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10%¢s& SATURDAY JUNE 2] 3t8$400 ALL: STORY pers i > a athe 4 ‘ Vt 3 of [,yssa ro seer eb 5 fie P17 0 ets) Ge) os. What a Cra Sato a bs 4 #3 PRINGE ALBERT the national joy smoke AY, you'll have a streak of smokeluck that'll put pep-in-your-smokemotor, all right, if you'll ring-in with a jimmy pipe or cigarette papers and nail some Prince Albert for packing! Just between ourselves, you never will wise-up to high-spot-smoke-joy until you can call a pipe or a home made cigarette by its first name, then, to hit the peak-of-pleasure you land square on that two-fisted- man-tobacco, Prince Albert! ‘Well, sir, you'll be so all-fired happy you'll want to get a photograph of yourself breezing up the pike with your smokethrottle wide open! Quality makes Prince Albert so different, so appealing. And, P. A. can’t bite or parch, Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process! Right now while summer's young you get out your old jimmy pipe or the “papers” and land on some P, A, for what ails your particular smokeappetite! R. J, REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Bay Prince Albert everywhere oa Ceara eee S SpieabNRATE ADVERTISING SECTION A100 Oliver Typewriter for *57 Before this country’s entry into the war, the price of the Oliver Typewriter was $100. And, frankly, we always wanted to lower it. But old ways of selling forced us to join in expensive methods. The war taught us all new economies. We learned new ways of selling. We found it unnecessary to have great numbers of traveling salesmen and numerous, expensive branch houses throughout the country. We were also able’ to discon- tinue many other superfluous, costly sales methods As a restilt we now sell the identical $100 model for $57. Only our plan has changed. Not the Oliver. We offer at this great saving our famous No. 9, the latest and best Oliver. You Be the Judge Over 700,000 Sold We will chip an Oliver to you for five days rustomoug Ure, si Ay mupaat the reset free trial, without your paying in advance. Try umnfenl, “But, "te" Sornoracan, femeeepeas it as if it were your own. Compare it. amine ita, Otis” Elevator Company, “National City n Testurdy construction. Note its handsome Beuk of 8. Yo"poston slevated! Hailvays, and! others finish in heavy enamel and polished nickel. It ““rr'uny tepewricer te worth $200, it $9 this splenaia, has a standard keyboard and all the latest im ypeeds “oliver, witien does such fine work ‘anil is 26 provements. A better typewriter is unobtain= ye A ow more about the Oliver, before able at any price receiving, gne tor free trlaly cheek. the coupon for our octet, the High Coat of Typewriters" Phe Henson If you agree that it is the finest typewriter ana thé memeds." 11 shows haw we save you $43 at any price, pay us at the rate of $3 per | Don't tuy dort rent until you, have investigated month, And use it all the time while paying. SUS,SSNL os; Send the, coupon at once for a Free Mher “infonaation, You are not This is better than renting. If you do not cbligated in he slightest to buy.” want to keep it, merely send it back, express Beck SAGA ths GuuDAR SO, collect. We even refund the out-going trans- The Oliver Typewriter Company portation charges. con "Ecano, We are able to make this offer to the public because the Oliver invariably sells itself. All appreciate a $100 Oliver for $57. And our easy payment plan is irresistible. IE Fee NET ei par tthe ai of B pee mo | Put in the Mailand | 22000. a | | Mee etek ich siahip late beat Save $43 Des ea ees ratte oats rn ALL-STORY In answering tle advertisement 4 te dexiratie that you mention the magazine, ALL STORY WEEKLY The entre contents of tht migerine are protected by copyright, and most not be resinted without the publishers persion. iN E FIVE CONTINUED STORIES Daughter of Lyssa. . . . . . . BJ. R. Stolper . A Fout-Part Story — Part One His Word of Honor . . . . . . Edgar Franklin A Five-Part Story — Part Two The Head of Arsenjo. . . . . . Ray St. Vrain, A Three-Part Story — Part Two Four Quarts of Rubies. . . . . . HL Bedford-Jones . A Thiee-Patt Story — Patt Three The Clean-Up . . . 