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ministre de lducation nationale

Livret de corrigs

5e LV 1/3e LV 2
Rdaction et Relecture pdagogique
Sylvie Beuzon
Paul Cody
Frdric Duc
Odile Malavaux

Expertise pdagogique
Alain Rossignol, IA-IPR danglais

Coordination pdagogique
Olivier Immoune
Ce cours est la proprit du Cned. Les images et textes intgrs ce cours sont la proprit de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit
respectifs. Tous ces lments font lobjet dune protection par les dispositions du code franais de la proprit intellectuelle ainsi que
par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent tre utiliss qu des fins strictement personnelles. Toute
reproduction, utilisation collective quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise disposition de tiers dun cours
ou dune uvre intgre ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.
Cned 2009

Directeur de la publication Serge Bergamelli

Achev dimprimer le 30 juin 2012
Dpt lgal 3e trimestre 2012
3, rue Marconi - 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan


Squence 1

Squence 1
Sance 1

Step 1


Susan: Ethan, Katie? Are you ready? Im waiting for you downstairs!
Ethan: Almost.
Katie: Not yet!
Susan: Hurry up! What are you doing?
Ethan: Im getting dressed. I wont be long.
Katie: Im washing my hair.
Susan: Your hair? I thought you washed it an hour ago!?
Katie: I did.
Susan: So why are you washing it again, then?
Katie: I used too much gel. My hair got sticky.
Susan: Youd better be quick. You know were going shopping!
Katie: Just give me a minute. Im almost done.
Susan: Youd better be, or well go without you!
Ethan: And where are you taking us? The old mall round the corner, as usual?
Susan: No. Were going to the Rockefeller Center. Is that good enough for you?
Ethan: Wow! Thats my kind of place
Katie: Rockefeller Plaza!? Please dont go without me! Ill be downstairs in a second!
Ethan: Are you driving us there?
Susan: No. Theres too much traffic. Were going by bus.
Susan: Katie! I thought you were ready. What are you doing now?
Katie: Just a minute Mom! Rockefeller Plaza is a smart place, so Id better put on a beautiful
Ethan: Oh no! This will take hours! Im sick and tired of waiting. Mom, please do something!!
Ethan is upstairs.
Ethan is getting dressed.
Katie is upstairs.
Katie is washing her hair.
Susan is waiting.
Susan is downstairs.
Theyre going to go shopping.
by bus

Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1

Exercise 1
- Susan: Im waiting for you downstairs.
- Ethan: Im getting dressed.
- Katie: Im washing my hair.

Tu nas peut-tre pas bien entendu certains des mots retranscrits en vert, mais tu sais que la phrase ne peut
pas fonctionner sans eux. Tu dois donc parfois deviner leur prsence en rflchissant un peu !

Step 2
Expressing impatience
Youd better be quick.
Im sick and tired of waiting.
This will take hours.
Hurry up!

Asking someone to be patient

I wont be long.
Just give me a minute.
Ill be downstairs in a second.
Im almost done.
Dont go without me.

Tu as trouv : Lexpression recherche est : Im almost done.
Lexpression se trouve forcment dans la colonne Asking someone to be patient.
Elle contient le sujet I .
Elle contient un verbe au participe pass (done) qui indique que quelque chose est termin.
Tu comprends le sens des 2 autres expressions (I wont be long. et Ill be downstairs in a second.) et tu vois
bien quelles ne conviennent pas.

Step 3
Dans la vie En gnral Toujours
Souvent Parfois
What do you do?
Does he often arrive late at work?
Yes, it happens often enough.
I do. He always goes to La Cantina, the
Mexican restaurant.
I know this place. The food is good,
but theyre very disorganised.

Maintenant Pendant notre conversation

And who are you waiting for at the moment?
Im waiting for one of my employees.
Hes late.
What do you think hes doing,
at the moment?
I suppose hes having lunch in a restaurant

Cned, Anglais 5e


Squence 1

Exercice 2
What are you doing? Were waiting for you downstairs!
I wont be long!
Hurry up!
Im sick and tired of waiting! Were going shopping without you!
Ill be downstairs in a second! Dont go without me!
La personne qui parle dans lenregistrement exprime son impatience et menace de partir sans toi. Il faut donc
la rassurer en disant que tu es presque prt(e) et lui demander de tattendre !

Sance 2

Step 4


Hi, Honey. You know I had to go to work early this morning, and I forgot to give you my
shopping list. I know youre going to Rockefeller Center, so Id like you to buy a few things for
me. I hope you wont find the list too long.
First, I guess you or the kids will go to a record shop, so if its the case, could you buy me U2s
latest CD?
Then, I need a new pair of shoes to match the suit I bought last week. Could you go to Aldos
for me? I went there two days ago and tried on a pair of brown shoes. I phoned the shop this
morning, so theyve prepared the shoes and theyre waiting for you.
I suppose youll stop at The Body Shop, so if you do, would you mind buying me some
I also need a new organizer to use at home. Could you get me one at Hallmark? Choose any
colour you like, I really dont care.
Then, could you buy me a new tie? Pick any one you like, I trust your taste. Youll find nice stuff
at Andrews ties.
And finally, could you buy me a bottle of French wine at Morrell&Co? Well open it tonight
when Im back from work, if you like.
Well,Thats it! Thank you, have a nice day!
I love you.

Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1

Voici un exemple de prise de notes, et de mise en relation des lments.Tu nas pas forcment not les mmes
choses, mais lessentiel est que tu sois capable de noter ce qui test utile pour comprendre le document.
coute 1

coute 2

A tie



any colour

pair of shoes


The Body Shop






A tie/ Andrews/ any colour

CD/ U2
pair of shoes/ brown/ Aldos
The Body Shop/ Shampoo
bottle/ wine/ French

The Shopping game

On peut imaginer dautres itinraires, mais celui que nous te proposons semble tre le plus court, comme
demand dans la consigne.
Susan Morrell & Co Music Center Hallmark The Body Shop Andrews Ties

Step 5
Exercise 3
Could you go to the Body Shop for me?
Would you mind buying me some shampoo?
Could you buy a bottle of wine?
Would you mind going to Hallmark?

Exercise 4
Would you mind doing a little shopping for me?
Could you buy me a newspaper?
Would you mind buying me a bottle of lemonade and a box of chocolates?
I also need a new alarm clock. Could you buy one for me?
Thanks a lot, Love. Susan.
Tu ntais pas oblig(e) dutiliser need et one qui sont prsents dans le corrig. Tu les as peut-tre reprs
dans le dialogue. Nous les avons repris pour enrichir le texte et le rendre moins rptitif.

Cned, Anglais 5e


Squence 1

Sance 3

Step 6


Susan: So, which roller blades do you prefer?

Ethan: I dont knowthese ones are cool, I like the colour
Susan: So whats wrong with them?
Ethan: Nothingits just that the others are faster.
Susan: Faster? Youre a beginner, remember. You dont need fast roller blades
Katie: Moms right. Youre no good at roller-skating. Youll fall and break your neck, ha, ha!
Ethan: Its my choice, not yours! Why dont you mind your own business?
Susan: Stop it, both of you! Now, Ethan, its time to make up your mind. Which ones do you
Ethan: All rightso Ill take these.
Susan: Are you sure, this time?
Ethan: Yep. Definitely.
Katie: At last!
Susan: And how much will this cost me?
Ethan: $100.
Susan: Hey! The others are cheaper!
Ethan: Thats true. Only $80, and theyre much faster!
Katie: And more dangerous, too
Susan: Youre right, Katie. Better safe than sorry! I dont want him to have an accident. I know
theyre more expensive, but...
Ethan: Oh, Katie, Come on, give me a break!
Susan: Ok, Ok. Ill tell you what. Lets check out and have some ice-cream somewhere.
Ethan: How about Top of the Rock?
Katie: On the 70th floor?
Susan: Good idea! Its sunny today, so the views gonna be amazing!

Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1
1st pair $100 Cool Colour More expensive
2nd pair $80 Faster - Cheaper More dangerous

Exercise 5
The first pair is cool but it is more expensive than the second.
On the other hand, Ethan likes the second pair because it is faster.
He thinks his mom will like it because it is cheaper than the first.

But Susan says the second pair is more dangerous than the other. She thinks Ethan could have
an accident!
Thats why she decides to buy the first pair!
What are they going to do after checking out (paying and leaving the shop)?
Theyre going to Top of the Rock, on the 70th floor.

Step 7
Katie: Moms right. Youre no good at roller-skating. Youll fall and break your neck (Te casser la figure), ha, ha!
Ethan: Its my choice, not yours! Why dont you mind your own business? (Pourquoi tu ne
toccupes pas plutt de tes affaires / de quoi je me mle ? )
Susan: Stop it, both of you! Now, Ethan, its time to make up your mind (Maintenant, il faut te
dcider). Which ones do you want?
Ethan: All rightso Ill take these.
Susan: Are you sure, this time?

Exercise 6
Voici un exemple de ce que tu pouvais crire, mais il y a de nombreuses autres possibilits, tant que tu utilises
correctement les constructions que tu as tudies.
On the one hand, the Mini is cheaper than the sports car. Its slower but it is cool too. But on
the other hand, the sports car is (much) faster. Thats why its more expensive. Its dangerous
to drive a sports car, so I think the Mini is a safer choice.

Sance 4

Step 9


Hello and welcome to this Top of The Rock interactive tour, which will guide you through an
unforgettable journey across the City of New York.
But before we begin our journey, a few words about Top of the Rock.
This observation desk is on the 70th floor of number 30, Rockefeller Plaza and is open daily
from 8:00 a.m. to midnight.
From this point, you can enjoy amazing unobstructed 360 views of the Big Apple the name
given by New Yorkers to the city they love and admire.
Cned, Anglais 5e


Squence 1

Rockefeller Center is not just this one building. It is in fact a huge complex of 19 different
buildings whose construction began in 1929.
And now, lets start our tour with the Statue of Liberty, which you can see in the distance, there
on your left, on Liberty Island.
The Statue of Liberty, inaugurated in 1886, is more than just a monument. It is the worldfamous symbol of the United States of America, and the emblem of freedom for all people. Did
you know that the Statue was not born in America? In fact, it is the work of a French Sculptor
named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. It was built in France, and shipped to America. The statue,
which is 350 feet high from pedestal to torch, was in fact a gift, a present from France to
America to celebrate friendship between the two nations.
On your right, on 5th avenue, stands another symbol of the power of the USA. The Empire
State Building is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. It was built in 1930, and in
those days, with its 102 floors, it was by far the highest building in the world. From the 102nd
floor, on sunny days, you can see the surrounding countryside from distances up to 80 miles.
This means you can see the states of New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
The Empire State building is 1,454 feet high, and it has a total of 6,500 windows! Nobody lives
in the Empire State Building. All you can find here are company offices and business agencies.
And finally, lets have a look at this large green patch in the middle of our city. Yes, youve guessed
right: youre looking at Central Park! Central Park stretches between 59th street and 110th Street!
It is probably the place most New Yorker prefer - a quiet area where they can walk, bike or use
their roller blades in peace. No tourist should leave New York without visiting the park.
This Top of the Rock interactive tour is now over. Thank you for visiting us. We hope that you
enjoyed this presentation.
Voici un exemple de ce que tu as pu reprer et noter durant lcoute
70th floor number 30 open 8:00 a.m midnight 360 views Big Apple
19 different buildings construction 1929 Statue of Liberty 1886 freedom
people not born in America French 350 feet Empire State Building
102 floors 1,454 feet high 6,500 windows Central Park prefer
walk, bike roller blades tourist celebrate 59th and 110th Street
Open from 8:am to midnight
Address: 30 Rockefeller Plaza 70th floor.
View from Top of the Rock :
360 views of New Yorf (the Big Apple)
Year of construction: 1929
Inaugurated in 1886
Symbolizes: Liberty
Emblem of: Freedom
Country of origin: France
Reasons for building this monument:
To celebrate friendship between France and America
Elevation from pedestal to torch: 350 .ft

Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1
Address: 5th avenue
Built in 1930
Number of floors: 102
Elevation (in feet): 1,454
Number of windows: 6,500
Number of people who live there: 0.
Address: Between 59th Street and 110th Street
The place New Yorkers prefer
Things you can do in Central Park: Walk, bike and use roller blades

Step 10
Exercise 7
When did the construction of the Empire State Building begin?
What country did the Statue of Liberty come from?
How far can you see from the top of the Empire State Building?
Which place do New Yorkers prefer?
How high is the Statue of Liberty?
What can you do in Central Park?
How many people live in the Empire State Building?

Exercise 8
1- Quand la construction du Rockefeller Center a dbut : when did the construction of the
Rockefeller Center begin?
2- Si les New Yorkais (New Yorkers) aiment Central Park : Do New Yorkers like Central Park?

Cned, Anglais 5e


Squence 1

Sance 5

Step 11
Exercise 9

Roller blades are forbidden.

Youre not allowed to use
roller blades.

Cycling is forbidden.

You are allowed to use

roller blades.
Cycling is allowed

Step 12

No cycling.
Youre not allowed to ride
a bike here.


Lewis: Hi, Ethan.

Ethan: Hi, Lewis. Whats up?
Lewis: Sorry Im late. The subway was crowded with tourists.
Ethan: Its ok. I only arrived 10 minutes ago.
Lewis: Wow! Your roller blades are cool!
Ethan: So are yours. Theyre fabulous!
Lewis: Thanks. How far do you want to go today?
Ethan: I dont know. Im not very good at roller skating. Im a beginner.
Lewis: OK. Lets look at the map, then. Sowere here at the moment, you see?
Ethan: East Meadow?
Lewis: Thats right. Do you think we can ride as far as East Green?
Ethan: East Green? Seems a bit too far for me. Cant we go to Douglass Circle?
Lewis: Impossible. Roller blades are forbidden in that area.
Ethan: Thats too bad.
Lewis: Ive got an idea. We could ride along East Drive, turn right on 97th street, then left on
Central Park West andwhat about stopping at Belvedere Castle? Then we could take our
rollers off and walk to the planetarium?
Ethan: Why cant we keep our rollers on from Belvedere Castle to the planetarium?
Lewis: Roller blades are not allowed in this section of the Park.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1

Ethan: Arent they?

Lewis: Nope. But we can put our shoes back on and spend an hour at the planetarium, if you
want to.

