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199491 | VOLUME V.- Bass & BARITONE | USEFUL TEACHING SONGS FOR ALL VOICES CHAPPELL & C9 Ltp. 50, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON. w. Copyright; neasav & wea, by Chappe & C24 Preface. It is said that “A good singer is born, not made,” and one might almost say that “A good teaching song is born, not made,” in other words, a song uncon- sciously either possesses the necessary characteristics, or not,from the moment of its inception in a composer's brai In compiling the present edition it has been my endeavour to put forward only such songs as embody the needed qualifications. Some well-known standard numbers were practically indispensable, but I have gathered together a great number that are entirely unhackneyed, the bulk being in English, since it is my firm belief that English singers should give their greatest attention to singing in their own language and singing it weil. In some cases I have permitted myself to shorten a symphony, or facilitate an accompaniment,etc.,as teachers generally play for their pupils and cannot afford to be too much pre-occupied with the accompaniments. ‘All foreign songs have been provided with singable English versions, but it is not suggested that, during study, these should be used in preference to the originals, which have been included for practise in foreign tongues. Lastly, as the ear is much improved by occasional singing without accomp- animent, I have added one unaccompanied song-study to each collection. The contents of the remaining four Volumes are enumerated at the end of this Volume. Lisa Lehmann. Volume BARITONE AND BASS. Contents. a 4 SWEET ARE THE BANKS. (rrow "tes prvx jounnées) = . (CHERUBINI. 2 VITTORIA, VITTORIAIVictorious! Vietorioxs!) . oe ‘CARISSIMT. 3 THE LARK IN THE CLEAR AIR. _ 7 = oe .. IRISH MELODY. 4 BLow, BLow, THOU WINTER WIND... a e 7 . DP ARNE, 5 BEGLUCKTE HEERDE. (Oh, blesséd flock, (rxom Tux cawrara‘DU MIRTH ISRAEL, WORE") BACH. 6 DER MOND. (My heart is like the sombre night) = - MENDELSSOHN, 7 FAREWELL, of SWEET HOPE. .. — 7 So . OLD GAELIC. 8 COME, SWEET LASS. (row “ris ro reno weLaxcuoly”) S w= OLD ENGLISH. 9 —PLAISIR D'AMOUR. (The Joy of Love.) ~ | _ a oe + MARTINI 40 CHI SCHERZA COLLE ROSE.(Who plays among the roses) (rxow"imenzo:) .. HANDEL, 41 Last NIGHT I HAD A DREAM. ... = = - - AL 12 MacLeop oF DUNVEGAN. Grvny rox uaccompasign stxoiNe) + OLD HIGHLAND LAMENT, N.B. If any songs from this Volume are used for Concert purposes the words “Chappell Copyright Edition” should be printed under the title. 4 Mee 26 29 33 36 39 aT 50 VY signifies a full breath. > signifies a half-breath. LIZA LEHMANNS EDITION. of Useful Teaching Songs. Volume V. (BARITONE & BASS.) IL Sweet are the banks when Spring perfumes. English words by From “LES DEUX JOURNEES.” : Sore J CHERUBINI Moderato. VOICE, PIANO. p cantabile Sweet are the banks when Spring per - —— —— assai cantabile. The ver - dant plains and _———_ laugh - ing flowts, _—_————— _———_ LIZA LEIOKANN EDITION OF USEFUL TRACHING SO¥a8, 25999, Copyright, MCMXY, by Chappell & C2 Ltd. v Fra-grant the vio - s it blooms And sweet the e > V orese poco a poco. ? blos-soms af ter showrs, Sweet is the soft, the _—_—— ee rie corese. paco a poco} - ny breeze That fans the gold - or - _—— = ——— pitt, ores, grove. But ah! pitt orese. 