4 4 Captain Dingle A Five-Pact Story — Pact Fout ONE NOVELETTE Fires Rekindled . . . . . . . . Julian Hawthorne FOUR SHORT STORIES The Baboon's Sister . . . . . . Octavus Roy Cohen . Play Persistence. . . . . . . . Samuel G, Camp . Smudged Names... . Maxwell Smith His Lordship Rolls the Bones . . . Leonard Wise . VERSE Viola Brothers Shore 411 | The Movie Idol . . . Strickland Gillian 498 The Bridegcoom's Gift . . . L. We Ingalls 473 | Illusion Neeta Marquis 524 Heart to Heart Talks. . . . . . TheEditor. . . . . . 525 ‘Wat PRANK A. MUNSEY COMPANY, 280 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, and TEMPLE HOUSE, TEMPLE AVENUE, E. C., LONDON Feast A, Monsey, I WetaRo H. Trruzeraros, Se unsroruten HL. Pore, Treasurer Single coptes, 20 cents. wy ‘Gountrien Remittances che by check, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE FRANE a. MUNSEY COMPANY. COPYRIGHT, 189 tered as second class matter May 17, 1, at tbo Post.O8ee af Now York, under the Act of Maren 9, 19 ADVERTISING SECTION. Z ; Amazin Bs 5 SV RLT OL Shirt Been yas 3 lor $433 NO MONEY! For These Three Beautiful Shirts No sir, not one penny in advance to get these genuine Jacquard shirts—the most amazing values you ever saw. Made by a famous manufacturer. We bought them for cash—you receive the benefit. Shirts come in black, blue and lavender stripes with a white background interwoven with white figures—just the Rich Looking Striped Patterns That Men Like So Well Shirte that vou would ordi ‘ould cost you $5.00 each. full, guaranteed fast‘c ns. soft French turn-ba Just Mail The Coupon Adres, Tn answering this advertisement tt te desirable thai vow mention thie magesine CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT AGENTS & SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS & SALESMEN WANTED REGIE IBUEDO VENTOR WAKES WoNDEREUL ioe Merely ee etal SSID See ‘SALESMAN WANTE! on SPARE™ THE. Goad atage, ands hardware trade: io tell auto "Tube, ete fhow. Unite Distributing Service, 227" Masonic AGENTS—$10 TO $100 A, WEEK. clenteat evo lured wind: lay “seas "worth Fort wonderr ltoiy Trees “io. Dermastent”‘Droppeition AGENTS SELL PICTURES, an BATHING GIRLS, art poses. sainmle' der stiteen “eapictin Si, getunded. ity disoatlehed: Roodleat ‘Chib, “Deak'8,"St. Luis, ‘Me. 65.00 A WEEK AND YOUR 1 Soa take Masantage GP our Ub Bt ones” and we will ‘rersthing " moeessas peste, rae Sate piu A patel for ‘Snetaritie acpuent aendian Bamoie” rieiage. "tree. Colletta" Manufacturing Company, Deve “Ainstorda (SRE BROOMS OUTWEAR FIVE CORN BROOM: Guaranteed one year. Sample. £1.26 "roatpaid.» Agents wanted. Ba and women, 36h, an Tour etsy. Xeetone ibee Broom Co., Gis" Duquesne Wabe Pidtours PMQNDERFUL STARTER FOR FORDS No. Coge—No Taker no. power from edaine. 5.0 Recluse: ‘Rertary'” Simpies “Company, neon _“Sivet, ‘chicago, CASHIN ON BONE DRY GILL. Make Ga day wag. Wahoo You how oth, mr Conemtinind use Wrultetate, uot a lifeti ee ferrite, "Wee, quik esau Bide.’ Cinemnats, Oh ull dore— Ail Repeaters, We manatae: ail gongumerg direct through special agetts. Outfit free. 10 orkeds. Bletcher Production Cos. 3Ur 8. Clinton, “Culeane. HELP WANTED PEADTES 10 SEW AT WOME FOR A LARGE PHILADEL, FIRM: Good “pas! nico ‘work® no. canvassing Bend Sit ee Bian pee Vente Sh MICHIGAN FARM LANDS FOR SALE G00 LAND? Avoid th a eto Ainge got ene hardwood land in Anteien vor Waikaska Cou He Co Sao er acre, Yong! easy terms. 