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Friends and foe
(Relations in Co-evolution)
via Kew
Once when I was sleeping serenely
in a soft soundless step silently
a dream stole its way somnambulating
and filled my heart subconsciously
up to the brim, with such pleasant feelings
of joy good cheer and happiness inwardly
that outwardly my face lit up brightly
as was told by my darling laughingly
when she woke me up smiling mischievously
with a twinkle in her eye enquiring significantly
about the sweet dream I was enjoying heartily;

But before she could interrupt jerking jokingly

may be, I was in a sort of trance, unknowingly
for I saw myself once again ,it is true
in the grand Botanical garden of Kew
roaming rambling sauntering and strolling leisurely
with my teeny veeny niece and climbing
to the top of a huge high winding spiral staircase
enjoying a beautiful panoramic view
in that well laid garden of Kew .
We saw from there and from far and near
flowers of very many colours and hue
purple pink blue Nelumbiums blooming
in the well designed glasshouses of Kew;
Fragrant fresh fulfilling invigorating air,
glossy grass shining with crystalline drops of due

leaves lush green, dancing gently in cool breeze

joining hands to make atmosphere enchanting
presenting a pleasant , cheerful, uplifting view ,
a jolly good company of charming youngsters adding
Chilly sause to Chinese Choumein Cuisine to Chew
such was our unforgettable visit to Kew ;
Surprisingly there were very few birds out there
still my naughty niece could spot a sight or two, where
a bird in a nest on a floating isle of algae right there
and a few swimming lazily in the little pond over there
that day in the river side garden of Kew
We had not been able to spot many butterflies or bees
but again , keen eyed sweety of ours, came to rescue
locating quite a few merrily buzzing or fussing about
bird of heaven nestling in its high domed nest there
a grand green house full of many species and varieties
displaying cockily plumes of various forms and hue
and our eyes feasted literally for, there, these were not few
in the vast justly famous garden of Kew .
And while appreciating them I was asked
who could be more beautiful than these
instantly pointing to my chanchal chapal niece
I said see who can beat her- so lovely is she
and turning round immediately then and there
her tai said chashmey baddoor and blessed her
that day in the lovely garden of Kew .
While engaged in photographing ,
others attention was riveted on these
my own thoughts roamed and zoomed
on various species of insectivora and plantae
and I began to observe notice and see
how much they are particular and choosy
about their friends , and in allowing

only some, the liberty for exchanging

a mouthful of nectar with the pollens, provided
they carry them piggy back or otherwise and flee
to their soul mates and playmates far far away
somewhere in the jolly good garden of Kew .
And suddenly Darwins ghost appeared
teasing and taunting and reminding about
Galpagoes finches and British orchids
and reaction between plants and animal species,
their response to each other pairwise or groupwise
during friendly or antagonistic relations familywise
provoking or leading to complimentary exchanges
or a sort of arms race amongst them by and by
resulting in co evolution of both of them
due to selection pressure exercised by them
on each other , to outwit each other in the
development game they play together in Nature ,
modifying specializing and evolving gradually
happily or unhappily with reference to each other .
Symbiosis, parasitism and mutualism nicely
illustrate the phenomenon in their own way
Darwin had used this natural phenomenon
to buttress his theory of natural selection .
saying just see
how humming birds and ornithophilous flowers
have co evolved in mutualistic relationship
nectar ,colour, shape and blooming time of flowers
suits diet, vision , bills and breeding season of birds
Orchids and butterflies and bees
have also adapted to each others needs
O pyramidalis,O mascula and Catasetum varieties
have evolved mechanisms and contrivances

to ensure that insects are attracted, pick pollinia

from one flower and deposit on anothers gynoecia
to get a morsel of nectar in exchange to their fill .
Antagonistic relations equally testify
how one counters anothers move and signify
co evolutions role in development of species
thus Rue tree develops insect repellant oils
and swallow tail caterpillars resistance to it
and gain advantage over their rivals
adding a chapter in evolutionary tales, virtually.
Predator-prey relationship between
The Garter snakes and Newts of rough skin
with the later developing a neuro toxin
to escape and the former resistance to the
toxins increasing levels to get their grub
leads to an Arms race of increasing
level of toxins between them, is fascinating.
Symbiosis between Legumes and Nitrogen fixing
bacteria, specializing species wise, in one way ;
increasing resistance to drugs and antibiotics
in a variety of viruses and bacteria species
due to host parasite race to outbid each other
also illustrate co evolution the other way .
While Darwins words were still
lingering and ringing in my ears
I started wondering and feeling
bewildered, howcome Darwin
has descended from heaven
only to tell me how beautiful
and wonderful is co evolution
that it appears I came partially

out of my trance with head reeling

And in that half awake half sleepy state
with half closed eyes I dont know bhai
I felt or I saw or so it seemed, a phantom
with smiling lips and a pair of black eyes
was staring at me with expression of surprise
and suddenly its looks changed dramatically
and believe me with its big big wild wide eyes
it appeared as if it was going to cannibalize
body heart soul vole whole of mine in a trice
and then the vision cleared a bit and lo!
by God ! it was Meenas own grand Tai
and with a jerk I came to realize
I am in this blessed land really
and not in the garten-anglez of Kew,
and thus terminated my grand trip to
the world renowned Royal garden of Kew
in hours,minutes or seconds,I know not,
alas! those were only quite few .

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