25999. ? Y 2 gen - tle smiles of her_ I love, the gen - tle smiles of —<——— p dolce Ten.condue D222. ® Pr ro - ses, blush - ing in your beds, ——— 7 25999, .—== =» ver heads, As my e DP y eresc poco a poco pure and fair, No more I court your —_——— > > r pile crese. - lone, can prove __ How _——— pitt crese 25999. _ = P ere == : == far more sweet, when fond hearts meet, The y tle of her— I love, the gen - SS p dolce. Ten.condue®® 2 2 2 2 ie colla voce, a tempo 25999. II. Vittoria! Vittoria! VICTORIOUS! VIOTORIOUS! Translation by CARISSIMI. rn [SSIMI. Allegro con brio. > VOICE. 3 Vit - to-ria! Vit -to-rial Vit - to-ria, Vit - to-riamio co - - Vic- tor-ious! Vic-tor-ious! Vic-tor-ious! Vic - tor-ious, O heart of PIANO. i) la - gri-mar pid, Non la- gri-mar pid, E sciol-ta d’A- sigh - ing a- dieu, To sigh-ing a- dieu, The fet- ters of # rir oresc, ————— yy» -mo-re La ser - vi- ti; Vit - to-ria, Vit-to-riamio co - ‘ re! Non Jove now are rion in two; Wie - tor-ious,Vic-tor-ious, 0 heart of mine! To > > ee [LIZA LEIWANNs EDITION OF USEFUL TRACHING SONOS. 25999 Copyright, MOMXY, by Chappell & CPLtd. > v \ — yy > ee pune 7. SS J = la - gri-mar pit, E sciol-ta WA-mo-re la ser - vi-ti; E sigh - ing a- dieu, The fet - ters of love now are rivn— in two; The % 5 @A-mo-re La of lope are ser - vi- tu! Gia Yem-pia atuoi-dan{ni Fra stuo - lo di Lita in tol De -ceit-ful the glances that sought thy un - z SSS ++ aaa sguar-di, Con ea i bu - giar-di Di - spo-Se gin - gan -/ ni; Le -do-ing, And false! are the smiles that would bind, that would bind thee; But F : a d-} - (eee . + = = a eS ea SE fro-de, gli affanni Non Kan-no pit now thou hast con-quert,hast con-querd, and cru-do suo Flame is but = ? 7 fo-co B spento_ Yar - do - - rel Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-rial va-pour,and ashes, but ash-es the firel Vic - tor-ious, Vic - tor- ious! PR -to-ria,Vit- to-ria mio co - ~- cel Non la- grimar pit, Non -tor-ious, Vic - tor-ious, 0 heart_ of minel To sigh - ing a - dieu, To F la- gri-mar pid, E sciol-ta @A-mo-re-La_ ser - vi - td, E sighing a - dieu, The fet- ters of love now.are_ rion in two, the 25999 "TH dotted lines indicate slurs only to by used in the Bnglish version SHEE ta dA-mo-re La ters of love are ee ser - vi - ti! Da lu-ci_ ri-den-ti Non e-sce pid stra-le Che tion in tol The eyes that were radiant no long-er seem bril-liant, Nor pia-ga mor-ta-Je Nel pet} to mav} ven - ti: Ne duolne’tor-menti Jo mor-tal, nor mor-tal the wounds in my bo = som; Fare-well to love's torment, fare- piinonmi sfac - cio, E roto o-gni lac-cio,Spari-to’l ti - mo - ret Vit- -well to loves fe - wer, The bonds are a - sun-der, a-sun.der for ev - er! Vie~ fa 25999 10 SI ~to-ria, Vit - to-ria! Vit - to-ria, Vit - to-ria mio co - -tor-ious, Vic - tor-ious! Vic - tor-ious, Vic - tor-ious Q — keart__ ? > oresc, -re! Non la ~ gri-mar pii, Non la - gri-mar pii, E sciolta_ d’A- mine! To sigh - ing a - diex, To sigh-ing a - dieu, The fet-ters of r -mo-re la i sciol love now are i fet sent crese rall.! Apa ta da-mo-re la ser - vi - ta! ters of love are rivn_ in teva! > Pf {cella voce IL The Lark in the clear air. *Words by IRISH MELODY. Sir S, FERGUSON. Accompt by L.L. Slowly and tenderly. P VOICE. a Dear thoughts are in my PIANO. Nanes) = So mind, And_my soul_soars en-chant-ed, As I hear the sweet_lark— clear_ air of the *Words reprinted ty kind permission of ME T.Fisher Unwin. LiZA LENMANNS EDITION OF UOREUE TRACKIN SONOS. 25999, Copyright MCMXV, by Chappell & C2 Lid. 12 der, beam-ing— smile . grant-ed, And to - mor- row she shall___ hear |— ———— fond_heart would__ say. colla voce. ——— FES tell her all my__ 25999, 13 vip - tion, And I mr erese, € poce pitt animato, hear me, And will not say me It is this that givesmy_ = poco pik animato. colla voce. ree hear the sweet lark_ sing In_ the clear air of the day. 25999 4 IV. Blow, blow, thou winter wind. Words by SHAKESPEARE. Bue Moderato pititosto mosso. VOICE, =| PIANO = wy Blow, blow, thou win-ter - wind, Thou art_not_so un {L124 LEHMANN EDITION OF USEFUL TEACHING SONOS. 25999. Copyright, MCMXV, by Chappell & C2 Ltd. art not so un - kind As man’s in - gra Tet tooth is not so — Be - cause thou art not v zg iF = Thy_ tooth is not_ so ror ft oresc. a ~cause thou art not seen, Al - though thy-breath be rude, Al- though thy = 25999. Al - though thy breath_ be_ > SO > Freeze, = A vi mp > v = = freeze, thou_bit-ter sky, Thou canst not_bite so nigh,— Thou r i r ¥ cresc. ae canst not bite so nigh As_ ben-e - fits . Though r a | 25999. wa ters warp sting is__ not so ? As friend re - mem- berd_ not, ror fr y_eresc. 2 — = friend re-mem-berd not._ Thy sting is not so sharp As friend re ~ “t y- rail. -mem-berd not, __________ As___ friend re - mem - berd not. 25999, Begluckte Heerde. (OH, BLESSED FLOCK.) (From the Cantata“DU HIRTE ISRAEL, HORE.”) English translation by LL. BACH. Andante pastorale. VOICE. PIANO, 25999 Copyright, MCMXY, by Chappell & C2 Ltd. 19 ¥ Y = S ~gliick-te Heer-de, Je - su Schafe, be - gliick-te Heer-de, Je - su Scha-fe, die bless - ed flock, the flock of Je~ sus, oh, bless- ed flock, the flock of Je - sus, the 7. ne +. y= Welt ist euch ein Him-mel-reich, ein - mel-reich, die Welt ist world for you is Par - a-dise, is Par - - a-dise, the world for v » v euch ein Him-mel-reich,die Welt ist euch. ein Him - mel- reich, be - gliick - you is Par - a-dise, the worldfor you is Par - a- dise. Oh, bless - -=te Heer-de, Je - su Scha - = fe,die Welt ist = = dd flock, ok flock_of Je - = sus, for you _the = . — a 25999 20 euch ein Him - mel - reich. world is Pay - a - dis dolce P. Na ce Be - glick-te Heer-de, Je - suScha-fe, be - Oh, bless - ed flock, the’ flock of Je - sus, oh, » SE v? v # ick-te Heer-de, Je - su Scha-fe, die Welt ist euch ein Him-mel-rich, ein les: less - ed flock, the flock _of Je- sus, the world for you is Par- a-dise,” is 25999 21 v y Poco a ruchein Him - mel-eich,die Well— ist you is Par - a-dise, the world for mel-reich, die Welt ist Par_- = a-dise, ” the world_for —— nd_fo PR (eet Serre se ‘poco oresc. v pit oresc. a euchein Him ~ mel-reich, be - gliick - - te Heer-de, Je - su Scha - you is Pay - a - dise. Oh, bless - = @d flock, oh, flock of Je - ae x pi _oresc. F - fe, die Welt St euch ein Him- mel - reich = sus, the world for you is Par - a - dise. 22 y —_—__—__—— schmecktihr Je - su Gi - te schon, und - rea - dy Je - sus guides your steps ’ and Vv ve —_= noch des Glau-bensLohn, und hof - on to Faith's 1e- ward, and leads _ Glau -bensLobn nach ein - em sanf-ten 7 Faiths_re-ward, be - yond a gen - tle part - 25999 23 ve? Schlag >-——-—- 7 * ~fe, hier = ing slum - - ber, al - v oles — ———s + —— a -=SsaaStss : S35 schmeckt ihr Je - su Gii - te schon,und hof - - - - - fet ~ rea - dy Je - sus guides your steps, and leads—_______ you # ¥v noch des Glau-bens Lohn,iind hof - - : . - fet nochdes Glau- on to Faiths re-ward, and leads_________________ you on to faith’s py v = V ep _ a Beet = = 7 rat a aH = Seay Z - - bens Lohn nach ein - em sanf-ten = yond a gen - tle 25999 RA des - schla - + ing slum - ee x 7 —<—<—$—$——— ecole P ——— Le AF. > > = + = fe, nach ein - em sanf-ten ‘To - des-schla - fe. - = = = + ber, be = yond a, gen - fle part - ing slum ~ ber. Fo? tl _# 25999 25 ve k-te Heer-de, Je - su Scha-fe, die = = ~lick-ty, Hleer-de, Je - suScha-fe, be - gi jless-ed flock, the flock of Je ~ sus, the bless -ed flock, the flock of Je - sus, oh, . Welt ist euch ein Him-mel-reich, ein Him mel-reich, die Welt ist world for you is Par - a-dise, is Par - = a-dise, the world for = a Le v —— y_semfre éuchein Him - mel-reich,die Welf—* ist euchein Him - mel-reich,be - gliick - you is Par - a-dise, the world for you is Par - a - dise. Oh, bless - PR : sempre cresc. ca vt all. aA = te Heerde, Je - su Scha — —~ fe,die Welt ist euch ein Himmelr = éd flock, the flock of Je - = susjthe world for you is Par- a dise. — = : 25999 26 VI. Der Mond. (MY HEART IS LIKE THE SOMBRE NIGHT.) Translated by OH. MENDELSSOHN. Andante. VOICE. 3 = PIANO. die dunk - le Nacht, wenn al - le the som ~ bre night, When all the —>—_——. = pfel rau - — schen, Wi free - tops mur - mur, IEA LEUDANWS EDITION OF USEFUL TEACHING SONGS. 25999 Copyright, MOMXY, by Chappell & C? Lid. erese. vw Pry p= = steigt der Mond in vol - ler Pracht f the moon with sil - ver sheen sacht, seem, = mur ~ ing tie- fem Lau - - schen, huskd to si - = lence. Mond, der lich-te Mond bist Du, in dei-ner Lie- bes - fal - moon, the va-diant moon art thou, my fair-est souls be - lov stummt in 28 ei - nen, nen Blick mir zu glance of love from thy voll Him-mels- dear eyes ts Pa - ra - OF t Voll Him-mels-ruh— Sieh, dies tin - ge - stii- me is Pa-ra- dise.— ah, my murntringheart is Herz wird stil > ~ hush'd to sis lence. molto ONS tim. 2 Wit a —— dies un- ge-stii-me Herz wird s my murmeringheart is hushd to si exon PF F 29 Vil. Farewell, oh sweet Hope. OLD GAELIC AIR, Very slowly. VOICE. PIANO. — Oh sweet Hope! I have wept thee in sad-ness, Thy__ bright star il - lu- mined lifes gloom - LIZA LEIMANNS EDITION OF USEFUL TEACHIXO SONGS. 