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No evidence was found to

show that William had negative feelings toward the victim. In fact, no evidence can
be found to show that William and the victim even knew
each other.

Friends, family and coworkers of William describe

him as a kind and caring man.
William has no previous criminal record and is known for
volunteering and doing charity work in the community.
Doctors note that he has
never been diagnosed with
any sort of mental illness.

Along with Williams DNA,

The DNA of Williams friend
john, and the dna of an unidentified male was found on
the murder weapon (the gun)
Questions::Could William
have acted alone? Was
It Williams friend who
committed the murder, and
William was a witness? Or
was the murder committed
by a third party
all together?

The accused admits that he

was at the scene around the
time of the murder. William
says he was with friends, taking a short cut through the
construction yard on their
way to a nearby park.
William notes that as they entered the scene, they heard
gun shots. He says he and his
friends then found the body
and gun. Terrified that someone
was still there, they left the
scene quickly, called police
and went home.

There are no eye-witnesses that

police could identify in the
case. This means the case relies
on circumstantial evidence.
This is a big bonus for the defense as nobody saw the actual crime take place.
Williams friends note that they
all found the wounded body,
yet nobody saw the crime be

While William does own a registered gun, the murder weapon was a rifle that was not
registered or tied at all to
William's name.
The gun was unregistered,
and William tells police he
has never seen it before.

A witness who lives down the

street from the construction yard reports hearing
gunfire. She quickly got in
the car and drove towards
where she heard the sound.
On her way there She was
stopped by 3 men (William
And friends)asking to use
her phone to report an incident to police. they didnt
specify the incident, but the
police call was recorded.

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