10, tod Raiser Sond 'graimn, frute, “vegetaites, “stash, Spouttes, “Blas Etinate, Schools ehttenes, towne Frce'fagm advisers, Gee ‘Twent Fears ih busiucst., Be a. pro: cee. Wriue naw fi Dig free hngkiee: exctasion rates, ste date, it tand Co, W124. Pit Nath, Wank blag Chae. tl, allroad. No gwabis oF stones, —TEARN To Write Advertisements. U.S. Deartmneit of Labor StOe, HONKING: START WHISTLIN ae Keo “Whistles "for “autos, irucka,” tractors amd motor: boats ack gbraico,” agate” making” eilda0™ ier ay 159 'N state Street, "Chicago, il a AGENTS, GET IN ON THE BIGGEST OF ALL. Ho-To-c9 plan Sent prof. Products” guaranteed bon ‘Reco sample. case oer.” Write at ghey Ho-2G co" Manufseturlng” CUutpaty, “iis “Locust” woABlO DAILY DIRTRIGUTING EMTZE_ PEATE, PLOTURES. ch We want_rep= ‘i cH Tight ait “speed and tg eo ne sfetam “Somipanss todigor us wai "AY AND FREE AUTOMOSILE Taicniacing Pligg iana otuge economical Ant6\ peeceattien. “Oute “fres ES Bauiwes, 97 Station, Loulstlle, Ws. “ye GET THE MONEY—NeARLY EVERY TIE Rater our srgtem gets it District manacers, sub agents. side’ line met 310-5100 Weekly’ picked. uy Actually” P-I°-G-K°E*D up. Brery Qpustness (man a” Prospect We yrutect™ territory. Waite mOwe Promur’ Service. 1516 Larrabee, Ulcago. INSYDE TYRES—Inner Armor For Auto Tires. Da ie Bema irs thee ea ieee ia American Automobile Aveessories Co.. Dent. 103, “RELIABLE PEOPLE WANTED.—Piace our mi yalug' goede. in ators and. apnuint agente" Wonder” Fudan Bower =35 wig, Delicious Dishes 250) Orangeade Powdert Gages bie duni’s0u eer” igsted, es Stan, tlist good wonderful ieee elsny Company $i17-40" Siadlson iret Chic Saad ENT S = WATERPROOF KITCHEN. APRON Bi meat Big ‘mones.""Sauple ince Thomas ‘Co. EDP Nonth "Sirect, Daytons Ohio. a DAVIS, LUCKY “LEVEN | SELLING GETTER THAN EVER. $39 talue ely, fr gL 26 Nira ews seas syns devsoroae aS Se eatice of other big meer Taos? Bie rote Great crow misagers pfeloation. Beak, Dav Bent So Gincass MISCELLANEOUS BULL DOG PUPS—BOBED—AGE THREE MONTHS, ppeending Mp, PBiog Sates “$15,003 "females $000. T'S. "Ford, "Thomasvilie, No FRISCO'S BARBARY COAST. — Hisht photosranhe of San" Franchzo's Famous, Baran’ Coutt Set Watinid the OR aii "Eherwond Rok Weds Shi Wiaueac, "CARE MOTION PICTURE PLAYS TRO TORIAYS, WANTER OY, © COMPAN EAgP SKI Fo FINS. Xo oreanoute Fetsnce needed’ dele gent fos {0° tee ine Broduetrs ‘hess. 360" Walantighe. et" PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS. Highest references, Hest results, Promptne scared. wookler tres, "Wittson'E. Coleman, 624 ¥ St, Wemhingtos, PATENTS _PROCURED=TRADE— MARKS” REGISTERED 2 leomurghenaie, exverienead, promos erste far tho. protection gree Min alten ins Ate eth itis tench ao by mail he | A, goumenaly. gxverionead, Draws service forthe protection Bah atte cn sy asin fe ea | ihcaanoe htce™ nats a aa Pa EE GRE mL cal iets elag in, R1Sp st Wi | RRR He facade 68 Oey Hla SSP ASL "MC TT nts BE lhe! | PSE Renee Gat Sf ore a — invtatid™ To? "hog SEND, SKETCH OF YOUR AUTHORS—-MANUSCRIPTS experience. “Handbook von, Patents sent ree. ae auSeRe Stent “Gawneees as" naibere Bana FET OES Poe tot ¥ Sa Ts wWantes’ FoR © BuBLicarton. © Gooa® “ihass ? sunmit atoa” ‘of eto Intsrars Buta, Re SEOB'ES ANTES yi QR, BUSLICATION AND PHOTO. PCAYS.. PREC NEXAMINATION, “As fie opportunity” for Detinncis. “Booklet on reauest. News York Literary "Bureau, THT" West abut 'Streot,| Now York ‘City. BREE TO. WRITER ma nts, "supgeatton Booey and. Movio:Play wriing boy" now Just aaareas Auto aden Teg, book of money belie da aan Haut Py. hee ea ooportaay spraguatee Write catalog." Cioveland “auto Shook, BE once “for cour Big. treo hig" ES 40h stveet, Ciovolond, In onewering any advertisement on thie page Ut ts desirable that you mention thia magazine. “Ohler Hatin, BOE RITE FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE BOOK, WOW TO" OBTAIN "a PATENT! Send model or Sketen Sud) description” for ‘our, opinion of its "patentable, ature Hise, Hinheet Hetormesn. Prompe attention. Hoxsonable eran, Victor Washington: PATENTS. “Tt pau have an tpveition wela or oat Gulag Book, “How To Get A Patent." Send model or sketch and riptloa, ‘and. we will gite oar opinion "ae to its patentable