25999 Copyright, MCMXV, by Chappell & C2 Ltd. P d > ee jh S os rose on my soul like an an - gel of glad - ness, And ——F — =| GS iximiled_ the clouds of mis for - tune a = way. Pi mp Poco pit mosso. = In youth ev-'ry pros-pect by plea-sure was bounded And mg | [Poco pitt mosso. - mH ti- ny gave, “Twas pure as the lake © by the moun- tains sur- round - ed, And poco calando a tempo , —— na warm_ as sun-beams that dance on its wave.. La. pp Slower 2 > oY Ofer the flow- ers of hap-pi-ness, with-erd and blight-ed, Fond —— = PP Slower Fe. * 3 a tempo Poco a p060 cresc. o = ty lin-gers and mourns their de-cay, For the z 25999 19th 32 blos - soms thy warmth and thy splen - dour de- light - that be - held— thy last ray. pp slower Fare - 33 VIIl. Come, sweet lass. OLD ENGLISH SONG. (From “PILLS TO PURGE MELANCHOLY” 1699.) Arranged by L.L. Moderato grazioso, A VOICE. PIANO. lass; This bon - ny wea- ther Let's to - geth- er; Lets trip {IZA UENMANNS BDITIOW OF USEFUL TRACKING SONGS. 25999 Copyright, MCMXV, by Chappell & C2 Ltd, 25999 leggiero Poor Jock - ey seeks his poco ral. SP un- less you ap- pear 2 P, poco rall. a tempo cresc. loons are sport-ing, Pi - ping, court-ing, On dear, Dblith- est lads are seen. dim. Y e rall. 5 <> and play, And ev-’ry- one is gay But. qd Codetta”” , A as wT eS = 1 2 2 . ? Pep | a= = = # & 25999 *) The vocal part of the codetta can be omitted. 36 Ix. Plaisir d’Amour. (THE JOY OF LOVE.) Words by (abridged.) MP. MARTINI. Andante. p molto legato. VOICE. Plai- sir The joy PIANO., con SB, re quun mo- ment, but an howr, ~* fT — -mour du- re fou-te la - dur - eth ? the whole of a LIZA LEHMARNS BDITION OP USEFUL TEACHING SONOS, 25999. Copyright, MCMXY, by Chappell & C2 Ltd. 37 te pour Tin- gra- te Syl - Syl - via my hap = pi ness rall, PP dim, tr “IF une shake is omited,omitthe tur also, 25999. morendo @ vall. 25999, X. Chi scherza colle rose. (WHO PLAYS AMONG THE ROSES.) From the Opera “IMENEN” Translated by wat HANDEL, Recit. (rhe reitative can be onbted) ~~ ghee f VOICE. Sem-braun fan-ciuloa-mo-re, _in-no-cen - te, vez-20-s0, e A Lett seems a harnetess playmate, all in-na-cence,andfreskmess; It PIANO. ten par chei gior-nie To - re i pos. - Sa con bi pas-Sar per seems the days and hours With him will pass, will pass so gio - co. poi, ne sen-teil fo - co, e vi- ve la-men- light - ly. then, then comes the reck-’ning, and you are left ta - 25999 Copyright, MOMXY, by Chappell & C2 Lid. 40 A al so- le; non sin - na-mo- ri ah, nev - er love, a = tan- do, all om- bra, - ment - ing, by moon-shine, and by — sun- shine; KR = Aria. ee Allegro ma. non troppo. ‘che pen-ar non vuo - le! or prepare to suf-ferl pleggiero, B, Chi scherz-a col-le ro-se un di si pun-ge-ra, Who plays a- mong the ro-ses one day will find a thorn, di si pun-ge-ra. day willfind a thorn. 