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Term 1 - Level H - Minima of Week 7

Term 1 2016- 17
Level H
Science Questions and Grid Questions of Week 7 ( 09-Oct-2016)
(To be tested in Week 8)
Sec. 1 .4 (L P 1- 7)
1. G [Tissue] is a group of similar cells that do a specific function.

2. G [Xylem] is a plant tissue in the stem made of tube-like cells that allow water and
minerals to move from the roots to the leaves.
3. G [Phloem] is a plant tissue in the stem made of tube-like cells that allow sugar to
move from the leaves roots to other plant parts.
4. G [Nerves] are one of four types animal tissue. Nerves carry messages throughout
the body
5. G [Muscle] tissue contracts to move animal body parts
6. [Connective] tissue supports, joins and protects other the other three types of
animal tissue.

7. [Epithelial] tissue lines cavities, blood vessels and other organs.

8. G An [organ] is made of two or more tissues to perform a function. E.g. heart,
liver, brain, skin.
9. In plants, [roots], the stem and leaves are organs.
10. Two or more organs that work together form an [organ system].
11. The [digestive] system breaks down food into nutrients that the body cells can use.
It includes the teeth, mouth, stomach, intestine and other organs.

Term 1 - Level H - Minima of Week 7

12. The [circulatory] system carries oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body, and
takes away waste products and carbon dioxide. It includes the heart, blood and
blood vessels.
13. The [respiratory] system takes air into the lungs and carries out carbon dioxide. It
includes the nose trachea and lungs.
14. The [skeletal] system supports the body, helps in move and protects organs. It

includes bones and cartilage.

15. The [muscular] system moves the parts of the body. It includes muscles.
16. The [nervous] system controls the body and sends and receives messages from the

brain to body parts. It includes the brain, the spinal cord and nerves.
17. The [excretory] system gets rid of wastes. It includes the kidneys and bladder.
18. All the [organ systems together] make up an organism.

19. G [Multicellular] organisms have five levels of cellular organization: cell, tissue,
organ, organ system, and organism.

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