ieforeRandstsn 'S Gon: &S° eo: ipa TELEGRAPHY “You can learn falligad, commercial, prover esos in to Sanh. Sateen pales alga, '$85°5800" hroxerag ‘Short ‘tor overtime. shy a, elegant ‘unlimited eatren Hindreds aphers wasted Weite for details, Chicago. ‘ele ‘Ainefica’s Finest School, Dept. A: 1089 Conatiners Bldg Chicago. ADVERTISING SECTION. Manicipality Manufacturer _. _Wholesale House _. \ Department Store \\\ Advertising Agency “{ Mail Order House_ Electric Light Co. _/| Ship Building Co. _/, Railroad Y Electric Railway Co, Bank \ Contractor \ Export House Etc., Etc. Every Bt Needs the Expert Accountant Make Yourself the Man Wanted The opportunity is here for expert accountants, The war is over. An immense program of reconstruction is to be carried out. Haphazard, hit or miss methods must give way to exactness, efficiency and the skilled handling of problems—both old and new. ‘That all means a greater demand than ever before for the man trained in modern accounting —the man who is a keen analyst—who can map the conditions of a business—think—plan. A Become An Expert Great organizations everywhere want the expert business analyst. They need the man who can show them where they stand—who can map the whole situation in figures—Wwho can suggest ways ta eliminate waste of time and money and tell why and how to authorize expenditures in certain direct ions—who can tell what the real income of the business is and how to put economical policies into operation. Every business must have this information if it is to meet the close competition of today and make correct reports to the government. ‘The man who can map all these facts in figures and in charts, and who can put efficient organization into the office or factory is the man who is wanted now. Get Instruction from _, Small Fee—Easy Terms the LaSalle Experts 9 a iviewitisShshnnechyck ese experts helped LO, Ralsack to eat eaary vag fanz Sted, ite Come) Yau can bay ew ur em oc Baptseer heed Raiatnck e.g lacy mse tare a itv re ’ Coe eee een ee TS WAT ee, al thecrapon end weil eon so ful ar outae within six months from enrollment. LaSalle traininar LE Hulaealco our, valuable book "en. Ye has raised thousands of men to better positions. tisky id sag any pn Ge se ses Hee pee rey ‘The LaSelle method will train you by maflunder the direct inipe evidence, from men who have advanced to high supervision of William B. Castenholz, A.M.,C.P.A., Former qsieiots) ena f expert th ae Peco emp eat eee LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY “The World's Greatest Extension University” Dept, 632-HAA Chicago, Mine's Without cost or obligation on my part, please send im particulars regarding your Extension Course of taining is figher Accounting and your Consulting Service, Alsoyour booke,,."Ten Years" Promotion Im One" and “Proof.” ‘the American Inatituteof Aecountants. Analysis and Orsani- zation, and the Principles of Accounting, Auditiny cial Law and Scientific Munayement all made cleat: ‘will be given special preparation fortheC.P.A. examinations. Train by Mail Hold your present position while preparing for a higher one. ‘Only your spare time is neoded, Thousands of men ave won ‘auickadvaneoment and inereased salaries this way. Thesame ‘open to you. Begin your preparation now. Enroll- ‘gives you free use of our Consulting Service which Brings advice on any business problem whenever you want it. _ Tug demand for expert ssoountants is beyond the avilable supply {foulow the war will Intensity the nesd for apeciatets this hela. This Byode opportunity. “Cash ings t-Teaia cow! 7 Name Peetent Position... anne Address In onawering the advertisement it & dovirable that you mention thie mayazine ADVERTISING SECTION. will YOU ‘Help Overcome this Shortage of Motion Picture Stories? BY F McGREW WILLIS Formerly of Ince, Fox, Pathe, Universal, te.) critic, Bnovgh goad stories are not to ve one a ape sate at 6 jon" glven 2 chance