behavior? to how is human cloning an ethical concern? I had to make this drastic shift
because I couldnt find any scholarly sources to examine with my original question. I searched
the Atkins Library for books and reliable databases for scientific articles, and I sadly couldnt
find anything.
Furthermore, I believe it is important to look from a historical perspective at my inquiry
question because it enables a better understanding of the issue at hand. What I mean by this, is
that I learned not only of the ethical concerns associated with cloning, but also, the reasons for
why they exist? For instance, I learned about Dolly, the cloned sheep, and the societal concerns
that were provoked with the announcement of her birth, resulting in ethical issues regarding
human cloning research.
I do believe that my analytical skills have gotten better as a result of the inquiry project
because Ive learned how to distinguish important information regarding a topic, over the
insignificant. I also learned how to incorporate the said information into interesting and creative
products, which I couldnt do in my younger years. That being said, Im incredibly proud of my
annotated bibliography because I thought I did exceptionally well considering my lack of
inexperience in creating such a paper. Finally, I would have liked to have learned more about the

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newest procedure, induced pluripotent stem cells, which scientists have been using as of recently
over somatic cell nuclear transfer.

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