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AUDIO: Rustling of wind through leaves.

VISUAL: Slow pan across the forest.

AUDIO: cont - Rustling of wind through leaves.

VISUAL: Slower pan across forest. Closer to camera.

AUDIO: Heavy footsteps on dirt / leaves.

VISUAL: Character walks in from right.

AUDIO: Rustling of cloth.

VISUAL: Character pauses. He lifts a hand to adjust his collar.

AUDIO: cont - Rustling of wind through leaves.

VISUAL: Image of forest.

AUDIO: Rustling of leaves grows louder.


AUDIO: cont - Rustling of louder wind through leaves.

VISUAL:View of character. Closeup face is obscured by hat.

AUDIO: Loud sound of cloth moving.

VISUAL: Fast Character raises guns.

AUDIO: Four loud, rapid gunshots.

VISUAL: Guns fire (x4). Screen flashes each time. Potentially
animate bullets moving?

AUDIO: Rustling drops to a barely audible level.

VISUAL: Smoking gun barrels pointing towards trees.

AUDIO: Quiet, as before.

VISUAL: Closeup of forest.

AUDIO: Rustling suddenly grows louder. Music kicks in with a rapid

drum beat as
VISUAL: Back of character, holding lowered guns.

AUDIO: Screech and crunching sound. (+MUSIC)

VISUAL: Wraith comes lunging out from the treeline, clawing at the
camera and the character

AUDIO: (MUSIC cont.)

VISUAL: Character slowly wipes blood from face.

AUDIO: (MUSIC cont.) Sound of a sword being unsheathed.

VISUAL: Eyes flick open see a sword slowly being drawn from the
Characters back.

AUDIO: Screech from Wraith as it attacks, swishing of sword as

Character attacks.
VISUAL: Character and Wraith face off with sword and claws. Each
attacks once.

AUDIO: metallic sounds of sword and claws colliding.

VISUAL: Wraith claws from different directions. Character parries
with sword.

AUDIO: Swishing / crunching sounds as the Wraith claws the

camera / character
VISUAL: Multiple rapid attacks from claws. Both directions. Red

AUDIO: (MUSIC still cont.)

VISUAL: Camera fades to black.

VISUAL: Camera fades back in. Character visibly bleeding badly on
black background. Slowly picks up sword.

AUDIO: (MUSIC still cont.)

VISUAL: Camera fades to black.

AUDIO: Loud metallic impact / crunch followed by loud pained


VISUAL: Bright flash of red on black background.

AUDIO: Quiet crunching sounds barely audible over music.

VISUAL: Character holding sword in Wraiths head. Moves sword

AUDIO: (MUSIC still cont.) Slowly fades to nothing.

VISUAL: Fade to black and display credits.

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