to Know ‘ow 1 prepare’ sone een cin Paar oy ssp, oman, fame, ood, ot END nah Sale Wale Paria oi beigia wi Gu A FREE SALES BUREAU Te deine? betcteh SHRM OM Le” SNE Geel Of eran ty Back vuarantee. fer “hese my go up at any time 1 choo So if 7 for onttict Qutb rg Donat remit any money. Just ‘in au address. The F. McGrew Willis Institute eke . MeGREW WILLIS, Sle Head ee Fourth Floor Wright & Callender Building Hy roa CALIFORNIA, aes WeiTiNe Pav" LOS ANGE! STUDY AT, HOME $3,000 ES hay at aeaae sar ti: Wages ad MORE COMPANY, Dept. 455. St.Louis, Mos SAVE ‘YOUR BOD amt iiiceney Hist “I Would Not Part With It For $10,000” So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. “Worth more than a farm” says another. In like manner testify over 100,000 people who have worn it. The Natural Body Brace i NESS and ORGANIG AILMENTS of MO ; Beveaps Ors eraeutal gare. Brings Seta rebel, comfort abtity walt pd Hand HOWARD C. RASH, Pres. Natural Body Brace Co., 227 Rash Bldg., Salina, Kansas dn answering any advertisement on this page it tw desirable that you mention this magazine. ADVERTISING SECTION. ts a “Here’s an a $50, Grace —I’m making real money now!” “Yes, I've been keeping it a secret until pay day came. I’ve been promoted with an increase of $50 a month, And the first extra money is yours. Just a little reward for urging me to study at home. The boss says my spare time training has made me a valuable man to the firm and there’s more money com- ing soon. We're starting up easy street, Grace, thanks to you and the I. C. S.!” Today more than ever before, money is what counts, The cost of living is mounting month by month. You can’t get along on what you have been making, Somehow, you've simply got to increase your earnings. BUF HERG ee Fortunately for you hundreds of thousands y INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS of other men have proved there is an unfail- ‘SCRANTON, PA. ing way to do it, Train yourself for bigger ne Rove Loan ali foF the post work, learn to do some one thing well and SALESMANSHIP employers will be glad to pay you real money ApwER SNe for your special knowledge. You can get the training that will prepare you for the position you want in the work you like best, whatever it may be. You can get it without sacrificing a day ora dollar from your present occupation. You can get it at home, in spare time, through the International Cor- respondence Schools. Its the business of the. C.S. to prepare men in just your elreumstances for better positions at better pay, hey have been doing it forzs years. ‘They have helped two million other men and women. ‘They are training ver 109,000 now. Every day many students write to tell of advancements and increased salaries already won, You have the same chance they had. What are you going to do with it? Can you afford to let a single price- Tess hour pass without atleast finding out whatthe LCS can do for you? Here ts all we ask—without cost, with out obligating, yourself in any way, simply marie and mail this coupon, 1 t { | ee | Bessriet Wee Soca | Reece Serene | Bee on itis, Beene jecrt Bute Accounteat [ ISurveying and Maps FFIC MANAGER: I | | | | Marine Engineer JeO0D ENGLISIC Ship Drateamen Teacher ARCHITECT. |Gommon School Subjects Archiecctural Brana Jeti SERN ICE lace livay Mail Cl Structural Eagtneer jeLuiiiine 4p EATING exile Overseer oF Supt. jcHEMIST Occupation. Street mndKo, .. cy State Tn answering ths advertisement i 4s desirable that you mention thie magazine. ADVERTISING SECTION. Enough Lead for a Quarter Million Words NDER the sturdy jacket of Eversharp there's enough lead to write a book—enough for a quarter million words—ten thousand words one cent! And a point for every word! You never sharpen the point. Yet the point is always there. Eversharp is always sharp—never sharpened! Slip Eversharp into your hand and sign up for Jpiaigthecrmbol lifelong, economical writing comfort. Yon won't