Ethan: Good idea. And we could ride to East Green. That is if roller blades are allowed in that
Lewis: Dont worry, they are!
Ethan: Ok, then, lets go!
Lewis: Yeah, lets hit the road!
Starting point: East Meadow East Drive 97th Street Central Park West Drive
Belvedere Castle Planet-arium Visit East Green End of trip

Step 13
- The subway was crowded with tourists.
- Wow, your roller blades are cool!
- Roller blades are forbidden in that area.
- Roller blades are not allowed in this section of the park.
Quels mots sont accentus ? Pourquoi ?
Les mots accentus sont ceux qui donnent son sens la phrase, ceux qui transmettent
linformation indispensable la comprhension.
Not dans la dernire phrase est accentu. Cela te parat-il logique ?
Oui, cest logique, car la ngation est indispensable pour comprendre la phrase. Si on ne
lentend pas, on commet une erreur dinterprtation.

Exercise 10
1- Your answer:
Hi, Kevin. Im glad youre joining us, but
In the park, you cant eat or drink.
Swimming is forbidden.
See you.
2- Voici les mots quil faut accentuer loral :
Hi, Kevin. Im glad youre joining us, but
In the park, you cant eat or drink.
Swimming is forbidden.
Fais lexprience suivante, avec ton frre, ta sur, tes parents:
Prononce uniquement les mots souligns ci-dessus. Tu verras quils comprendront le message sans avoir besoin
des autres mots !
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 1

Sance 6

Step 14


Welcome aboard this hop on hop off New York sightseeing bus. We are now crossing
Manhattan, which is in fact the heart of New York City. To most people around the world, the
word Manhattan means skyscrapers, yellow taxis, money and power. In fact, if you really want
to know where the fortunes are made, the place you need to go is Lower Manhattan. Do you
want to see Wall Street with your own eyes? Have you ever heard of the Federal Reserve Bank,
or other major financial businesses? Youll find them all in Lower Manhattan.
But those among you who are not at all interested in business and finance neednt worry. New
York has more to offer. Much more. We are now crossing Chinatown, home of the largest
Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean communities in America.
In Chinatown, youll find traditional Chinese herbal-medicine shops and extraordinary food
markets with all varieties of fish and exotic vegetables.
There are hundreds of restaurants serving every imaginable type of Chinese cuisine.
But Chinatown is also famous for its splendid Buddhist temples, its festivals and of course the
Chinese New Year celebrations!
Were now leaving Chinatown and entering Little Italy. The name speaks for itself. Are you
looking for a colourful Italian restaurant? If so, all you need to do is walk down Mulberry
street. And if youre around in September, dont miss the 10-day feast of San Gennaro and its
street parades!
Are there any artists and art lovers on the bus? Well, guys, this place were crossing now is
yours! Have you ever heard of Greenwich Village? If you want to discover New Yorks artistic
side, look no further!
Writers, painters, sculptors, poetsthey all live and work in Greenwich Village!
Si tu as cout attentivement, tu as pu reconnatre tous les mots :
Business - food markets - exotic poets - restaurants - Mulberry street - Street parades New year celebrations Buddhist temples - Finance - Festivals - Chinese medicine - painters money - artists - skyscrapers - sculptors - Fortunes - power - Wall street

Exercise 11
Chinatown: Restaurants, food markets, exotic, New year celebrations, Buddhist temples,
Chinese medicine
Little Italy: restaurants, Mulberry street, Street parades
Greenwich Village: poets, painters, artists, sculptors
Lower Manhattan: Fortunes, power, Wall street, money, Finance, skyscrapers

Step 15


1- Hello. My name is Mike. Its my first time in New York. I like simple, traditional food with
tomatoes, spaghetti and cheese. My tastes are pretty basic, and exotic food is not for me.
Im English but my grandparents are Italian. Traditions are very important for me.
2- Hi! Im Debbie. Im a student. I dream of spending a year in Beijing or Shanghai, but its
not possible at the moment. Im fascinated by eastern civilisations. Id love to learn to
speak Chinese. I like meeting people from all over the world, and I love exotic food.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1

But Im also very interested in painting and sculpture. I know there are great artists in
Manhattan, but I dont know where to find them.

3- Good Morning. Im Phil. I work in a bank and Im fascinated by New York because its the
worlds financial capital. Id like to see New Yorks financial districtall those buildings
Wall Street

I also enjoy Italian food, so Id be very happy if you could give me the address of a good
Italian restaurant.

4- Hi everybody! My names Fiona. Its an Italian name, but Ive never been to Italy. I dont
think its an interesting country anyway

What do I do? Im a sculptor. I also paint pictures, but theyre not that good, you see.
Id like to meet other sculptors to see what they think of my work.

Exercise 12
Ne tinquite pas si tu nas pas not autant de dtails. Lessentiel est de conseiller ces personnes de manire
approprie !
Take notes as you listen

Simple food

Additional info
Doesnt like exotic food


Spaghetti, tomatoes

Italian grandparents




Your suggestions
Go to Little Italy

Beijing, Shanghai


Visit Chinatown

Exotic food

No money to go to China

Art, artists

Would like to learn


Greenwich Village


Works in a bank

See Lower Manhattan

Wall Street

Italian food

Little Italy


Not interested in Italy



Greenwich Village

Sance 7

Step 16


Katie: Mom, where are we going now?

Susan: Were on our way to Battery Park.
Katie: Battery Park? The ferry terminal?
Susan: Yes. Were boarding at 1:30. This afternoon, were visiting Ellis Islands immigration
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 1

Katie: Thats cool. But why are we going here today?

Susan: You remember your teacher asked you to write an essay about your familys history,
dont you?
Katie: I do. But Mom, were not a family of immigrants. I was born in the U.S., and so were
you, and Dad.
Susan: Youre right, but our ancestors werent born here.
Katie: Yours came from Scotland, didnt they?
Susan: Thats right. You know weve got relatives in Europe, dont you?
Katie: Of course! Uncle Peter, Aunt Sarah, in Scotland! Theyre so nice!
Susan: And every American family has ancestors in other countries. Were a nation of
Katie: And why did they build this immigration museum on Ellis Island?
Susan: It was built here because at the end of the 19th century, Ellis Island was the place where
the immigrants arrived. It was their first contact with America.
Katie: Why did they choose America?
Susan: Because America was a new country, and a free country. They wanted to start a
new life, they wanted more freedom, or they were running away from religious or political
Katie: Did they all come from Europe?
Susan: Well, many came from Ireland, Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Poland, but others
came from China, Russia, Africa
Katie: Wow...I guess Ill have a lot to write about in my essay!
Departure from:

Battery Park - The ferry terminal - Manhattan

Boarding time:



Ellis Island


Immigration museum

For what reasons did immigrants choose America?

To start a new life. For more freedom.
(To run away from religious persecution). Bonus si tu as trouv la rponse entre parenthses.
What was the first place they saw when they arrived?
Ellis Island


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1

Step 17
Exercise 13
Holland /the Netherlands

Jumbled letters

Nationality (adjective)

Step 18
Exercise 14
Syllabe accentue : Immigration
Surprise - Attraction - Understand - vision - computer - imagination
Nation - Reaction - destination - condition - application attention
Que remarques-tu ?
Cest toujours la syllabe qui prcde le suffixe ION qui porte laccent.

Step 19
Situation au moment o Susan et Katie parlent :
Mom, where are we going now?
Evnement prvu qui aura lieu plus tard :
Yes. Were boarding at 1:30.
This afternoon, were visiting

Exercise 15
Were taking the bus to Central Park Saturday morning at 9:00 am.
Were visiting the planetarium, and then were having a picnic near Belvedere Lake.
Saturday afternoon, were going to the ice rink. Were seeing the latest Pixar movie, and were
taking the bus back home at 11:15 pm.
Ce sont les indicateurs chronologiques (At 9:00 amSaturday afternoonat 11:15) qui donnent sa valeur
de futur la forme Be+ING
Noublie pas Be dans la construction !

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 1

Sance 8

j e mvalue
Exercise 1

So, which skateboard do you prefer?

I dont know.
Hurry up! Im sick an tired of waiting.
On the one hand, this one is fine, but the blue one is cool...
Come on, make up your mind!
This one is a lot faster.
Yes, and youre going to break your neck.
Oh, all right, mind your own business!

Exercise 2
Susan and the kids went to Rockefeller Center with a friend this morning.
Is there a Chinese restaurant in this street?
Im not going to the museum with you.

Exercise 3
Mom, could you buy / would you mind buying me a toothbrush, batteries for my mp3, and a
packet of cookies, please?

Exercise 4
Surprise attraction understand vision computer - imagination
Souviens-toi : La syllabe accentue prcde toujours le suffixe ION

Exercise 5
What are your plans for today?
Were going to Ellis Island this afternoon
Good idea. The museum is great.
When did you visit that museum?
I visited it last year with some friends.
Was Jack with you?
No, he couldnt because he had to go to Los Angeles on business.
What does he do? I cant remember


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 1

Hes a bank manager. He works in Lower Manhattan.

Pour russir ce genre dexercice, il faut tre trs attentif aux rponses avant de complter les questions. La
construction et le temps de la rponse sont les mmes que dans la question correspondante.

Exercise 6

Roller blades are forbidden.

No swimming.

You can smoke here.

You mustnt use roller blades

in this area

Youre not allowed to swim


Youre allowed to smoke.

Smoking is allowed.

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 2

Squence 2
Sance 1

Step 1


Teacher: And now, lets talk about our recent history. Look at this date Ive written on the
blackboard. Can you read it aloud?
Kevin: July 20, 1969?
Teacher: Thats right. 40 years ago. Does this date ring any bell to you?
Wesley: Its the day my dad was born!!!
Teacher: Well, certainlybut its not exactly what I had in mind
Katie: Miss! I think I know!
Teacher: Yes, Katie? What happened on that day?
Katie: It was the first time man landed on the moon, right?
Teacher: Well done, Katie! Very good!
Kevin: Hell! I knew the answer
Teacher: And what else do you know about this historical date?
Katie: I know the men who landed on the moon were American astronauts.
Teacher: Youre right again, Katie. And what was the missions name?
Kevin: Miss, miss! I know the answer!
Teacher: Yes, Kevin? Go ahead, then.
Kevin: It was Apo..ApoApollosomething!
Katie: Apollo 11?
Teacher: Excellent, Katie!
Kevin: How come you know so much about things that happened 40 years ago?
Katie: Because my brother and I build rockets.
Kevin: Yeah, right! Come on! I dont believe you!
Wesley: I think youre telling the truth. I believe you, Katie.
Kevin: A girl who builds rockets? What a joke!
Wesley: And why not?
Kevin: That cant be true. Rockets are boys stuff!
Teacher: Enough! Both of you!
Katie: Im telling the truth. Theyre model rockets. Ill show you some photos tomorrow. Youll
be surprised!


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 2

[X] conversation plusieurs
En classe
Personnages :
Un professeur
2 camarades de classe de Katie
Situation et personnages de fiction
Sujet : Premiers pas de lhomme sur la lune. Fuses.
Name of the mission : Apollo 11
It was 40 years ago
When? July 20, 1969
Who? American astronauts
What? Mission Apollo 11 / A rocket
Where? On the moon
What did you learn about Katies hobby? Katie and her brother build rockets.

Step 2
Voici un exemple de rponse :
40 years ago, on July 20th 1969, American astronauts landed on the moon. It was
mission Apollo 11.
Katie and her brother build rockets.

Step 3
Exercise 1
How come you know so much about things that happened 40 years ago?
Because my brother and I build rockets.
Yeah, right! Come on! I dont believe you!
I think youre telling the truth. I believe you, Katie.
A girl who builds rockets? What a joke!
And why not?
That cant be true. Rockets are boys stuff!

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 2

Yeah, right!

No doubts
I think youre telling the truth.

I dont believe you!

I believe you

That cant be true

And why not?

What a joke!

Exercise 2
Can you read it aloud? = Lis-le haute voix.
Does this date ring any bell to you? = a te dit quelque chose ?
OK. Go ahead, then. = Daccord. Vas-y, lance-toi.
Well done! = Bravo, cest bien !
Good. What else do you know? = Et que sais-tu dautre ?

Exercise 3
Boy: Hey, look at my science test. I got 17/20!
You: Well done!
Now, I must learn this poem. Can you help me? Must I read it to you?
Yes, can you read it aloud?
Aloud? Must I really do that? Itll sound funny! This poem is about a little boy who dreams of
flying to the moon.
And what else do you know?
What else? Er.I know he has built his own rocket! Im ready now. I think I know the poem by
heart. I can recite it to you if you want.
Ok, go ahead, then.
And now, I must learn my history lesson. Its about 1969.
Does this (date) ring any bell (to you)?
Yes, it does. Thats the year the Apollo 11 mission was launched!

Exercise 4
Hey, have you heard the news? The USA has sent a man on the moon!
Yeah, right!
But its the truth. I saw it on TV last night!
That cant be true!
I think the guys name was Neil Armstrong!
What a joke!
And he spoke to us through a microphone!
I dont believe you!
Tu ntais pas oblig dutiliser les expressions dans cet ordre. Ici, elles sont pratiquement
interchangeables !


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 2

Sance 2

Step 4

Document 1 - Lift off !

Document 2 - Landing on the moon!
Document 3 - Armstrong walking on the moon!

Essaie de reprer les informations suivantes dans ce que tu vas entendre et note par crit ce que tu as compris.
Date et heure du dcollage / taille et poids des astronautes / nombre de membres dquipage /
Lieu du dcollage / problmes techniques rencontrs / prix du carburant / heure darrive sur
la lune / commentaires des familles des astronautes / discours du prsident des tats-Unis /
temps de vol / temps pass en orbite / temps pass sur la lune / date et heure de retour sur

Step 5


Apollo 11 Press conference

Our voyage began at 9:32 a.m. on July 16, 1969 from Cape Kennedy, but the real journey to
the moon began after we had completed 1,5 orbits of the Earth.
Apollo 11 entered lunar orbit at 1:28 p.m. and went behind the moon, where we stayed for
24 hours.
We landed on the surface of the moon at 4:18 pm on July 20.
In his spacesuit, Neil Armstrong got out of the landing module and took his first steps on the
At 10:56 p.m., Neil pronounced these words: Thats one small step for man, and one giant
leap for mankind.
Our adventure on the lunar surface ended at 1:54 p.m., on July 21 when we lifted off and
started our journey back to Earth.
When we reached Earths atmosphere, our speed was 25,000 mph. Thats about 40,000
kilometres per hour!
Earths atmosphere considerably reduced our speed, and our journey ended southwest of
Hawaii, where we landed at 12:51 p.m. on July 24.
B) Prise de notes. Ne tinquite pas si tu nas pas not autant dlments !
Prise de notes durant les coutes :
began 9:32 a.m July 16 Cape Kennedy 1,5 orbits
entered lunar orbit at 1:28 p.m stayed 24 hours landed
moon 4:18 pm July 20
10:56 p.m one small step
1:54 p.m July 21 back to Earth 40,000 kilometres an hour
Hawaii landed 12:51 p.m. July 24.

