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Science: Simple Machines Test Review

These are excellent questions that will help you study. They are very similar
to questions on the test. You can also use your science textbook, your notes,
and all of the worksheets that I gave you. This is what we have done for the
past month in class. Remember the machines that we built and everything
we have covered. Good luck!

1) Scissors are compound machines. Explain why. What simple

machines are a part of a pair of scissors?
2) Define mechanical advantage.
3) What simple machines did the Egyptians use to build the pyramid?
Explain how they used them.
4) Write about the 3 classes of levers. What are they? How do they work?
What are their differences? Draw a diagram. Give an example of a
real life lever for each class.
5) Whats a good slogan for a lever?
6) What is a wedge? What are some examples of wedges?
7) What is the mechanical advantage of a wedge and how do you
increase the advantage?
8) What is the mechanical advantage and disadvantage of an inclined
9) What is a screw?
10) How is a screw similar to an inclined plane?
11) How does surface texture affect friction?
12) Draw a wheel and axle. Label the effort force and load.
13) What are the three jobs that a wheel and axle can do? Describe them.
Give an example for each job.
14) What is the mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle?

15) Which has a better mechanical advantage, a fixed pulley or a

moveable pulley? Which will be easier to lift a load? Why? Draw a
diagram to explain
16) What are combined pulleys?
17) What is the disadvantage of a fixed pulley?
18) Make a diagram of the three types of pulleys. Which pulley would
you want to use? Why?
19) Can you name any examples of pulleys in real life? Ask your parents.
20) Why is a combined pulley the easiest type of pulley to use?
21) What type of simple machine is knife?
22) What type of simple machine is a stapler?
23) If you havent already, what are the mechanical advantages of ALL 6
simple machines? Make a chart.
24) Define work what does work mean?
25) Define effort force.

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