25999 aL scherz-a col-le ro-se un di si pun- ge - ra, plays a - mong the 1o- ses one day will find a— thorn, 6 orese, si pun - ge - ra. = Chi will find a— thorn. Who deggiero leggiero. scherz-a col- le 10 - se un— di si. pun- ge- ra plays a- mong the 0 ~ ses one day will find @ thorn, = I, a = of un di si pun-ge - ra. Chi one day will find a thorn. Who 25999 Az Pp ¥_orese. scherz-a col- le ro- se, vhi scherz-a_ col - Ie’ ro- se, un plays a - mong the— 10- ses, Who plays a - mong the— 10 - ses, one _ af > > > ree —— yet > PP. y di si pun-ge- ra. Chi scherz-a, chi scherz - a, Chi day will find a thorn. Who plays _— eho plays, Who ——— vee scherz-a col- Ie ro. - ~se un di si pun-ge- ra, si pun-ge - plays a - mong the. 10 - ses, one day will find a thorn, will find a si pun-ge- ra, un di si pm - ge - ra. will. find, a— thorn. - ra, thorn, will find > > 25999 "The dotted lines indicate slurs only to bo used i the Eaglich version 43 P Poco meno Far - fal- le am-o0-ro - se, gi - Frail wings of love that flut - ter, that |g Poco meno e tS -ra- te imtor-no al lu - me, Far - fal- le am - 0 - ro - se, Far - flut- ter_vound the ta - per, Frail wings of love that _flut- ter, that poco cresc. nf i F iw) - fal - le fug - gi- te che Slut = ter Be- ware and fly poco cresc. = fin Wab-bru-cie - ra, -fore the flame des - troys, 25999 eel fe che ie pil me al fin vabobr-cio: ra - ware and. fly to— safe - ty ah, fly be - fore the flam Te L. aSrall. ae ——Vab-bru - cie - ra. ‘Tempol. —— the flame des- troys. rail. cotta voce P ager, scherz-a col- le 0 - se di si pun- ge- ra, ‘plays a - mong the 10 - ses, day will find a thorn, di si pun-ge- day willfind a thorn 25999 25999 scherz-a— col - le plays a - mong the scherz-a col - le plays a- mong the To - se, 10 - ses, To - se, 10 - ses, 45 di si pun- ge - ra, day will find a thorn, Cut sugested Srom'here to. + \ Chi un di si pun-ge - ra,_______ One. day will find a@ thorn, un di si pun-ge - ra. Chi One day will find a— thorn, ‘Who 46 Bp. scherz-a col - le ro- se, hi scherza col - le ro- se, un plays a - mong the ro-ses, Who, plays a - mong the— ro - ses, one fae > > =—— |e dere. = yi di si pun-ge-ra Chi scherz-a, day will find a thorn Who plays, scherz-a col- le ro - se un di si pun-ge- ra, si pun-ge plays a - mong the 10 - ses, one day willfind a thorn, will find a = l Var fembe -ra, si pun-ge-ré, un di si pun- ge - he— > Morn will find a thorn, one day will find a—thorn,__== >> > = "poco rall. 25999 a Xi. Last night I had a dream. Lento. con gnolto espr VOICE. Last con molto espr. PIANO. dream, A dream that I was dead, ; poco cresc. And you were there, love, Bend - ing oer my head. WTF poco cresc. 