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Squence 2

Utilise tes notes

Lift off date (beginning of the voyage to the moon):July 16, 1969
Lift off time:9:32 am
Lift off from:[] Cape Canaveral [X] Cape Kennedy [] Cape Cod
Number of orbits around Earth:1.5
Entered lunar orbit (date+time):1:28 pm
Number of hours spent on lunar orbit:24
Date and time of touch down / landing on lunar surface: July 20. 4:18 pm
Armstrong got out of landing module at (time):10:56 pm
Mission left lunar surface at (date+time):1:54 July 21
Speed before entering Earths atmosphere (mph and kph):25,000 / 40,000
Date and time of landing back on Earth:12:51 pm July 24
Geographical position of landing: Southwest of Hawaii

Step 6
Dans ce nom compos, lequel des 2 mots indique de quelle sorte dobjet il sagit ?
Le mot qui est le plus droite : module
Et lequel des 2 mots indique quoi sert lobjet ? Celui de gauche : landing
Peux-tu faire la mme analyse avec un nom compos que tu connais bien : living room ?
Type de lieu : pice, salle A quoi sert le lieu: vivre
Et, toujours dans le nom compos living-room, si on te demande deffacer 1 des 2 mots,
lequel devras-tu conserver pour que la phrase reste comprhensible ?

Exercise 5
A room where people must wait is called a waiting room
A pill the doctor gives you if you cant sleep is called a sleeping pill
A suit you put on when you want to swim is called a swimsuit
A room where you take a bath is called a bathroom

Sance 3

Step 7


Katie: All right. Its only 4 oclock and Ive got everything I need. Are you ready, guys?
Kevin: Huh! Ready for what? This is not going to work. Were wasting our time, here.
Wesley: So, why did you come here, in this park, then?
Kevin: I just want her to admit she was showing off the other day, in school.
Wesley: And how can you be so sure?


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Squence 2

Kevin: I know a girl cant build a model rocket, thats all!

Wesley: Im sure its going to work!
Katie: Hush! I need to concentrate!
Wesley: Are you sure this is not dangerous?
Katie: Dont worry. Everythings going to be OK!
Kevin: And what is it made of?
Katie: Its made of plastic and wood.

Kevin: Andthe engine how does it work? What does it run on? Gas, jet fuel or electricity?
Katie: This part is secret, Kevin. Im not going to tell you how it works!
Wesley: How expensive is it to build, I mean, a rocket like this one?
Katie: Its quite cheap, I told you. Everything is homemade.
Kevin: Im sure you didnt build this stuff yourself!
Katie: I did! I just got a little help from my brother Ethan, thats all.
Wesley: Thats amazing! Youre a genius, Katie.
Kevin: Im not convinced. I still think you got help from an adult
Katie: Oh, tell you the truth, I got a little extra help.
Kevin: I knew it! I told you so, Wesley. I knew she didnt do it herself, ha, ha!
Wesley: Could we know the name of the person who helped you?
Katie: Yes. Thats Sir Isaac Newton himself!
Kevin: Isaac Who?
Katie: The scientist who discovered the laws of gravity4 centuries ago, ha, ha!
Wesley: Ha, ha, ha! Nice one, Katie!
Kevin: Pfff! Very funny!
Katie: Hey, watch this! My rocket is lifting off! Thank you, Mr Newton!!
Katie, Kevin, Wesley
4 oclock

Outside, in a park.
Launching Katies (homebuilt) model rocket

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Squence 2

Exercise 6


Isaac Newton

How expensive is
it (to build)?

What is it made

What does it
run on?

is it dangerous?

Step 8
Exercise 7
Peter says he did his homework himself but Im not so sure!
Sorry boys, I cant help you today. You must do it yourselves.
My sister is a fashion victim. She spends a lot of time looking at herself in every mirror she
Now that we have the house for yourselves lets have some fun!

Step 9
What is it made of? = En quelle matire / matriau
How does it work? = Mode de fonctionnement
Are you sure its not dangerous? = Scurit
What does it run on = nergie utilise, carburant
How expensive is it to build? = Prix de revient la construction
How heavy is it? = Poids
How fast is it? = Vitesse
What is it for? = Utilit, intrt


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 2

Is it easy to use? = Facilit dutilisation

Is it homemade? = Fabrication maison

Exercise 8
Les 3 questions ayant une intonation diffrente :
Is it easy to use?
Is it homemade?
Are you sure its not dangerous?

Exercise 10
Hi, buddy
You know what?
Katies rocket lifted off this afternoon!
Its made of plastic and wood.
She built her rocket herself, but she says she got help from Ethan and from Isaac Newton!
She says her rocket is homemade, and its cheap.
I asked her what it runs on, but she said its a secret.
Katie says its not dangerous. Model rockets are so cool!
See You,

Sance 4

Step 11


If todays rocket scientists are able to send machines and men on other planets or to explore
our galaxy, it is thanks to theories that were developed centuries ago.
The movement of a rocket through the air and outside Earths atmosphere can be explained
and described by physical principles discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. This
extraordinarily talented scientist is regarded by most experts as one of the fathers of modern
Isaac Newton was born in England in 1643. He was a brilliant student who entered Cambridge
University in 1661 and became professor of mathematics in 1669.
But he was not only interested in mathematics. He also spent a lot of time studying physics,
chemistry, astronomy, and more surprisingly, history.
He developed the theories of gravitation in 1666, when he was only 23 years old.
According to the well-known story, Newton was sitting in his garden one night during the
summer of 1665 or 1666, probably admiring the moon and the stars when he saw an apple
fall from a tree. He looked at the apple, looked at the moon again, and realized that the
movement of the apple and the motions of the moon were controlled by the same force, a
force he called gravity. Later in his life, he wrote a book in which he used mathematic formulae
to demonstrate his theory. The laws of gravitation Newton described and explained in the 17th
century are essential to rocket scientists in the 21st century!

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Squence 2

People say that real geniuses are often simple men and women who dont like to show off.
And that is probably true. Although Newton was probably the most highly esteemed European
mathematician and physicist in the 17th century, he always remained a modest man, and a man
of simple tastes.
Newton died in 1727 and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
Date of birth


Died in




Studies / university


Job *

Professor of mathematics

Other interests *
Theory was published in

physics, chemistry,
astronomy, history
Brilliant but simple and

Step 12
Exercise 11
are able to est equivalent can
It is thanks to theories that were developed

Step 13
Geniuses are often simple men and women
He was a brilliant student
En anglais, ladjectif pithte ( = qui fonctionne directement avec le nom, sans laide dun
verbe) est plac avant le nom
Que peux-tu dduire en voyant labsence de marque de pluriel sur ces mmes adjectifs, en
anglais ?
En anglais, les adjectifs ne saccordent pas avec le nom quils qualifient.

Sance 5

Step 14


Susan: Darling, look! We have a message from our Scottish cousins!

John: Whats the news? How are they all?
Susan: Theyre fine. Theyre planning to come and visit us here in New York this year!
John: Great! When?
Susan: For Thanksgiving!
John: Ohthen we have a problem.


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Squence 2

Susan: What problem?

John: Dont you remember we never stay in New York for Thanksgiving holiday? We always

spend Thanksgiving in South Dakota, with my relatives and yours, and were always happy to
spend a few days with them.
Susan: And why should that be a problem?
John: Well, I dont know
Susan: They can fly to New York and spend a day with us here. Then, why cant they fly to

South Dakota with us? How about introducing them to the rest of our family? Wouldnt it be
John: Why not! What a good idea!
Susan: Ok. Lets break the news to the kids!
John: Katie, Ethan! Come over here!
Ethan: What for?
Katie: Im coming up.
(footsteps on stairs)
Ethan: So, whats up?
Susan: Our cousins from Edinburgh are coming to see us this year, for Thanksgiving!
Ethan: Wow! How fantastic!
Katie: Were gonna have so much fun!
Ethan: Are they going to South Dakota with us?
John: Absolutely.
Katie: Hey, once were there, how about taking them to Mount Rushmore?
Susan: Why not? Well think about it.
En observant limage, et sans couter le CD, tu pouvais formuler les 3 hypothses suivantes :
Situation 3) [] Theyre reading a message which makes them happy
Situation 8) [] Theyve just received some good news
Situation 6) [] Theyre happy because theyve got a new computer

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Squence 2

Puis, aprs coute du CD, il fallait en conclure :

Situation 3
Theyre reading a message which makes them happy

Ethan, Katie,
Susan, John +
Scottish cousins

The Scottish

South Dakota

New York


Exercise 13
First the Scottish cousins can fly to New York and spend a day with Susan, John, Katie and
Ethan. Then they could fly to South Dakota all together!

Exercise 14
Susan: Darling, look! We have a message from our Scottish cousins!
John: Whats the news? How are they all?
Susan: Theyre fine. Theyre planning to come and visit us here in New York this year!
John: Great! When?
Susan: For Thanksgiving!
John: Ohthen we have a problem.
Susan: What problem?
John: Dont you remember we never stay in New York for the Thanksgiving holiday?
We always spend Thanksgiving in South Dakota, with my relatives and yours, and were
always happy to spend a few days with them.
Susan: And why should that be a problem?
John: Well, I dont know
Susan:They can fly to New York and spend a day with us here. Then, why cant they fly to
South Dakota with us? How about introducing them to the rest of our family? Wouldnt it
be nice?
John: Why not! What a good idea!
Susan: Ok. Lets break the news to the kids!
John: Katie, Ethan! Come on over here!
Ethan: What for?
Katie: Im coming up.
(footsteps on stairs)


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Squence 2
Ethan: So, whats up?
Susan: Our cousins from Edinburgh are coming to see us this year, for Thanksgiving!
Ethan: Wow! How fantastic!
Katie: Were gonna have so much fun!
Ethan: Are they going to South Dakota with us?
John: Absolutely.
Katie: Hey, once were there, how about taking them to Mount Rushmore?
Susan: Why not? Well think about it.
On what special occasion are they going to meet?
We never stay in New York for the Thanksgiving holiday.
We always spend Thanksgiving in South Dakota.
Why cant they fly to South Dakota with us?
How about introducing them to the rest of our family?

j e retiens

- Quelle langue utilise un seul et mme verbe pour tous les modes de dplacement ?
Le franais
- Dans quelle langue le verbe suffit-il indiquer la fois le dplacement et le moyen de
transport ?
En anglais
- Pourquoi, dans ces exemples, faut-il davantage de mots en franais quen anglais
pour exprimer la mme ide ?
Comme le verbe ne dit pas comment on va voyager, il faut ajouter un complment
pour indiquer le mode de dplacement. Il faut donc utiliser davantage de mots
dans la phrase en franais.

Step 15
During the Thanksgiving holiday, Susan, John, Katie and Ethan never stay in New York. They
always go to South Dakota, where they always meet their American family and relatives. They
often stay there for 4 or 5 days, and they sometimes go to Mount Rushmore. Theyre (always)
happy to see their relatives.

Step 16
Voici un exemple de ce quil tait possible dcrire. Mais ce sont tes vacances, et personne ne
peut en parler ta place !
When Im on holiday, (my parents and) I always go to the seaside on the French Riviera.
I like swimming and playing beach volley with my friends. We sometimes meet our British
relativeswho fly there from Manchester because, like me, they love going to the seaside.
We often drive to Italy, but we never stay there more than 2 days.
My holidays are always too short, and I hate going back home after 2 weeks at the seaside!
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Squence 2

Sance 6

Step 17

Nearly 100 million American homes celebrate Thanksgiving each year. This national holiday is
almost as popular as July 4th, also known as Independence Day.
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday during which American people express their gratitude for all
the good things in life. This is done saying prayers to thank God, and offering presents to
your loved ones. Thanksgiving celebrations take place every year on the fourth Thursday in
The entire family sits at the table during dinner, and it is a time for relatives living in different
places to come together and celebrate.
Stuffed turkey is the traditional Thanksgiving meal, so youll find it on every dinner table
during the feast. Pumpkin pie, Cranberry sauce, Corns are some of the dishes cooked
everywhere to mark the day.
Number of American homes celebrating Thanksgiving: Nearly 100 million
Day and month: 4th Thursday in November
Religious activities: Saying prayers (to thank God)
Family activities: Offering presents

Step 18
A lot of people believe that Thanksgiving is a religious celebration, but it is much more than
that. It is a tradition deeply rooted in American history.
Thanksgiving took place in America for the first time in December 1621 and was celebrated by
the very first immigrants to this new land, a small community called the Pilgrims.
They had left Europe on a ship called the Mayflower, and were starting a new life in America,
as farmers.
Their first winter in Massachusetts was really bad. There was almost nothing to eat, and
46 out of the original 102 Pilgrims died. It is believed that the Indians helped the Pilgrims
through that difficult period and without them, the Pilgrims would not have survived.
After that hard and devastating first year in the New World things got better. The corn and
pumpkin harvest was very successful and plentiful. There was corn in abundance and there
were fruits, vegetables, along with fish which was packed in salt. There was also meat that was
smoke cured over fires. They found they had enough food to put away for the winter.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 2

Governor William Bradford made arrangements to thank God for the bountiful harvest and
to recognise the help given to the colonists by the Indians with a feast.

The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in Plymouth in 1621 by the Pilgrims together with
91 Indians.

Nb 3 (Nothing to eat)

Nb 6 (Harvest)

Nb 9 (A feast To celebrate)

Nb 8 (To thank God)

Nb 1 (The Pilgrims, on board the Mayflower)

Nb 2 (Farmers)

Nb 5 (To help)

Nb 7 (Successful and plentiful Lots of food)

Nb 4 number of victims:

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Squence 2

Exercise 15
A) Tu vas rdiger un rcit dvnements qui on eu lieu au XVII me sicle, donc tu vas crire :
au pass
B) Dans quel ordre les vnements ci-dessous vont-ils apparatre dans ton rcit ?
Numrote-les :


Plentiful harvest!

A terrible winter

A feast

Thanking God

Helpful Indians

Summary :
During their first winter in America, the Pilgrims who had come from England on a ship called
the Mayflower to start a new life as farmers had almost nothing to eat. 46 of them died.
The next spring, in 1621, the Indians helped the Pilgrims and when autumn came, the harvest
was successful and plentiful. The Pilgrims had lots of food to eat, so they thanked God and
organized a feast with the Indians.

Step 19
Exercise 16
They wanted to thank the Indians

They were thankful to them.

The Indians helped them a lot

They were helpful people.

There was a lot of joy in the celebrations

The pilgrims were joyful


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 2

Sance 7

Step 20

George Washington

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.

