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Essay plan

Working title: How has the importance of pattern within historical

artists/movements influenced contemporary art today?

Inroduction (500 words):


Touch on importance of pattern within everyday life as well as art, Define

Touch on movements (Dating back to Victorian, art nouveau, arts and
crafts movement, Dadaism, Bauhaus, Surrealism, Op art, contemporary
modern art)
Reference artists within movements/time periods and explain importance
even today, why I chose these artists my opinion on importance
Why I chose this topic choice link to my own interest and work pattern
and artists influence

Background/theoretical info (1,000 words):


Background knowledge on the period of time (reference)

Linking artists chosen from time period touching on background and
Evidence: Historical facts (reference sources), Products and artworks
(analyse works), exhibitions (from research and reference)

Discussion/Analysis (1,000 words):


Presentation of argument/Point of view (why and how has pattern been an

Discussion of issues modern/contemporary art technology making it
easy to mass produce? Losing meaning/using previous pattern? More
important in contemporary abstract art, William Morris influence on
modern textiles
Support with evidence, critical review, examples and illustrations
Compare and contrast previous movements and artists to contemporary
and modern artists influences and works

Conclusion (500 words):


Summary relating discussion back to title and introduction Overall, in

my opinion It can be argued
Sum up each main point and argument from mainly the discussion

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