25999 LIZA LENMANN'S EDITION OF USEFUL TEACHING SONOS. Copyright, MEMMIY, by Chappell & C2 Ltd 48 v Verese. —s You held my soul, And weep - ing saw its stain,_ a __ dim. v ~ —— 7 tears fell i it was pure— a -_ gain. é | im. colla voce. dolce p (voce di testa) Drop down up - on my eyes an - oth - er, an-oth-er tear. poco crese. Beck-on me on ~ wards, and, I will not fear. 25999 r Lead me your path a - k ~ sos con molto espr. sempre crese. strong, But with —-you_ strong, With - out you I om sempre cresc. lesprecola voce. 8 FOS ® Sa Sa. ® Sa el rit. molto: But with y strong. Er F colla voce. XII. Macleod of Dunvegan: (OLD HIGHLAND LAMENT) (Study for unaccompanied singing.) (Macteod of Dunvegan invited Lachlan to a banquet and there murdered him.) Moderato, f iwith dramatic force) VOICE. Mac - leod of Dun-ve-gan, theres a curse lies up- -on thee, For the mur - der of Lach-lan; Lit-tle hon-our it Beilin: a won thee! © - ie-ro-ie - roe, O = ie-ro-ie - roe, so a tempo pad lib. A PP ye nf ° - - je-ro - ie - roel Lit - tle P hon-our it won thee, for ‘kind was thy greet-ing, © He was * Pronounce “Macelowd of Danveegan”™ LIZA LEMWANN’s EDITION oF USEPUL TRACKING 60x08, 25999 Copyright, MCMXV, by Chappell & C2 Ltd. BA > bid to the ban~quet ‘In the hall_ was thy meet-ing.__ Sailing. O - ie-ro-ie - roe, O - ie-ro-ie - roe,—. <><><> <> ae pad lib, A A ff (slower) oo. - - ies ro - ie + roel In the molto mar > A cato hall was thy meet-ing, but thou'st staind it with slaugh-ter, When there's A blood on the hearth-stone, Who shall wash it with wa-ter2__ O - ie-ro-ie - roe,__ 25999 Chappell & Co.'s Popular Vocal Albums. LIZA_LEHMANN. aE A oa eae as, "LORE. at Soe a ik inO a Gaal Pe eae Five Tenor Songs. aaSpBen Ay FO wy fie Mh OME BOE? PHBE PERN Wie. sitll ‘Pips and Baws. « seh EER SET SSR _ Five Little Love Songs. 4. JEALOUSY. soo ERS 4 NER ASAE SV = ANGE A bind, Twoul.b Sino ALL DAY. 5 CLASP MIXE CLOSER, SeHHEP Dit Wine was! Cowboy Ballads. THEE ASISEERE QQUCHTER = Nictram DING sox. caer ev i ba oil MAN Se ROR TERESA DEL RIEGO. ‘ongs of the Sip. A Song Sequence. snk MESA Sn THBBHUPS sD8O." 9.8 Widen Sat. ty Chilocen’s Preruees. ‘GMHERE GO THE BOATS? a SLEEPSIN-BV A Got By) y TIME Fee akageY MORE SN ab STD MONE DOROTHY FORSTER. Songs of the ighwap. gTHEUGHWAY OF LIFE. | = WHERE THR WHETE KOAD aulsl AY Tie Wateioe i: vole iE WBE ‘Songs of Farewell, OMY AMORBAT FARTING. > MAY Lite RE RIND To vou. 5 JESS toe Vou PRES Cot AY REE Cow and High) ROGER_QUILTER. Four Child Songs. te ees GRAHAM_PEEL. ‘The Country Lover. Sto MERAY SoARME, 4, INSNE ws eh suk Grok HERMANN_LOHR. Songs of the Southern Fates. yh SEARS REEMA USS STANDS (Lom, Medtum, and High Songs of Koumania, ag HIR MOUMASIAR, MOUNTAINS. og LIFE HAS SENT ME ‘Homanp Songs. {WIND ON nile MBATIL URI BYE» WHERE MY CARA- vat RE OE AGG Gied Be (on, Medium, and i) bongs in Exile. 5, THE PHULANDPRER. 9, SOPT WAYS. 5, WHISTLIN' DANNIE 4 BEE PO ESHont PEIN ‘aw and High) Songs of the Morseland. ERHee Apa thd to Gs OE ‘estat new R. CONINGSBY_ CLARKE, ‘Songs of Summec, aubel POnte a A Gakbuw Coveut YQ IN Tie BURRLE CLOW. iow Desert Love Songs, LMA FARE ch SAP RARE a HPP and High) ‘The Perfece Tune, A connected set of Six Little Songs. is ONE, PEMFECT ELOY.» SUMMER NOOK. MORAGA IAAR SUMMER RIN: CME ito HERS vote ow and Mie: @ Third Sheat of Litle Songs. f,008E, AND WIND AUTUMN LEAVES = CHAPPELL & CO., Ltd., 50, New Bond Street, London, W.; New York, Toronto, and Melbourne.

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