Thomas Jefferson

Theodore Roosevelt

Abraham Lincoln

Exercise 17

John: Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, yesterday, Emma?
Emma: It was great! I loved it.
Kyle: And everyone was so nice!
John: Sure. They were so happy to meet their Scottish cousins.
Emma: But tell me, Aunt Susan. Where are you taking us?
Susan: To Mount Rushmore. Its a special place.
Kyle: Special? Whats special about it?
Susan: Ha, ha. Youll see in a minute, and youll be very surprised.
Emma: Surprised? You know weve got mountains too, back there in Scotland.
John: Thats true, but this place is very different. It is unique
Susan: Well guys, here we are. Just give me a second to park the car.
Engine noise stops
Kyle: Wow. I cant believe this is true! Can you see this, Emma?
Emma: They look so real! And theyre so big! This is unbelievable!
Susan: I told you so! Each face is 60 feet high!

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Squence 2

Emma: But who are these people?

John: Theyre 4 of the most popular American presidents in the first 150 years of our history.
Susan: From left to right: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and
Abraham Lincoln.
Emma: How impressive! And when were these faces carved in the rock?
John: Between 1927 and 1941, I think
Kyle: It seems theyre looking at us!
Emma: Ha, ha. Yes, be careful, Kyle, theyre watching you!
Kyle: Pfff. Are you being funny?
John: If you like history, theres a museum here. Theyve got interesting documents, and
portraits of those 4 presidents. And they also have pieces of furniture that these great men had
in their office.
Emma: Do you mean we can sit in the same chair where President Jefferson sat?
John: I dont knowmaybe.
Kyle: And do you think one day President Obama will have his face carved in rock, just like
Susan: Who knows? Only time will tell, kiddo!
These 4 men were: American presidents
The sculptors began to work on the monument in:
And they completed (finished) it in:

a) find out about Kyles impressions.

connatre les impressions de Kyle.
It seems theyre looking at us!

b) find out what else there is in the museum near Mount Rushmore?
Savoir ce quil y a dautre voir au muse de Mont Rushmore
They also have pieces of furniture.

Step 21
Exercice 18
Bonjour, je voudrais un meuble pour mon salon.
Hello, Id like a piece of furniture for my living-room.
Quelle information intressante !
What an interesting piece of information!


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 2

Un petit conseil : reste tranquille, et tout ira bien.

A little piece of advice: keep quiet, and everything will be OK.

Step 22
Exercice 19
These are the faces of four Americans Presidents.
La phrase corrige est :
These are the faces of four American Presidents.

En te concentrant sur les premires lettres qui composent ladjectif, tu peux dduire quen
anglais, les adjectifs de nationalit prennent une majuscule alors que ce nest pas le cas en
En te concentrant cette fois sur les dernires lettres, tu peux dduire quen anglais, tout adjectif
(pas seulement ceux de nationalit) est invariable !

Exercise 20
Yesterday, I had a conversation with two American__ students who had just arrived in Paris to
spend the year in a French university. They wanted to buy one or two pieces of furniture__ for
their apartment, but they didnt know where to go shopping. I said: Furniture__? If I can give
you a piece of advice, go to my uncles shop in Barbs. Its the cheapest in Paris!
They said it was a very interesting piece information__. They thanked me and said French kids
were always very nice__ and polite__.

Sance 8
Exercise 1
Every summer, Kyle always goes to the seaside and he always meets his cousins. He often stays
there for two weeks.
He sometimes goes camping and he never stays at home.
Hes (always) happy to make new friends.

Exercise 2
Shes a beauty!
Yes, shes a very beautiful girl!
Peter is a real friend. You can always count on his help
Youre right, hes very helpful
He says he thanks you for everything for you did.
I know hes really thankful but Im just doing my job

Exercise 3
physics, chemistry, astronomy and history

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Squence 2

Exercise 4
Scientists are able to do extraordinary things

Exercise 5
My cousin is the strongest man in the world!
I dont believe you!
My big brother is an astronaut, you know!
Yeah, right!
Isaac Newton wasnt a good scientist.
What a joke!

Exercise 6
Can you do this exercise for me, please?
Sorry, you must do it yourself. I cant help you!
Katie is a very intelligent girl. She built this rocket herself!

Exercise 7
What is it made of?
How does it work?
What does it run on?
Is it easy to use?
How expensive is it to build?

Exercise 8
Professeur : Peux-tu lire ceci haute voix ?
Toi : Can you read this aloud?
Professeur : Cest bien !
Toi : Well done!
Professeur : Est-ce que cette date te dit quelque chose ?
Toi : Does this date ring any bell to you?
Professeur : Et que sais-tu dautre ?
Toi : What else do you know?
Professeur : Allez, vas-y !
Toi : Go ahead!


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Squence 3

Squence 3
Sance 1

Step 2
Exercise 3

1- Poetry 2- Mystery 3- Myths and Legends 4- Science Fiction 5- Biography/Autobiography
6- Historical Fiction 7- Fantasy

Exercise 4


O truant Muse, Sonnet 101 by William Shakespeare

Ode To a Nightingale by John Keats


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie


The Odyssey by Homer

Theseus and the Minotaur


The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

The Time Machine by H G Wells
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov


The Story of My Life by Helen Keller


King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell
A Rose for the Crown by Anne Easter Smith


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K.Rowling

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Exercise 5
1- These words all refer to Fairy Tales.
(Tous ces mots font rfrence aux contes de fes).
2- Its title is : Cinderella.
3- Cendrillon.

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Squence 3

Sance 2

Step 3
Exercise 6
Des titres de contes en franais que Katie va peut-tre trouver :
1- Les Trois Petits Cochons
2- Boucle Dor
3- Blanche Neige
4- Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
5- Cendrillon
6- La Belle au Bois Dormant
7- Le Chat Bott
8- La Princesse et le Petit Pois
9- La Belle et la Bte
10- Le Petit Poucet
11- Barble Bleue
12- Le Vilain Petit Canard

Les mots transparents :

Parties du corps






et accessoires

sleeping mot racine : sleep. En franais : dormir
Goldilocks mots racines : gold locks. En franais : or dor/boucles Boucle dOr
1- Les Trois Petits Cochons
2- Boucle Dor et les trois ours
3- Blanche Neige et les sept nains
4- Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
5- Cendrillon
6- La Belle au Bois Dormant
7- Le Chat Bott


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Squence 3

8- La Princesse et le Petit Pois

9- La Belle et la Bte
10- Le Petit Poucet
11- Barbe Bleue
12- Le Vilain Petit Canard

Exercise 7

1- Mummy! I want my bedtime story!!

- All right darling. But I want you to get some sleep tonight. You look so tired! What story
do you want me to read you?

- I like my Beauty and the Beast, mum!

- But I told you that one so many times!

2- Do you feel like going straight to bed, sweetheart, or do you want daddy to read you a very
nice story of a little girl who always wore red. ?

Oh yes, daddy! Please!!!Little Red Riding Hood! Its my favourite tale!!!

3- Mummy! Where is my Goldilocks and the Three Bears book? I cant find it anywhere!
Tale 1: Beauty and the Beast
Tale 2: Little Red Riding Hood
Tale 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Exercise 8

1- Now tell me, what do you want me to read you tonight my darling? Any idea? Why not The
Sleeping Beauty! Ive always loved that one! Or maybe Puss in Boots? What do you think?

No, daddy I dont want Puss in Boots! I want my Cinderella story please!!!!


2- Mummy? Can you read me a story tonight? I dont feel sleepy at all! I promise!

But sweetie, do you know what time it is? Its nearly 10 oclock!

But please, mum! Please! Just one story, my favourite!

Ok, I know what you want. Its Snow white and the seven dwarfs, isnt it?

Mum, youre great!

Tale 1: Cinderella
Tale 2: Snow white and the seven dwarfs

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Squence 3

Exercise 9


1- Once upon a time there was a rich man. His wife was dead and he lived with his three
daughters. The two elder sisters were very bad and horrible
2- Once upon a time in a small village there was a little girl who was lovely and loved by
everyone. Her grandmother was fond of her cakes One day as she had just entered the
forest, a wolf came up to her .

3- Once upon a time there was a queen who had a beautiful daughter: her lips were as red as
blood, her skin as white as snow and her hair as black as ebony.
4- Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They were brave. They were bold. But
theywerent very big.
Tale 1: Cinderella
Tale 2: Little Red Riding Hood
Tale 3: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs
Tale 4: Three Little Pigs

Sance 3

Step 5
Exercise 10
The charactersnames:
1- Cinderella
2- The Prince
3- Goldilocks
4- Little Red Riding Hood
5- The Seven Dwarfs
6- Cinderellas stepmother

Exercise 11
The goodies
The Prince
Little Red Riding Hood
The Seven Dwarfs


Cned, Anglais 5e

The baddies
Cinderellas stepmother

Squence 3

Exercise 12

















She hates her stepdaughter because she is more beautiful than her two ugly daughters.
She is wicked and mean.
1- Que veut dire : She hates : elle dteste
2- Est-ce positif ou ngatif, selon toi ? ngatif
3- Que veut dire: stepdaughter: belle-fille
4- Quest-ce que cela implique ? Cela implique que Cendrillon nest pas sa fille, mais la fille
deson dfunt poux.
5- Que veut dire : more beautiful : plus jolie
6- Avec qui compare-t-elle sa belle-fille ? Elle compare Cendrillon ses deux filles.
7- Comment sont-elles donc qualifies ? par un adjectif ngatif
8- On vient de mentionner la beaut (beauty beautiful), donc ladjectif contraire de beautiful
(belle) sera ugly (laide en franais.)
9- Pour terminer, en utilisant la mme logique, les adjectifs wicked et mean se rapportent
la belle mre
10- Donc : Les 2 adjectifs qui qualifient la belle-mre qui dteste Cendrillon (wicked et
mean) veulent dire mchante , mauvaise .
La belle-mre dteste Cendrillon car elle est beaucoup plus jolie que ses deux filles.
Le mot anglais dans la phrase ci-dessus qui veut dire parce que ? because
She is lovely and kind but she has got two nasty sisters.
Le mot qui indique que ladjectif nasty (que tu ne connais sans doute pas) est oppos
lovely et kind. Le mot but (mais en franais).

Exercise 13

Catgorie n1/ Nasty mean wicked ugly dirty messy hairy cruel
Catgorie n2 : kind beautiful loving lovely fantastic handsome good-looking nice
Catgorie n1 : the baddies
Catgorie n2 : the goodies

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 3

Sance 4

Step 6
Exercise 14
1- Three Little Pigs
2- Sleeping Beauty
3- Snowhite
4- Cinderella
5- Goldilocks
6- The Princess and the Pea
7- Pussy in Boots
8- Little Red Riding Hood

Step 8
Image 1: She had to prepare the food for the family.
Image 2: She had to scrub the floor.
Image 3: She had to sleep near the fireplace.
Image 4: She had to tidy the house.
Image 5: Her stepmother made her do all kinds of chores.
Image 6: She lived with her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters.

She had to tidy the house
She had to scrub the floor.
elle est lesclave de la famille
She had to veut dire: elle devait - Elle tait oblige de
Had to exprime lide dune obligation passe.
Autres verbes au pass sous les images : made - lived

j e retiens

Cinderella had to stay at home: Cendrillon devait/tait oblige de rester la maison.

Her sisters had to go to the ball: Ses soeurs devaient aller au bal.
The Prince had to find Cinderella again: Le Prince devait retrouver Cendrillon


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 3

Sance 5

Step 9
Exercise 15
1- Elle devait ranger la maison : She had to tidy up the house.
2- Elle tait oblige de rester la maison : She had to stay at home.
3- Le Prince devait retrouver Cendrillon : The Prince had to find Cinderella again.

4- Toutes les filles devaient essayer (= try on) la pantoufle de verre : All the girls had to try the
slipper on.

Exercise 16
What my parents had to do when they were young

Production possible:
When my parents were young, they had to work in the fields/do the housework/help their
parents with the housework.
My dad had to do the shopping because my grandmother was very sick/ very busy.
My mum had to babysit her little brothers and sisters. She had to wash up and sometimes
shehad to do the ironing because my grandmother didnt have enough time (to do it).

Exercise 17
No idea





Did Cinderella have to do the shopping? Signifie: Cendrillon devait-elle faire les courses ?
Have to ne porte pas la marque du pass.
Le mot qui porte la marque du pass est : Did (do)

Exercise 18
Did Cinderella have to sweep the floor? Yes, she did.
Did the two sisters have to make their beds? No, they didnt.
Did Cinderella have to feed the cat? Yes, (I think) she did.
Did Cinderella have to wash her sisters clothes? Yes, she did.
Did her stepmother have to prepare the food? No, she didnt.
Her stepmother made her do all kinds of chores: Sa belle-mre lui faisait faire/lui imposait
toutes sortes de corves.

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 3

Exercise 19
1- The ugly half-sisters made Cinderella wear rags instead of nice clothes.

The ugly half-sisters made her wear rags instead of nice clothes.

2- The mean stepmother made Cinderella stay at home instead of going to the ball.

The mean stepmother made her stay at home instead of going to the ball.

3- The bad-tempered sisters made their mother buy them new ball gowns.

The bad-tempered sisters made her buy them new ball gowns.

4- The Prince made girls from all around the castle try the glass slipper on.

The Prince made them try the glass slipper on.

5- The King made the Prince marry the girl whose foot fitted into the glass slipper.

The King made him marry the girl whose foot fitted into the glass slipper.

Sance 6

Step 10
1- The man who wrote Cinderella is Charles Perrault. Charles Perrault wrote the fairy tale
called Cinderella.
2- It is called Cinderella.
3- Seven characters are mentioned.
4- Beginning: once upon a time.

- End: they got married and lived happily ever after.

5- All the words that refer to Cinderella:

a beautiful girl


the poor girl

the horrible womans stepdaughter

the girl

my darling

my dear

his beloved princess

Exercise 20
The stepmother

The half-sisters









Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 3

Exercise 21
root form


simple past

past participle

Exercise 22
Once upon a time, there was a young beautiful girl who was called Cinderella and who
livedwith her stepmother and her nasty half sisters.
One day, her wicked stepmother made her stay at home instead of going to the Princes ball
but thanks to her fairy godmother, she went to the ball and fell in love with the Prince!
He married her and they lived happily ever after.

