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A reproductive system is an organ system for the creation of offspring.

Most of the animals have in common parts for reproductive system both male
and female.
Mammals reproductive system is more complex than insects and amphibians
The vas deferens these (there are two) follow the urethras and transport the
spermatozoa from the testicles and the epididymis to the copulatory organ.
The female reproductive system has two functions: The first is to produce egg
cells, and the second is to protect and nourish the offspring until birth.
Reproductive system is a collection of internal and external organs in
both males and females that work together for the purpose of
The male reproductive system has one function, and it is to produce and deposit

Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic material from parent to

Sexual reproduction is the production of a new organism from two
parents. A sperm cell from a male and an egg cell from a female join
into a single unit in a process called fertilization.
Dogs,cats, butterflies, mosquitoes, and frogs reproduce sexually.
Fertilization in dogs and cats takes place inside the females body
(internal fertilization).
Fertilization in frogs happens outside the body; that is, in water where
they live (external fertilization
Reproduction in butterflies begins with courtship, during which the male
vigorously flaps its wings, releasing a dust of microscopic scales carrying
pheromones above the female's antennae.
These male pheromones act as a sexual stimulant to the female. Some males
release additional pheromones from "hair pencils" under the abdomen. Female
butterflies that are ready to mate dispense with courtship.
A female will display certain behaviors during heat.
Rolling on the floor rubbing against objects with noticeable intensity rub
their head or neck on objects Flexing the claws and stretching strange
howling that can go on for several minutes spray urine in the same manner
that is usually associated with tomcats adopt postures suggestive of a desire
to mate - tail raised, rear end elevated strong desire to escape the house may
develop Some cats follow their owners around very persistently when in heat

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