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Keagan Lulf

English 102
Millennials vs Baby Boomers
15 Nov 2016
"Back in my day we would blah blah blah..." A saying most millennials have heard from
a baby boomers mouth at least once in their life. Most millennials, including myself, just have
the words they say go in one ear and out the other, it's completely irrelevant to us. However,
there is truth to that. The start of the Baby Boomers generation began in 1946, while the
Millennial generation started a mere 36 years later in 1982. Those 36 years made an immense
difference in the way the two generations think, act, and what they believe. So, yes what a baby
boomer may say to me or other millennials could be deemed as irrelevant and vice versa. But
why is this? Maybe it has something to do with that there was no such thing as gay marriage, or
an African American president or cell phones and so on and so forth. There's differences between
the two generations are polar opposites.

One of the main things that irks me is when a baby boomers thinks they are automatically
more intelligent than me and think they demand my respect and attention. I don't have a problem
with respecting my elders, but I wouldn't preach to a baby boomer about their generation when I
didn't personally experience it, so why do they feel the need to do it to my generation? Times
have changed and things are much different than when Baby Boomers were in the same age
group as the millennials today. One of the main differences among the two generations is race.
My grandfather fought in the Vietnam War and he is far from being racially tolerant. Me on the

other hand saw no problem with Barack Obama being president because he was black. In my
group of friends, Caucasian is the least common race. I see no reason to separate races and say
one race is lesser than another. My grandpa, born in the baby boomer generation, thought all hell
broke loose when Barack Obama was elected president. Millennials are far more accepting of all
races being equal.

Although Gay Marriage was just legalized a few short years ago, Millennial's have been
more open and welcoming to the LGBT community. 36 years ago, being gay openly was very
rare and being gay in general was frowned upon.

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