Sance 7

Step 11
Exercise 23
- magically
- immediately
- mockingly
- suddenly
- eventually
- happily
- perfectly
- gently

The Prince immediately fell in love with Cinderella.
Mot racine : immediate
En franais : immdiat
Nature du mot : adjectif
Immediately: adverbe
En franais : immdiatement
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 3

magically magiquement, par magie

perfectly parfaitement

immediately immdiatement

suddenly soudainement, brusquement

eventually finalement, pour finir

happily heureusement, joyeusement They lived happily : ils vcurent heureux.

gently dlicatement
Mock (verbe) : se moquer
Mocking (adjectif) : railleur, moqueur
Mockingly (adverbe) : sur un ton moqueur, avec raillerie
Strikingly (strike :verbe frapper) : de faon frappante,
Accusingly (accuse : verbe accuser) : dune manire accusatrice.
Convincingly (convince : verbe convaincre) : de manire convaincante, de faon convaincante.

Exercise 24
Exemples de productions possibles :
1- Cinderella lost a glass slipper on the floor.
2- The wicked stepmother told Cinderella to stay at home.
3- The fairy godmother used/took a magic wand.
4- The Prince fell in love with Cinderella.
5- The Prince found a glass slipper.
6- The King gave a ball.
7- The fairy godmother took/used a pumpkin and four mice.
8- Cinderella ran back home.
9- The Prince saw Cinderella.
10- Cinderella went to the ball.

Exercise 25


1- Cinderella had to do all the chores in the house.

2- The nasty stepmother laughed mockingly and said - No, you stay at home!
3- The fairy godmother said gently - I want to help you my girl.
4- The godmother took a pumpkin and four mice.
5- The King gave a ball.
6- Cinderella went to the ball.
7- The Prince fell in love with Cinderella.
8- Cinderella ran back home.
9- Cinderella lost a glass slipper on the floor.
10- The prince and Cinderella got married and lived happily ever after.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 3

Sance 8
Exercice 1
Ronald Reagan, An American Life
Robert A Heinlein, Starship Troopers
Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination
Robert Traver, Anatomy of a Murder Mystery
Ovid, Orpheus and Eurydice
Annette Vallon, A Novel of the French Revolution
R A Salvatore, Dark Elf Trilogy

Literary categories
Science Fiction
Science Fiction
Myths and legends
Historical Fiction

Exercise 2
1- Boucle DOr (et les trois ours)
2- Le Chat Bott
3- La Belle et la Bte
4- Tom Pouce
5- Barbe Bleue

Exercise 3

1- There she was, so beautiful! The prince gave her a kiss. Suddenly she opened her eyes and
woke up. She looked at him sweetly and said: There you came at last!
2- The Prince asked her to marry him but she had to say goodbye to her seven friends from
the forest.
3- How Ive changed! I cant recognize myself! I am not ugly any more! Im beautiful! I am the
king of the river now!
1- Sleeping Beauty
2- Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs
3- The Ugly Duckling

Exercise 4
1- Little Red Riding Hood
2- Snowhite
3- The Wolf

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 3

Exercise 5
1- a magic wand
2- Rags
3- A fairy
4- A glass slipper
5- A gown
6- (image) the fireplace

Exercise 6
1- scrub the floor
2- Clean/Tidy up the house
3- Do the washing up/wash up
4- Prepare the food/the meals

Exercise 7
Adjectifs possibles :
1- messy/nice
2- wicked/mean/horrible/bad-tempered/horrid
3- hairy/wicked/mean/dangerous
4- charming/handsome/
5- Gentle/nice/loving/good
6- wicked/ugly/mean/bad-tempered/lazy/horrid/horrible

Exercise 8
1- Immediately
2- Perfectly (parfaitement)
3- Happily
4- Gently (dlicatement, avec douceur, avec gentillesse)
5- Magically

Exercise 9
1- She had to tidy up the house.
2- She had to stay at home.
3- Cinderella had to stay at home.
4- She had to prepare the food for the family.
5- She had to scrub the floor.
6- She had to sleep near the fireplace.
7- She had to tidy the house.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 3

Exercise 10


raconter /dire

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 4

Squence 4
Sance 1

Exercise 1
Hans Christian ANDERSEN :
He was born in Denmark in 1805 and he died in 1875 at the age of 70.
He was Danish (He was from Denmark)
He wrote a lot of fairy tales, such as The Princess and the Pea, The Ugly Duckling and The Little
The Grimm brothers
- They were born in Germany. Jacob was born in 1785 and Wilhelm was born in 1786
(one year later).

Jacob died in 1863 at the age of 78 and Wilhelm died in 1859 at the age of 73 (He died
younger/earlier than his brother).

- They were German (They were from Germany).

- They wrote a lot of fairy tales, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Hansel and
Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood.

Exercise 2
1- He was born in 1805.
2- He died in 1990.
3- Andersen did. (rponse brve) ou Andersen died at the age of 70.
4- Andersen and the Grimms did.
5- No, he wasnt. He was Danish.
6- No, they werent. They were brothers.
7- No, he didnt. Andersen did.
8- The Grimms did.
9- Yes, he was.
10- Yes, they did.
11- Le type de question est : Yes/no questions

Exercise 3
- Were The Grimms English?
- Who wrote Matilda?
- Did Jacob die before his brother?

Exercise 4
Les rponses en italiques sont donnes titre dexemple.
Roald Dahl was born on:
September 13th 1916
When were you born ? I was born on May 4th 1997.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 4

R.Dahl was born in:

Where were you born? I was born in Toulouse.
He was
66 tall (2 mtres) Dahl was very tall! He was a giant!
How tall are you? I am 1. meter 56
He had
five children (1 son 4 daughters)
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
I havebrother(s)
I have sister(s)
I am an only child (no brothers, no sisters).
Which of these Roald Dahl books was written first?
James and the Giant Peach
What is your favourite book? Gullivers Travels is my favourite book!

le coin des curieux

1- 1,52 m
2- 1,79 m
3- 6 6 (6 feet 6 inches)
4- 1806 km

Sance 2
Exercise 5

His identity

His favourite


Roald DAHL


September 13th 1916






66 tall (2 mtres)


five children (1 son 4 daughters)






bacon frying




writer (but he would have liked to be a doctor)

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 4

Pour parler de lidentit (nom, origine, etc..) :
1- Quel temps devras-tu utiliser pass
2- Pourquoi ce temps ? On parle de personnes appartenant au pass, qui sont dcdes depuis longtemps.

3- Tu as remarqu, Dahl est mort en 1990. Donc le temps utiliser est bien le pass
4- Quels verbes vas-tu utiliser pour parler de :

Sa date de naissance : BE born (be: tre mettre la bonne forme !)

Sa mort : DIE pass : died

Sa taille : BE.(feet/inches)

Ses enfants : HAVE pass : had

5- Pour parler de ses gots prfrs :

Quels verbes vas-tu utiliser ?


6- Pour parler de ce quil prfrait, ce quil aimait le mieux, tu peux dire : The food he liked
best was caviar/His favourite music was Beethoven. Yellow was the colour he prefered.
7- Pour viter les rptitions.

- Roald Dahl was born in Wales. He was Welsh and he had five children.

- Le pronom personnel he et le mot de liaison and tont permis dviter les rptitions et les lourdeurs.

Exercise 6
Roald Dahls biography:
Roald Dahl was born in 1916. He was born in Wales. He was two meters tall, he was a giant.
He had five children, one son and four daughters. Roald Dahl was a famous writer, he wrote
James ant the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
His favourite food was caviar, his favourite colour was yellow.
He died in 1990.

Sance 3

Step 4

1- pencil (crayon papier)

2- mechanical pencil (porte-mine)
3- pen (stylo)
4- ruler (rgle)
5- ink (encre)
6- pencil-sharpener (taille-crayon)
7- crayons (crayons de couleur)
8- highlighter (surligneur)
9- marker (marqueur)
10- note-pad (bloc note)
11- binder (classeur)
12- folder (dossier/chemise)
13- sheet of paper (feuille de papier)


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 4
14- glue (colle)
15- book bag (cartable)
16- scissors (ciseaux)
17- backpack (sac dos)
18- lockers (casiers)
19- rubber (gomme)
20- Blackboard (tableau noir)

Exercise 7
1- Scissors


2- pencil
3- folder
4- glue
5- book bag
6- sheet of paper
7- backpack
8- note-pad
9- rubber
10- pencil sharpener

Je devrai me raccrocher :
- Des mots transparents.
- Des mots que je connais.
- Des mots que je peux deviner daprs le contexte.
- Des mots que je peux deviner daprs leur racine.

Sance 4

Step 5
Tu as remarqu les diffrents paragraphes qui constituent le texte. Les 5 flches indiquent le
dbut des 5 paragraphes.
1- Observe comment dbute chacun des paragraphes.

1) Every afternoon...

2) When Matilda was 6, she started school...

3) But Matilda had another gift...

4) One day at school...

5) Matilda suddenly had to move...

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 4

2- Le thme de chaque paragraphe; les mots importants:

1) Every afternoon. De quoi ce paragraphe va-t-il parler ?

2) When Matilda was 6, she started school. De quoi ce paragraphe va-t-il parler ?

Ses dbuts lcole (school)

3) But Matilda had another gift De quoi ce paragraphe va-t-il parler ?

Les activits de Matilda laprs-midi.

Les talents de Matilda (gift: talent)

4) One day at school De quoi ce paragraphe va-t-il parler ?

Une anecdote lcole (un jour particulier: one day)

1- Every afternoon veut dire : Chaque aprs-midi

Ce paragraphe va parler de ce que Matilda fait dhabitude laprs-midi.

Titres proposs : Seule, laprs-midi/Les Activits de Matilda laprs-midi

2- When Matilda was 6, she started school.

Quel mot est important dans cette phrase ? Souligne-le.

Parfait ! Tu as entour : school

Ce paragraphe va parler de : lcole

Titres proposs : Matilda lcole/ La rentre scolaire de Matilda/ Premires Classes

3- But Matilda had another gift

Souligne le mot essentiel.

Tu as raison il sagit de gift (talent).

Ce paragraphe va parler des talents extraordinaires de Matilda.

Titres proposs : Les Talents extraordinaires de Matilda/Les Fabuleux talents de Matilda

4- One day at school......................................................................................................

Que signifie one day ? Un jour.

Dans ce paragraphe un jour dcole particulier va tre dcrit.

Titres proposs : Incident lcole/ La Ruse de Matilda/


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 4
Maintenant, relve pour chacun des paragraphes les mots importants, en rapport avec le
thme qui y est trait.
Surligne-les avec un surligneur de diffrente couleur chaque fois :
Paragraphe 1 : surligneur vert
Paragraphe 2 : surligneur bleu
Paragraphe 3 : surligneur jaune
Paragraphe 4 : surligneur rose
Every afternoon when her father was at work and her mother away, Matilda
was alone. She loved to read, even difficult books! Her dad always made her watch
television, but she preferred reading!
When Matilda was 6, she started school. Her teacher Miss Honey found out that
Matilda was incredibly clever , that she could read and do maths as well. Miss Honey
wanted to move Matilda up in the school system and went to see the headmistress,
Miss Trunchbull. Miss Trunchbull was very nasty and mean and said no.
But Matilda had another gift She could move things by only using her eyes. Miss
Honey and Matilda became very good friends and one day Miss Honey decided
to show Matilda her house. Miss Honey lived in a little cottage and had almost no
furniture at all. And she had an amazing story to tell Matilda. Miss Trunchbull was
Miss Honeys aunt and when Miss Honeys dad died Miss Trunchbull got the house,
money and Miss Honey had to be her servant. When Matilda heard this story she
made up a plan. With just a little help by her eyes she was going to help Miss Honey to
get her house back.
One day at school when Matildas class had Miss Trunchbull, Matilda put her plan
into action. She used her eyes to make a chalk write on the blackboard she had to give
Miss Honey back her money. And surprisingly enough she did! And Miss Honey got to
live in the house she grew up in.
Matilda suddenly had to move to Spain because his father did something wrong.
But Matilda got to stay with Miss Honey in her house. And they lived happily ever

Commenons lenqute.

Nous savons que ce paragraphe traite de Matilda, lge de 6 ans. (When Matilda was 6.)

Il y est question de lcole (she started school).

On dit quelle sait lire et faire des mathmatiques (she could read and do maths)

Matilda est qualifie par lauteur : Matilda was clever. Sujet + BE + adj.

Lexplication en est donne : because she could read and do maths

Rsumons nos indices :

- 6 ans (donc trs jeune)

- Commence lcole (donc cole primaire)

- Sait dj lire et faire des mathmatiques

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 4

Conclusion ? Matilda est vraiment trs doue !

Quelle est la nature du mot : incredibly? Incredibly est un adverbe. (Revois la squence 3)

Mais tu as compris lessentiel : le mot incredibly permet de dire

- quel point Matilda est intelligente

Traduis incredibly clever : Elle est incroyablement intelligente.

Mne la mme enqute avec:

1- Headmistress

Head: la tte

Mistress: la matresse dcole

la tte des matresses dcole: la directrice; la directrice de tte !

2- Move Matilda up in the school system

Move: bouger

Move up: bouger avec un mouvement vers le haut/ascendant

The school system: le systme scolaire

faire monter Matilda dans le systme scolaire faire sauter une classe

Sance 5
Exercise 9
Matildas hobby
Matildas talents

- reading
- incredibly clever
- could read
- could do maths (at 6)

Matildas family

- could move things

- father made her watch television

Matildas teachers

- mother away every afternoon

- Miss Honey
- Miss Trunchbull (Headmistress)


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 4

Exercise 10

Every afternoon when my father was at work and my mother away, I was alone. I loved to read,
even difficult books! My dad always made me watch television, but I preferred reading!
So Matilda was not very happy:
Why wasnt she happy? Because her dad made her watch television.
What was wrong with watching television? Didnt she like it?
She preferred reading!
Dis quelles sont tes prfrences :
1- History/geography: I prefer History to Geography./ I prefer Geography to History.
2- Meat/fish: I prefer meat to fish/ I prefer fish to meat.
3- Apples/oranges: I prefer apples to oranges/ oranges to apples.
Playing basketball/watching basketball on TV: I prefer playing basketball to watching basketball on TV.
Her dad always made her watch television, but she preferred reading!
Daprs toi, aime-t-elle regarder la tlvision ? non
Deux mots lindiquent : lesquels ? but et preferred.
Que prfre-t-elle faire ? Lire.
Dduis le sens de lexpression Her dad made her watch television:
Son pre la forait/lobligeait regarder la tlvision.

