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What is the meaning of moxie?
First, let us deal with the pronunciation of this word. The first syllable rhymes with box, fox and
pox, and the ie in the second sounds like the i in bit, sit and hit. It is pronounced MOK-si with
the stress on the first syllable. The word is mostly used in informal contexts to mean determined. A
person with moxie is a fighter; he does not give up easily - no matter how often he is knocked down,
he gets up. He is courageous in adversity.
Suraj showed a lot of moxie when he questioned some of the CEOs decisions.
The girl has a lot of moxie in her. Theres no way shes going to give up now.
The word comes from the name of a soft drink that was quite popular in the States in the early
twentieth century. The advertisements claimed that the drink would build up your nerve. It is
possible to buy a can of Moxie even today.
What is the difference between terrified and petrified?
Both words suggest that you are extremely scared or frightened of something or someone; you are in
a state of panic. When you are terrified of something, you may choose to run or you may stand still
because you are too scared to move. When you are petrified, you become paralysed; you stand there
like a stone. You are too scared to move. The word petrified comes from the Latin petra meaning
When they saw the tiger, the terrified villagers ran into their houses.
When the villager saw the tiger, he was petrified.
What is the meaning of in the groove?
The oove in groove rhymes with the ove in prove and move. A groove is a long, thin cut on a
hard surface. For example, sliding doors and windows have grooves cut into them. They make it
possible for a person to slide the door/window easily. When you say that you are in the groove, what
you are suggesting is that you are doing something quite easily, without any real effort.
When Federer returns in 2017, itll probably take him time to get in the groove.
Anand didnt like being a Manager at first; but now, hes getting in the groove.
When you are bored of doing something over and over again, you say you are stuck in a groove. You
have been doing the same thing for a long time and have become very set in your ways.
Anitas job no longer excites her. Shes stuck in a groove.



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