Productions possibles:
1- Her dad made Matilda watch stupid cartoons on TV.
2- He made her watch TV all day long!
3- He made her sit all afternoon on the sofa.
Les talents exceptionnels de Matilda:
1- Elle savait lire lge de 6 ans
2- Elle savait faire des mathmatiques : compter/calculer
3- Elle pouvait faire bouger les objets en les regardant simplement
4- COULD :
Pass de CAN (modal)

Exercise 11
- When he was young, Superman could carry bikes with one finger and he could fly in the air.
- He could go to Japan in one hour.
- He could arrest dangerous gangsters too!
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 4

Sance 6

Step 7
1- Quelques indices (mots souligns)

was something else altogether. She was a gigantic holy terror, a fierce tyrannical monster
who frightened the life out of pupils and teachers alike. There was an aura of menace about
her even at a distance, and when she came up close you could almost feel the dangerous
heat radiating from her as from a red-hot rod of metal.

She was above all a most formidable female. She had once been a famous athlete, and even
now the muscles were still clearly in evidence. You could see them in the bull-neck, in the
big shoulders, in the thick arms, in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs. [] She had
an obstinate chin, a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes. [] She looked, in short, more
like a rather eccentric and bloodthirsty follower of the stag-hounds than the headmistress
of a nice school for children.

2- I wouldnt like to meet this character because she seems horrible, dangerous and cruel.

I am afraid of her.

Je naimerais pas rencontrer ce personnage car elle me semble horrible, cruelle et dangereuse. Jai peur
delle. Elle me fait peur.

3- La premire impression que jai eue en lisant cette description :

Quelques pistes possibles :

Cest un personnage immense (sa taille, ses muscles) et effrayant (elle fait peur)

Si jtais lve dans cette cole, je naimerais pas lavoir comme directrice !

Elle ne semble pas sa place dans cette cole ; elle ne ressemble pas une directrice

Il sagit dune femme.

4- Le pronom personnel qui le prouve : SHE

5- Les adjectifs qui la caractrisent :











6- Ce sont tous des adjectifs plutt ngatifs/pjoratifs.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 4

7- a) powerful power (pouvoir en franais)

b) Bloodthirsty blood : sang ; thirsty : assoiff assoiff de sang

8- Mots inconnus :

Fierce: tyrannical est lautre adjectif qui qualifie le monstre.

fierce veut dire froce.

9- Thick : se rapporte ses bras. Juste avant, lauteur avait qualifi ses paules de big cest-dire quelle avait des paules massives, normes.
10- a)Donc la femme a de fortes paules et des bras costauds/de gros bras.

b) Sinewy se rapporte wrists cest--dire ses poignets. Seul ladjectif noueux convient,
parmi les adjectifs proposs, compte tenu du contexte.

11- Mots transparents :

Gigantic : gigantesque

Tyrannical : tyrannique

Dangerous : dangereux(se)


Cruel : cruel(le)

Arrogant : arrogant(e)

Eccentric : excentrique

Obstinate : obstin(e)

12- Si tu as traduit formidable par formidable , tu dois tre surpris(e) !

Car cest le seul adjectif positif. Il ne cadre pas avec le portrait bross par lauteur.

Formidable veut dire : redoutable, impressionnant, effrayant.

14- Le personnage mystrieux tait : Miss Trunchbull (la directrice)

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Squence 4

Sance 7

Exercise 12
Words related to the body:
athlete - muscles - neck - shoulders - arms - wrists - legs - chin - mouth - eyes.

Exercise 13

Knee - thigh - fingers - head - toes - nose - hand - neck - eyes - hair - mouth - leg - foot - ears - arm

doigts de pied



Exercise 14



silver buckle

Exercise 15


Cned, Anglais 5e

cotton smock
silver buckle




Squence 4

Exercise 16

Blouse : smock
Ceinture de cuir : leather belt
Boucle dargent : silver buckle
Culotte : breeches
Vert bouteille : bottle-green
Bas : stockings
A revers : turn-ups
Mocassins : brogues
Talons plats : flat heels

She looked, in short, more like a rather eccentric and bloodthirsty follower of the stag-hounds
than the headmistress of a nice school for children.
On a aussi limpression que lauteur brosse le portrait de Miss Trunchbull avec humour.
Il la compare une chasseuse sanguinaire, la tte dune meute de chiens !
Il la verrait plutt dans une chasse courre !

Sance 8
Exercise 1
Rudyard Kipling was an English writer, who was born in India in 1865 and who died in 1936 at
the age of 71. He wrote many books such as The Jungle Book (in 1894) and Kim.

Exercise 2
1- He was born in 1865.
2- He died in 1936.
3- No, he wasnt. He was Welsh.
4- No, they werent. They were brothers.
5- No, he didnt. Perrault wrote Cinderella.
6- Roald Dahl wrote Matilda.
7- Yes, he was.
8- No, he didnt. He came from India.

Exercise 3
1- What is your favourite smell?
2- What is your favourite colour?
3- Who are your favourite heroes in real life?
4- Where would you like to live?
5- What is your idea of happiness?

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 4

Exercise 4
Voir modles donns sance 2.

Exercise 5
Exemple de texte possible :
Her name is Linda Anne Chapman. She is an English writer, who was born in 1969 in Liverpool.
She lives in a village in Leicesterchire and has three children: a son called Spike, aged 1 and two
daughters, Iola and Amany, who are 8 and 5 years old.
She also has two mountain dogs, called Pepper (a funny name for a dog!) and Teasel.
As for her physical appearance, she is blond-haired (she has blond hair/She is blonde) and
she has blue-green eyes (her eyes are blue-green). She wrote many books such as My Secret
Unicorn or Stardust.
As for her favourite food, she likes chocolate very much.
The poem she likes best is If by R. Kipling and her favourite smell is that of fresh cut grass.
The colour she prefers is aquamarine (blue).
If she hadnt been a successful writer, she would have liked to be a Shetland sheep dog breeder.
Her favourite hobby is riding horses and playing with her two dogs.

Exercise 6
1- cole - At school

a) rubber-eraser

b) white board

c) folder

d) chalk

e) book bag

f) computer

g) waste paper basket

h) glue

i) scissors

j) ruler

2- Corps humain - The human body

a) knee

b) wrist

c) arm

d) thighs

e) toes

3- Vtements - Clothes

a) stockings

b) brogues

c) leather belt

d) silver buckle

e) smock


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 4

Exercise 7

One day I heard the young lady cry for help. I entered the tower, took a big sword and killed the monster.

I rescued the princess from the tower and gently put her on my strong back and flew high in the sky. I (and
the princess) eventually arrived at the castle. The king and queen were so happy that they gave me a bag full
of diamonds. I was rich now! The princess gave me a kiss to thank me and suddenly I became a handsome
prince! We got married and lived happily ever after.

Exercise 8
Matilda: brilliant, intelligent, exceptional, keen on reading, surprising, nice and friendly.
Miss Trunchbull: cruel as a ferocious dog, formidable, frightening, gigantic, mean, nasty,
strong as an athlete.

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 5

Squence 5
Sance 1

Step 1
Les traits
have curly fair hair ; les cheveux friss
have long straight dark hair ; les cheveux longs, raides et noirs
be bald ; est chauve
have a scar ; a une cicatrice sur la joue
have bushy eyebrows ; a de gros sourcils
have arched eyebrows ; a les sourcils arqus
have a short beard ; porte une barbe rase
have a big moustache ; a une grosse moustache
smile ; sourit
lean on ones hand ; pose la tte sur la main
sulk ; boude
frown ; fronce les sourcils
wear (sun)glasse ; porte des lunettes de soleil
wear earrings ; porte des boucles doreilles
wear a cap ; porte une casquette
have a piercing on ones nose and one under ones lips ; a un piercing au nez et la lvre

Step 2
1- Match the description to the portrait


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 5

2- Like
Observe bien la question : What does he look like?
Le verbe de la question est look.
3- Adjectives
She has got long straight fair hair.
He has got short curly dark hair.
Les adjectifs se trouvent dans lordre suivant : longueur+ forme+couleur

La description est organise du haut en bas du visage en incluant les accessoires et en finissant
avec lattitude.
4- ones

Ones a t remplac par un adjectif possessif.

He has a piercing on his nose: Il a un piercing sur le nez.

Exercise 1
What does he look like? He has got short straight dark hair, he is wearing a cap, he has a
piercing on his nose.

Exercise 2
Tu vrifieras que :
Tu as bien organis ta description ;
Tu as dcrit tous les lments dessins ;
Tu as pens inclure une attitude et des accessoires ;
Tu as respect lordre des adjectifs notamment dans la description de la chevelure ;
Tu as utilis un adjectif possessif lorsque ctait ncessaire ;
Tu as respect lorthographe.

Sance 2
Exercise 3
1- Tu auras rdig lune de ces quatre descriptions
- What does she look like? She has got long fair hair and arched eyebrows. She is wearing
earrings. She is smiling.
- What does he look like? He is bald, he has bushy eyebrows. He is wearing sunglasses. He
has a short beard. He is sulking.
- What does he look like? He is wearing a cap. He has got long dark hair. He has a piercing
on his nose.
- What does she look like? She has got short curly dark hair and arched eyebrows. She is
frowning. She has a piercing under her lips.
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 5

2- Listen to the description on your CD.


What does she look like? She has got short curly dark hair. She has arched eyebrows. She has
got a piercing under her lips.
It is portrait nd

Step 3

A house-elf is a short humanoid creature with large bat-like ears, enormous tennis ball-sized
eyes and a long thin nose like a pencil. It is difficult to tell the difference between male and
female house-elves. They dont wear any clothes but pillow cases. They serve the family of the
house and spend their day doing the housework.

Step 4

1- Look at this house-elf and write a caption in each box

- large bat-like ears
- enormous tennis ball-sized eyes
- a long thin nose like a pencil
2- Its ears:
a) Its ears are compared to a bats ears.
b) They are large.
c) Like is the word used to express the comparison.
3- Its nose:
a) Its nose is compared to a pencil.
b) The adjectives used are long and thin.
c) Like is the word used to express the comparison.
4- Its eyes
a) Its eyes are compared to tennis balls.
b) sized is the word used to express the comparison.

Exercise 4
1- Tu auras dessin un gant avec :
- un visage rond comme une lune
- des dents grosses comme des demi briques
- des phalanges grosses comme des balles de cricket.

Tu auras ajout dautres lments de ton choix.

2- Write the three expressions of comparison
a) a round face like a full moon.
b) big teeth like half bricks
c) cricket ball-sized knuckles


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 5

3- Voici un exemple de ce que tu peux crire.

What does he look like?
He is very tall. He has a round face like a full moon. He has got long dark hair and bushy
eyebrows. He is frowning. He is smiling and you can see his big teeth like half-bricks.
He is wearing a long dark coat. He is holding an enormous book

Sance 3
Exercise 5
2- Copy the comparisons corresponding to:
a) His huge face that resembled a grey full moon.
b) His teeth the size of half-bricks.
c) His knuckles, each as big as a cricket ball

Step 5

1- Roald Dahls famous character is Miss Trunchball.

2- Humpy-Rumpy is a hippopotamus.
Muggle-Wump is a monkey.
Crock-Wock is a crocodile.
Milky-Daisy is a cow.
3- Match

Step 6
1A nice giant
Brave, kind, nice, generous, helpful, clever,

A bad giant
Angry, cruel, formidable, wicked, nasty,
vicious, selfish, stupid, thick, dangerous,
jealous, grumpy

2- What is your giant like?

He is a... and ... sort of person.

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Squence 5

Exercise 6
Are you as good a writer as J.K Rowling?
a- large bat-like ears: large ears that resembled a bats (ears).
b- long thin nose like a pencil: a long and thin nose that resembled a pencil.
c- tennis ball-sized eyes (2 possibilits): eyes as big as tennis balls / eyes the size of tennis balls.

Sance 4

Step 7
Exercise 7
Use the comparative of equality to express comparisons.
His ears are as large as a bats.
His nose is as long and thin as a pencil.
His eyes are as big as tennis balls.
His teeth are as big as half-bricks.
His face is as huge as a full moon.

Step 8

He is as brave as a lion.
She is as busy as a bee.
He is as thick as bricks.
He is as cunning as a fox.
She is as sweet as honey.
He is as strong as an ox
adjective 1 :
comparison 1 : He is as ... as a/an...
adjective 2 :
comparison 2 : He is as... as a/an...

Step 9

Tu as rencontr de nombreux noms composs au cours des dernires sances. Peux-tu en crire
au moins trois ?
cricket ball
1- Les mots accentus sont souligns

tennis ball cricket ball pillow case half bricks house elf

2- The first word is stressed.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 5

Step 10

1- Es-tu courageux, gentil ou avis ? Tu auras dtermin ta qualit dominante en comptant le

nombre de rectangles, cercles et carrs obtenus, et en lisant dans lencadr.

Exercise 8

Voici un exemple de ce que tu aurais pu crire, mais tu as certainement trouv dautres ides
toutes aussi cratives et pertinentes.
1- Your sister is afraid because there is a spider in her bedroom.
M You dont know what to do.
N You kill it and pull out its legs one by one.
2- Its your birthday. Your grandmother sends you a present, but you dont like it at all.
N You put it away under your bed.
M You phone your grandmother and say you dont like her present.
3- Your best friend has got the flu.
M You take aspirin, just in case!
N You dont have any friend.
4- There is just one big piece of cake left for dinner tonight.
N You decide to make another cake next week.
M You eat it all.
5- Do you prefer...
M Watching childrens programs?
N Watching a horror film?

Sance 5
Exercise 9


Mary: Look, a personality test. Great! Lets see who the best is. Im sure its me.
Paul: Why should it be you?
Mary: Because I am the best. You know that, dont you? Right, Question 1: Your
sister is afraid because there is a spider in her bedroom. How ridiculous! I would never be
afraid, I would kill it and pull out its legs one by one.
Paul: Well, I dont know what I would do. Lets read question 2: Its your birthday. Your
grand-mother sends you a present, but you dont like it at all. Is it for your birthday or for my
Mary: Stupid question! Nearly as stupid as you are! We dont have a grandmother, anyway.
So, question 3: Your best friend has got the flu... Your best friend, I havent got any best friend,
what about you?
Paul: Im thinking of Fred, my fish, he is my best friend, but he hasnt got the flu...
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Squence 5

Mary: Oh dear! Well, Number 4: There is just one big piece of cake left for dinner tonight. Oh,
this one is OK, I eat it all, of course!
Paul: But if you eat it all, what can I say?
Mary: Nothing interesting, as usual! Lets finish this stupid test. Question 5: Do you prefer
watching a horror film on TV or watching childrens programs?
Paul: I prefer watching childrens programs, even if I dont understand everything...
Mary: Oh, my...

I would kill it and pull out its legs one by

I havent got any best friend

I eat it all

I dont know what I would do

Is it for your birthday or for my birthday?

Im thinking of Fred, my fish, he is my

best friend, but he hasnt got the flu...

I prefer watching childrens programs,

even if I dont understand everything...

2- Paul has got many M ( =thick)

3- Mary has got many N (=cruel)
4- Answers
You have a majority of M : Worse luck! You are a really thick sort of person. You are stupid and
silly. You never know what you have to do, you dont understand what people tell you. You are
as thick as a brick!
You have a majority of N : How terrible ! You are a very cruel sort of person. You hate
everybody and you want to hurt animals. You are as cruel and wicked as a nasty witch/wizard!

Exercise 10
1- Add an adjective: The big giant walked into the forest.
2- Add a second adjective: The big ferocious giant walked into the forest.
3- Change the verb, use a more descriptive one: The big ferocious giant plodded into the
4- Add an adverb: The big ferocious giant plodded slowly into the forest.
5- Give an ending: The big ferocious giant plodded slowly into the forest to meet his friend
the dwarf.
6- Add an adjective to the ending: The big ferocious giant plodded slowly into the forest to
meet his friend the nasty dwarf.
7- Use a comparison in the description and write the complete sentence.

The big ferocious giant, as tall as a cathedral, plodded slowly into the forest to meet his
friend the nasty dwarf.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 5

Sance 6

Step 13
1- Verse n1

blue, white, red, purple, green, yellow, black, orange, brown, grey...
Tu auras cit trois couleurs que tu associes mentalement au rugby.
2- Verse n2
Tu auras cit trois lieux que tu associes mentalement au rugby.
3- Verse n3
Tu auras cit trois adjectifs que tu associes mentalement au rugby.

Exercise 11
1- Tu auras mentionn les trois couleurs que tu as choisies dans STEP 13 et tu leur auras
associ un lment de comparaison.
Verse n1
Rugby is (1st colour), like (element of comparison)
Rugby is (2nd colour), like (element of comparison)
Rugby is (3rd colour), like (element of comparison)

Step 15
Exercise 12
Tu auras mentionn les trois lieux que tu as choisis dans STEP 13 2- et tu auras imagin ce qui
peut se passe dans ces lieux.
Verse n2
Rugby is a/an (place), where (people/action at the present be+ing)
Rugby is a/an (place) , where (people/action at the present be+ing)
Rugby is a/an (place , where (people/action at the present be+ing)

Step 16
Exercise 13
Tu auras mentionn les adjectifs que tu as choisis dans STEP 13 3- et tu auras imagin des
lments typiques du rugby qui illustrent ces adjectifs.
Verse n3
Rugby is (adjective), when (people/objects + action at the simple present)
Rugby is (adjective), when (people/objects + action at the simple present)
Rugby is (adjective), when (people/objects + action at the simple present)
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Squence 5

Sance 7

Step 17
1- Verse N3

Underline the rhymes

Rugby is fantastic when the French team scores a try
Rugby is impressive when the ball soars in the sky
Rugby is scary when the All Blacks shout the Haka cry

Exercise 14
VERSE N1 : tu auras utilis des rimes internes
Rugby is ............................(rime 1), like ............................(rime 1)
Rugby is ............................(rime 2), like ............................(rime 2)
Rugby is ............................(rime 3) , like ...........................(rime 3)
VERSE N2 Tous tes verbes doivent se terminer par ing
Rugby is a/an ...................., where
Rugby is a/an ...................., where
Rugby is a/an ...................., where
VERSE N3 Tu dois avoir la mme rime la fin de chaque vers.
Rugby is ............................, when .....................................(rime 1)
Rugby is ............................, when .....................................(rime 1)
Rugby is ............................, when .....................................(rime 1)

Step 18

2- Ecoute nouveau et souligne tous les mots accentus.

Rugby is blue like the French crew
Rugby is black like the famous All Blacks pack
Rugby is white like the side line, at night
Rugby is a stadium where supporters are cheering
Rugby is a rugby pitch where players are fighting
Rugby is a pub where fans are meeting
Rugby is fantastic when the French team scores a try
Rugby is impressive when the ball soars in the sky
Rugby is scary when the All Blacks shout the Haka cry


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 5

Coche les mots qui ont t accentus
les noms

les adjectifs

le verbe to be

les autres verbes

les articles a/an/the




Sance 8
Exercise 1
Sais-tu rdiger un portrait ?
What does she look like? She has got long straight fair hair, she is wearing sunglasses, she has
a piercing under her lips, she is sulking.

Exercise 2
Sais-tu comprendre une description ?
Tu auras dessin le visage de Johnny. Il porte un chapeau de cow-boy. Il a des cheveux bruns,
longs et raides. Il a un piercing sur le nez. Il porte une moustache et une petite barbe. Il fronce
des sourcils et il boude.

Exercise 3
1- Sais-tu faire des comparaisons ?
He s got round black rat-like eyes.
He s got a potato-sized nose.
He s got a thick Asterix-like moustache.
2- Rcris le portrait de Johnny en y incluant ces comparaisons.
His first name is Johnny. He is wearing a cow-boy hat. He has got long straight dark hair.
Hes got round black rat-like eyes. He has a piercing on his potato-sized nose. He has a thick
Asterix-like moustache. His beard is short. He is frowning and sulking.

Exercise 4
1- Johnny is lazy and dangerous.
2- He is lazy when he spends hours in a saloon, drinking whisky and playing cards.
He is dangerous when he attacks banks.

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 5

Exercise 5
His eyes are as round as a rats.
His nose is as big as a potato.
His moustache is as thick as Asterixs.

Exercise 6
1- He is as cunning as a fox.

She is as sweet as honey.

You are as strong as an ox.

I am as busy as a bee.

2- Johnny is as wicked as a nasty wizard.

Johnny is as scary as a monster.

Exercise 7
1- Cest la premire partie du mot compos qui est accentue.
2- Underline the stressed words.

week-end / get-well card / house-elf / concert- hall/ rugby pitch / tennis court /

Exercise 8 : Dictation
1- Mary is a cruel sort of person.
2- Your score is four circles.
3- You are a brave sort of person.
4- You are as brave as a lion.
5- Congratulations.

Exercise 9
1- Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.
2- cris des rimes pour complter ce quatrain.
It followed her to school one day,
That was against the rule,
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb in school.
3- Why does the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cry;
Why, Mary love the lamb, you know,
The teacher did reply.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6

Squence 6
Sance 1

Step 1

2- This document represents a trainer sole.

3- 1- cross the street to go jogging

2- cut across the park

3- climb rocks to get down to the beach

4- meet Sandra, his girlfriend, on the beach

5- go to a cafeteria with his girlfriend to have a drink

Exercise 1
Tick the correct answer.
1- Where can you find gravel?
on road works in a street
2- Where can you find sand?
on a beach
3- Where can you find grass?
in a park
4- What is made of rubber?
a shoe sole

Step 2

Where did Paul go today? What did he do?

Regular verbs:
1- Paul crossed the street to go jogging.
2- He climbed rocks to get down to the beach.
Irregular verbs:
1- He met his girlfriend Sandra on the beach.
2- He went to a cafeteria with his girlfriend to have a drink.
3- He cut across the park.
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 6

Exercise 2
1- He crossed the street to go jogging.

2- He cut across the park.

3- He climbed rocks to get down to the beach.

4- He met Sandra, his girlfriend, on the beach.

5- He went to the cafeteria with his girlfriend to have a drink.

Step 3


2- Now lets transform the list into a text. Complete the sentences using the correct

First, Paul crossed the street to go jogging. Then, Paul cut across the park. After that, Paul
climbed rocks to get down to the beach. Paul met Sandra, his girlfriend, on the beach.
Finally, Paul went to the cafeteria with his girlfriend to have a drink.

Step 4

1- Les rptitions ont t soulignes dans Step 3.2.

2- Then answer the following questions.
a) What word can we use to replace Paul? He.
b) What relative pronoun can we use to replace the beach? Where.
c) What subject pronoun can we use to replace Paul... with his girlfriend? They.
3- First, Paul crossed the street to go jogging. Then, he cut across the park. After that, he
climbed rocks to get down to the beach where he met Sandra, his girlfriend. Finally, they
went to the cafeteria to have a drink.

Sance 2

Step 5

Voici des suggestions quant aux mots et expressions que tu pouvais utiliser pour enrichir ton
texte. Tu as certainement trouv dautres mots ou expressions qui conviennent galement.
Add two adjectives.
First, Paul crossed the street to go jogging. Then, he cut across the park. After that, he
climbed rocks to get down to the sandy beach where he met Sandra, his lovely girlfriend.
Finally, they went to the cafeteria to have a drink.
Change a verb.
First, Paul crossed the street to go jogging. Then, he cut across the park. After that, he climbed
rocks to get down to the sandy beach where he met Sandra, his lovely girlfriend. Finally, they
walked to the cafeteria to have a drink.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6
Add an adverb.

First, Paul crossed the street to go jogging. Then, he cut across the park. After that, he climbed
rocks to get down to the sandy beach where he met Sandra, his lovely girlfriend. Finally, they
walked slowly to the cafeteria to have a drink.
Make a comparison (use a comparative of equality)

First, Paul crossed the street to go jogging. Then, he cut across the park. After that, he climbed
rocks as pointed as shark teeth to get down to the sandy beach where he met Sandra, his
lovely girlfriend. Finally, they walked slowly to the cafeteria to have a drink.

Step 6

You are going to listen to Paul and Sandra chatting on their way to the cafeteria. (Tu vas

couter la conversation de Paul et Sandra en se rendant la cafeteria.)

1- What do you know about them? (Que sais-tu sur eux ?)

Paul: Gosh, Im thirsty, arent you?
Sandra: Yes, Im dying for a Coke. Shall we go to the cafeteria in the shopping centre?
Paul: Ok, lets go... Hey, whats this under my trainer? Oh, no....
Sandra: Let me see...Yuck, its chewing-gum... Oh, thats really disgusting! How can people
stick their gum anywhere, showing no respect for the environment? There are bins everywhere!
Paul: Hey, you should have a look under my desk at school, its all sticky!... By the way, did you
meet the career adviser this morning?
Sandra: Yes, I did.
Paul: And...?
Sandra: Well, we talked about what sort of job I would like to do, but in fact I dont really
know. She also explained about how to look for a job, how to fill in a job application form,
how to make cover letters and how to get ready for a job interview. That was quite interesting,
Paul: A cover letter? What do you mean?
Sandra: A cover letter is a letter you write to say you apply for a particular job, you explain why
you apply and why you think you could do the job.
Paul: I see... well, I could apply for holidays at the moment!
Sandra: Oh, you!
5- The word job is repeated 6 times.
6Paul is chewing gum. Wrong
There is a gun under Pauls shoe. Wrong
There is some chewing gum on the sole of one of Pauls trainers. Right
Sandra is scared. Wrong
Sticking your gum anywhere is a sort of pollution. Right
Sandra went to see the career adviser this morning. Right
A career adviser is someone who helps stars to organize their concerts. Wrong
A career adviser is someone who helps pupils to choose a future job. Right
A cover letter is a letter you use to apply for a job. Right
A cover letter is a love letter. Wrong
Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 6

Exercise 3
Voici une liste non exhaustive de mots que tu pouvais associer la notion de jobs.
jobs : teacher, mechanic, pilot, bus driver, doctor, nurse, plumber, vet, architect...
places : school, garage, airport, hospital, factory, office, workshop, shop...
actions : sell, buy, repair, cure, teach, drive, draw, fly, write, play...
qualities required : patience, imagination, good at working under pressure...
uniforms : cap, gown, coveralls, boots, security shoes, helmet...

Step 7
Match the job with the picture and the activity. Use the first one as an example.


A teacher


e) someone who teaches pupils a school

A fireman

d) someone who extinguishes fires

A chef

a) someone who cooks meals in a


A waiter


j) someone who brings food and drinks to

clients in a restaurant or a caf

A vet

i) someone who treats animals

Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6

A mechanic

g) someone who repairs cars

A plumber

b) someone who installs and repairs water


An astronaut

f) someone who travels in a lunar module

A surgeon

h) someone who specializes in surgery

A designer

c) someone who creates pieces of furniture,

objects, clothes

C) Answers :
A teacher is someone who teaches pupils a school subject. Picture 8
A fireman is someone who extinguishes fires. Picture 4
A chef is someone who cooks meals in a restaurant. Picture 2
A waiter is someone who brings food and drinks to clients in a restaurant or a caf. Picture 10
A vet is someone who treats animals. Picture 9
A mechanic is someone who repairs cars. Picture 5
A plumber is someone who installs and repairs water pipes. Picture 6
An astronaut is someone who travels in a lunar module. Picture 1
A surgeon is someone who specializes in surgery. Picture 7
A designer is someone who creates pieces of furniture, objects or clothes. Picture 3

Cned, Anglais 5e



Squence 6

Sance 3

Exercise 5
Tu auras cris cinq de ces dix phrases. Coche celles que tu as crites.
A teacher is someone who teaches pupils a school subject.
A fireman is someone who extinguishes fires.
A chef is someone who cooks meals in a restaurant.
A waiter is someone who brings food and drinks to clients in a restaurant or a caf.
A vet is someone who treats animals.
A mechanic is someone who repairs cars.
A plumber is someone who installs and repairs water pipes.
An astronaut is someone who travels in a lunar module.
A surgeon is someone who specializes in surgery.
A designer is someone who creates pieces of furniture, objects or clothes.

Step 8

1- Read this ad.

Ad A
Redmoor Clinic
Plastic Surgeon wanted
You will have to work four and a half to five days a week, plus any time being on-call for
emergencies or urgent situations, that is to say 50-60 hours weekly. Like most doctors, plastic
surgeons have to be good at maths, science, biology, anatomy and physiology. In addition,
surgeons need excellent dexterity and eye-hand coordination. Surgeons must be good at
working under intense pressure.
You will have to practice cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, face
lifts, and more. You will also have to work with victims of accidents or burns to reconstruct
damaged areas.
2- Now read the sentence in blue and indicate what sort of information is given
? Working hours
3- Now read the sentence in red and indicate what sort of information is given
? Professional skills
4- Now read the sentence in green and indicate what sort of information is given
? Personal qualities


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6

5- Now read the sentence in black and indicate what sort of information is given
? Professional activities
6- Complete the grid for Ad A.

Working hours

Professional activity

Professional skills

Personal qualities

Ad A
Plastic surgeon
- Four and a half to five days
a week
- 50-60 hours weekly
- Cosmetic procedures
(liposuction, breast
augmentation, face lifts...)
- reconstruction of damaged
areas for victims of
accidents of burns
- Good at Maths, Science,
Biology, Anatomy and
- Excellent dexterity and eyehand coordination
- good at working under
intense pressure

Ad B
Pizza chef
- Five days a week
- 40 hours weekly
- Preparation and cooking of
the meals

- Professional experience
working in Pizzerias.
- Be able to make a pizza
- Enthusiastic, hard-working
and friendly
- Have a real passion for
food and quality

Exercise 6
1- Read Ad B.

Ad B
Di Pietro Pizzeria
We are looking for a Pizza chef
You will have to assist the Head chef with the preparation and cooking of the meals.
You will have to work five days a week, that is to say 40 hours weekly. You must have
professional experience working in pizzerias and be able to make pizza dough.
You must be enthusiastic, hard working and friendly to fit in with our small kitchen brigade.
You must have a real passion for food and quality.

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Squence 6

Step 9
Future obligation
- You will have to work four and a half to
five days a week.

Present obligation
- Plastic surgeons have to be good at
Maths, Science, Biology

- You will have to practice cosmetic


- Surgeons must be good at working under

intense pressure

Exercise 7
You will have to assist the Head chef with the preparation and cooking of the meals.
You will have to work five days a week.
You must have professional experience working in Pizzerias.
You must be enthusiastic, hard-working and friendly.
You must have a real passion for food and quality.
Future obligation
Present obligation
- You will have to assist the Head chef with - You must have professional experience
the preparation and cooking of the meals.
working in Pizzerias.
- You will have to work five days a week.

- You must be enthusiastic, hard-working

and friendly.
- You must have a real passion for food and

Step 10

1- Relis les expressions des deux tableaux prcdents. Donne un exemple dexpression
dobligation au prsent.
Ex : You must be enthusiastic, hard-working and polite
2- Cite le mot ou lexpression qui permet dexprimer la notion dobligation : Must
3- Donne un autre exemple dobligation au prsent.
Ex : Plastic surgeons have to be good at Maths, Science, Biology, Anatomy and Biology.
4- Cite le mot ou lexpression qui permet dexprimer la notion dobligation : Have to
5- Pour quel type dinformation utilises-tu la notion dobligation au prsent ? Coche la bonne
rponse :
les comptences professionnelles
les qualits personnelles

Relis les expressions des deux tableaux prcdents. Donne un exemple dexpression
dobligation dans le futur.

Ex : You will have to work five days a week.

6- Cite lexpression qui permet dexprimer la notion dobligation : have to

7- Pour quel type dinformation utilises-tu la notion dobligation dans le futur ? Coche la
bonne rponse :
les horaires de travail
les activits professionnelles


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6

Sance 4
Exercise 8
Can you classify his notes? Write them down under the adequate title
JOB: French teacher
WORKING HOURS: 40 hours a week / extra time for private lessons
teach large classes
organize school trips in France
open and run a French club
have a bachelors degree and completion of an approved teacher education program
be very good at Information and Communication Technologies
speak fluent French
love children
be patient

Step 11

Working hours: will have to+BV

Professional activities: will have to+BV
Professional skills: must/have to+BV
Personal qualities: must/have to+BV
Ad C


French teacher wanted
You will have to work 40 hours a week and if necessary work extra time for private
You will have to teach large classes, organize school trips in France, open and run a
French club.
You must have a bachelors degree and completion of an approved teacher
education program. You have to be very good at Information and Communication
Technologies. You must speak fluent French.
You must love children and be patient.

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Squence 6

Step 12

Ad C
3Bachelors degree in education
Scottbridge High School
French and German teacher

Sance 5

Step 13

Emily: That would be great if you could get this job! Thats a real opportunity! You would
improve your English, you could cook, which you love doing, and you could stay in England,
we could see each other every day!
Nicolas: Yes, I would love that. Can you help me with this job application form, please?
Emily: Of course, lets do it together. First, youre a man, arent you, so its Mr. Can you spell
your family name?
Nicolas: OK, C-H-A-R-P-E-N-T-I-E-R
Emily: Thanks. So, C-H-A-R-P-E-N-T-I-E-R, thats a long name! What does it mean?
Nicolas: Its carpenter in English.
Emily: But youre a cook!
Nicolas: Ah, ah, very funny.
Emily: Oh, sorry, darling. Right. No problem for your first name. Nicolas, N-I-C-O-L-A-S.
Youre French, so youre from France, and your mobile number is 61978765. I know it by heart.
What about your new e-mail address.
Nicolas: Its
Emily: Ninou, thats N-I-N-O-U, isnt it?
Nicolas: Yes, thats right,
1) Which ad does it answer?
Ad B
2) Justify by quoting three words from the conversation
You could cook
you could stay in England
But youre a cook!
3) What nationality is Nicolas?
He is French


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6



Emily : That would be great if you could get this job ! Thats a real opportunity! You would
improve your English, you could cook, which you love doing, and you could stay in England,
we could see each other every day!
Nicolas: Yes, I would love that. Can you help me with this job application form, please?

Emily: Of course, lets do it together. First, youre a man, arent you, so its Mr. Can you spell
your family name?
Nicolas: OK, C-H-A-R-P-E-N-T-I-E-R
Emily: Thanks. So, C-H-A-R-P-E-N-T-I-E-R, thats a long name! What does it mean?
Nicolas: Its carpenter in English.
Emily: But youre a cook!
Nicolas: Ah, ah, very funny.
Emily: Oh, sorry, darling. Right. No problem for your first name. Nicolas, N-I-C-O-L-A-S.
Youre French, so youre from France, and your mobile number is 61978765. I know it by heart.
What about your new e-mail address.
Nicolas: Its
Emily: Ninou, thats N-I-N-O-U, isnt it?
Nicolas: Yes, thats right,
Nicolas: Now, education, well after passing my baccalaureat cuisine et restauration, I got a
degree in culinary art in the University of Angers.
Emily: What is culinary art?
Nicolas: it is the art of cooking, of choosing the right wine, of decorating a table.
Emily: So, youre a real chef!
Nicolas: Of course I am! Before coming to England, I was a chef in a restaurant called Le
Gourmet in Dijon.
Emily: And, Why did you leave?
Nicolas: Because I love you!
Emily: Oh, darling, youre so sweet!







Family name: CHARPENTIER

First name: NICOLAS
Country: FRANCE
Mobile: 61978765
Email address:

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Squence 6

Please provide details of your most recent position
Position held:




Employers name: LE GOURMET, Dijon

Professional activities performed: cooking
Reason for leaving: LOVE

Step 14

chef in a
restaurant in

a degree in
culinary art

cuisine et

left Dijon.
went to

4- Lets think together before going any further.

Rflchissons ensemble avant daller plus loin.
Before signifie avant.
After signifie aprs.
Before et after sont suivis dun nom verbal V-ing.
- Tu parles dune exprience passe, le verbe de la proposition principale sera au prtrit.

Exercise 9
1- Before
Before getting a degree in French in 2000, Mr. Watkins got a degree in German in 1997.
Before working as a Head of Languages at Scottbridge High School in London, Mr. Watkins
worked as a French and German teacher in Waterford High School in Manchester.
2- After
After getting a degree in French in 2000, Mr. Watkins got a degree in Education in 2003.
After getting his degree in Education in 2003, Mr. Watkins taught French in Sotheby High
School in Nottingham in 2004.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6

Exercise 10

After passing my baccalaurat cuisine et restauration, I got a degree in culinary art in the
University of Angers.
Before coming to England, I was a chef in a restaurant called Le Gourmet in Dijon.

Sance 6
Exercise 11
Before coming to England, I was a chef in a restaurant called Le Gourmet in Dijon.
After passing my baccalaurat cuisine et restauration, I got a degree in culinary art in the
University of Angers.

Step 15

A day in the life of a....

1- a teacher (5) - a fireman (7) - a chef (9) - a waiter (3) - a vet (2) - a mechanic (1) - a
plumber (10) - an astronaut (8) - a surgeon (4) - a designer (6)
2city names
family names
verbs indicating professional activities
names of places
other job names
book titles
4- Give the name of the job : a vet
5- Justify your choice by quoting 3 words from the text
Justifie ton choix en citant 3 mots du texte
6- Read the paragraphs again and underline with your pencil all the words you understand

Write the transparent words you have underlined. (Ecris les mots transparents que tu as

veterinarian, receptionist, veterinary, animal, clinic, arriving, examine, general anaesthetic,

bank, enter, finish, prisoner

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Squence 6

7- appointment : rendez-vous

surgery : chirurgie, acte chirurgical

computer : ordinateur

to do some accounting work : faire les comptes

the other : lautre

the other veterinarian : lautre vtrinaire

9- 8am. : B
8.30am. : D
11am. : A
3pm : C
4pm. : F
6pm. : E .


8am. I arrive at the clinic half an hour after the receptionist, veterinary nurse, and animal
attendant. They make sure the clinic is ready to open at 8am. Animals that are having
surgery today start arriving and we examine them to make sure they are fit to have a
general anaesthetic.

8.30am. The first appointment arrives. Appointments last 15 to 30 minutes, and we are
open for appointments between 8.30am and 8pm.
11am. The other veterinarian arrives. We work 9 hours a day. While the other veterinarian
takes over the appointments, I start the surgery.
3pm. Surgery is finished, and its time to do some accounting work on the computer
while eating lunch. The bank statements have arrived in the mail and I have to enter all the
information into the computer.
4pm. The appointments start to get busy again
6pm. Officially I finish at 5pm, but the computer has me as its prisoner until I finish the

Sance 7
Exercise 12
The other veterinarian
An appointment
A computer
Accounting work


Cned, Anglais 5e

Definitions, synonyms
The work done by a surgeon
The second vet
A date and time to see your doctor, your
A machine that stores information
Calculating income and expenditure

Squence 6

Exercise 13
Mr Watkins is reading a French text while his pupils are listening.
Nicolas Charpentier is phoning Emily while making a cake.
Sandra is listening to the careers adviser while dreaming of Paul
The vet is treating Mrs Greens dog while the receptionist is phoning Mr Black.
Mrs Green is looking at her watch while waiting for her dog.

Step 17

1- Voici quelques suggestions:

school kitchen- canteen- cook- buy ingredients- order food- lay the table- plates- glassescutlery- pupils- children- dining hall- lunch- serve- washing up....
2- two work places
dining hall
three professional activities
unload food
put it away in fridges and freezers
prepare the food
a noun which represents all the people who work with the chef
- staff
a noun which represents all the people the chef works for
three objects used in a canteen, whether in the kitchen or in the dining hall
3- Tu auras dessin, la place de limage 7, le chef assis dans sa cuisine en train de boire une
tasse de th.
a- picture 10
b- picture 6
c- picture 5
d- picture 8
e- picture 3
f- picture 9
g- picture 7 (dessin raliser)
h- picture 4
i- picture 2
j- picture 1

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Squence 6

Sance 8

Je mvalue
Exercise 1
Sais-tu organiser ton rcit de faon chronologique en utilisant les marqueurs de temps de
faon pertinente ?

Step 1

Quel mot utilises-tu pour commencer ton rcit ?

Complte la premire phrase de ton texte :
First , I open up the kitchen and let all the staff in.

Step 2

Quel mot peux-tu utiliser pour annoncer laction suivante?

Complte la deuxime phrase de ton texte. :
Then , big lorries arrive, full of food I need for cooking lunch. It is a lot of work to unload
the food and put it away in the fridges and freezers.

Step 3

Dans cette phrase, il y a deux actions simultanes. Quel mot vas-tu utiliser pour lindiquer?
Rcris la phrase: I look at the menu for the day and my staff prepares the food en larticulant
avec ce mot. Ce sera la troisime phrase de ton texte.
I look at the menu while my staff prepares the food.

Step 4

Quel autre mot ou expression que celui utilis dans Step 2 peux-tu utiliser pour annoncer
laction suivante ?
After that
Complte la quatrime phrase de ton texte
After that , we cook meat or fish, we prepare vegetables or rice or salad. We also make
cakes or desserts.

Step 5

Tu vas maintenant relier les phrases e) et f) en les articulant avec before. Avant de faire laction
f), le chef et son quipe font laction e).
e) We get the dining hall ready with tables to eat at, plates and cutlery.
f) We lay out the food so that pupils can see what tasty lunches are ready for them to choose
Before laying out the food so that the pupils can see what tasty lunches are ready for them
to choose from, we get the dining hall ready with tables to eat at, plates and cutlery.


Cned, Anglais 5e

Squence 6

Step 6

Choisis lun des marqueurs de temps utilis dans Step 2 ou Step 4 pour complter ta sixime
Then , I drink a quiet cup of tea before the lunch time rush starts.

Step 7

Tu vas maintenant relier les phrases h) et i) en les articulant avec after. Aprs avoir fait laction
h), le chef et son quipe font laction i).
h) I help my staff serve all our children.
i) The hard work really begins, we have to clear up and do the mountain of washing up, put
the tables and chairs away and clean up the dining hall.
After helping my staff serve all our children, the hard work really begins, we have to clear
up and do the mountain of washing up, put the tables and chairs away and clean up the
dining hall.

Step 8

Quel est le mot que tu utilises pour indiquer que tu parles de la dernire action du rcit ?
Complte ta huitime phrase
Finally , I do my paperwork which is a bit like homework or class work. If I do not do this
I might order the wrong food for the next day lunches, that would not be very funny would

Exercise 2
Sais-tu viter les rptitions inutiles en utilisant les pronoms sujets, les pronoms relatifs who et
where ?
First, Mrs Hall opened up the kitchen where she worked all morning. Then she phoned her
friend who is a vet in Bloomsbury clinic. They decided to have dinner in a nice restaurant
where the food is nice. They went there in the evening and enjoyed a nice meal.

Exercise 3
Sais-tu enrichir un paragraphe ?
Rewrite it, adding
-Three adjectives
- Two adverbs
- An adjective in the comparative of equality
and changing a verb.
First, Mrs Hall opened up the kitchen where she worked happily all morning, as busy as a bee.
Then she rapidly phoned her friend who is a famous vet in Bloomsbury clinic. They decided to
have dinner in a nice Chinese restaurant where the food is nice and tasty. They drove there in
the evening and enjoyed a nice meal.

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Squence 6

Exercise 4
Sais-tu rdiger une offre demploi ?
- diplomas
- working hours

- job
- instructions
- professional activities
- name of the place
- employment history
- applicant details
- professional skills
- personal qualities
- people working with you

Exercise 5
Sais-tu exprimer des obligations au prsent et dans le futur ?
1) You will have to work five days a week.
2) You will have to assist the chef with the preparation of the meals.
3) You must be enthusiastic.
4) Plastic surgeons must be good at Maths and Science.

Exercise 6
Job number 1: someone who travels in a lunar module: an astronaut
Job number 2: Someone who repairs cars: a mechanic
Job number 3: Someone who specializes in surgery: a surgeon
Job number 4: Someone who brings food and drinks to clients in a restaurant or a caf: a


Cned, Anglais 5e

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